本科毕业设计外文文献及译文文献、资料题目:Evaluating Water Conservation Measures For Green Building In Taiwan文献、资料来源: 网络:国道数据库文献、资料发表(出版)日期:2003.9.25院 (部): 市政与环境工程学院专 业: 给水排水工程班 级: 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 翻译日期: 2008.5.20外文文献:Evaluating Water Conservation Measures For Green Building In TaiwanCheng-Li ChengGreen Building evaluation is a new system in which water conservation is prioritized as one of its seven categories for saving water resources through building equipment design in Taiwan. This paper introduces the Green Building program and proposes a water conservation index with quantitative methodology and case study. This evaluation index involves standardized scientific quantification and can be used in the pre-design stage to obtain the expected result. The measure of evaluation index is also based on the essential researchin Taiwan and is a practical and applicable approach.Keywords: Green Building; Evaluation system; Water conservation; Building equipment 1. IntroductionThe environment was an issue of deep global concern throughout the latter half of the 20th century. Fresh water shortages and pollution are becoming one of the most critical global problems. Many organizations and conferences concerning water resource policy and issues have reached the consensus that water shortages may cause war in the 21st century1,if not a better solution .Actually, Taiwan is already experiencing significant discord over water supply. Building new dams is no longer an acceptable solution to the current water shortage problems, because of the consequent environmental problems. Previous studies have concludedthat water savings are necessary not only for water conservation but also for reducing energy consumption 2,3. Taiwan is located in the Asian monsoon area and has an abundant supply of rainwater. Annual precipitation averages around 2500mm. However, water shortages have recently been a critical problem during the dry season. The crucial, central issue is the uneven distribution of torrential rain, steep hillsides, and short rivers. Furthermore, the heavy demand for domestic water use in municipal areas, and the difficulties in building new reservoirs are also critical factors. Government departments are endeavoring to spread publicly the concept of water-conservation. While industry and commerce have made excellent progress in water conservation, progress among the public has been extremely slow. Due to this global trend, the Architecture and Building Research Institute (ABRI), Ministry of Interior in Taiwan, proposed the “Green Building” concept and built the evaluation system. In order to save water resources through building equipment design, this system prioritizes water conservation as one of its seven categories. This paper focuses on the water conservation measures for Green Building in Taiwan and a quantitative procedure for proving water-saving efficiency. The purpose of this work is not only aimed at saving water resources, but also at reducing the environmentalimpact on the earth.2. Water conservation index The water conservation index is the ratio of the actual quantity of water consumed in a building to the average water-consumption in general. The index is also called, “the water saving rate”. Evaluations of the water-consumption quantity include the evaluation to the water-saving efficiency within kitchens, bathrooms and all water taps, as well as the recycling of rain and the secondhand intermediate water.2.1. Goal of using the water conservation indexAlthough Taiwan has plenty of rain, due to its large population, the average rainfall for distribution to each individual is poor compared to the world average as shown in Fig. 1.Thus, Taiwan is reversely a country short of water. Yet, the recent improvements in citizens standards of living have led to a big increase in the amount of water needed in cities, as shown in Fig. 2, which, accompanied by the difficulty of obtaining new water resources, makes the water shortage problem even worse. Due to the improper water facilities designs in the past, the low water fee, and the usual practical behavior of people when using water, Taiwanese people have tended to use a large quantity of tap water. In 1990,the average water-consumption quantity in Taiwan was 350l per person per day, whereas in Germany it is about 145l per person per day, and in Singapore about 150l per person per day. These statistics reveal the need for Taiwanese people to save water. The promotion of better-designed facilities which facilitate water-saving will become a new trend among the public and designers, because of concerns for environmental protection. The water conservation index was also designed to encourage utilization of the rain, recycling of water used in everyday life and use of water-saving equipment to reduce the expenditure of water and thus save water resources.2.2. Methodology for efficient use of water