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    Human Resource Information System(HRIS),Shweta,Saurabh,Ritesh&Shabbeer,1,Agenda,Introducing HR&ISConcept of HRISNeed of HRISCase Study of Visited Company Utility and ApplicationsImplementation of HRISBenefitsLimitationsConclusion,2,HRM An Introduction,Human Resources is an organizational function that deals with issues such as recruitment and selection,training,appraisal,compensation and performance management of the employee.Human beings are also considered to be resources because it is the ability of humans that helps to change the gifts of nature into valuable resources.While taking into account human beings as resources,the following things have to be kept in mind:The size of the population The qualityThe people that staff and operate an organization;as contrasted with the financial and material resources of an organization.,3,HRM AST&D View,Employeeassistance,Compensation/Benefits,PersonnelResearch&IS,SelectionAnd staffing,HRP,Organization/Job design,OD,T&D,Employeeassistance,HR areas output:Quality of work life Productivity readinessfor change,4,Information System,A system,whether automated or manual,that comprises people,machines,and/or methods organized to collect,process,transmit,and disseminate data that represent user information.,5,HRIS-Introduction,Human Resource Information System(HRIS)is a systematic way of storing data and information for each individual employee to aid planning,decision making,and submitting of returns and reports to the external agencies.It merges HRM as a discipline and in particular its basic HR activities and processes with the information technology field.It can be used to maintain details such as employee profiles,absence reports,salary admin.and various kinds of reports.,6,HRIS Why it is needed?,Storing information and data for each individual employee.Providing a basis for planning,decision making,controlling and other human resource functions.Meeting daily transactional requirement such as marking absent and present and granting leave.Supplying data and submitting returns to government and other statutory agencies.,7,HRIS Why it is needed?,Building organizational capabilitiesJob design and organizational structureIncreasing size of workforceTechnological advancesComputerized information systemChanges in legal environment,8,HRIS Track,9,HRIS Appl.&Utilities,Personnel administration-It will encompass information about each employee,such as name address,personal details etc.Salary administration-Salary review procedure are important function of HRM,a good HRIS system must be able to perform what if analysis and present the reports Of changes.Leave and absence recording Essentially be able to provide comprehensive method of controlling leave/absences.Skill inventory-It is also used to store record of acquired skills and monitor the skill database both employee and organisational level.,10,HRIS Appl.&Utilities,Performance appraisal The system should record individual employee performance,appraisal data,such as due date of appraisal,scores etc.Human resource planning HRIS should record details of the organisational requirements in terms of positionsRecruitment Record details of recruitment activities such as cost and method of recruitment and time to fill the position etc.Career planning-System must be able to provide with succession plans reports to identify which employee have been earmarked for which position.Collective bargaining A computer terminal can be positioned in the conference room linked to database.This will expedite negotiations by readily providing up to date data based on facts and figures and not feelings and fictions.,11,Company Report:SunGard,SunGard is a global leader in-Software and processing solutions for financial servicesHigher education and the public sector.Business continuity services.Established 1978.Annual revenue exceeding$4 billion(2006-07).More than 25,000 customers in more than 50 countries,including the worlds 50 largest financial services companies.Employs strength 16,000 in more than 400 offices in 30 countries.Headquarter-Wayne,Pennsylvania.India offices Bangalore,Pune.Pune Office Meridian Plaza,Senapati Bapat Road.,12,HRIS Q&A with SunGard,Which system do you use in your organisation for HRM?Oracle/PeopleSoft Employee Suit HRMS Package.,13,HRIS Q&A with SunGard,What benefits do you get from the information system?HRIS system is able to provide us various benefits like speedy retrieval and processing of data,its easy classification.It helps in better analysis and more effective decisions making.Provides us with accurate information,quality reports and overall better work culture.Eliminates personal biasness,brings transparency.,14,HRIS Q&A with SunGard,What are the problems faced by HR people while using the system?Although the system is efficient,but sometimes we face the problems like system slowdown or higher downtimes and if there is some particular limitation in module than work suffers,some HR people are not comfortable in using system efficiently so time is to be given in training for the system.,15,HRIS Q&A with