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    KanGtArt - 深圳大芬美术馆室内设计设计师:吕军作品类别:文化科研 深圳大芬美术馆室内设计设计说明:深圳大芬美术馆设计思想题目:在设计中思考Design Concept on Shenzhen Dafen Art MuseumTitle: Think in the Design 城中村,是一个相对文明的说法,更普遍的称呼,则是“城乡结合部”。顾名思义,这里特指的是一个介乎于城市和农村之间的特殊区域,它们或者为城市所包围,或处在急剧变化发展的城市边缘,并因而形成了的其混杂多样、非城非乡的建筑和文化形态。这一构成,普遍存在和发生于当下中国的各个大中城市,和中国城市化的整体进程相伴相生。而这些城中村,二十多年来,也正是许多重要的当代艺术思潮、事件的策源地,几乎所有中国当代艺术最为重要的群落,都先后出现和集中于这样的城中村,成为中国当代文化发展中,名副其实的“接合部”。 Urban Village is a more civilized saying and its more common name is “City-village Combination Section” which specially refers to a special area between city and village. Such villages are either surrounded by city or under the critical development of the city, which forms the diversified, non-city and non-village architecture and cultural modality. Such a structure is very popular and frequent in all the medium and big cities of China, which is accompanied with the whole process of Chinese urbanization. For more than 20 years, the urban cities are the very original places where the contemporary thoughts and event occurred. Almost all the Chinese contemporary arts one after another were born and gathered in such urban cities which are the real “combination sections” for the Chinese contemporary culture development. 而深圳市的大芬村,是以成批量复制销售油画为主,在此创建大芬美术馆这一区域的标志性建筑,旨在为当地树立新的文化枢纽,打造并凝聚非凡的文化脉络。 Shenzhen Dafen Village focuses on copying and selling oil paintings in a batch manner. The aim of setting up a regional landmark titled Dafen Art Museum is to build up the new culture hub in the local area, create and gather the extraordinary culture veins.作为深圳城中村内的现代美术馆,针对建筑所处地域的特殊性,建筑主体以现代的设计语言表达着朴实,内敛,功能划分则根据具体需求有别于常规美术馆:一层为油画交易市场;二层为艺术品展览;顶层类似街心花园设置多个端口,公众可到此休憩。 As the modern art museum in Shenzhen urban village, the main architecture embodies the simplicity and constringency by the modern design way according to its special localization. The function division is different from that of common art museums according to the specific requirements. The first floor of Dafen Art Museum is the trade market for oil painting; the second floor is for art works exhibition and the top floor is similar to the street garden which is set as many terminals for the public to have a rest. 因其特殊的地理文化处境,大芬美术馆别具现代感的造型,自然与周围环境形成了明显的视觉反差,并与当地普遍缺乏个性的民居文化产生强烈碰撞,其结果,更加突出了美术馆的视觉特质,构成了一个具有奇特超现实意味的后现代“奇景”。是设计师想引人深思的本质 Due to its special geography and culture, Dafen Art Museum boasts the modern shape, which naturally forms an obvious visual contrast with the surrounding environment and produces a strong shock with the housing culture lacking individuality. As a result, it embodies more visual specialties of the art museum and consists of a post modern “marvelous scene” with the peculiar surrealism. This is the essence that the designers wish to provoke peoples thinking 大芬美术馆室内的空间概念,总体上是外部建筑空间的延伸和内化,努力在每个细节中发掘和保持着作为“奇景”的存在。而在功能层面上,为了突出展品,淡化空间本身,设计师试图创造的,则是一种简约但不简单的纯、静、禅的空间氛围。 In general, the indoor space concept of Dafen Art Museum is the extension and * of external architecture space. It makes its effort to explore and remain the “marvelous scene” from every detail. As for the functional level and in order to embody the exhibited works and play down the space, what the designers try to create is a kind of simplicity but an extraordinary spatial atmosphere with purity, tranquility and Zen idea. 因此为标底,设计融合阴阳,黑白以及古建筑中常见的天井等中国传统文化的精粹元素,从中提炼出一种抽象但非符号化的设计语系,营造出美术馆特有的轻盈,宁静和淡薄。通过对自身文化特质的深入思考,设计者得以用一种融合、开放、节制、并且有效的表达方式,清晰明了的阐述了这座城中村美术馆所应赋予人们的视觉价值与思想意义。在以上意义上,大芬美术馆,可以说是中国城市建筑发展中又一里程碑式的作品。 