,心針。,進發。,以,人 材為 基 礎,主席的話 Chairmans Message,以,精品,佔市場,與香港一起成長的卓悅,現時擁有港、澳及廣州共47間零售連鎖店,另營運12間美容院悅榕莊及7間美容附屬服務中心,包括醫學美容、足底按摩及美甲服務,銷售超過20,000種產品,已經是一個為大中華地區及亞太地區廣為人知的名字,成為美麗的承諾,品質的保證。卓悅不斷精益求精,業務由纖體護膚、美甲沐足到嬰兒護理,為顧客帶來潮流的產品、先進的技術、體貼的服務、多元化的資訊以及身心的潤澤與保健,得到社會一致的讚賞,榮獲多項品牌及服務大獎。去年,卓悅首次立足神州,於廣州黃金地段天河區開設內地第一間零售店。由於新店反應理想,卓悅乘勝追擊,於廣州加開兩間分店,以行動回饋羊城市民的熱烈支持。進軍內地市場是卓悅的長遠發展目標之一,廣州三間分店的成立,為卓悅拓展內地業務揭開美麗序幕,亦為集團仝人打下一枝強今年適逢卓悅品牌創立20週年。回望過去,卓悅一直用心推廣美的哲學,帶領每個香港時尚女士走上美麗大道,穩佔本地美容業的領先地位。是次進軍內地,就像蝴蝶破繭而出,躍躍欲飛,為廣州女士送上奪目的粧粉。我們已準備就緒,陪伴神州大地的時尚女性展開美麗旅程。本人衷心希望未來能夠繼續得到各界支持,共同向美好的生活主席葉俊亨,Bonjour grows up together with Hong Kong.We now own a retail network of 47retail chain stores distributing more than 20,000 products in Hong Kong,Macauand Guangzhou,operate 12 beauty salons under About Beauty brand,and 7auxiliary beauty services centers.We are well recognized as a quality beautyproduct retail brand not only in the Greater China market but also in the Asia-Pacific region.We provide our customers with hearty service more than justtrendy information and innovative technologies.These would help our companybusiness develop a wide range,from cosmetics,spa and manicure to babyhealth products.As of last year,Bonjour entered the Mainland China market for the first timethrough the opening of its first retail store in Tianhe District,one of Guangzhousprime locations.Due to a rather enthusiastic response from the market and inreaction to keen support from our customers in the region,Bonjour has decidedto serve its customers from two other locations in Guangzhou.Entering theMainland market has always been a long term goal for Bonjour.The successof Guangzhou marks the grand beginning of Bonjours expansion into theMainland market and also boosts morale among members of the Group.This year signifies the 20th anniversary of the Bonjour brand.Looking back,Bonjour has always devoted our unwearied attempt to promote aesthetics,the philosophy of beauty;taking up the role of the leader for modern andstylish women of Hong Kong.Bonjours entrance into the Mainland market islike butterflies emerging out of its cocoons,flying elegantly as it delivers theessence of beauty to the women of Guangzhou.We are well prepared andready to accompany the modern and stylish women of Greater China as theyembark on their journey towards beauty.I hereby sincerely and genuinely askall of you to support us as we strive towards a better and brighter future.Ip Chun Heng,Wilson Chairman,卓悅化粧品批發中心有限公司,成立於1991年,現於港、澳及廣州共設有47間分店,不斷提供多元化種類產品,迎合不同階層的市場顧客需求。現時銷售逾20,000多種產品,致力供應獨家代理的國際及集團專有產品,共分為5大類:護膚品、香水、化粧品、保健產品、護髮及個人護理產品等。,Bonjour Cosmetic Wholesale Center Ltd.,Bonjour was established in 1991 and currently owns 47 retailstores in Hong Kong,Macau and Guangzhou.Bonjour offers over20,000 beauty and healthcare products,covering a broad range ofitems,all catered for customers with different budgets and needs.The products are divided into ve categories:skincare;make-up;fragrances;healthcare;hair care,personal care and accessories.,卓悅美容有限公司,為提供多元化服務,卓悅集團於2000年成立卓悅美容有限公司,營運12間美容院悅榕莊及7間美容附屬服務中心,包括生活美容、足底按摩及美甲服務。