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    Chapter 4 Human Geography People & Places[第4章人文地理人物与地点](PPT-48).ppt

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    Chapter 4 Human Geography People & Places[第4章人文地理人物与地点](PPT-48).ppt

    Chapter 4Human GeographyPeople&Places,Objective:Categorize the basic concepts of human geography,including key ideas about culture,demographics,political systems,urban growth,&economics,Chapter 4 Section 1The Elements of Culture,Vocabulary:Culture,Society,Ethnic Group,Innovation,Diffusion,Cultural Hearth,Acculturation,Dialect,&ReligionObjective:Describe how language unites&divides people&how it changes&spreads,Defining Culture,Culture is the total of knowledge,attitudes,&behaviors shared by&passed on by the members of a specific groupCulture involves the following factors:food/shelter,religion,relationships,language,education,political/social,&creative expressionSociety is a group that shares a geographic region,a sense of identity,&cultureAn ethnic group is referred to as a specific group that shares a similar language,customs,&common heritage,Culture Change&Exchange,Culture&societies are always in the process of changingThis change comes slowly or rapidlyTaking existing technology/resources&creating something new to meet a need is called innovationInnovation&invention may happen on purpose or by accident,Diffusion&Acculturation,Good ideas&inventions are hard to keep secretDiffusion is the spread of ideas,inventions,or patterns of behaviorIn the age of technology diffusion happens very quickly&almost no group of people can avoid contact with other societiesAcculturation occurs when a society changes because it accepts or adopts an innovationAdopts innovation can have a positive or negative affect on a society,Language,Language is the most important aspect of culture because it allows people within a culture to communicate with each otherLanguage helps establish a cultural identityIn some areas it creates a sense of nationalismLanguage can also divide people,Language Families&Diffusion,Geographer estimate that between 3000 to 6500 languages are spoken across the worldVersions of a language are called dialectsA dialect reflects changes in speech patterns related to class,region,or other cultural changesLanguage can also be diffused in many waysThey can be blended together to aid in communicationThey can also be diffused through migration,Religion,Religion consists of a belief in a supernatural power or powers that are regarded as the creators/maintainers of the universeReligions establish beliefs&values that define how people worship3 types of categories for religionMonotheistic:belief in one godPolytheistic:belief in many godsAnimistic:belief in divine forces in natureReligions spread across the world through diffusion&through converts,Major Religions,3 major religions of the world began in Southwest Asia(Judaism,Christianity,&Islam)All 3 are monotheistic2 major religions began in South Asia(Hinduism&Buddhism),Judaism,Judaism is the oldest monotheistic religion,mostly concentrated in Jerusalem,IsraelFollowers are called JewsIt is considered an ethnic religion with a long tradition of faith&culture tied tightly togetherBasic laws&teachings come from a holy book called the Torah,Christianity,Christianity evolved from the teachings of JudaismChristianity is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ,whom Christians believe was the Son of GodTeachings of Jesus are recorded in the New Testament of the BibleIt has 2 billion followers3 major Christian groups:Roman Catholic,Protestant,&Eastern Orthodox,Islam,Islam is based on the teaching of Prophet MuhammadThe followers are known as Muslims who worship god who is called Allah in ArabicIslam has close ties to the prophets/teachers of Judaism&ChristianityThe holy book of the Muslims is the QuranThey worship in a MosqueThe two major divisions of Islam are Sunni&Shiite,Hinduism,Hinduism is considered the worlds oldest religionIt is an ethnic religion concentrated in IndiaHinduism is usually considered polytheisticThe religious requirements of a caste system has levels of social classes with specific rites&duties,Buddhism,The founder of Buddhism is Siddhartha Gautama also known as the BuddhaThe Buddha rejected the Hindu idea of caste systemsBuddhas teachings promote the correct way of living in order to reach enlightenment called Nirvana,Other Asian Practices,In parts of East Asia,3 other belief systems are widely practicedConfucianismTaoismShintoAll of them have specific ways of life&behaviors associated with them,Creative Cultural Expressions,All cultures have ways of expressing themselves creativelyCultures produce performing arts,visual arts,&literaturePerforming arts include music,dance,&filmVisual arts include architecture,paintings,&sculpturesLiterature includes poems,folk tales,&stories,Chapter 4 Section 2Population Geography,Vocabulary:Birthrate,Fertility