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    工业品销售培训,工业品销售培训讲师:谭小琥,Industrial Professional&Excellent Selling Workshop,工业品专业销售精英训练营,分组,选队长定队名(如雄鹰队,猛虎队)定口号(如“只当第一,不做第二”)团队展示:我们是*队,我们的口号是*,计分规则,积极提问及回答问题+35分违反课堂纪律-35分团队游戏+1040分,Why we need training?为什么需要培训?,Get knowledge&experience获取全面的知识与经验,省去摸索的时间和少走弯路Systematic thinking ability系统性的思考能力,避免遗漏重要事项Team use same language,better communication团队使用同样的语言,更好的沟通Competitor is doing it你可以不学习,但你的竞争对手不会,Attitude to Training 对待培训的态度,Empty Cup空杯心态Believe it相信(少林拳谱)Practice make perfect熟能生巧(平时多流汗,战时少流血),Objectives 目标,To train sales professional with the emphasis on basic practical skill of industrial products selling通过强调工业品销售的基本实战技巧来培训出专业的工业品销售人员,What Makes For A Successful Industrial Sales Professional 是什么造就了一个成功的工业品专业销售人员,Training 培训Practice 练习Preparation 准备,The Industrial Sales Professional 关于工业品专业销售,How is the objective achieved?目标是怎么达成的?What is the knowledge required?需要哪些知识?What are the skill required?需要哪些技巧?,A Industrial Sales professional Defined 对工业品专业销售的要求,Four elements of orientation 四大要素要求Product&Application knowledge产品和应用知识Customer&market knowledge客户和市场知识Dynamic selling skill强有力的销售技巧Personal characteristic个人特质,Self Development Responsibilities自我培养的责任,Knowledge 知识Know your position 了解你的职责Know your company 了解你的公司Know your industry 了解你的行业Know your market 了解你的市场Know the benefits 了解你的优势Know your products and application 了解产品和应用Know the selling process 了解销售过程Know your goals and target 了解你的目标,Self development Responsibilities自我培养责任,B)Attitude 态度Desire to learn 学习的欲望Confidence to educate 对教育的信心Dedication 投入地工作Power to motivate 自我激励能力Ability to persuade others 说服别人的能力Drive to achieve your goals 努力达成目的,Self development Responsibilities自我培养的责任,C)Skill 技巧To prospect 了解潜在客户To develop personal relationship 建立个人关系To analyze information 信息分析To give sales presentation 销售演示To entertain effectively 有效应酬To prepare timely reports 及时写报告To follow procedures 跟进流程To organize 组织销售过程To anticipate situations 预见状况To think creatively 创造性思维,Self development Responsibilities自我培养的责任,D)Habit 习惯Procedure and organization 程序和组织Study 学习Research 研究Physical care&appearance 外表和健康的维护,Personal Impact-Factors 个人影响因素,A.Personal 个人的Initiation 启动力Ability to learn 学习能力Energy-action oriented 行动力Tolerance to stress 承受压力Tenacity 永不放弃Adaptability 适应力,Range of interests 兴趣广泛 Appearance impact 外表Honesty 诚实Career ambition 职业雄心Credibility 可信Urge to Win 想赢,Personal Impact 个人影响因素,B.Communication 沟通Oral communication口头沟通Oral presentation口头演示Written communication书面沟通Non-verbal communication非语言沟通Good listener 好的听众,C.Motivation 动机Sensitivity to others view对别人看法的敏感性Willingness to lead领导的意愿Team player团队选手Behavior flexibility行为灵活Negotiation“patience”谈判耐心,Personal Impact-Factors 个人影响因素,D.Judgment 决断Decisiveness 果断Problem solving 解决问题Risk taking 承担风险Independence 独立自主Insight 洞察力Innovativeness 创造力,Analytical ability 分析能力Professional knowledge专业销售知识Technical knowledge技术知识,Attributes of a Sales Professional专业销售的特性,Self starter 自发Self discipline 自律Self motivated 自我激励Self organized 自我组织Self evaluate 自我评估Self develop 自我发展,Sales Professional Attributes&Behavior专业销售的特质和行为特征,Credibility 可信Unforgettable 不健忘Maturity 成熟Confidence 自信Enthusiasm 热情Sociability 社会性Ambition 野心Observations 观察力Respect 尊重Organized 有组织的,Self Motivation 自我激励Results oriented 结果导向Energy 精力充沛Hardworking 勤奋Creative 创造力Business knowledge 业务知识Empathy 同感心Flexible 灵活,What Do Customer Want From You?