China number 2009-顶级咨询数据(1).ppt
PowerPoint fodder for your next presentation,China Economic Review 2009,China Economic Review 2009,Instructions,China by Numbers for PPT is a PowerPoint version of our bestselling book,China by Numbers 2009.It is a collection of nearly 430 graphs covering all aspects of China,from a wide variety of sources.,You can easily paste these graphs and tables into your own PowerPoint presentations.We would appreciate it if you credit any graph/table you use to China Economic Review,by adding the following line:From China by Numbers 2009,China Economic Review 2009,Instructions,China Economic Review 2009,NationalMacro 18 Demographics 32Geography 58Historical 72People and Life2008 Beijing Olympics 85 Education 91Human Resources 107Consumer 123Health 134Environment 144Food and Beverage 153Law 165Culture 176Animal 187,InvestmentFinance 192Insurance 232 Real Estate 235Commodities 242IndustryAgriculture 272 Energy 287High-tech 313IT 319Logistics 340Media 349Pharmaceuticals 371Retail 380Semiconductors 387Telecom 389Textile 401Tourism 404Transportation 417,Contents,Contents,China Economic Review 2009,Index 1,Index 1,Macro19 GDP growth20 GDP of the Pearl River and Yangtze River Deltas21 GDP by province,part 122 GDP by province,part 2 23 Comparison of PPP*by Country,200724 Income per capita,part 1Income per capita,part 2FDI in manufacturingFDI source countriesTop 10 countries by PPP-based GDPEngels coefficient*30-31 China foreign trade overviewDemographics33-34 Population35 Population growth36 Population densityDensity by region,2007DependencyLargest cities by population(1)Largest cities by population(2)41 Population by regionPopulation in major citiesPopulation by education level,44 Average household size 45 Population by age and sex46 Median age and sex ratio47 Annual per capita net income48 Life expectancy 49 Pensioners*50 Dialects51 Marriage and divorce52 Major ethnic groups53 Religion54 Persons naturalized from China Working population(1)Working population(2)57 Demographic comparison with major countries,2007Geography59 Land area60 Coastline61 Borders62 Arable land area63 Highest mountains64 Highest&lowest points65 Longest rivers Average temperatures for major cities 2007(1)Average temperatures for major cities 2007(2),68 Hottest and coldest69 Wettest and driest70 Distances to major world cities71 Total area of afforestationHistoricalPopulation in the 1930sForeign population in China,1924Cultivated land in the 1930sCommodity output,pre-1949Iron production,pre-1949Cement output,pre-194979 Largest cities throughout history,100AD80 Largest cities throughout history,1000AD81 Largest cities throughout history,150082 Largest cities throughout history,180083 Largest cities throughout history,190084 Largest cities throughout history,1950,Index 2,Index 2,2008 Beijing Olympics86 First Chinese mens athletics world record holder,200687 Summer Olympic medals won by China88 Athletes who participated in,Olympics89 Olympic ticket prices90 Olympic venuesEducation92 Education levels93 Literacy rates94 Female ratio of masters and doctorsLiteracyBreakdown of students enrolled(1)97 Breakdown of students enrolled(2)98 Postdoctoral enrollment by discipline,200799 Government investment in education as%of GDP100 Graduating college students Hours of English courses IT education investment103 Number of schools in China,China Economic Review 2009,104 Students studying abroad105 National College Entrance 106 University graduates(junior college,bachelor and master)Human resources108 Average annual wages109 Average salary of college graduatesCollege graduatesHiring expectations in China112 SOE*employees113 Average annual SOE employee/worker salary114 Return rate of overseas studentsExpat package as proportion of total salary Chinas Temp Job Salary,2007Hot jobs118 Average wage in major cities 119 Shanghai college graduates 120 Labor cost breakdown,2006121 College graduates salaries122 Top 10 talent in demandConsumer124 Output of major consumer products,125 Durable consumer goods owned126 Top cosmetics and toiletries companies127 Top paper products companies128 Top packaged food companies,2007129 Broadband internet users130 Top domestic brands(1)131 Top domestic brands(2)132 Top domestic brands(3)Top domestic brands(4)Health135 HIV/AIDS 136 Top causes of death(urban)Top causes of death(rural)Number of medicine graduates from colleges and secondary schools(1)Number of medicine graduates from colleges and secondary schools(2)140 Hospital beds141 Top Hospitals142 Number of hospitals143 Health expense per capita,Index 3,Index 3,EnvironmentAir pollutants in major cities(1)Air pollutants in major cities(2)Share of global CO2,2008148 Nuclear power plants,2007149 Worlds Dirtiest cities,2008150 Sewage output151 Carbon dioxide emissions by fuel type 152 Water prices in major cities,2008Food and Beverage154 Annual urban commodity consumption155 Annual rural commodity consumption156 Food output,2007157 Food consumption158 Coffee imports159 Beer