现代大学英语 《基础写作》 .ppt
,English Writing 1Syllabus(Spring 2011),E-mail:Web:http:/individual.utoronto.ca/jy3/,Course Description,The English writing course(levels 1-3)is offered to help you with your English writing.The course materials are arranged in such a way as to help you to gradually develop/expand your English wiring skills.,The textbooks used for the writing course include Contemporary College English,First-Year Writing,Book One and Book Two and Intermediate Writing,Book One and Book Two.First-Year Writing,Book One focuses on summary¶graph writing while Book Two deals with narration&description,two of the four common types of composition you students should learn to write.,The other two types of writing exposition and argumentation will be introduced in Intermediate Writing:while Book One is mainly about exposition,Book Two treats of argumentation.,The course consists of lectures and discussions,and you are encouraged to actively participate in class activities,which often involve small group&partner work.,Textbooks,徐克容主编.现代大学英语 基础写作(上、下).北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2004,2005.,Reference Books,丁往道.英语写作手册.北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1994.司显柱.英语写作教程.上海:东华大学出版社,2006.康晋.英语写作.北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社,2008.陈会军.中国人英文写作全攻略技巧与训练.北京:外文出版社,2004.孙骊.英语写作.上海:上海外语教育出版社,1995.张道真.实用英语语法.北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002.,Course Requirements,1.Attendance at all class sessions is required,and you are expected to preview course materials and come to every class meeting prepared to participate in discussions/activities.,If you demonstrate a consistent lack of preparation and class participation,your“class performance”grade will be negatively affected.,2.Written work required for the course will include summary writing,and paragraph/short essay writing,as well as a final exam.Besides,you are required to keep a journal throughout the course,which is also a good way for you to practice writing and measure your progress in English writing.,At the end of the semester,you will be required to turn in a portfolio of all your journal entries(at least eight).Failure to meet any of the course requirements will negatively affect your final grade for the course.,1.What is a journal?A journal is a personal record of experiences,ideas or reflections kept regularly,usually for private use.,Journal writing,Examples,1.I kept a journal during my visit to China.2.Did you keep(=write)a diary while you were traveling in Europe?,Journal writing is a form of free writing;you may write whatever comes to your mind about what happens around you and what you observe and think about.,2.What do you gain from journal writing?a)a good way of practicing writing&measuring your progress in writingb)an excellent discovery activity:as you observe you discover more and more interesting ideasc)a storehouse of ideas,which may be useful when you have an assignment to write,3.What do you write about?a)what happens to you or around you b)what you observe c)what you think about d)what you read,4.Language and style a)Use everyday,straightforward words and expressions b)Use an easy,informal style but avoid overuse of the informal words/expressions,e.g.slang,c)Date each entry so that you know when something important happened when you refer back to the journal.Write the date either the British or the American way:AmE:month/day/year BrE:day/month/year,Example,September 17,2001 Today,in our first phonetic class,the teacher gave each of us a piece of paper with a phrase on it.She then told us to read it.When my turn came,I read,“an old cap.”“No,you cannot read the phrase that way,”the teacher said.“Say it like this:an old cap.Link the an and old.Thats liaison.”I was shocked.My teacher at middle school never told me to read things like that.After a classmate read,her phrase,she said,“Typical British accent!”I was puzzled.What accent do I speak with?After learning English for six years,I didnt know!I felt terrible.After class,I rushed to a garden,and tears ran down my face.I wept sadly.As a top student at middle school,I didnt know how to say an English phrase properly and I didnt know what accent I spoke with.,After a while my tears dried and I calmed down.I said to myself,“Cindy,youve got to catch up.Its not late.From tomorrow on,come to this garden and practice reading aloud and oral English.Writing1(First-YearI)Intro.ppt,