客户对你的要求?,Consistency 一致性Honesty 诚实Flexibility 灵活性Knowledge 专业知识Someone they can count on 可以被指望(依赖),Conclusion-a good sales总结-好的销售是,Never ever give up永不放弃Knowledge&Skill知识与技巧Team player团队精神Good habit良好的习惯Do more 做的多一点,Main Elements 主要要素(一),The 8 steps basic selling process销售的八个步骤Essential element of intelligence情报信息的要素Sales planning process销售计划过程Questioning&Listening发问和聆听技巧Fundamental Selling Skill销售技巧基础,Main Elements 主要要素(二),Features&Benefits特点和益处Selling Values&Value Creation价值销售和价值发掘Pricing&Negotiation定价及谈判Process of Handling Objection异议处理Closing&Get order 结束并获取订单Territory Management区域管理,The Selling Process销售过程,步骤Pre-reconnaissance前期勘察 Approach接触Reconnaissance深入了解Gaining confidence(Credence)获取信任,技巧Planning 计划Interpersonal Skills&instant impact人际能力&第一印象Questioning&listening发问与聆听Personal integrity,Company strength and communication人品,公司力量,沟通,The Selling Process销售过程,步骤Presentation销售演示Commitment承诺Demonstrate证明Maintain维护,技巧Preparation.准备Determination,closing决定Follow up跟进Becoming indispensable变得不可缺少(客户依赖),Main Elements 主要要素(一),The 8 steps basic selling process销售的八个步骤Essential element of intelligence情报信息的要素Sales planning process销售计划过程Questioning&Listening发问和聆听技巧Fundamental Selling Skill销售技巧基础,Customer Economic Intelligence客户情报,Who is my customer?谁是我的客户?What is his organization structure?他的组织架构?What are his product and service needs?他需要的产品及服务?What is his financial position?他的财务状况?What kind of business he is trying to run?他的生意性质?What factors affect or control his freedom of operation?影响他的业务的因素?,Product elements of Intelligence产品基本情报,How can I help the customer?我如何能帮到他?Can my product be integrated into the customers system?我的产品能否整合到客户的系统中?Is cost of operation going to be a factor?成本的敏感性Price?价格Serviceability?操作性Safety considerations?安全方面的考虑Delivery time?交货时间Does it meet industry or government specifications/standards?是否符合行业或国家的相关法律法规和标准的要求,Product elements of Intelligence产品基本情报,Product select and trouble shooting对于产品选择和解决投诉极具意义Machine 机器与生产线Substrate 材料End user 最终产品及应用要求Cost/Competitor 竞争对手产品/价格比较Plant condition 客户工厂状况(温湿度,洁净情况,通风情况),Intelligence on Competition竞争对手的情报,Who are my competitors?谁是我的竞争对手?What do I know about his usual method of operating?他通常的销售手法?What are his personal strengths and/or weaknesses?他的强项与弱项Did he have special ties with my customer?他与客户有否特别的关系,Intelligence on Competition竞争对手的情报,Can he see my customer more often than I can?他比我看客户更勤吗?What experience has my customer had with my competitor?他与客户的合作的经历(好的,坏的)What is my competitors product/application range?竞争对手的产品/应用范围What is my competitors sales organization structure?竞争对手的销售组织架构,How to gather intelligence怎样获取情报,Listen with“your eyes”用你的眼睛听Listen with“your mind”用你的“心”来听Get him talking and keep him talking鼓励和保持他说,Customer facts!关于客户的事实,Once we have attracted customers,retention is essential as:It can cost 5 times as much to sell to new customers than existing ones.开发新客户比维护老客户耗时五倍Customer loyalty must be earned and sustained through:Understanding of the needs,requirements,desire and relationships.客户忠诚度必须通过了解其需要,要求,愿望和与其的关系获得 This can only be achieved through the systematic collection of customer,competitor and market intelligence 必须通过系统地收集客户,竞争对手和市场情报来达成,Main Elements 主要要素(一),The 8 steps basic selling process销售的八个步骤Essential element of intelligence情报信息的要素Sales planning process销售计划过程Fundamental Selling Skill销售技巧基础Questioning&Listening发问和聆听技巧,Pre-call Sales Planning拜访前的计划,List some of the Pre-call planning questions that you have to be prepared to answer 写下你可能要说/回答的问题What will be your opening statement/remarks?开场白What interest factor will you use?准备运用的 兴趣点What benefits will you present?准备呈现的卖点What proof will you use?准备使用的证据What will be the probable customers objections?客户可能的异议What will be your logical answers to probable objections?