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    Please turn off all cell phones, pdas and pets.ppt

    ,Welcome,Please turn off all cell phones,pdas and pets.,Thank you,Thank you for being here.,You could be,Shopping in Orchard Road,Swimming with the sharks in Underwater World,Eating Laksa at Katong,Dont Worry,Happy Hour at Brewerkz is coming soon,One,GlobalBeat,For OgilvyInteractive,Rob Mettler,OgilvyInteractive,LondonLee Kin Mun OgilvyOne,Singapore,Introductions,Overview of Brian Framework,Why are we here?,&dont worry,this isNOT Rocket Science,Why Are We Here?,We are not here to be“instructed”We are not here to be“given all the Tools that some guy in London or NY created”We are not here to receive“The Ten Commandments of iMethodology”We are not here to listen to Kin Muns jokes,Why Are We Here?,Why Are We Here?,We are here to participate and give ideasWe are here to explore and critique the ToolsWe are here to explore the Framework togetherWe are here to get to know one anotherBut you will still get to listen to Kin Muns jokes,whether you like it or not,The History of Brian,In the beginning there was Brian.,Why is it called Brian?,A-Its the name of David Ogilvys dog?B-Its something to do with Monty Python?C-Its an anachronism for:Brutal Regimented Interactive Action Narrative?,Framework-A Brief History,Brian+Prague(NY)+Dublin(iMethodology+Mexico+Brazil)+Calcutta+moreNov-Vienna-European SummitDec-New York-Regional Heads Jan-Calcutta-AP SummitJan-London+NYFeb-London+SingaporeMar-Bahia,BrazilMar-Singapore-APAC Kickoff WorkshopApril-Europe Workshop,Frameworks-Mexico,Who are We and What Do We Do?,We are Architects.,We are ArchitectsNot the painters and decoratorsWe build eBusinesses and complex solutionsAs well as marketing&communicating themArchitects plan thingsYou dont build the 1st floor of a building then work out what the rest of it will look likeWe need to spend time planning what were building,$10 Million Dollars,+2 Years time,WHEN CAN I HAVE IT?,HOW MUCH DOES A WEBSITE COST?,How much does a Website cost?,No one would ring up an architect and say,“Id like a building please,can you call me back in ten minutes&tell me when I can move in and how much itll cost.”Planning a solution allows us to give an accurate cost for time and resource for the project buildPeople respect Architects decisions,ensure our clients respect ours,Use all our talents&experience,But lets not forget we do not live and work in isolation:Clients teams in OgilvyOne and Ogilvy&MatherOther disciplinesPlanning,Data,Consulting,Connections etc.,360 brand thinking,Best Practice in Interactive Development,Architects dont just build OfficesWe dont just build websites,True New Media solutions should cover a range of interactive solutionsInteractive TV,Screensavers,Desktop Toys/PetsRich Media e-mails,interstitials.WAP,PalmsAs well as websites&banners,Best Practice in Interactive Development,Plan for QA&Testing,to ensure youCheck earlyCheck oftenCheck everywhereClients buy Quality workWe must ensure our work is qualityQuality is fundamental to the result.And SELL this to our clients,Dear Client,How Was It for You?,“Did we achieve our aims and objectives?”“Did it achieve our business goals?”“Did I acquire those new customers?”“Duh,I dont know”,MEASUREMENT,ANALYSE,EVALUATE,METRICS/ROI,Youve Built the“House”,Make sure you charge the client to live in it!Plan forUpdates,server space,maintenanceThis is where we give stuff away for FREE,Remove the MysteryFor our clients,our partners and ourselves,Adopt a common language for core documentsTemplates,Terminology&FormatsEssential on global accountsAll network offices working to the same processHow does a client work with OgilvyInteractive?We need the answer.,Key points to take away,Key Points.,We are experts at what we doFocus on the customersTrue New Media Make it measurable,Its never easy.We build things no one has made before Use ALL the information-OgilvyOne/O&M Client teamsNever start the build until you know what youre buildingIts multidisciplinary:Use experts Its the cutting edge:Quality assuranceDont commit a cost/timeline until youre sure the team can deliverEnsure we plan for Clients to live with their solutions,Key Points.,So how do we do all that AND remove the mystery?Well give you the answer after your makan(Malay for“Eat”).,Tea Break,What is a Framework?,Boring,Dull,Irrelevant,Constricting,Uncreative,PROCESS=,Enemy,FRAMEWORK,Groovy,Sexy,Best Mate,Amigo,Worktastic,Europe,Americas,iTV,Mobile,IBM,AMEX,Asia Pacific,eCommerce,A Shared Framework,BusinessAssessment,Maintenance,Strategic Development,QA,Learning andEvaluation,Build&Implement,SolutionsDefinition&Design,What is the Aim?,What is the Aim?-Internal,Ensures we allwork on what they should be doingwork on what we do best&what we enjoydont continue re-inventing the wheelunderstand what each other are doing play to our strengthswin awards and become famoushave creative freedom,What is the Aim?