resources Some construction considerations and building system designs for effective use of water resources are described below.2.2.1. Use water-conservation equipment A research of household tap-water consumption revealed that the proportion of the water used in flushing toilets and in bathing, amounts to approximately 50% of the total household water consumption, as given in Table 1. Many construction designers have tended to use luxurious water facilities in housing, and much water has thus been wasted. The use of water-saving equipment to replace such facilities is certain to save a large amount of water. For example, the amounts of water used in taking a shower and having a bath is quite different. A single shower uses around 70l of water, whereas a bath uses around 150l. Furthermore, current construction designs for housing in Taiwan tend to put two sets of bathtubs and toilets, and quite a few families have their own massage bathtubs. Such a situation can be improved only by removing the tubs and replacing them with shower nozzles, so that more water can be possibly saved. The commonly used water-saving devices in Taiwan now include new-style water taps, water-saving toilets, two-sectioned water closets, water-saving shower nozzles, and auto-sensor flushing device systems, etc. Water-saving devices can be used not only for housing, but also in other kinds of buildings. Public buildings, in particular, should take the lead in using water-saving devices.2.2.2. Set up a rain-storage water supply device The rain-storage water supply device stores rain using natural landforms or man-made devices, and then uses simple water-cleaning procedures to make it available for use in houses. Rain can be used not only as a substitute water supply, but also for re control. Its use also helps to decrease the peak-time water load in cities. The annual average rainfall in Taiwan is about 2500 mm, almost triple better than the global average. However, due to geographic limitations, we could not build enough water storage devices, such as dams, to save all the rain. It is quite a pity that annually about 80% of the rain in Taiwan is wasted and flows directly into the sea, without being saved and stored. The rain-storage water supply system is used with a water-gathering system, water-disposal system, water-storage system and water-supply system. First, the water-gathering system gathers the rain. Then, the water flows to the water-disposal system through pipes, before being sent to the water-storage system. Finally, it is sent to the usersequipment through another set of pipes. Using the drain on the roof of a building, leading to the underground water-storage trough, is considered an effective means of gathering rain. The water, after simple water-disposal processes, can be used for chores such as house cleaning, washing floors, air-conditioning or watering plants.2.2.3. Establishing the intermediate water system Intermediate water is that gathered from the rain in cities, and includes the recycled waste-water which has already been disposed of and can be used repeatedly only within a certain range, but not for drinking or human contact. Flushing the toilet consumes 35% of all water. If everyone were to use intermediate water to flush toilets, much water could be efficiently saved. Large-scale intermediate water system devices are suggested to be built up regularly with in a big area. Each intermediate water system device can gather, dispose and recycle a certain quantity of waste-water from nearby government buildings, schools, residences, hotels, and other buildings. The obtained water can be used for flushing toilets, washing cars, watering plants and cleaning the street, or for garden use and to supplement the water of rivers or lakes. A small-scale intermediate water system gathers waste-water from everyday use, and then, through appropriate water-disposal procedures, improves the water quality to a certain level, so that finally it can be repeatedly used for non-drinking water. There are extensive ways to use the intermediate water. It can be used for sanitary purposes, public fountains, watering devices in gardens and washing streets. In order to recycle highly polluted waste-water, a higher cost is needed for setting up the associated water-disposal devices, which are more expensive and have less economic benefits than the rain-utilization system. Except for the intermediate water-system set within a single building, if we build them within large-scale communities or major construction development programs, then it is sure to save more water resources efficiently and positively for the whole country as well as improve the environmental situation.3. Water conservation index and basis Present research into the utilization of water resources mainly considers residential buildings, while data for other kinds of buildings are comparatively few. Since daily water consumption