对异议的回答,Tips for call 拜访的心理准备,既然花了功夫准备,就应充满信心虽然做了预案,可能会有新情况学会随即应变不看客户永远不会了解客户,也不会有机会大不了被拒绝(7次)拒绝你是客户的损失客户也是人(信息的缺失,同理心),Main Elements 主要要素(一),The 8 steps basic selling process销售的八个步骤Essential element of intelligence情报信息的要素Sales planning process销售计划过程Fundamental Selling Skill销售技巧基础Questioning&Listening发问和聆听技巧,Role play-company presentation 角色扮演-公司简介,Two sales 两位自愿销售人员Give company presentation 各自作出陈述Time:3 min 时间三分钟Comments 评点,Fundamental Selling Skill销售技巧基础,Visual aid-sales folder,sample,tools视觉辅助工具-文件夹,样品,技术工具Sales process skill销售过程技巧Customer analyze客户相关人员分析Drive to sale销售推进器Communication skill沟通技巧,Sales presentation-Visual aid销售演示-视觉辅助工具,Sales folder 销售人员的文件夹Company introduction 公司介绍Product TDS 产品技术说明书Testing report(对比)测试报告Certification 环保证书Process draft 户)工艺流程图Industry&market information 行业&市场资讯(媒体)避免初次见面无话可说或杂乱无章,“眼见为实”,显示准备的充分性,尊重客户时间,有价值的分享。,Sales presentation-Visual aid销售演示-视觉辅助工具,Sample 样品Product sample 产品样品final product sample 客户成品Tested sample 检测后的样品 Tools 技术销售人员工具Infrared thermometer 红外温度计(喷嘴/布胶轮温度)Probe thermometer 探针温度计(胶缸温度)Electronic scale 电子秤(涂胶量),Suggestion 建议,Sales folder competition销售文件夹比赛(优胜者,分享)Sales tools kit competition销售工具比赛Successful story团队成功案例分享(每组一个,3分钟),Fundamental Selling Skill基本销售技巧,Connecting-To establish a personal bond with the customer 建立关系 eg.Using eye contact,building rapportEncouraging-To keep customer participating in the sales call 鼓励参与 eg.Reinforcing,Empathizing,AcceptingQuestioning-To get in depth information about the situation-problems and needs of customer 有效提问 eg.Open questioning,Fundamental Selling Skill基本销售技巧,Confirming-To make the progress of the sales call explicit 再次确认 eg.Summarizing,CheckingProviding-To give customer information in a way that creates a clear positive image of you,your company and all it stands for 价值提供 eg.Stating benefits,speaking concisely,Using enthusiasm,High Performance Sales Professionals 优秀专业销售,Understand the issues facing the customers理解客户面临的问题Exchange information rather than pitch交换信息而非“大声”(说服)Advocate needs of customers time and use it well珍惜合理利用客户时间Make it easy for customer to buy让客户“买得容易”Sell to people not to organization卖给个人而非组织(个人关系),Selecting&Rating Key Accounts挑选&评估重点客户,Sales growth 销售增长Profit growth 利润增长Ease of doing business 做生意的难度 Open and trustful 开放与信任Problem solving 解决问题Risk taking 承担风险Pricing attitude 价格态度,Key accounts relationship model 大客户关系模型,Supplier Customer Supplier Customer,供应商 客户 供应商 客户,Sales,GM,GM,T,T,S,P,Preparing An Action Plan准备行动计划,Why are you doing it 为什么要做What are you going to do 准备做什么How is it to be done 怎么去完成When will it be done 什么时候完成Who is doing it 谁去做What will be the result 结果是什么When will the plans be reviewed 计划什么时候回顾,Buying Influence The User购买影响力-使用者,Is the user of the product.产品用户Role is to make the judgment about the impact of the product on the job to be done.判断产品影响其工作完成度Product will have direct relationship to their job performance.产品对其工作表现有直接影响High tendency to be subjective.高度的主观倾向性Often more than one person.通常不止一个人They have to be“sold”or if not orders will be hindered by resentment,lack of co-operation,or outright sabotage.需要”被销售“,否则会抱怨,不合作或消极怠工,Buying Influence The Gatekeeper购买影响力-守门员,The role is to screen out alternatives based on technicality.基于技术细节来筛选可替换者 Does not decide who wins but does decide who plays.不决定谁赢但决定谁可以“玩”Cannot say“Yes”.But can and does say“No”.不能说“可以”但能说“不可以”Usually there are several people who play this role specifications,delivery,legal.Quality control,references,credit terms etc 常常是几人-工艺,运输,法务,QC,财务等,The Economic Decision Maker经济决策者,Person who gives the final approval to buy.最终决定购买的人Releases the Cash.付钱ONLY ONE per sale.一单交易只做一次决定 May be a Board or other committee acting as a single body.可能是董事会或类似机构 Usually has the veto power.通常有否决权,The Processor 执行者,Little influence except in a routine sense often experienced in the process of Delivery/Handling/Logistics.少许影响力,除非物流/处理程序经验被例行地重视Several people could play role.可能是几个人Some influence not major.有影响力-但不是主要的Is knowledgeable about organization.通晓组织,Buying Influence The Coach购买影响力-教练,Has an interest you becoming the supplier.对你成为供应商有兴趣Role is to guide the supplier in the sale by giving you information that is needed to create sale.