Hydraulic Model Test on Diversion Structures ofGongguoqiao Hydropower Station during ConstructionJianbin Xie, Yongping Ai, Wenxue Zhang, Jintang ZhangAbstractBased on hydrologic data and diversion structure arrangement of Gongguoqiao hydropower station during construction, the hydraulic model on diversion structures is built according to similarity principle. Then the hydraulic characteristic and its flow model were studied by hydraulic model test. Hydraulic characteristic and flow pattern for the diversion tunnel and dam gap combined discharge were studied subsequently in this paper. The study results show that half pressure flow state is formed in the diversion tunnel when quantity of flow is greater than 3500m³/s. That submerged flow is formed exactly in the inlet of diversion tunnel when quantity of flow is 5000 m³/s. Three aeration segments are formed in the top of diversion tunnel when quantity of flow is greater than 6580 m³/s. The study results also show non-interpenetrated turbulence is formed intermittently in the right bank of inlet for diversion tunnel when quantity of flow is greater than 7710 m³/s, and the flow over the upstream cofferdam is near the submerged hydraulic jump.Keywords: Gongguoqiao Hydropower Station; Diversion structures; Hydraulic model test; Hydraulic characteristics; Flow pattern1、 IntroductionGongguoqiao hydropower station locates in the middle and lower reaches of Lancang River which belongs to Yunlong country in Yunnan Province 1. The dam site of Gongguoqiao hydropower station is 158 kilometers east from Dali city, and is 95 kilometers west from Baoshan city. Reservoir of Gongguoqiao hydropower station, whose normal water level is elevation 1307 meters, is a daily regulation reservoir and has the total capacity of 3.16×108 m³. Gongguoqiao hydropower station has the capacity of 900MW, and the designed annual generation of this hydropower station is 40.32×108KW·h. The key water control project of this hydropower station is composed of roller compacted concrete gravity (RCC) dam, underground powerhouse and release flood waters structures etc. The maximum height of RCC gravity dam is 105 meters, andits crest length is 365meters. There are one scour outlet with the size of 5m×7m and five crest overflow ring holes, each hole with the size of 15m×19m, in the dam. The combined dissipater of X-type flaring pier, stepped flow surface at dam toe and bucket basin is used for crest overflow ring outlet 2. And energy dissipation of ski-jump is used for the scour outlet. During construction, diversion structures in hydropower station are composed of the soil rock upstream cofferdam with maximum height of 27.6 meters, the soil rock downstream cofferdam with maximum height of 11.7meters and diversion tunnel with the size of 16.0m×18.0m on the right bank of the dam. The diversion period is 26 months for construction. During dry period, diversion tunnel is used to discharge water separately and cofferdam is used to retain water. The standard of diversion is ten year frequency flood, its diversion flow quantity is 2030 m³/s, and the highest water level is elevation 1260.7 meters for upstream cofferdam. During the flood season, diversion tunnel, upstream cofferdam, downstream cofferdam, dam gap and foundation pit are use to discharge water together. The standard of diversion is twenty year frequency flood, its diversion flow quantity is 7710 m³/s, and the highest water level is elevation 1266.6 meters for upstream cofferdam. Fig.1 shows the topographic mapping and layout of Gongguoqiao hydropower station. Fig.2 shows the relationship between water level and flow velocity in the upstream dam site, in the dam site, in the exit site of diversion tunnel for Gongguoqiao hydropower station.In order to study flow model, flow erosion to river bed and bank slope, hydraulic characteristic for overflowing in the dam gap, and ensure the safety of the project during construction, hydraulic model test for Gongguoqiao hydropower station was carried out in this paper.Fig. 1. Layout of Gongguoqiao hydropower station Fig. 2. Relationship between water level and flow velocity 4、Conclusions(1) In the inlet of diversion tunnel, the water flow is stable. When the quantity of discharging water is small, transverse flow velocity is large. There will be circumferential motion on the left bank of diversion tunnel. With the quantity of flow increasing, there will be a greater gradient for water surface line in the left zero to 29 meters of diversion tunnel inlet because of topographic effect. When flow velocity is larger than 7710 m³/s, there will be intermittent turbulence on the right bank of diversion tunnel inlet.