of the citizen is mainly from their private dwellings, the indicator of utilizing water resources thus focuses on the actual water-saving quantity as far as residential buildings are concerned. Research that relates to other kinds of buildings focuses on the adoption rate of simply equipped water-saving equipment. Table 1 shows the average and maximum daily household water consumption of each Taiwanese person, from which a standardized daily total water-consumption of250 l per person per day is estimated and set as the calculation base.3.1. Calculation The actual water-saving rate(WR) is calculated according to Formula (1). Formula (3) shows that a qualified value of WR should be <0:8. A building with a qualified WR is eligible to apply for the “Green Building” incentive payment. According to Formula(2),the adoption rate of water-saving equipment (AR) can be used to estimate the water-saving conditions in other kinds of buildings, and the guideline is shown in Formula (4). A qualified value of AR should be higher than 0.8. Except the residential type of building, a building with a qualified AR is eligible to apply for the “Green Building” incentive payments. The Formula of calculating the water resource index for the residential buildings (The Actual Water-saving Rate; WR) is as follows: WR=(Wd-(Ts (Wc - Ql )al +Tu(Wu Q2 )a2+Tw(Wt Q3 )a3 +Ba4 )÷Wd C (1)The formula of calculating water resources index for other kinds of buildings(the Adoption Rate of water-saving equipment; AR) is as follows:AR=R+C (2)The standardized qualifying conditions areWR=0.8; (3)AR=0.8: (4)For dentition of the symbols in Formulae(1)(4),seethe nomenclature at the beginning, and Table 2 shows the constant (Wd; Ts ;Wc; Tu ;Wu ;Tw; Wt ) required by the estimate method of evaluation.3.2. Calculation basis and regulations The associated regulations for Formulae (1)(4) are as follows:(1) WR (actual Water-saving Rate) = 0.8 is calculated according to the supposition that the average daily water-consumption of each person is 200l, based on foreign references and experience. Most developed countries control the average daily water-consumption at well under 200l. Accordingly, the provisional water-consumption standard for Green Buildings in Taiwan is suggested as 200 l for each person per day.(2) Factor T u =3.57 and T w =4.86 in Formula (1) are calculated by the weighted averages method: the human body must discharge feces once per day, urine thrice per day during weekdays, and five times per day on Saturdays and Sundays, yielding an average of3.57 times per person per day. The average frequency of peopleswashing hands with in a single day is four times per day during weekdays, and seven times per day on Saturdays and Sundays, yielding an average of 4.86 times per person per day. Besides, due to the possibility that the water-saving equipment of the same brand will not be exactly used within one constructional project, utility rate a1 a4 should be multiplied to reflect on truth.(3) Water-consumption of Wd=13 L per flush of the toilet, is regarded as the base point consumption for calculating the water-conservation rate of the water-saving toilet in Formula (1), and corresponds to the most popular type of toilet in existing buildings. In other words, a water-saving toilet reduces the water-consumption each flushing of feces to 9l, saving 4l. Furthermore, the two-sectioned water-saving toilet reduces the water-consumption of flushing urine to 4.5l, saving over 8:5 l. The actual water-consumption of the toilets should be determined according to various water-consumption quantities and brand specifications.(4) Water-consumption of Wt=3 l per time within 20 s when using the common water-tap, is regarded as the base point consumption in determining the water-saving rate of the water-saving tap in Formula (1). The actual water-consumption of a water-tap should be determined according to the various water-consumption quantities noted in various brand specifications. Herein,1.5 L per time (50% of the general water-consumption) is suggested for those passing the water-saving proof but without noting the water-consumption quantities.(5) The determination of B, the water-saving quantity for water-saving bathing devices in Formula (1), should consider peoples various bathing habits; especially those concerning water-consumption during shower or bath. The water-consumption of a shower is about 70l, and that of a bath exceeds 150 l. Therefore, when calculating B,20 l should be added for a showering device without a bathtub; while the value for common bathtubs remains unchanged, and 20l should be subtracted for the massage bathtub (B=-20). Furthermore, for bathrooms equipped with timer devices, shower nozzles with low flow rates or some other kinds of water-saving equipment, 10 l can be added to B for each device.(6) The systems, which use rain or intermediate water, require highly professional designs