Rate,Mortality Rate,Infant Mortality Rate,Rate of Natural Increase,Population Pyramid,Push-Pull Factors,Population Density,&Carrying CapacityObjective:Describe some factors that influence population density&carrying capacity,Worldwide Population Growth,As the world industrialized people grew more/better food then the population world began to soarThe world population continues to increase every year,Birth&Death Rates,To understand population growth,geographers calculate several different strategiesBirthrate:the number of live births per thousand people(average 22 per thousand)Fertility Rate:the average number of children a woman of childbearing years would have in her lifetime(average 3.0)Mortality Rate:number of deaths per thousand peopleInfant Mortality Rate:the number of deaths among infants under age one per thousand live birthsRate of Natural Increase:subtract the mortality rate from the birthrate,Population Pyramid,Population Pyramid is a graphic device that shows sex&age distribution of a populationIt helps geographers to examine how events in society like war,famine,&epidemics affect the population,Population Distribution,The billions of people in the world are not distributed equally across the earth90%of the worlds population lived in the Northern Hemisphere,mostly in East or South AsiaClimate,altitude,&access to water influence where people liveThe most habitable places make agriculture possible,Urban-Rural Mix&Migration,More than half of the population lives in rural areas but that is changing rapidlyMore people are moving into citiesHowever,these cities struggle with overcrowded conditionsReasons for migrating are called push-pull factorsPush factors are the reasons for them to leave their homelandPull factors draw or attract people to other locations,Population Density,Population Density is the average number of people who live in a measureable area,reached by dividing the number of inhabitants in an area by the amount of land they occupyBecause population is not distributed evenly across the land,the number may be misleading for an entire nation,Carrying Capacity,Carrying capacity is the number of organisms a piece of land can supportImproved farming techniques like irrigation,fertilizers,&mechanized farm equipments increase the carrying capacity of land,Chapter 4 Section 3Political Geography,Vocabulary:State,Nation,Nation-State,Democracy,Monarchy,Dictatorship,Communism,&LandlockedObjective:Describe the three categories of governments&identify the main types of regional political systems,Nations of the World,Governmental units of the world can be described in either political or geographic termsThe political term state is used to describe an independent unit that occupies a specific territory&has full control of its affairsThe term“country”is used to mean stateNation refers to a group of people with a common culture living in a territory&having a strong sense of unityNation-state:when a nation&a state occupy the same territory,Types of Government,All countries must choose a type of governmentDemocracy:Citizens hold political power,either directly or through elected representativesMonarchy:A ruling family headed by a king or queen holds political power;some share power with citizens bodiesDictatorship:An individual or group holds complete political powerCommunism:All political power&means of production are held by the government in the name of all the people,Geographic Characteristics of Nations,3 geographic characteristics are very important in describing a countrySizeShapeRelative IdeasThe combination of these characteristics makes each nation unique,Size,Shape,&Location,Size does not always represent the wealth&power of a countryHowever bigger countries have the potential to become more powerful because of its access to resourcesThe shape of a country can have an impact on how easily it can be to govern,how goods are moved,&how it relates to other countriesLocation of a country can be very importantLandlocked:a country surrounded by other land with not direct outlet to sea,National Boundaries,Boundaries/borders set the limits of the territory controlled by a stateThe state can do such things as collect taxes,set up a legal code,&declare an official languageA state may claim all of the resources found within its boundariesThe two basic types of national boundaries are natural&artificial,Natural&Artificial Boundaries,A natural boundary is based on physical features of the land,such as rivers,lakes,or mountainsNatural boundaries are sometimes an easy way to separate countries but issues arise when natural boundaries moveAn artificial boundary is a fixed line generally following latitude&longitude lines,Regional Political Systems,Countries often are divided into smaller political units to make governing more efficientThe most common local units of government are cities,towns,&villages,Chapter 4 Section 4Urban Geography,Vocabulary:Urban