探析电子信息在工程造价管理中的应用中英文翻译English translation on the application of the electronic information in engineering cost management.论文关键词:电子信息工程造价管理应用;现状前景Keywords: electronic information engineering cost management application present situation; Prospect论文摘要:本文描述了电子信息在工程造价管理领域的应用、特点、现状及分析,重点提出了现阶段我国信息技术在工程造价管理中的前景与展望。 Abstract: This paper describes the current situation and analysis of electronic information application, in the field of engineering cost management, the characteristics, focuses on the prospect of our country's information technology at the present stage in engineering cost management.以往,国内媒体对信息化的报道多以微观组织的应用为主体,而一个行业的信息化应用水平信息化对于行业的作用力如何,却是一个少有涉及的话题。从IT经理世界创刊以来,就一直没有停止过对中国信息化的关注对CIO群体的关注,8年多来,积累了大量的个案。2002年以来,IT经理世界和IDC中国每年都会进行“中国优秀CIO”评选,4年下来共选出162位优秀CIO, 他们所在的组织几乎都是不同行业信息化的最佳实践者。通过对他们所在组织的分析,我们发现制造型企业数量最多(97 家),占总数的5988;其次是金融企业24家,占1481; 交通行业的企业17家,占1049;零售企业5家,占30二十一世纪作为信息化的时代,计算机与信息技术的使用得到了快速的普及和发展。以信息技术作为基础的信息管理,已成为企业等现代化管理的一种先进的方式。最近几年关于工程造价方面的软件和网络技术研究的成果,Internet技术的出现更是大大地提高了人们获取信息的效率及信息资源的利用率,实现了全球信息资源的共享。IT在工程造价领域的应用越来越广泛。 The past, domestic media reported on the information on Application of microstructure as the main body, and an industry informatization level. How information for industry force, but a few topics. From " IT manager world " since start publication, has not stopped the Chinese informatization attention. On the CIO community's attention, for more than 8 years, the accumulation of a large number of cases. Since 2002, " the IT manager world " and IDC China every year " Chinese CIO " award, 4 years down to elect a total of 162 outstanding CIO, their organization is almost the best practitioners of different industry. Through the analysis of their organizations, we found that the largest number of manufacturing enterprises ( 97 ), accounting for 59.88% of the total; the second is the financial enterprises 24, accounting for 14.81%; the transportation industry 17 enterprises, accounting for 10.49%; retail enterprises 5, accounting for 3 of twenty-first Century as the era of information, the use of computer and information technology the popularity and rapid development. Taking the information technology as the foundation information management, has become an advanced way of enterprise management. In recent years on the project cost of software and network technology research achievements, the emergence of Internet technology is more greatly enhanced the efficiency of people access to information and information resource, realizes the share of global information resources. The application of IT in the field of engineering cost is more and more widely.一、电子信息技术在工程造价管理领域的应用:Application, electronic information technology in the field of engineering cost management:目前造价行业信息技术的运用有几个部分:以Internet/Intranet为内部、外部和内外通讯的网络平台,通过实施办公自动化和运用管理信息系统加强管理,提高办公效率;采用工程量计算软件、钢筋软件进行工程量和钢筋用量的计算,运用套价软件编制工程预决算;利用数据库技术建立指标收集和分析系统,用于已完工程的积累;利用信息网发布和获取信息,用于工程预决算的编制和造价管理。 