新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版)第四册Unit 9 Section BNot to Expect Profits Soon from Euro Disney.ppt
Contents,Reading Skills,Introduction,Like the other skills for your use,the skill introduced in this unit does render you better able in reading.,Practice,This practice is designed to help you get a deeper insight into the skill special for this unit.,Introduction:,阅读实践,随 笔,Denotation and Connotation,We talked about denotation and connotation in Unit 10,Book 2.Denotation and connotation constitute different dimensions of the meaning of a word.Denotation is the literal meaning of a word.Connotation,on the other hand,is the implied meaning of a wordwhat a word suggests to you,or what it makes you feel,what it makes you think of.For the word“die”,for example,the denotation is“stop living”.,Introduction:,阅读实践,随 笔,Denotation and Connotation,But in the sentence“Some die at 30 but are not buried until theyre 70”,the word“die”connotes“stop living spiritually”or“stop growing intellectually”.A writer has many options in choosing words to make a point,and we have to be aware that the writers choice of one word over a similar one can influence us when we read.In fact,writers can make us feel the way,Introduction:,阅读实践,随 笔,Denotation and Connotation,they want us to feel through connotations.Dictionaries do not usually include all the connotations of a word.Thats where our own thinking comes in.The more we can develop a sense of connotation,the more we will understand how a writer can influence our emotional reactions to words.,Introduction:,阅读实践,随 笔,Denotation and Connotation,Here we have more examples from Text A:,Example 1,The case is an illustration of some of the delicate cultural issues the company faces.(Para.6),Denotation:needing careful handlingConnotation(s):difficult or hard to deal with,Introduction:,阅读实践,随 笔,Example 2,Denotation and Connotation,For all its concern about foreign cultural invasion and its defense against the pollution of the French language by English words.(Para.9),Denotation:invasionan attack in war when the enemy of a country invades and tries to control itpollutionthe process of making air,water,soil,etc.dirty,Connotation(s):invasionintrusion;strong influence pollution making something impure,Introduction:,阅读实践,随 笔,Denotation and Connotation,Example 3,The opening of Eastern Europe is another prize for the company,which thinks that millions of people will put Disneyland at the top of a list of places to visit on their first trip to Western Europe.(Para.18),Denotation:a rewardConnotation:an advantage,Practice,阅读技巧,随 笔,Directions:Read the following sentences from Text B carefully,paying close attention to the underlined words.Besides their usual denotations,they all have a number of connotations.Write the denotation of the word and its connotation(s).,Practice,阅读技巧,随 笔,The Euro Disney Corporation,acknowledging that its elaborate theme park had not performed as strongly as expected.(Para.1),Denotation:_Connotation(s):_,do something,operate;work,Practice,阅读技巧,随 笔,2.But since then the park has been hit by a number of problems.(Para.2),Denotation:_Connotation(s):_,strike;come against someone orsomething with force,meet;experience,Practice,阅读技巧,随 笔,3.The announcement amounted to an extraordinary reversal for Euro Disney.(Para.6),Denotation:_Connotation(s):_,come to;reach,be equal to;be the same as,Practice,阅读技巧,随 笔,4.The long-term acceptance is strong,the rest is just details.(Para.7),Denotation:_Connotation(s):_,small points or facts about something,unimportant small matters,Practice,阅读技巧,随 笔,Denotation:_Connotation(s):_,organize or control the work of an organization,company,etc.,use something in a sensible way,5.The main problem confronting Euro Disney appears to be managing its costs and finding an appropriate price level for its over 5,000 hotel rooms.(Para.10),Text Study,New Words,课文阅读,随 笔,阅读理解,问题预览,New Words,课文阅读,随 笔,阅读理解,问题预览,Questions Previewing,词汇学习,课文阅读,随 笔,阅读理解,For you to be better conditioned for reading as fast as required in the new type of examination“Fast Reading”,Text B can serve to be your fast-reading material.But,for this to be achieved,the best course of action is to know what to scan for in your skimming.Thus,the trick is to keep in your mind the key words of each question before you start off.That is where the“Question Previewing”comes in.,Questions Previewing,词汇学习,课文阅读,随 笔,阅读理解,Directions:Decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F)according to the text.,1.The Euro Disney Corporation had anticipated the theme parks financial loss in the first few years when it opened in April.2.The financial loss of the theme park was chiefly due to the high cost of running it.3.Since its opening in April,the attendance levels at Euro Disney have been steadily coming down because of sharp competition.,Questions Previewing,词汇学习,课文阅读,随 笔,阅读理解,4.People predicted that Euro Disney would be an immediate success at the time of its opening.5.Upon the announcement of its net financial loss in its first financial year,the companys shares dropped immediately.6.Because of its better performance than that of comparable start-up periods at other Disney theme parks,the company was certain about its future attendance and profits.,Questions Previewing,词汇学习,课文阅读,随 笔,阅读理解,7.Paribas