(2) In the outlet of diversion tunnel, because water level is low in the downstream of river channel and the flux rate over downstream cofferdam is also small, when quantity of flow is between 2500 m³/s and 3810 m³/s, there is wavy hydraulic jump, which is rushed to the left bank of river bank.(3) Temporary dam section water retaining and gap flood waters releasing make the water level of between upstream cofferdam and the foundation pit rise. Water surface is jointed together between hydraulic jump in the upstream cofferdam and the foundation pit. (4) The flow over the downstream cofferdam is smooth. Because the water level is high behind the downstream cofferdam, the link of flow behind the downstream cofferdam and in the river channel is well. Water surface is gentle and hydraulic jump is not obvious. The flow velocity at the top of downstream cofferdam is between 1.23 m/s and 5.29 m/s when quantity of flow is between 3000 m³/s and 7710 m³/s.AcknowledgementsWuhan University has made invaluable contributions to the hydraulic model test of this paper. Authors would like to express their warmest gratitude to Wuhan University.References1Li Jin, Niu Zhipan, Li Zhong. Research on the Closure Hydraulic Model Test of Gongguoqiao Hydropower Station J, Design of Water Resources & Hydroelectric Engineering, Vol.28, No.3, pp: 52-54, 2009 (in Chinese).2 Zhang Xiaoli, Yang Jiyuan, Du Shuying. A New Type of Flaring Gate Piers for Improving the Pressure Distribution on the Stilling BasinXT Flaring Gate Piers J, Journal of Northwest Hydroelectric Power, Vol.22,No.3, pp:30-33, 2006 (in Chinese).3Han Chunling, Wang Xiugui, Shi Shufeng. 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Test Report for Hydraulic Model on Construction Diversion in Flood Duration of Lancang River Gongguoqiao Hydropower Station R, Xian, 2010 (in Chinese).功果桥水电站导流建筑物水工模型试验谢建斌 艾永平 张文学 张金堂摘要:根据水文资料,施工导流建筑物在功果桥水电站工程中的布置和相似原理建立水工模型。然后,通过水工模型试验研究其水力特征和流态。随后进行引水隧洞和坝结合位置的水力特性和流态的研究。研究结果表明当流量大于3500m³s时,引水隧洞内将形成半有压状态流。当流量在5000m³s时,引水隧洞形成完全淹没出流。当流量大于6580m³s,在引水隧洞顶部形成三倍的大气压强。研究结果还表明,当流量大于7710m³s时导流洞进水右岸形成间歇非贯通湍流,上游围堰水流接近淹没水跃。关键词:功果桥水电站,引水建筑物,水工模型试验,水力特性,流态1、工程概况待添加的隐藏文字内容2功果桥水电站位于云南省云龙县澜沧江中下游 1 。功果桥水电站坝址区东距大理市东158公里,西距保山市95公里。功果桥水电站水库,正常蓄水位1307m,为日调节水库,总容量3.16×108 m³。功果桥水电站装机容量为900MW,设计年发电量40.32亿kW·H. 该水电站枢纽工程由碾压混凝土(RCC)重力大坝,地下厂房、泄洪建筑物等。碾压混凝土重力坝的最大高度为105 m,其最大长度365m。在坝体有一个5m×7m冲刷出水口和5个坝顶溢流表孔,每孔15m×19m。X型宽尾墩联合消能工,阶梯消能工和消力戽用于坝顶溢流口 2 。冲刷出口利用挑流消能。在施工期间,水电站导流结构是由最大高度27.6m上游土石围堰,最大高度11.7m下游土石围堰,大坝右岸16.0m ×18.0m的导流隧洞。施工引水期是26个月。在枯水期,引水隧洞和围堰分别进行排水和挡水。导流标准为十年一遇洪水,引水流量2030m³s,上游围堰最高水位高程1260.7m。在洪水期,引水隧洞,上游围堰,下游围堰,大坝的缺口和基坑排水一起使用。导流标准为二十年一遇洪水,引水流量7710 m³s,上游围堰最高水位1266.6m。图1显示了澜沧江功果桥水电站的地形图和布局。图2显示在功果桥水电站坝址处,上游围堰水位和引水隧洞出口部位流量之间的关系。为了研究水流侵蚀河床和岸坡流动模型,大坝的缺口的水力特性,并保证施工项目的安全性,本文进行了功果桥水电站水力模型试验。图1功果桥水电站布局 图2 水位和流量之间的关系4、结论(1)在引水隧洞进水口,水流稳定。当排水量小,横向流速大。导流隧道左岸会出现圆周运动。随着流量的增加量,由于地形的影响导在流隧洞进口,水面线从左0到29m将有更大的梯度。当流量大于7710 m³s,导流隧洞进口右岸会有间歇性湍流。(2)在引水隧洞出口,因为河道下游水位低,下游围堰的流量在也小,当流量2500m3s和3810m3 /秒之间,水流冲到河道左岸产生波状水跃。(3)坝体临时挡水断面和泄洪缺口使上游围堰和基坑之间的水位上升。上游围堰和基坑之间产生波状水跃。(4)下游围堰水流平顺。由于下游围堰下游水位高,下游围堰和河道水流衔接是好的。水面平缓,无明显水跃。当流量在3000 m³s和7710 m³s之间,在下游围堰表流速在1.23m/s和5.29m/s之间。致谢武汉大学对本文的水工模型试验做出了宝贵的贡献。作者再此感谢他们的帮助。参考文献: 1 李进,牛之前,李仲。论功果桥水电站截流水工模型试验研究 J ,水利水电工程,第28卷,第3号, 52-54,2009 2 张晓丽,杨济源,杜书瀛。宽尾墩改善压力分布的一种新类型XT宽尾墩消力池 J,西北水力发电,第22卷,第三期,30-33,2006 3 韩春玲,王学贵,石书峰。水力模型的相似性原则 J ,中国水上运输,第6卷,第10号, 67-70,2006 4 王晓林,张慧慧,胡志根,杨蕾,余凯强,小湾水电站导流和围堰水工模型试验研究J,云南水力发电,第21卷,第三期,22-24,20055 金宝芬,张圣明,黄国兵,辽宁,水布垭工程施工导流隧洞水工学试验研究J ,长江科学研究院学报,第19卷, 4-7,2002 6 西北水电设计院,武汉大学,澜沧河功果桥水电站施工导流模型试验报告R,2010