-External,Its the clients,stupid(J.Goodman)This is a competitive advantageYou can SELL this to your clientsIt helps them understand what were doingIt shows them we know what were doingYou can modify it for your clients&partnersThe AmexWayOperational details,role definitionsDefines how we interface with their organisation,The WW Interactive Framework-Draft!,So What Is It?,Way of working(philosophy)A set of tools,templates,examples with a defined terminology,In Development,Interactive Framework-The Key Stages,The main stepsBusiness Assessment Strategic DevelopmentSolution Definition&DesignBuild&ImplementMaintenanceLearning&Evaluation,QUALITY CONTROL&ASSURANCE,BusinessAssessment,Maintenance,Strategic Development,QA,Learning andEvaluation,Build&Implement,SolutionsDefinition&Design,Interactive Framework-The Key Stages,Stage 1:Business AssessmentThe Starting PointThe Client BriefAn identified need or opportunityOpportunity/Feasibility Assessment,Interactive Framework-The Key Stages,Stage 2:Strategic Development(Ownership Planning)Building a strategy for our clientsNew business opportunity or Solving a problemIncludes:Market analysisIdentifying customer groups and user behavior,intensive auditing and evaluation,Competitive analysis and Defining the Branding and Communications Strategy,Interactive Framework-The Key Stages,Strategic Development(Ownership Planning)Before going forward to step 3,A SOW,Timeline&Budget need to be developed for the next stage,Interactive Framework-The Key Stages,Stage 3:Solution Definition Design(Communication Model)Establish the Content&Functionality Required(CFE)and all the technical and functional details(TDD,etc)Also defines the site and content architecture.iBoards demonstrate usabilityStyle guidelines also generated,Interactive Framework-The Key Stages,Stage 4:Build&Implement(Delivery)Various stages:Develop protoypeDevelop Alpha siteDevelop Beta siteLots of QA and testingSoft launchFull launch,Interactive Framework-The Key Stages,Stage 5:Maintenance and Evaluation(Learning and evaluation)Maintain website(technical and content)Also:MeasurementUser feedbackAnalyse and Evaluate against success metrics/RoI,Old vs New Key Stages,Scoping&DiscoveryPlan&Design Build&ImplementMaintenance&Evaluation,Business Assessment Strategic DevelopmentSolution Definition&DesignBuild&ImplementMaintenanceLearning&Evaluation,What Does it Mean to My Office?,What Does It Mean to My Office?,SOPHIE LING-vice-president of globalisation,A“Do you go for the biggest name,the brightest logo or the most bewildering jargon?Or do you just split your whole project up and hire local agencies?Many consultants will tell you they have an office in Timbuktu,but that doesnt mean a thing.A properly integrated global interactive agency should have consistent skills,a common approach and be able to tell you exactly how your project will be managed within the local territories.”Full article at http:/,What Does It Mean to My Office?,Client Sell in and WhyShows Clients that we have processes in place to do the workShows clients we have a Global Network or shared thinking and resourcesExample:Recent Ponds deck and how the Framework was customised to the Pitch,Group Breakout 1,Questions and Feedback,Explore the Client Deck,Group Breakout 1,Is Brian relevant for all your clients?Explore the Client DecksHow do you make current clients/projects aware of Brian now in mid-stream?,Lunch,The Stages,Interactive Framework-The Key Stages,The main stepsBusiness Assessment Strategic DevelopmentSolution Definition&DesignBuild&ImplementMaintenanceLearning&Evaluation,QUALITY CONTROL&ASSURANCE,BusinessAssessment,Maintenance,Strategic Development,QA,Learning andEvaluation,Build&Implement,SolutionsDefinition&Design,Business Assessment,Business Assessment,The Starting PointThe Client BriefAn identified need or opportunityToolsQuickscan-WW Product Development ToolkitOpportunity/Feasibility AssessmentHow much do YOU want to invest before YOU start to get paid?($0 or$x,000s),Strategic Development,BusinessAssessment,SolutionsDefinition&Design,Maintenance,QA,Learning andEvaluation,Build&Implement,StrategicDevelopmentOwnership Planning,Strategic Development“The Big Why and the What”,Defining the BIG IDEA-The Big WHY and WHATStrategic DevelopmentBuilding a strategy for our clientsNew business opportunitySolving a problem,Strategic Development“The Big Why and the What”,Building a new strategy for our clientsMarket analysisDefining a business opportunity/caseIdentifying customer groups and user behaviorInvolves intensive auditing and evaluationGap Analysis and solutions for closureCompetitive analysisDefining the Branding and Communications Strategy,Strategic Development“The Big Why and the What”,Tools/ToolkitsCreative Brief/Solutions BriefGap Analysis/Bonds/MoTs Interactive Competitive Auditing Tool kitSystems ToolkitMedia/Channel BriefCustomer Insight Toolkit Business PropositionWeb Measurement Toolkit,Strategic Development“The Big Why and the What”,Going forward to Solutions Definition Are we on strategy&on brand?,Solution Definition&Design,BusinessAssessment,Maintenance,Strategic Development,QA,Learning