As a landmark, the museum design combines the quintessential elements of traditional Chinese culture such as Yin-Yang, Black-White and the dooryard commonly seen in ancient architecture. From it, a kind of design language with abstract and non-symbolization is made to create the special lightness, tranquility and paleness for the art museum. By deep thinking on the special culture, the designers use a combined, open, restrained and effective way to clearly illustrate the visual value and thought significance granted the museum to the people. In the above sense, Dafen Museum is another landmark work in the Chinese architectural development. 任何一个敏感于中国文化现状的设计师,都会无可回避的面对中国城市建筑文化发展中的复杂问题:一方面,是后现代概念在建筑以及一切文化领域的强势入侵;而另一方面,则是传统建筑文化和审美的悄然复兴。这两种势力的发展,既引发了矛盾和对抗,也为一切有想象力的设计师创造了空前的机会和动能。正是基于对此的认识,大芬美术馆的设计师以其大刀阔斧的取舍,充分吸纳和融合了两者的优秀元素,对中国城市(建筑)文化的现状和出路作出了自己的承担和深思。 Any designer who is sensitive to the Chinese culture status will inevitably face the complicated issues in the architectural culture development of Chinese cities. On the one hand, the post modern concept approaches the architecture and the cultural filed; on the other hand, the traditional architecture culture and aesthetic appreciation are gradually rising up. The development of these two factors not only triggers the contradiction and resistance but also creates the unparalleled chances and impetus for the imaginative designers. It is such an understanding that the designers of Dafen Museum fully absorb and combine the both excellent elements in a grand reform manner to carry out their own * and thinking for the status and future of the Chinese urban (architecture) culture. 吕军设计作品:深圳大芬美术馆室内设计-大芬美术馆 深圳大芬美术馆设计思想题目:在设计中思考Design Concept on Shenzhen Dafen Art MuseumTitle: Think in the Design城中村,是一个相对文明的说法,更普遍的称呼,则是“城乡结合部”。顾名思义,这里特指的是一个介乎于城市和农村之间的特殊区域,它们或者为城市所包围,或处在急剧变化发展的城市边缘,并因而形成了的其混杂多样、非城非乡的建筑和文化形态。这一构成,普遍存在和发生于当下中国的各个大中城市,和中国城市化的整体进程相伴相生。而这些城中村,二十多年来,也正是许多重要的当代艺术思潮、事件的策源地,几乎所有中国当代艺术最为重要的群落,都先后出现和集中于这样的城中村,成为中国当代文化发展中,名副其实的“接合部”。Urban Village is a more civilized saying and its more common name is “City-village Combination Section” which specially refers to a special area between city and village. Such villages are either surrounded by city or under the critical development of the city, which forms the diversified, non-city and non-village architecture and cultural modality. Such a structure is very popular and frequent in all the medium and big cities of China, which is accompanied with the whole process of Chinese urbanization. For more than 20 years, the urban cities are the very original places where the contemporary thoughts and event occurred. Almost all the Chinese contemporary arts one after another were born and gathered in such urban cities which are the real “combination sections” for the Chinese contemporary culture development. 而深圳市的大芬村,是以成批量复制销售油画为主,在此创建大芬美术馆这一区域的标志性建筑,旨在为当地树立新的文化枢纽,打造并凝聚非凡的文化脉络。Shenzhen Dafen Village focuses on copying and selling oil paintings in a batch manner. The aim of setting up a regional landmark titled Dafen Art Museum is to build up the new culture hub in the local area, create and gather the extraordinary culture veins. 作为深圳城中村内的现代美术馆,针对建筑所处地域的特殊性,建筑主体以现代的设计语言表达着朴实,内敛,功能划分则根据具体需求有别于常规美术馆:一层为油画交易市场;二层为艺术品展览;顶层类似街心花园设置多个端口,公众可到此休憩。As the modern art museum in Shenzhen urban village, the main architecture embodies the simplicity and constringency by the modern design way according to its special localization. The function division is different from that of common art museums according to the specific requirements. The first floor of Dafen Art Museum is the trade market for oil painting; the second floor is for art works exhibition and the top floor is similar to the street garden which is set as many terminals for the public to have a rest. 因其特殊的地理文化处境,大芬美术馆别具现代感的造型,自然与周围环境形成了明显的视觉反差,并与当地普遍缺乏个性的民居文化产生强烈碰撞,其结果,更加突出了美术馆的视觉特质,构成了一个具有奇特超现实意味的后现代“奇景”。