SunGard,How does implementation of such system in organization,affect its culture and employees?With the introduction of HRIS system the work culture in the organization gets changed and we as HR managers are able to serve to other employees in efficient manner which is again raising the satisfaction level among ourselves.But some time some senior employees are resistant to the change also.The transfer and application system seem to have provided the management with an excuse for leaving difficult problems to their successor.,16,HRIS Q&A with SunGard,What are the uses of HRIS in different functions of HR?HRIS system is helping out in all the functions and activities related to HR like payroll processing,training and development,job evaluation process and appraisals,recruitments etc.by providing accurate and timely information and helping in better analysis of information.,17,HRIS Q&A with SunGard,What are the limitation in the existing HRIS in your organisation?Although the system is highly supportive,but there is also a requirement of Query Based Ticketing System(QBTS)with SLA.On query resolution queries raised on window will go to the concerned HR officer,at the same the HR officer will get a work list pertaining to the query,raised by an employee in his department.,18,HRIS Q&A with SunGard,How much secure is the system actually from HR point of view?System is absolutely secure.We have three level security system in our application.Authorization,Authentication and Auditing.,19,HRIS-Vendors,More than 25,world-wide.Automatic Data Processing Inc.SAP AGRestrac Web HireOracle/PeopleSoftHuman Resource MicrosystemsBusiness Computer SystemsLawson Software,20,HRIS-Development,CONCIEVE&PLAN,ANALYSE,DESIGN,TEST,IMPLIMENT,MAINTAIN,21,HRIS-Implementation,Complete Business Solutions(CBS)Build Your Own Integrated System Approach(BYOSIS)Multiple Systems and Data Hub Approach(MS&DH),22,HRIS Example,Oracle/PeopleSoft HRMS(ver.12)Automates the entire recruit-to-retire process.A single integrated application includes the following HR activities:Recruitment Performance management LearningCompensation and benefitsPayrollWorkforce schedulingTime management and real time analytics.,23,Oracle/PeopleSoft HRMS,Example:Payroll SystemBased on a global HRMS engine with country-specific localization extensionsIntegrated with Human Resources(core),Advanced Benefits,Self-Service HR,Incentive Compensation,and Oracle Financials.,24,Oracle Payroll:Scope&Utilities,Defines comprehensive eligibility rules that link user-defined criteria.Defines standard rules for automatically assigning and changing employee compensation and benefits.Minimizes workforce inquiries by providing near real time remuneration data and history.Utilizes simple,configurable formulae.Controls each employees unique processing rules and calculations using FastFormula.Uses conditional logic for more complex cases.Streamlines administrative processes.Reduces set-up costs and processing time&errors.Manages global compensation with one application.Organization-wide control of workforce payroll and compensation data.,25,Oracle Payroll:Scope&Utilities,Implements Oracle Payrolls core payroll engine,by adding local extensions to attain the legislative functionality and country reporting requirements.Configures and manages personalized compensation policies and programs with one global payroll engine.Monitors payroll processes end-to-end.Reconciles errors while maintaining current calculations.Simultaneous processing of multiple groups of employees.Reduces administrative costs with online paperless pay-slips.Standard and personalized reports are utilized to view and analyze your payroll data.Configurable security for unique access.Maintains audit logs of changes.,26,HRIS-Benefits,Employee SatisfactionUp to 50%Worker Productivity40-60%Learning EffectivenessUp to 40%Service Levels20-30%Employee Turnover20-70%Time to Ramp New Hires50%Sources:Giga 2003,Cedar 2002,27,HRIS-Benefits,Higher Speed of retrieval and processing of data.Reduction in duplication of efforts leading to reduced cost.Ease in classifying and reclassifying data.Better analysis leading to more effective decision making.Higher accuracy of information/report generated.Fast response to answer queries.Improved quality of reports.Better work culture.Establishing of streamlined and systematic procedure.More transparency in the system.Employee Self Management.,28,HRIS-Disadvantages,It can be expensive in terms of finance and manpower.It can be threatening and inconvenient.Thorough understanding of what constitutes quality information for the user.Computer cannot substitute human beings.,29,Conclusion,We are becoming the servants in thought,as in action,of the machines.Evidently,we actually have created them to serve us.,30,References,Fundamentals of HRM S.P.RobbinsHuman Resource Management-Biswajeet PatnayakManagement Information Systems:New Approaches to Organisation and Technology Upper Saddle RiverIntegrated HR Systems Linda StrohPeopleSoft 8.8 Application Fundamentals for HRMS PeopleBookWeb References:http:/,31,


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