consumption160 Annual dairy sales161 Dairy industry162 Total restaurant spending163 Top 10 candy brandsin China164 Top 10 cities by restaurant revenue,2006Law166 Lawyers167 Criminal cases,168 Chinas criminal cases 2006 VS 2007169 Executions170 Arbitration cases171 Piracy trade losses172 Corruption cases173 Criminal and civil court cases174 Prisoners175 Imprisonment rate in Asia Culture177 CDs and Cassettes178 Online music market179 Music downloads180 Film production181 Cinema chains Box office revenue183 Richest women in China,2008184 Entertainment and media market185 Lottery takings186 Richest men in China,2008Animal188 Endangered mammals(1)189 Endangered mammals(2)Endangered mammals(3)Giant pandas,Finance193 Assets&NPLs in city commercial banksNPL in banks2007 Overall Performance of China-based Enterprises IPOs196 China securitization ratio,2000-2007CPI&PPI index change,2005-2007Bank deposits199 Market capitalization of stock exchanges200 Overseas IPOs,2007201 Overseas listed Chinese companies202 Chinas Best Places for Business,2006203 Private equity transactionsShanghai&Shenzhen stock exchanges,2007Overall inverstment by quarter from Q106 to Q407Groundbreaking Chinese companies207 Price-earnings ratio of stock markets208 Strategy distribution of Pefunds completing fund-raising during 2007,China Economic Review 2009,Index 4,Index 4,209 VC Investment Creates Record210 Qualified foreign institutional investors(QFII)*,part 1211 Qualified foreign institutional investors(QFII)*,part 2212 Qualified foreign institutional investors(QFII)*,part 3213 Futures trading volume&turnover214 Corporate taxes215 A-share market industry breakdown(1)216 A-share market industry breakdown(2)217 Foreign exchange reserves218 China securitization ratio,2007(1)219 China securitization ratio,2007(2)220 Price-earnings ratio of stock markets221 Total bank assets and liabilities222 2007 Overall Performance of China Enterprises Overseas IPOs223 2007 Overall Performance of VC/PE-Backed IPOs224 2007 Overall Performance of Domestic IPOs225-231 RMB Exchange rate,Insurance233 Domestic life insurers,2007Real Estate236 Property price237 Commercial property price growth238 Average price of commercial property239 Urban commercial real estate constructed240 Cities with most tall buildings,2007241 Tallest buildings242 Foreign direct investment in real estateCommodities243 Top 10 cement output regions244 Exports of goods and services245 Major exports246 Major imports247 Tobacco industry profits248 National commodities price index249 Average spot price at Zhengzhou grain wholesale market,2006250 Commodity spot markets regional breakdown,2007(1),251 Commodity spot markets regional breakdown,2007(2)252 Import of copper ore253 Non-ferrous metals output254 Ethylene output255 Iron ore import256 Output of major industrial products257 Oilseeds and products consumption258 Top vegetable oil consumers259 Commodity futures market overview,2007(1)260 Commodity futures market overview,2007(2)261 Non-ferrous metals output262 Commodity spot markets263 Top 10 commodity spot markets,2005264 Construction machinery trade265 Chinas iron ore imports266 Iron ore import prices267 Chinas iron ore imports from Australia 268 Steel supply and demand269 Top 10 crude steel firms in China 2007270 Top 10 non-ferrous metals companies,2007,China Economic Review 2009,Index 5,Index 5,Top steel-producing companies,2007AgricultureAgricultural products output(1)Agricultural products output(2)Agricultural products output(3)276 Agricultural product exports 277 Agricultural product importsSheep and chicken outputCrop output world ranking,2006Agriculture Output Chinas foreign trade in agricultural productsChinas foreign trade in cerealsTop cotton consumersAgriculture tradeFertilizer consumptionTop 10 regions for cotton output,2007Energy288 World energy consumption289 China and US oil consumption290 China and US oil production291 Energy consumption292 Energy output293 Nuclear power consumption294 Crude oil exports and imports,295 Total energy consumption296 Oil consumption297 Natural gas imports298 Energy from coal299 Coal mining accidents300 Gasoline exports301 Oil refining capacity302 West-East oil pipeline*303 Oil export&import304 Water energy reserve305 China oil import306 Crude coal balance307 Electric power consumption in Shanghai Total energy consumption and growth rate Mining resources per capita310 Coal production and reserves311 Kerosene coal oil imports312 Top 10 crude coal output regionsHigh-Tech314 Trade in high-tech products315 Trade of high-tech products by field,2006316 Main economic indicators of each high-tech industry 2006,China Economic Review 2009,317 Patent applications filed and patents granted by SIPO*318 Patent applications filed and patents granted by SIPOIT320 Internet Users321 Internet cafes322 Internet search engines,2006323 Market value of online shopping324 Growth in the online gaming market325 MMORPGOnline gaming revenue 327 Gaming market328 Search engine market value329 