是设计师想引人深思的本质Due to its special geography and culture, Dafen Art Museum boasts the modern shape, which naturally forms an obvious visual contrast with the surrounding environment and produces a strong shock with the housing culture lacking individuality. As a result, it embodies more visual specialties of the art museum and consists of a post modern “marvelous scene” with the peculiar surrealism. This is the essence that the designers wish to provoke peoples thinking 大芬美术馆室内的空间概念,总体上是外部建筑空间的延伸和内化,努力在每个细节中发掘和保持着作为“奇景”的存在。而在功能层面上,为了突出展品,淡化空间本身,设计师试图创造的,则是一种简约但不简单的纯、静、禅的空间氛围。In general, the indoor space concept of Dafen Art Museum is the extension and * of external architecture space. It makes its effort to explore and remain the “marvelous scene” from every detail. As for the functional level and in order to embody the exhibited works and play down the space, what the designers try to create is a kind of simplicity but an extraordinary spatial atmosphere with purity, tranquility and Zen idea. 因此为标底,设计融合阴阳,黑白以及古建筑中常见的天井等中国传统文化的精粹元素,从中提炼出一种抽象但非符号化的设计语系,营造出美术馆特有的轻盈,宁静和淡薄。通过对自身文化特质的深入思考,设计者得以用一种融合、开放、节制、并且有效的表达方式,清晰明了的阐述了这座城中村美术馆所应赋予人们的视觉价值与思想意义。在以上意义上,大芬美术馆,可以说是中国城市建筑发展中又一里程碑式的作品。As a landmark, the museum design combines the quintessential elements of traditional Chinese culture such as Yin-Yang, Black-White and the dooryard commonly seen in ancient architecture. From it, a kind of design language with abstract and non-symbolization is made to create the special lightness, tranquility and paleness for the art museum. By deep thinking on the special culture, the designers use a combined, open, restrained and effective way to clearly illustrate the visual value and thought significance granted the museum to the people. In the above sense, Dafen Museum is another landmark work in the Chinese architectural development. 任何一个敏感于中国文化现状的设计师,都会无可回避的面对中国城市建筑文化发展中的复杂问题:一方面,是后现代概念在建筑以及一切文化领域的强势入侵;而另一方面,则是传统建筑文化和审美的悄然复兴。这两种势力的发展,既引发了矛盾和对抗,也为一切有想象力的设计师创造了空前的机会和动能。正是基于对此的认识,大芬美术馆的设计师以其大刀阔斧的取舍,充分吸纳和融合了两者的优秀元素,对中国城市(建筑)文化的现状和出路作出了自己的承担和深思。Any designer who is sensitive to the Chinese culture status will inevitably face the complicated issues in the architectural culture development of Chinese cities. On the one hand, the post modern concept approaches the architecture and the cultural filed; on the other hand, the traditional architecture culture and aesthetic appreciation are gradually rising up. The development of these two factors not only triggers the contradiction and resistance but also creates the unparalleled chances and impetus for the imaginative designers. It is such an understanding that the designers of Dafen Museum fully absorb and combine the both excellent elements in a grand reform manner to carry out their own * and thinking for the status and future of the Chinese urban (architecture) culture. 吕军设计作品:深圳大芬美术馆室内设计-大芬美术馆  吕军设计作品:深圳大芬美术馆室内设计-大芬美术馆  吕军设计作品:深圳大芬美术馆室内设计-大芬美术馆 深圳大芬美术馆设计思想题目:在设计中思考Design Concept on Shenzhen Dafen Art MuseumTitle: Think in the Design城中村,是一个相对文明的说法,更普遍的称呼,则是“城乡结合部”。顾名思义,这里特指的是一个介乎于城市和农村之间的特殊区域,它们或者为城市所包围,或处在急剧变化发展的城市边缘,并因而形成了的其混杂多样、非城非乡的建筑和文化形态。这一构成,普遍存在和发生于当下中国的各个大中城市,和中国城市化的整体进程相伴相生。而这些城中村,二十多年来,也正是许多重要的当代艺术思潮、事件的策源地,几乎所有中国当代艺术最为重要的群落,都先后出现和集中于这样的城中村,成为中国当代文化发展中,名副其实的“接合部”。Urban Village is a more civilized saying and its more common name is “City-village Combination Section” which specially refers to a special area between city and village. Such villages are either surrounded by city or under the critical development of the city, which forms the diversified, non-city and non-village architecture and cultural modality. Such a structure is very popular and frequent in all the medium and big cities of China, which is accompanied with the whole process of Chinese urbanization. For more than 20 years, the urban cities are the very original places where the contemporary thoughts and event occurred. Almost all the Chinese contemporary arts one after another were born and gathered in such urban cities which are the real “combination sections” for the Chinese contemporary culture development. 