卓悅美容有限公司不斷引入最頂尖美國FDA認可的美容纖體儀,並由註冊中西醫、註冊營養師及專業美容纖體師主理,致力為顧客提供最專業、優質及安全的服務。,隨著業務不斷發展,卓悅集團更積極拓展大中華區市場,打造一個全新中高檔次美容纖體品牌,名為卓悅美容纖體專家,配合酒店式的設計及配套,提供最專業、優質及尊貴的美容、纖體及美胸服務。廣州新店已於8月份正式投入服務,集團更計劃於上海、北京及深圳等主要城市開設分店,務求將業務拓展至全國各省市,目標成為中國市場同行中的領先品牌。,Bonjour Beauty Limited,In order to diversify Bonjour Group professional services,Bonjour Beauty Limited was established in 2000.It operates 12beauty salons under About Beauty brand and 7 auxiliary beauty services centers.“Bonjour Beauty”specializes in providingfull range of high quality treatment services including facial,slimming,medical aesthetics,spa,body massage,nail artand foot massage.With an aim to provide the best treatment solutions to customers,Bonjour Beauty Limited introducesthe safest,FDA-approved most-advanced medical equipments and various specialists of dermatologists,physicians andpractitioners.,With the continuous development of the Group,it expands and enters into the Greater China Market with a new brandnamed-“Bonjour Beauty Salon”.The beauty salons are designed as modern and luxurious hotel,targeting the middleand high-end customers,and to provide the most professional and premium beauty,slimming and bust care services.TheGuangzhou branch has been already opened since August 2011.In the foreseeable future,the Group will set up branchesin major cities like Shanghai,Beijing and Shenzhen,continue to expand its footprint in the Greater China and strives tobecome one of the most dominant brand.,,,卓悅控股有限公司為本地化粧品零售、批發及纖體美容公司的先驅者,承以客為先,以誠為準的宗旨,提供優質的化粧美容產品及服務予本地及來自各地的顧客,帶來舒適的健與美生活。集團旗下設有47間化粧品零售店、另營運共12間美容服務專門店悅榕莊及7間美容附屬服務中心-包括醫學美容、足底按摩及美甲服務。集團更於2003年7月在香港聯合交易所主板上市(上市編號:653)。,1991開業於佐敦,其後搬遷到花園街,正式為人所熟悉Bonjours first shop opened in Jordan,beforemoving to Fa Yuen Street in Mongkok and thename Bonjour has become widespread ever since1996率先引入日本化粧品及護膚品,引起搶購熱潮Became the first company to retail Japaneseskincare products and cosmetics,it was an instantsuccess1997於弼街開設第2間店舖,並請來多位城中藝人作剪綵嘉賓,知名度再度提高,營業額爆炸性增長Received a huge boost when the company invitedsome famous celebrities to the opening of theirsecond shop on Bute Street in Mongkok2000進駐另一人氣熱點-銅鑼灣金百利Opened another shop at Fashion Island,CausewayBay,which is in the heart of Hong Kong Island擴展至美容纖體業務-成立卓悅美容有限公司Expanded its business into slimming beautycenters and set up Bonjour Beauty Limited2002於快富街開設分店,請來Twins、張玉珊及章小蕙作嘉賓,令旺角當日交通水洩不通Opened another branch on Fife Street.The Companyinvited Twins,Miss Shirley Cheung and Miss TeresaChang as opening guests.This spectacular eventcaused serious congestion to Mongkok traffic,2003利用低租金環境,增加擴展速度,由每年開2-3間分店增至半年開5間Experienced rapid growth,benefited from low rental rate.Bonjour used to have an annual opening of 2 or 3branches,it increased to 5 new branches every 6 months同年開拓免稅店業務Duty Free Business was launched在沙士肆虐的市道低迷期間上市(上市編號:653)股份仍獲17倍超額認購Became a listed public company on main boardwhen the territory was plagued with SARS,with stocknumber 653.It was