andEvaluation,Build and Implement,Solution Definition&Design“Detail of What and Definition of How”,If Strategic Development is the Big WHY&WHATSolutions Model is the Detail of WHAT and the Definition of HOW?NEVER EVER go straight to implementation.,Solution Definition“What is in it?”,Solution Requirements-WHATEstablish the Content&Functionality Required(CFE)GeneratesFunctional Requirements DocumentTechnical Requirements DocumentTest Plan SummaryContent Requirements DocumentSolution Design Plan,Solution Design“How is it structured?”,Establish how this will be structuredTranslates the Content Architecture&CFE List into a Site ArchitectureGeneratesSite/Project Architecture,FDD-Site Architecture,Solution Design“What is the detail?”,Detailing the content and functionality Translates the CFE List/Matrix into page by page/screen by screen level of detailStarts to specify the usability of the solutionGeneratesiBoards,Solution Design-iBoard,CFE List,iBoard,Solution Design-Visualisation Process“What is the brand and what will it look like?”,Complete creative brief&branding treatmentBrandComplete functional designiBoardPresent medium(web,iTV,CD-ROM)look and feelBrand+iBoard+medium=Example look and feel,Brand Identity+,+iBoard(functional design)=,=Look&Feel(for delivery medium-The Internet),Solution Design“How do we make it?”,How will this be implemented-HOWGeneratesTechnical Design DocumentTechnical ArchitectureDatabase Design,DataFlowTech SpecificationDeployment,Outputs from Strategic Development,What is the digital Brand?,What is in it?(Solution Defn.),How do we make it?(TDD),What will it look like?(Look&Feel),Solution Design,Functional Design DocumentsArchitecture,iBoards,Content MatrixTechnical Design DocumentTechnical Architecture,Database Design,DataFlow,Tech Spec,DeploymentStyle(design)Guidelines,Solution Design,From all this create the Build&Implement Plan whichEstablishes budget&timelineEstablishes success metricsEstablishes client reliancesEstablishes Change Control agreementsEstablishes resourceEstablishes Testing and QA planClient&Internal sign-off to proceed to Build&Implement,Build&Implement,BusinessAssessment,Maintenance,Strategic Development,QA,Learning andEvaluation,SolutionsDefinition&Design,Build-Prototype,Develop Prototype(optional)To demonstrate functionality with place holder content/designNot necessarily built using final solutions technologyActivityProducers,Designers,Copy,TechnicalGet approval to proceed,Build-Alpha,Develop Alpha siteSome contentA path throughTest technicalTest integration with existing systemsActivityProducers,Designers,Copy,TechnicalGet approval to proceed,Build-Beta,Develop BetaAll content inLink to full systemsTest,test,QA,test,in native environmentActivityProducers,Designers,Copy,TechnicalGet approval to proceed,TEST,TEST&QUALITY ASSURE,Build-Delivery,Upload to clients live environmentThe soft launch!If possible,test,test,testThe full launchMarketing site On-line and off-line activitiesTrack users/analyze user behavior,“Wrap”the project,Create PR materialsCreate Case Study materialsArchive project and assetsClear serversDocumentationArchive in Knowledge System&TrufflesCelebrate!,Maintenance&Evaluation,BusinessAssessment,Strategic Development,QA,Learning andEvaluation,Build&Implement,Maintenance&EvaluationLearning&Evaluation,SolutionsDefinition&Design,Maintenance&Evaluation,Keep it WORKING(let them live in it)Technical maintenanceContent maintenanceAnd does it DO what we said it would?MeasurementUser feedbackAnalyse and Evaluate against success metrics/RoI,Tea Break,Group Breakout 2,Case StudyStage Reviews,Group Breakout 2Case Study Project MiamiBrief From Client:,To create a site that is above all aesthetically pleasing-“we want a website that is different from others”To create a site that conforms with the brandTo develop a site that can be rolled out regionally,Brief was never expanded technically and strategicallyLack of documentation and paper trailProject was creatively driven with lack of technical documentationLack of understanding of the medium,Group Breakout 2Case Study Project MiamiProblems:,Case Study Project MiamiA website that was aesthetically pleasing but very heavy on graphics(up to 200k per page)A website that had very poor impressions even though it had chat,forum,customized apps,membership privileges and news articlesNo efficient way to update the current content on siteThe website had very difficult navigation and site architecture due to its unique“creative”brandingUnhappy client,Group Breakout 2Case Study Project MiamiResult of Master Site,The site that had to be duplicated each time(in terms of codes,images,apps,files)for every country rolloutLong timelines-cause site had to be recreated each timeLarge costs for client,Group Breakout 2Case Study Project MiamiImpact on Rollout to other countries,Apply the main steps of Brian to Miami and see how Brian can be used to address some of the problemsBased on your discussion,provide answers to the problems Mi


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