At present, the use of cost information technology has several parts: Internet/Intranet for internal, external and internal and external communication network platform, through the implementation of office automation and strengthen the management of the application of the management information system, improve office efficiency; calculation of engineering quantity and amount of reinforcement steel bar calculation software, software adopting engineering measure, using the software engineering. Budget and final accounts; the establishment of index collection and analysis system based on database technology, for the finished project accumulation; release and get information by information network, for the preparation of project budget and cost management.二、工程造价管理在电子信息化时代的特点:Two, project cost management in the characteristic of the electronic information age:社会的不断进步和发展,工程项目的规模扩大,工程造价管理的数据处理量也越来越多。由此向工程造价管理工作提出了挑战,传统的被动式管理已无法满足日趋复杂的工程项目的需要;工程造价信息对工程造价的确定和控制影响越来越大。要想做好相应的管理和控制必然需要大量的信息作基础,也只有在充分掌握和详尽分析相关信息的前提下,实现工程造价的动态控制才有可能;工程造价管理与有关的各方面政府主管部门之间的信息传递日趋增加,这也即意味着在管理上需作出相应的信息化调整。The progress and development of the society, the expansion of the scale of the project, the amount of data processing of engineering cost management is also more and more. This presented a challenge to the project cost management, the traditional passive management has been unable to meet the needs of the project more and more complicated; engineering cost information to determine and control the effects of increasing the project cost. To do a good job in the management and control of the corresponding necessarily requires a lot of information as a basis, also only a detailed analysis of the relevant information on the full understanding and under, dynamic control of project cost is possible; between project cost management and related aspects of the government department in charge of information transfer is increasing, this also means that in management must make corresponding adjustment of information.三、电子信息在工程造价管理中的现状及分析:Present situation and analysis of three, electronic information in engineering cost management:随着信息技术的快速发展和其在建筑行业的推广发展,我国信息技术在工程造价管理方面的应用,主要表现为人们在制定定额、编制标底、投标报价、造价控制等方面已经摆脱了手工劳动,实现了电子化、信息化管理,且各类工程造价管理相关软件的广泛应用就是最好的说明。进入21世纪,互联网技术不断发展,我国出现了大批为工程造价及相关管理活动提供信息和服务的网站。这些网站不同程度的提供了政策法规、理论文章,有些涉及项目信息、造价指标和材料价格信息等,它们为进一步建设全国规模的工程造价管理专项系统进行了有益的尝试,并取得了一些经验。但从另一个方面来讲,这些网站没有统一的规划,有些提供的信息不够严谨、内容更新不及时,从专业角度来讲,还属于比较浅层的信息服务,难以满足深层次造价管理工作的需要。我国造价管理体制是在计划经济模式下、以定额管理为基础建立起来的,而且信息技术起步较晚,工程造价管理领域完全进入市场经济运行体制较迟,这样在一定程度上影响了信息技术在工程造价管理中的应用。一方面静态的管理难以应对变动的市场,主要表现:静态定额;解决方案和途径的缺乏。另一方面滞后的数据收集与管理阻碍着工程造价动态控制进程,收集的数据得不到充分的利用,数据缺乏通用性。目前,我国正积极推行工程量清单计价方式,在此模式下,如何运用先进的信息技术进行工程造价管理,正处在探索与发展阶段,从长远来看,信息技术应用将会推动造价管理信息化的快速发展。With the rapid development of information technology and the construction industry to promote the development of our country, the application of information technology in construction cost management, mainly for the people have to get rid of the manual labor in the formulation, preparation of quota, bidding quotation, cost control, realized the electronic, information management, widely used and the types of project cost management software is the best explanation. Entered in twenty-first Century, the development of Internet technology, China has a large number of engineering cost and related management activities to provide information and services on the web. These sites in different degree provides policies and regulations, theoretical articles, some involving project information, cost index and material price information, they made a beneficial attempt for project cost management of special system further