Geography,City,Suburb,Metropolitan Area,Urbanization,&Central Business District(CBD)Objective:Describe the functions of cities&the relationship between a citys functions&transportation,Growth of Urban Areas,Cities are not just areas with large population but also centers of business&cultureUrban lifestyles are different from those of towns,villages,or rural areasGeographers consider location,land use,&functions of the city,Urban Areas&Urbanization,Suburbs are built-up area around the central cityThey are usually within commuting distance of the city&are mostly residentialThe city,its suburbs,&exurbs link together economically to form a functional area called a metropolitan areaThe increase in the number of cities&changes in lifestyle that result is called urbanizationToday cities are enormous in physical area&population,City Locations,Many cities are found in places that allow good transportationWhile others are found in places with easy access to natural resourcesCities serve as economic bases,attracting businesses&people to work in those businessesThey can specialize in certain economic activities because of their locationCultural,educational,or military activities may also attract people to a specific location,Land Use Patterns,Urban geographers also study land use&the activities that take place in citiesResidential:include single-family housing&apartmentsIndustrial:reserved for manufacturing of goodsCommercial:used for private business&the selling of retail productsCentral Business District(CBD):the core of a city,which is almost always based on commercial activity,The Functions of Cities,Many cities also have educational&cultural activities such as libraries or museums located in the CBDOther functions of the city such as manufacturing,wholesaling,residential,recreation,&a variety of religious/social services may be located in other parts of the city,Chapter 4 Section 5Economic Geography,Vocabulary:Economy,Economic System,Command Economy,Market Economy,Natural Resources,Infrastructure,Per Capita Income,GNP,&GDPObjective:Identify the four basic types of economic systems,Economic Systems,An economy consists of the production&exchange of good/services among a group of peopleEconomies operate on a local,regional,national,or international level,Types of Economic Systems,The way people produce&exchange goods&services is called an economic systemsTraditional Economy:goods&services are traded without exchanging money“barter”Command Economy:production of goods&services is determined by a central governmentMarket Economy:production of goods&services is determined by the demand from consumersMixed Economy:a combination of command market economies,Economic Activities,People may choose from a variety of methods to meet their basic needsSome raise enough food or animals to meet their needs to eatOther produce crops or animals to sell to the marketCommercial industries meet the needs of people within a very large area,Levels of Economic Activity,Primary activities:gathering raw materials for immediate useSecondary activities:adding value to materials by changing their formTertiary activities:providing business or professional servicesQuarternary activities:provide information,management,and research services by highly-trained persons,The Economics of Natural Resources,Natural resources are materials on or in the earthMaterials from the earth become resources only when the society has the technology&ability to transform it into goodsRenewable:resources can be replacedNon-renewable:resources cant be replaced Inexhaustible energy sources:resources used for producing power,Economic Support Systems,Producing&distributing goods&services requires a series of support systemsA nations infrastructure consists of the basic support systems needed to keep an economy goingThis includes power,communications,transportation,water,sanitation,&education systems,Measuring Economic Development,Geographers use a variety of standards to make comparisons among economiesPer capita income is the average amount of money earned by each person in a political unitAnother way of comparing economies examines levels of development based on economic activities such as industry&commerce,GNP&GDP,A commonly-used statistic to measure the economy of a country is the gross national product(GNP)GNP is the total value of all goods&services produced by a country over a year or some other specified period of timeTo adjust for situations like this,a second statistic is used GDP,or gross domestic productGDP is the total value of all goods&services produced within a country,Development Levels,Countries of the world have different levels of economic developmentDeveloping nations are nations that have a low GDP&limited development on all levels of economic activitiesDeveloped nations,on the other hand,are countries with a high per capita income&varied economy,


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