而深圳市的大芬村,是以成批量复制销售油画为主,在此创建大芬美术馆这一区域的标志性建筑,旨在为当地树立新的文化枢纽,打造并凝聚非凡的文化脉络。Shenzhen Dafen Village focuses on copying and selling oil paintings in a batch manner. The aim of setting up a regional landmark titled Dafen Art Museum is to build up the new culture hub in the local area, create and gather the extraordinary culture veins. 作为深圳城中村内的现代美术馆,针对建筑所处地域的特殊性,建筑主体以现代的设计语言表达着朴实,内敛,功能划分则根据具体需求有别于常规美术馆:一层为油画交易市场;二层为艺术品展览;顶层类似街心花园设置多个端口,公众可到此休憩。As the modern art museum in Shenzhen urban village, the main architecture embodies the simplicity and constringency by the modern design way according to its special localization. The function division is different from that of common art museums according to the specific requirements. The first floor of Dafen Art Museum is the trade market for oil painting; the second floor is for art works exhibition and the top floor is similar to the street garden which is set as many terminals for the public to have a rest. 因其特殊的地理文化处境,大芬美术馆别具现代感的造型,自然与周围环境形成了明显的视觉反差,并与当地普遍缺乏个性的民居文化产生强烈碰撞,其结果,更加突出了美术馆的视觉特质,构成了一个具有奇特超现实意味的后现代“奇景”。是设计师想引人深思的本质Due to its special geography and culture, Dafen Art Museum boasts the modern shape, which naturally forms an obvious visual contrast with the surrounding environment and produces a strong shock with the housing culture lacking individuality. As a result, it embodies more visual specialties of the art museum and consists of a post modern “marvelous scene” with the peculiar surrealism. This is the essence that the designers wish to provoke peoples thinking 大芬美术馆室内的空间概念,总体上是外部建筑空间的延伸和内化,努力在每个细节中发掘和保持着作为“奇景”的存在。而在功能层面上,为了突出展品,淡化空间本身,设计师试图创造的,则是一种简约但不简单的纯、静、禅的空间氛围。In general, the indoor space concept of Dafen Art Museum is the extension and * of external architecture space. It makes its effort to explore and remain the “marvelous scene” from every detail. As for the functional level and in order to embody the exhibited works and play down the space, what the designers try to create is a kind of simplicity but an extraordinary spatial atmosphere with purity, tranquility and Zen idea. 因此为标底,设计融合阴阳,黑白以及古建筑中常见的天井等中国传统文化的精粹元素,从中提炼出一种抽象但非符号化的设计语系,营造出美术馆特有的轻盈,宁静和淡薄。通过对自身文化特质的深入思考,设计者得以用一种融合、开放、节制、并且有效的表达方式,清晰明了的阐述了这座城中村美术馆所应赋予人们的视觉价值与思想意义。在以上意义上,大芬美术馆,可以说是中国城市建筑发展中又一里程碑式的作品。As a landmark, the museum design combines the quintessential elements of traditional Chinese culture such as Yin-Yang, Black-White and the dooryard commonly seen in ancient architecture. From it, a kind of design language with abstract and non-symbolization is made to create the special lightness, tranquility and paleness for the art museum. By deep thinking on the special culture, the designers use a combined, open, restrained and effective way to clearly illustrate the visual value and thought significance granted the museum to the people. In the above sense, Dafen Museum is another landmark work in the Chinese architectural development. 任何一个敏感于中国文化现状的设计师,都会无可回避的面对中国城市建筑文化发展中的复杂问题:一方面,是后现代概念在建筑以及一切文化领域的强势入侵;而另一方面,则是传统建筑文化和审美的悄然复兴。这两种势力的发展,既引发了矛盾和对抗,也为一切有想象力的设计师创造了空前的机会和动能。正是基于对此的认识,大芬美术馆的设计师以其大刀阔斧的取舍,充分吸纳和融合了两者的优秀元素,对中国城市(建筑)文化的现状和出路作出了自己的承担和深思。Any designer who is sensitive to the Chinese culture status will inevitably face the complicated issues in the architectural culture development of Chinese cities. On the one hand, the post modern concept approaches the architecture and the cultural filed; on the other hand, the traditional architecture culture and aesthetic appreciation a


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