over-subscribed by 17 times2004於土瓜灣設立基地-卓悅集團中心Set up Headquarter in To Kwa Wan-Bonjour Tower澳門開設第1間門市及美容纖體中心Opened its first shop together with a slimmingbeauty center in Macau2005門市店舖增至30多間及7間纖體美容中心Retail branches increased to more than 30 and 7slimming beauty centers開拓腳底按摩業務-水云莊The first foot massage center“Top Comfort”was opened設立網頁提供網上購物服務 was set up to provide online shopping於網上設立VIP會員獎賞計劃,會員達5萬多人It was soon followed by the establishment of theVIP Membership Award Scheme,with more than50,000 members,2006為提升品牌效應,卓悅纖體陸續改名為 悅榕莊,並加入美甲專門店Upgraded its branding by naming its slimming beautycenters“About Beauty”,with manicure service增設30日購物保證A 30-day guarantee offer was presented to our customers2007於上海開設化粧品專門店及美甲店Opened its first cosmetic and manicure productsshop in Shanghai增設3間Dr.Protalk醫學活膚中心及1間國際美容學院3 medical beauty centers“Dr.Protalk”wereopened and an international beauty institute wasinaugurated2008於 中 環 開 設 Baby Bonjour,專 營 嬰 兒 用 品 及 食品,並開設嬰兒購物網站Baby Bonjour was opened in Central,selling babyproducts,with was opened為加強對員工的培訓,聘請了專業培訓公司及才子陶傑先生,為管理層及前線員工提供專業培訓Invited professional training company to provideexcellent training courses to our managerial gradeemployees卓悅的品牌,底色由以往沉穩典雅的黑色,變身為高潔清麗的白色。卓悅標誌,也由色彩繽紛,變身為鮮艷奪目的橙紅Bonjour has a new brand image,changing fromthe slightly mysterious but majestic black as thebackground in the past to a new pure,innocent andelegant white,-,Bonjour has been very popular and outstanding in cosmetics selling,and isable to launch full series of skin care and prestige services is launched tobenefit a healthy,beautiful and relaxing life.Bonjour owns 47 retails stores inHong Kong,Macau and Guangzhou,12 beauty salons under About Beauty,and 7 auxiliary beauty services centers.Bonjour Holdings Limited is listed onthe Stock Exchange of Hong Kong in 2003(Stock Code:653).,四川大地震,卓悅為災民舉行慈善義賣,更於店內設置籌款箱,市民反應相當熱烈,義賣貨品短短3小時已全線售罄,並將款項全數捐入香港紅十字會。是次賑災活動,卓悅集團合共捐了100萬予香港紅十字會We placed donation boxes in all our branches,sellingout all our charity products within 3 hours.All moneyfrom charity was donated to the Hong Kong Red Cross.Bonjour contributed a million Hong Kong Dollars2009悅榕莊於跑馬地開設旗艦店“About Beauty”has opened a flag-ship shop inHappy Valley與大新銀行合辦的Bonjour Super Day,反應非常熱烈,對比同年銷售高達50%Bonjour Super Day,in collaboration with Dah SingBank,was warmly received by the market,with asharp rise to 50%in turnover compared with thesame period last year參加了由荷花集團舉辦的第17屆國際嬰兒用品展,當日更舉辦了日本森永奶粉$1慈善義賣活動,當日慈善義賣收益,全部撥捐奧比斯Joined the 17th International Baby/ChildrenProduct Expo organized by Eugene Group andheld$1 Morinaga Milk Power Charity Sales,Bonjour had donated all donations raised fromthe Charity Sales to ORBIS(Hong Kong)withoutany deductions for administrative expenses成立卓悅愛心團,為社會公益事業出一分力Formed a volunteer team which actively involved invarious charitable and community-based activities tohelp the needy of the community卓悅官方網頁於9月作出大革新,網上顧客大幅飆升Revamped the official website in September and thenumber of online customers vastly