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    PPT Tips-PPT 小贴士(2).ppt

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    PPT Tips-PPT 小贴士(2).ppt

    2,foreword,Goal is just to share PowerPoint tips&tricks You can agree or disagree with some statements Its just a toolbox PowerPoint is just a tool.If content is not good,it cannot helpObjective is just to help you to Spend less time on layout&more on content Make better presentations6S approach is just my own proposal,Unrestricted,comments are welcome!Jean-Luc,3,part 1tips&tricks,4,not,are,slides,funny,!,next,5,table of content,1,2,3,4,5,Before you start Customize your toolbar,activate snap object to grid&ruler,useful short-keys,Speed,Building blocks Colors,black-white,fonts,lines,shapes,alignments,pictures,clip-arts,tables,charts,animations,Slide design Components,slide limits,titles,slide,body,Simplicity,layout,Content Scope,audience,Schedule,Structure,visualize presentation,Story,6S,More tips Advanced tips,templates,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,Before you start Customize your toolbar,activate snap object to grid&ruler,useful short-keys,Speed,Building blocks Colors,black-white,fonts,lines,shapes,alignments,pictures,clip-arts,tables,charts,animations,Slide design Components,slide limits,titles,slide,body,Simplicity,layout,Content Scope,audience,Schedule,Structure,visualize presentation,Story,6S,More tips Advanced tips,templates,6,7,switch toEDIT view(esc),8,make this figure in 30 sec,Use shapes here-underto make the figure,8,9,analsis of your results,this can be done in 2 seconds,10,customize the format toolbar,No need for additional new commands in toolbar,11,customize the drawing toolbar,No need for additional new commands in toolbar,12,activate snap objects to grid,Always activate this feature!,12,13,activate ruler,Always activate this feature!,13,14,useful short-keys,ctrl,A,ctrl,C,ctrl,V,ctrl,Z,ctrl,Y,ctrl,S,esc,fn,prt sc,f2,Select all,Copy,Paste,Undo,Re-do,Save,Select text,Escape,Print screen,shift,enter,Line break,14,15,make this figure in 2 min,x 11,15,16,select all figures&rotate left,17,center this figure horizontally in 1 min,Use shapes here-underto center the figure,17,Unrestricted,18,speed,+,+,=,90%time saved!,Take some time to learn how to use toolbar&short-keys!,18,1st S,19,switch to SLIDE SHOW,20,what does 90%time saved mean?,1h,3h20,1h40,10,20,Do invest some time to learn how to use toolbar&short-keys!,21,1,2,3,4,5,Before you start Customize your toolbar,activate snap object to grid&ruler,useful short-keys,Speed,Building blocks Colors,black-white,fonts,lines,shapes,alignments,pictures,clip-arts,tables,charts,animations,Slide design Components,slide limits,titles,slide,body,Simplicity,layout,Content Scope,audience,Schedule,Structure,visualize presentation,Story,6S,More tips Advanced tips,templates,21,22,focus=internal presentationsbut easy to transpose,23,colors,Use the right colors Select basic colors(e.g.)black&white 1 grey 3 to 4 blue 1 color Use same colors in entire presentation,EXAMPLE,AVOID,23,24,black&white(or colors when printed in grey),type,grey level,No difference when printed,type,grey level,24,25,whats the difference between these figures?,25,26,bad surprise when printed,26,27,fonts,Fonts type Use Georgia,Arial,Helvetica,Veranda or Calibri Use Arial if lot of numbers Use black as default&blue for level 1 titles Font size(standard):max 20&min 12 Try to avoid bold,italic&underlineBullets Avoid black or white bullets Different indentation levels=different bullets Be coherent!Always use same approach for font colors,font size,bullets,etc.Always use same approach for Majuscules,i.e.Either Majuscule at beginning of list or no majuscule at beginning of list,level 1(size 18/20)level 2(size 16/18)level 3(size 14/16)level 4(14),level 1(size 18)level 2(size 16)level 3(size 14),level 1(size 18)level 2(size 16)level 3(size 14),AVOID,EXAMPLE,27,28,lines,pt,2 pt,No line,pt Solid,2 pt Solid,pt Dash,2 pt Dash,No need for other types of lines Use same line types in entire presentation,28,29,useful shapes,text,text,text,text,29,30,how to resize a shape,text,text,1.Select shape 2.Resize shape with yellow diamond 3.Find right shape,30,31,always align&distribute shapes in a slide,text,text,text,text,Not OK,text,text,text,text,OK,31,32,pictures,Using pictures is complex Its difficult to find the right picture Presentations with pictures take lot of time Pictures are only useful if you want to make a showMost of the time,you just dont need pictures for internal presentations but just in case Dont use pictures found on Internet(for professional use)Only use PowerPoint Clip Arts(unless you can access specialized images database),33,But pictures are good for show!,34,If correctly chosen,35,Otherwise,36,So think twice,37,clip arts,And just avoid ugly Clip Arts!,38,tables,Table,Row 1,Row 2,Row 3,Row 4,Line 1,xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,Line 2,xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,Line 