Chinese blogs330 Blog market share331 Blogs by Topic332 Total Number of blogs in China333 Average hours online334 Computer output335 IT education investment336 Search engine operators337 Top 10 blog service providers338 5 Most popular multi-player games,2007,Index 6,Index 6,339 Most popular single-player games,2007Logistics341 Annual revenue growth rate of China logistics industry342-343 Volume of freight at major coastal ports344 Freight traffic345 Air freight346 Logistics expenditure347 Major ports with container throughput over 1m TEU,2007348 Major ports with volume of freight handled over 100m tons,2007Media350 Home entertainment piracy,2006351 Advertising turnover composition,2007Cable TV usersEstimated losses from copyright piracyExpenditure forecasts for advertising marketTelevision and radio stations356 Top product categories by ad spending,357 Top brands by outdoor ad spending358 Top brands by TV ad spending 2007359 Top brands by radio ad spend360 Top brands by newspaper ad spend361 Top brands by magazine ad spend362 Top 5 adverting investors by industry,2007363 Top advertisers by total ad spending 364 Focus Media365 Public relations market TV stations by ratings,2006TV ad revenueTop online marketers 2007369 Radio stations by ad income370 Radio and Television Programs income Pharmaceuticals372 Medicine sales373 Pharmaceutical sales374 Top foreign pharmaceutical firms,2007375 Domestic pharmaceutical firms,2007,376 Global pharmaceutical firms377 Pharmaceutical market structure378 Pharmaceutical production379 Top 10 chain drug storesRetail381 Retail spending382 Major foreign retailers in China,2006383 Retail Market384 Retail sales385 Shanghai retail marketTop 10 retailers in ChinaSemiconductors388 Top 10 semiconductors in Great China,2006Telecom390 Telephone availability391 Mobile telephones392 Fixed telephones393 Fixed-line calls394 Short messaging service(SMS)395 Wireless value-added service396 Output and export of mobile phones397 SMS market398 Mobile phone sales volume,China Economic Review 2009,Index 7,Index 7,399 Telecom industry revenue400 Top 10 cities by Telecom income,2006Textiles402 Textile and garment exports403 Textile labor costsTourism405 Tourism revenue406 Tourist transportation407 Outbound tourists408 Incoming tourists409 Travel Agency410 Top tourism earning regions411 Tourism revenue412 Tourism spending413 Aviation traffic by airport414 Domestic tourism earnings415 Incoming tourists,Shanghai416 Foreign travelersTransportation418 Automobile production419 Auto sales&production capacity 420 Auto exports421 Domestic car sales,2007422 Bicycle output423 Domestic car market,424 Rail passengers425 Aircraft in service426 Airports&air routes 427 Air passenger traffic428 Shanghai transrapid rail system(Maglev)429 Inbound air passengers 430 Transport routes431 Major airlines,part 1432 Major airlines,part 2433 Traffic deaths434 Auto imports,China Economic Review 2009,Notes,Notes,China Economic Review 2009,Abbreviations,Abbreviations,AME APWSJCEICCISA CMAEIAFAO IDCIHTIMFITC MOFCOMSCMPUNESCOUNPDUSBUSDAWTO,AME Mineral EconomicsAssociated PressWall Street JournalCEIC Data Company LtdCasting Industry Suppliers AssociationCMA Consulting ServicesEnergy Information AdministrationFood and Agriculture OrganizationInternational Data CorporationInternational Herald TribuneInternational Monetary FundInternational Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth ObservationMinistry of CommerceSouth China Morning PostUnited Nations Educational,Scientific&Cultural OrganizationUnited Nations Procurement DivisionUS BancorpUnited States Department of AgricultureWorld Trade Organization,China Economic Review 2009,Editorial team,Editorial team,PublisherEditorHead of ResearchResearchersEditorial AdvisorsEditorial ConsultantMIS ManagerTechnology staffMarketing DirectorCover DesignDesign/Layout,China Economic Review LtdMolly KirkJustin XuLiu Yao,Wang Liangru James Roy,Tim Burroughs,Tom PellmanGraham EarnshawMichael NgLi GuangjieRain MaRicky DengWang Liangru,China Economic Review 2009,Foreword,Foreword,With a population exceeding 1.3 billion(give or take a few hundred million),China operates on a scale bigger than the world has seen before,and its growing by the minute.Numbers help us put the country in context.In 2008,many big numbers made headlines in China.In May,one of the strongest earthquakes in Chinas history shook Sichuan province,registering a 7.9 on the Richter scale.At the largest Olympic Games ever in August,11,441 athletes convened to compete in Beijing.At years end,the central government responded to concerns about a global financial crisis with a US$589 billion stimulus package to spur the economy amidst softening markets.The numbers are not the whole story,of course,but for anyone looking to make sense of this fast-moving nation,they are an essential piece of the picture.Unfortunately,for those looking for reliable numbers,the right information can be hard to come by,statistics conflicting,and sources opaque.,(Con