increased,2010冠名贊助2010年首個大型慈善籌款節目慈善星輝仁濟夜,亦贊助現場節目環節盛意拳拳為仁濟,共捐出港幣$1,318,000予仁濟醫院Assumed title sponsorship for the“Yan ChaiCharity Show 2010”.Bonjour donated a total ofHK$1,318,000 to Yan Chai Hospital卓悅榮獲2009/10年度商界展關懷計劃嘉許,以公開嘉許實踐企業社會責任及對關懷社會的貢獻Bonjour was awarded the“Caring Company”honorfor 2009/10,for its contribution made towards socialresponsibility and the well-being of community卓悅引入康健國際(3886)成為策略投資者,預期雙方之保健及相關業務將可產生協同效益,亦有助卓悅拓展醫學美容的業務Town Health International Holdings Company Limited(SEHK:3886)became the Groups strategic investor;creating synergy in the healthcare and related businessfor both parties and further developed the Groupsmedical aesthetics business卓悅控股有限公司入選福布斯雜誌亞洲區最佳中小上市企業選舉,突顯集團於行業的領導地位Bonjour Holdings Limited has been selected byForbes Asia as one of the“Best Under A Billion”companies listed in the Forbes Asia.The award alsodemonstrates the wide recognition of Bonjours effortsin promoting its brand image over the past years與中國領先的在線旅行服務公司攜程旅行網聯手推出折扣優惠卡 攜程卓悅貴賓卡,為兩地旅客提供無窮無盡的旅遊、購物及飲食優惠。憑藉攜程於國內的普及度,卓悅能有效將品牌價值傳送到國內更廣闊的層面Chinas leading online travel service enterprise CInternational Ltd.and Bonjour are joining to promote the“Ctrip-Bonjour VIP Card”,providing visitors from China andHong Kong with inexhaustible discount offers,with an aim topromoting tourism in both places.It is believed that with thepopularity of Ctrip in China,the value of the Bonjour brand willbe delivered to the mainland to a greater dimension,2011集團繼去年首間廣州門市於天河區開幕後,今年4月再於廣州的商業區-北京路和中山五路開設兩間新店,其中北京路門市佔地面積逾3000呎Upon opening the first retail store in Tianhe,Guangzhou Province last year,the Company haslaunched two other stores in April this year.Thenew stores are both located in Guangzhous primecommercial district,Beijing Road and ZhongshanwuRoad,and the total area of Beijing Road store is over3000 square feet卓悅門市不斷擴充,現時分店數目已增至47間,遍佈香港、澳門及廣州Bonjour continues to expand its retail coverage withinHong Kong and the PRC.At present,there are 47branches in Hong Kong,Macau and Guanzhou,卓悅控股有限公司為香港具領導地位的化粧品零售及美容服務集團之一,多年來的努力獲得香港市民及海外遊客的認同。,獎項亞洲區最佳中小上市企業優質旅遊服務計劃香港Q嘜優質服務計劃認證正版正貨承諾計劃香港卓越服務名牌香港名牌榮譽金獎香港優質誠信商號優質連鎖化粧及護理品牌大獎優質化粧品美容集團傑出上市企業大獎資本壹週服務大獎資本傑出領袖最受歡迎纖體療程十大傑出經營策略傑出企業策略大獎Body Specialist Award香港家庭最愛品牌商界展關懷香港傑出企業巡禮傑出企業形象大獎影響廣州時尚生活品牌,頒發機構福布斯香港旅遊發展局香港優質標誌局知識產權署香港品牌發展局中華(海外)企業信譽協會廣州日報Lisa 味道資本壹週資本壹週資本壹週資本雜誌新假期新假期東週刊瑪利嘉兒經濟日報Take Me Home香港社會服務聯會經濟一週TVB周刊精品生活,Bonjour Holdings Limited is one of the leading cosmetics and beauty service companies in HongKong and is widely recognized by citizens and tourists.,AwardBest Under A BillionQuality Tourism Services SchemeThe Hong Kong Q-Mark Service Scheme CertificateNo Fakes Pledge SchemeHong Kong Top Service BrandConsumers Most Favorable Hong Kong BrandsHong Kong Merchant of IntegrityQuality Life AwardsThe Best Performance Company AwardThe Excellence of Listed Enterprise AwardsCapital Weekly Service AwardsLeaders of ExcellenceThe Most Popular Slimming TreatmentOutstanding Business Operations AwardOutstanding Corporate Strategy AwardsBody Specialist AwardThe Best for HomeCaring