3,xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,Line 4,xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,Line 5,xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,Tables are really a problem in PowerPoint Try not to use standard table option if possible Prefer to create your own table(with Rectangle shapes),39,insert Excel tables in PowerPoint,Prefer to paste Excel tables as pictures in PowerPoint Select Table in Excel Press SHIFT&select Copy Picture in Edit menu Use standard parameters by default Go to PowerPoint Paste Table(CTRL+V),1,2,3,If possible,better to create own table in PowerPoint,40,Paste Excel charts as pictures in PowerPoint Check that font size in graph is 10 pt Select graph in Excel Press SHIFT&select Copy Picture in Edit menu Use standard parameters by default Go to PowerPoint Paste graph(CTRL+V),insert Excel charts in PowerPoint,2,3,4,41,need to insert 1 Excel chart in PowerPoint?,Not enough space on the slide,isnt it?,42,so youve just re-sized the charts,Are you sure its still possible to read them?,43,prefer to adapt size in Excel(with font size 10!),44,Go to next slide&press enter after a few seconds,45,azertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwxazertfghjklmwx,azertuipqsdfghjklmwxcvsza,azertghjklmwxcvb/sza,azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvbn?./sa,azertuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvbn?./szazertuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvbn?./szazertuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvbn?./szazertuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvbn?./sz,azertyuqsdfghjklmwxc?za,azertyuiopfghjklmwxcvbn?./szazertyuiopfghjklmwxcvbn?./sz,azertyuiopqsdghjklmwxcva,azertyuiopfghjklmwxcvbna,azertyuqsdfghjklmwxcvbn?a,azertiopqsdfgxcvbn?./szazertyfghjklmwxn?./szazertyfghjklmwxn?./szazertyfghjklmwxn?./szazertyfghjklmwxn?./szazertyfghjklmwxn?./sz,azertyuiopqsdfghjkla,azertyfghjklmwxn?./szazertyfghjklmwxn?./szazertyfghjklmwxn?./szazertyfghjklmwxn?./szazertyfghjklmwxn?./szazertyfghjklmwxn?./szazertyfghjklmwxn?./szazertyfghjklmwxn?./szazertyfghjklmwxn?./szazertyfghjklmwxn?./szazertyfghjklmwxn?./szazertyfghjklmwxn?./sz,azertuiopqsdghjklmwxca,azerqsdghjklmwxcvbn?./sza,azertyfghjklmw./sza,azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvbn?./szazertyfghjklmwxn?./szazertyfghjklmwxn?./szazertyfghjklmwxn?./szazertyfghjklmwxn?./sz,azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwx,azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwxcza,azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwxcv?./sza,azertyuiopqs./sza,azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwxcva,azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvbn?/sza,azertyuiopqsdfghj,azertyuiopqsdfghjklma,azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwbn?./sza,azertyuiopqsbn?./sz,azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwa,JUST AVOID ANIMATIONS!,46,why not to use animations?,Animations=lot of time unless good PowerPoint skills Animations=problems with mouse during presentation(Murphys law I)Animations=PC&mouse far from you during presentation(Murphys law II)Animations=show,not facts,Avoid animations when possible!,47,1,2,3,4,5,Before you start Customize your toolbar,activate snap object to grid&ruler,useful short-keys,Speed,Building blocks Colors,black-white,fonts,lines,shapes,alignments,pictures,clip-arts,tables,charts,animations,Slide design Components,slide limits,titles,slide,body,Simplicity,layout,Content Scope,audience,Schedule,Structure,visualize presentation,Story,6S,More tips Advanced tips,templates,47,48,slide components,Footer,slide number,Try to align Title&Body texts,Always include slide#&confidentiality level for internal ppt(exception:no slide#on Title slides),49,respect slide limits,NO,NO,NO,NO,YES,YES,50,avoid titles having more than 1 line because its difficult to read them&because it will break the uniformity of your presentation,51,51,Only exception=titles+sub-titles(no majuscule for titles&Majuscule for sub-titles),titles&sub-titles Sub-title=summary of slide in 1 sentence,52,always use same font size&type for titles,53,slide title must reflect slide content!,Always check that slide title really reflects slide content!,54,make your own body,When you creare a new slide Create your own boby=rectangle with following attibutes Colors&Lines color=NoFill line=No line Text Box Text anchor Point=Top Internal margins(left,right,top,bottom)=0,1 or 0,05 Word wrap text in Autoshape checked No other option checked Adapt margins!,Never use standard Title and Text template,55,body,Avoid very long text in the body of your presentation especially if it will be projected to a large audience.Use Increase Paragraph Spacing command to make the text more readable.Be sure to adapt the text indentation when you go to a new line.Text must always be aligned.Be as simple as possible.,Avoid very long text in the body of your presentation especially if it will be projected