Capital Markets Group predicted that the theme park would continue losing money for the next two years and therefore asked people to sell its shares.8.To reduce the cost levels,the Euro Disney Corporation was going to lay off some of the employees at the theme park temporarily.,Passage Reading,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Not to Expect Profits Soon from Euro Disney,Chinese,Para.1 The Euro Disney Corporation,acknowledging that its elaborate theme park had not performed as strongly as expected,announced Thursday that it would sustain a net financial loss of unpredictable scale in its first financial year.,Question 1,Passage Reading,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Chinese,Para.2 At the time of the April opening of the park,which stands on a 4,800-acre site 32 kilometers(20 miles)east of Paris,Euro Disney officials said they expected to make a small profit for the financial year ending September 30.But since then the park has been hit by a number of problems.,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Chinese,Passage Reading,Passage Reading,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Chinese,Para.4“While attendance is very strong,”he said,“our cost levels do require adjustment for the current revenue level.”Para.5 The parent company,Walt Disney Corporation,said Thursday that its income rose 33 percent in the quarter.But it warned investors against expecting profits soon from Euro Disney,of which it owns 49 percent.,Question 2,Passage Reading,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Chinese,Para.6a Euro Disney said that although attendance levels had been high,“the company anticipates that it will sustain a net loss for the financial year ending September 30,1992”.It added that“the amount of the loss will depend on attendance and hotel use rates achieved during the remaining portion of the critical European summer vacation period”.,Question 3,Passage Reading,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Chinese,Para.6b The announcement amounted to an extraordinary reversal for Euro Disney,which opened amid immense celebration and widespread predictions of immediate success.Para.7a At the time of the opening,on April 12,the companys shares were trading at 140.90 francs($28.07),and had been as high as 170 francs earlier in the year.,Question 4,Passage Reading,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Chinese,Para.7b They dropped 2.75 percent Thursday to close at 97.25 francs.Mr.Forsgren said he thought the market had“reacted a bit emotionally to preliminary information”.He added,“By all objective standards the park is very successful.The long-term acceptance is strong,the rest is just details.”,Question 5,Passage Reading,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Chinese,Para.8 The company said that 3.6 million people had visited the park from April 12 to July 22,a performance superior to that of comparable start-up periods at other Disney theme parks.But it warned that,given the likely strong seasonal variation in attendance,it was not possible to predict future attendance or profits.,Question 6,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para.9 Reacting to the announcement,stock market expert Paribas Capital Markets Group issued a“sell”recommendation on Euro Disney stock,saying that attendance levels for the period were 15 percent below its expectations and profit from sales of food and other goods was 10 percent below.It predicted that the company would lose 300 million francs in the current financial year and continue losing money for two more years.,Chinese,Passage Reading,Question 7,Passage Reading,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Chinese,Para.10 The main problem confronting Euro Disney appears to be managing its costs and finding an appropriate price level for its over 5,000 hotel rooms.Clearly,costs have been geared to a revenue level that has not been achieved,and the company is beginning to drop hotel prices that have been widely described as excessive.,Question 8,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para.11 Mr.Forsgren said the number of staff,now at 17,000,would“come down significantly in the next two months,mainly through the loss of seasonal employees”.Of the current staff,5,000 are employed on a temporary basis,he said.,Chinese,Passage Reading,Passage Reading,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Chinese,Para.12 He also acknowledged that the lowest-priced rooms at the resort had been cut to 550 francs($110)from 750 francs at the time of the opening,and that some rooms were being offered at 400 francs for the winter season.Analysts believe hotel use has been running at about 68 percent of capacity,although it is currently over 90 percent.,Passage Reading,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Chinese,Para.13“The key issue is costs,”said one financial expert.