指导你的销售,给你一些信息去创造销售You need at least one coach for every Key Account.在每一个重点客户里你需要至少一个“教练”You must have or be able to develop credibility with the coach.你必须拥有或能发展“教练”对你的信任Can also be a User and at times the Economic Decision Maker.也可以是使用者或有时是决策者Is of the a senior person in the organization.通常是组织中的高层,Buying Influence-The Dominant Influencer购买影响力-强势影响者,A trusted advisor and confidant of the Economic Decision Maker.可信的顾问,决策者的心腹Maybe an authority or recognized expert on the subject.项目的权威或被认可的专家,案例,圣象地板,behind the Selling Concept销售概念的背后(心经),Focus on the customer聚焦客户Earn the right to advance赢取推进的权利Persuade through involvement参与式说服,Customer Focus 聚焦客户,Know/understand/care about customers needs了解/理解/在乎客户的需求Build trust and confidence 建立信任和信心To deliver product/service to help the customer to do his job better 通过产品和服务帮助客户把“他”的工作做得更好Customer focus creates a competitive advantage聚焦客户会产生竞争优势Customer focus means taking customer seriously聚焦客户意味着“很把客户当回事”,Earn the right to advance 取得推进的权利,Resisting the urge to offer a solution every time there is a need每次有客户需求时坚持提供解决方案Handling objection head-on rather than trying to diffuse them正面回应客户异议而非淡化它Making sure that the quality if follow-up and service merits the privilege of further sales确保跟进措施的质量 The right to do business must be earned It cannot be assumed 推进业务的权利是赢来的而非假设的,Persuade through involvement 参与式说服(体验式销售的运用),A shift from demonstration products and expanding on their features to involving the customer as a participant 从单纯的演示产品及其好处到让客户参与其中的转变Customers are persuaded when they are part of the process and NOT part of the audience 只有客户是参与者而非仅仅是听众时才会被说服。,Communication Skill 沟通技巧,Thinking 想Doing 做Talking 说Listening 听Observing 看Reading 读Writing 写,Tips on written communication 书面沟通提示,Be specific 明确Write in ordinary language 用通俗的语言Re-read carefully what you have written 写完后仔细重读Remember the recipient does not know all that you know 切记读的人并不知道你所知道的一切Read what you have written on the basis of their position 从客户的角度来读你所写的东西,Tips on verbal communication口头沟通提示,Record what is said 记下所说的Be prepared to act on the input 准备回应所听到的What does the person mean(not what is said)他啥意思(潜台词,而非他讲的是)Reply empathetically 同感性的回应Ask the right questions 问对问题,Main Elements 主要要素(一),The 8 steps basic selling process销售的八个步骤Essential element of intelligence情报信息的要素Sales planning process销售计划过程Fundamental Selling Skill销售技巧基础Questioning&Listening发问和聆听技巧,Empathy&Sympathy 同感心&同情心,Empathy 同感心移情,能体会到别人的情感 例如:你的价格太高了,现在市场不好 是的,市场竞争真是很激烈,我同意你的看法,这就要求我们用更稳定的质量来赢得客户和市场Sympathy 同情心怜悯,赞同别人的立场或要求 例如:你的价格太高了,现在市场不好 是的,价格高了你们确实难做,这样,便宜一点如何,Types of questions 问题类型,Closed 封闭式Open 开放式Directive 直接式Reflective 反射式High gain 多获式,Closed questions 封闭式问题,Can usually be answered“Yes”or“No”通常只需回答“是”或”不是”Gain little information获得信息少,Reflective questions 反射式问题,Repeat what the customer says,thinks or feels重复客户所说,所想或所感觉的Requires good listening skill需要好的聆听技巧Choose the most important item to repeat选择最重要的部分重复,High gain question 多获式问题,Relevant相关的Open-ended开放的Constructed to produce a thoughtful answer需要思考后作答Brief and clear简洁清晰,High gain questions make to customer多获式问题让客户-,Evaluate 评价-How would you compare RJ s quality with H company?你觉得荣嘉的产品和H公司的产品相比如何?Speculate 推测-If you could develop your ideal adhesives,what would its characteristics be?如果你要开发一个理想的产品,它要具备哪些优点?Express Emotions 表达情感-What do you feel about H company cannot deliver in time?如果H公司不能及时交货会怎样?,Benefit of high gain questions多获式问题的好处,Tends to elicit better quality information引出高质量的信息More customer involvement客户参与度更高Customer talks more客户说得更多Digs deep and may identify real issue/problems深度挖掘和可能识别真正的问题所在,High gain questions-Warning!多获式问题-警告!,Earn the right to ask a high gain question获取问多获式问题的权利Without proper groundwork you could offend如果


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