to a large audience.Use Increase Paragraph Spacing command to make the text more readable.Be sure to adapt the text indentation when you go to a new line.Text must always be aligned.Be as simple as possible,Avoid very long text Use to make text more readable Text must always be aligned Be as simple as possible,56,simplicity,The goals of this project if to identify the possible areas of improvement for the development of a new approach for the definition and the revision of the new processes that will be launched in the future and to define the impacts of this new approach on the current structure of our company.Goals Identify improvements for definition&revision of new processes Define impacts on current company structure,Keep it simple!Be as simple as possible:go directly to the point Avoid articles(the,a,);use&instead of and Never 2 lines in one paragraph(except for executive summary),2nd S,57,always check if slide is readable when printed,remember this?,People usually print(business)presentations,58,Find at least 7 mistakes in this slide,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text,any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text,any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text,any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text,any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text,59,Find at least 7 mistakes in this slide,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text,any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text,any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text,any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text,any text any text any text any text any text any text any text any text,2.Different spacing,1.Font Standard font,3.Slide limitsnot respected,5.White bullet,4.Text not aligned,6.Shape not resized,7.Text in bold,italic,not standard font,same color as in other shapes,2 lines,60,you want a cool slide layout?,61,layout Cool layout but few colors available for text,62,layout,Prefer white backgrounds(easier,less ink&less money spent when printed),63,1,2,3,4,5,Before you start Customize your toolbar,activate snap object to grid&ruler,useful short-keys,Speed,Building blocks Colors,black-white,fonts,lines,shapes,alignments,pictures,clip-arts,tables,charts,animations,Slide design Components,slide limits,titles,slide,body,Simplicity,layout,Content Scope,audience,Schedule,Structure,visualize presentation,Story,6S,More tips Advanced tips,templates,63,64,#attendees,Media,Audience,Content,Timing,+,+,+,+,=,Think about scope of presentation!,3rd S,65,audience,Adaptto audience!,66,schedule,4th S,Always respect timing!,67,structure,its easy1 slide=1 idea(If you cant summarize slide in one sentence,slide is too complex),5th S,68,visualize presentation,1.Take a A4 sheet of paper 2.Draw 10 rectangles(=if 10 slides)3.Write 1.Introduction in 1st rectangle 4.Write 10 Conclusions in last rectangle 5.Write just one idea on remaining slides 6.Make a story with coherent story line,1,10,Introduction,Conclusions,Always visualize your presentation,69,story,A presentation is a STORYYou have to make a scenario with1.STRONG start(attract attention)2.Coherent story line(no flash-back)3.ACTION!(keep public awake)4.Suspense&surprises(retain interest)5.Happy end!(of course),Good presentation needs good Story,6th S,70,6S PowerPoint Summary,Speed customized toolbar&short-keysSimplicity simplify everythingScope think about context Schedule always respect timingStructure 1 slide=1 ideaStory make your scenario,71,1,2,3,4,5,Before you start Customize your toolbar,activate snap object to grid&ruler,useful short-keys,Speed,Building blocks Colors,black-white,fonts,lines,shapes,alignments,pictures,clip-arts,tables,charts,animations,Slide design Components,slide limits,titles,slide,body,Simplicity,layout,Content Scope,audience,Timing,Structure,visualize presentation,Story,6S,More tips Advanced tips,templates,71,72,how to recover a color if youre lucky?,Solution#1(=when youre lucky)1.Select a figure having the color you want 2.Check if color in Fill Color palette 3.If color is in Fill Color palette,just select the color,73,Solution#2(=when youre not lucky)1.Select a figure having the color you want 2.Check if color in Fill Color palette 3.If color is not in Fill Color palette,click on More Fill Color 4.Double click on New.Now the color is in Fill Color palette,how to recover a color if youre not lucky?,74,whats the difference between these figures?,75,color&transparency,76,transparency,Transparency allows Nice effects when correctly usedBut most of the time Transparency=bad surprise when presentation is printed You can make the same effect with standard colors,77,colors effects,Colors effects are cool but usually Colors effects take lots of time Bad surprise when presentation is printed,78,shadows styles,NoShadow,ShadowStyle 14,ShadowStyle 17,Dont use other Shadows Styles Use same Shadow


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