CompanyHong Kong Outstanding Enterprises ParadeTVB Weekly Outstanding AwardGuangzhou Influential Fashion Brands Awards,OrganizationForbes AsiaHong Kong Tourism BoardHong Kong Q-Mark CouncilIntellectual Property DepartmentHong Kong Brand Development CouncilChina Enterprise Reputation and CredibilityAssociation(Overseas)Guangzhou DailyLisaCapital WeeklyCapital WeeklyCapital WeeklyCapitalWeekend WeeklyWeekend WeeklyEast Weekmarie claireHong Kong Economic Times-Take Me HomeThe Hong Kong Council of Social ServiceEconomic DigestTVB WeeklyStyle Weekly,卓悅銷售逾20,000多種產品,集團旗下的品牌包括:日本YUMI、瑞士Dr.Schafter、Embryo Life Essence、Rote Fabrik、Suisse Reborn及Swiss Plus、英國Persian Rose、泰國寶貝、美國California Natural-up、RevitaLash、I.Color、比利時Nutra Sempre及御品堂等。Bonjour carries over 20,000 beauty and healthcare products,exclusive and private labels such as YUMIfrom Japan,Dr.Schafter,Embryo Life Essence,Rote Fabrik,Suisse Reborn and Swiss Plus fromSwitzerland,Persian Rose from England,Bodytouch from Thailand,California Natural-up,RevitaLash,I.Color from USA,Nutra Sempre from Belgium and Yu Bun Tong etc.自家品牌 Private Labels,A+FitBodytouchCalifornia Natural-upCatherineCCNYComfoDr.SchafterEmbryo Life EssenceEstiloForget-me-not,G.FieldGreentouchI.ColorI.Skin FocusIn.ModelingLa JourLes ChimeneLove ImpactNatures GreenNutra Sempre,RossiniRote FabrikSkinadoSnowySO2CSuisse RebornSwiss 3Swiss PlusYUMI御品堂,獨家代理品牌 Products with Exclusive Distributorship Right,Baby Coccole(Italy)Diakeli Prestige(Korea)Ciracle(Korea)Cosline(Korea)Donna Chang(Thailand)Etude(Korea)Fascinelle(Italy)Forderm(Korea)Franck Olivier(France)Les Eaux de Bach(France)marie claire(France)Marna(Japan),Ms,Violet(Korea)Novae Plus(France)Nuparfums(France)Persian Rose(England)Peter Rabbit(Australia)Retinol X(USA)RevitaLash(USA)Sanosan(Germany)SNP(Korea)Stem Cello(Korea)The Skin Shop(Korea)VOV(Korea),卓悅在發展事務之餘,亦不忘回饋社會,參與慈善公益及環保活動,為社會出一分力。Bonjour has long been an active participant in charity works and supportenvironmental activities.,活動公益金百萬行設置捐款箱慈善星輝仁濟夜邁步為綠惜慈善步行籌款慧妍 x Canon繽Fun植樹慈善行籌款活動乳健康大步走步行籌款步走大自然米埔贊助仁濟海外留學生青春大曬慈善義賣活動商界展關懷有心企業仁濟安老送關懷愛心福袋賀回歸塑膠資源再生伙伴計劃設置捐款箱贊助世界女子保齡球錦標賽,機構香港公益金香港奧比斯仁濟醫院慧妍雅集慧妍雅集香港乳癌基金會世界自然基金會香港分會仁濟醫院香港社會服務聯會香港青年協會仁濟醫院仁愛堂環保園仁濟醫院香港保齡球總會,ActivityWalk for MillionsDonation Box PlacementSponsorship for“Yan Chai Charity Show”“Take A Step For Green”Charity WalkWai Yin x Canon Walk For CharityPlant ForFund”Fundraising EventPink Walk Against Breast CancerWalk for NatureSponsorship Yan Chai Transworld Committee“Shining Charisma”Charity Sales CampaignCaring CompanyHeart to Heart ProjectYan Chai Fortune Bag in Care of ElderlyPlastic Resources Recycling PartnershipDonation Box PlacementSponsor“World Women Championships Hong Kong”,OrganizationThe Community ChestORBIS(Hong Kong)Yan Chai HospitalWai Yin AssociationWai Yin AssociationHK Breast Cancer FoundationWWF(Hong Kong)Yan Chai HospitalThe Hong Kong Council for Social ServiceThe Hong Kong Federation of Youth GroupsYan Chai HospitalYan Oi Tong EcoParkYan Chai HospitalHong Kong Tenpin