“They have no idea what their winter attendance levels will be and theyre battling to get costs to an appropriate level.The stocks still too expensive,but I think in the long term theyll get it right.”,Passage Reading,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Chinese,Para.14a Still,huge doubt hangs over the companys plans to keep the theme park open through the cold European wintersomething no other theme park in Europe has ever attempted.Last month,the company said it was having difficulty attracting people from the Paris region.,Passage Reading,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Chinese,Para.14b Mr.Forsgren said that French attendance was improving and accounted for 1 million of the 3.6 million visitors,with most of the rest coming from Britain and Germany.Only 1 percent of visitors have been American.,Passage Reading,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Chinese,Para.15 For its third quarter ending June 30,the first in which the park had been operating,the company announced revenues of 2.47 billion francs($492 million),but gave no profit or loss figures in line with the French practice of only giving such figures at years end.In the first half,the company earned 75 million francs,mainly from investment income and sale of construction rights on its site.,Reading Comprehension,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,课文阅读,Choice MakingDirections:Decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F)according to the text.,1.The Euro Disney Corporation had anticipated the theme parks financial loss in the first few years when it opened in April.,2.The financial loss of the theme park was chiefly due to the high cost of running it.,F,T,Refer to Para.1,Refer to Para.4,Reading Comprehension,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,课文阅读,3.Since its opening in April,the attendance levels at Euro Disney have been steadily coming down because of sharp competition.,4.People predicted that Euro Disney would be an immediate success at the time of its opening.,5.Upon the announcement of its net financial loss in its first financial year,the companys shares dropped immediately.,F,T,T,Refer to Para.6,Refer to Para.6,Refer to Para.7,Reading Comprehension,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,课文阅读,6.Because of its better performance than that of comparable start-up periods at other Disney theme parks,the company was certain about its future attendance and profits.,7.Paribas Capital Markets Group predicted that the theme park would continue losing money for the next two years and therefore asked people to sell its shares.,F,T,Refer to Para.8,Refer to Para.9,Reading Comprehension,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,课文阅读,8.To reduce the cost levels,the Euro Disney Corporation was going to lay off some of the employees at the theme park temporarily.,F,Refer to Para.10,Test Yourself,Long Conversations,In-Depth Reading,In this section,you will hear 3 long conversations.At the end of each conversation,3 or 4 questions will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause.During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A),B),C)and D),and decide which is the best answer.,Long Conversations,Directions,随 笔,深层阅读,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you are going to hear.,Q.1.A)Enormous size of its stores.B)Numerous varieties of food.C)Its appealing surroundings.D)Its rich and colorful history.,Q.:What is the food hall of Harolds noted for?,Conversation I,Script,随 笔,深层阅读,Q.2.A)An ancient building.B)A world of antiques.C)An Egyptian museum.D)An Egyptian Memorial.,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Q.:What does the Egyptian hall seem like to the customers?,Conversation I,Script,随 笔,深层阅读,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Q.:What may customers find surprising about Harolds?,Conversation I,Q.3.A)Its power bill reaches$9 million a year.B)It sells thousands of light bulbs a day.C)It supplies power to a nearby town.D)It generates 70%of the electricity it uses.,Script,随 笔,深层阅读,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Q.:About how many customers come to Harolds on an average day?,Conversation I,Q.4.A)11,500 B)30,000 C)250,000 D)300,000,Script,随 笔,深层阅读,Q.5.A)He was once unemployed for three months.B)He doesnt like his colleagues.C)He was a journalist in Evening News.D)He is a clock-watcher.,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Q.:What do you know about the man?,Conversation II,Questions 5 to 7 are based on the conversation you are going to hear.,Script,随 笔,深层阅读,Q.6.A)For a change.B)To earn more money.C)To get a promotion.D)To have new challenge.,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Q.:What is the reason for the man to leave his present job?,Conversation II,Script,随 笔,深层阅读,Q.7.A)A man who can make decisions.B)A man who can cooperate with others well.C)A man who doesnt mind working overtime.D)A man who cares little about money.,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Q.:What kind of people does the woman want to find?,Conversation II,Script,随 笔,深层阅读,Q.8.A)Transferring to another department.B)Studying accounting at a university C)Thinking about doing a different job.D)Making preparation for her wedding.,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Q.:What was the woman doing when the man last saw her?,Conversation III,Questions 8 to 10 are based on the conversation you are going to hear.,Script,随 笔,深层阅读,Q.9.A)She has finally got a promotion and a pay raise.B)She has got a satisfactory job in another company.C)She could at last leave the accounting department.D)She managed to keep her position in the co