construction nationwide, and achieved some experience. But on the other hand, the website does not have a unified planning, some information is not rigorous, content is not updated in a timely manner, from a professional perspective, is also relatively shallow information service, it is difficult to meet the need of deep cost management. China's cost management system is in the planned economy model, the quota management is established, and the information technology started relatively late, the field of project cost management, fully into the market economy system is relatively late, which affected application of information technology in management of engineering building price in a certain extent. Mainly a static management is difficult to cope with the changing market,: static quota; lack of solutions and approaches. Data collection and management lags behind on the other hand, impeding the project cost dynamic control process, the collected data are not fully utilized, the lack of universal data. At present, China is actively carrying out engineering quantity list valuation mode, in this mode, how to carry on the project cost management is the use of advanced information technology, is in the exploration and development stage, in the long run, the application of information technology will promote the rapid development of cost management informatization.四、电子信息技术在工程造价管理中的前景与展望: Prospects and outlook four, electronic information technology in engineering cost management: (一)、工程预(决)算软件:目前套价软件使用已经很普遍,但功能应从单一的套价、出预算书向多方扩展,一是向上扩展,增加工程管理功能,可以同时处理多个工程和一个工程的各阶段数据,贯穿从估算、概算、预算、阶段结算和竣工决算的全过程的造价管理;二是功能进一步细化,加强对计算结果的分析和细度的调整,以方便投标单位的造价调整和控制;三是与互联网络的连接,将预算软件所需的材料价格等数据通过互联网提供给用户,方便材料价格数据的维护,提高工作效率;四是对已完工程资料的积累方面功能的加强。(二)、工程量、钢筋用量计算软件:此类软件,用于协助从施工图计算工程量,现在使用较广的软件一般采用作图法,要求工作人员在识图的基础上用该软件重新输入图纸中各种构件及其尺寸,然后由系统自动计算工程量,得到工程量清单,这种作法计算出的工程量比较精确,但必须重新输入图纸工作量仍然很大。另一种方法是直接将工程图纸扫描形成光栅文件,由软件处理矢量化后,抽取特征,用模式识别的技术识别构件类型和其几何参数,进而计算工程量;或由设计院生成的施工图CAD文件在CAD环境下作模式识别。这种方法要求在图纸的特征表示和建模上作大量的研究工作,抽取各种构件的特征参数,采用人工智能技术,为了最终能代替人完成识图的过程,这是较有前途的方法,但根据汉字识别技术的发展过程,必须对图纸的特征进行深入的分析研究,该软件要能真正代替人识图还有一段路要走。第三种方法是在建筑设计所使用的CAD软件中直接加入构件特征参数的属性,定义各种构件对象,在进行结构和建筑设计时使用这些对象设计建筑物,而不用直接使用线条作图。这种方法使设计的结果中包括丰富的构件和参数而不是线条,经过一个语法分析器就能分离出所有构件和参数,避免了模式识别这个难关。因此,在人工智能的应用还未深入该领域时仍必须通过交互的过程来填补软件在智能上的不足。(三)、Internet在工程造价管理中的应用设想:工程造价的管理与互联网整合无疑将给工程造价的管理带来质的飞跃和发展。传统的计划式的管理模式将被变动的市场的新型模式所取代,实现工程造价的协同控制也将成为必然。相应网站的建立与壮大。1.工程造价信息网:工程造价信息具体指的是与工程造价相关的法律、法规、价格调整文件、造价报表、指标等影响工程造价的信息。建立起统一的造价信息网,不但有利于使用者查询、分析和决策,更有利于国家主管部门实行统一的管理与协调,使得工程造价管理统一化、规模化、有序化。2.材料价格信息网:材料价格的变动将直接影响着工程的预算和决算,对工程造价的动态控制起着决定性的作用。信息网、软件间的相互整合。1.信息网与造价软件:当前市场上的造价软件中所需的材料价格大多采用人工录入价格的形式。有的是整体的引入,有的则是一个个输入,大大影响了快速报价的进程,同时也不能及时与市场接轨,无形间削弱了企业的竞争力。信息网与造价软件的整合将消除这一矛盾,在造价软件中直接点击相应引入按钮,输入要引入信息所在地点的详细资料,即可随时得到相应材料的价格,若所引入的材料价格有所变动,软件中的预警系统将自动提醒操作者更新价格。这不但缩短了录入材料价格的时间,还达到了随时更新的目的。2.信息网与进度控制软件:工程控制的一个重要目标是成本控制,而成本控制在无形中又影响着进度和质量的控制,同时市场的变动将直接影响着投入的成本和资源的分配,而这必将导致工程进度的变动。所以,工程项目现场的进度控制也应通过成本控制时刻反映着市场的变动。信息网与进度控制的整合也将成为必然。 ( a ), engineering ( must) be software: the package software is used widely, but the function from the single set of price, a budget book to various extensions, one is the upward expansion, increase the function of project management, the phase data can handle multiple projects and a project, through the estimate, budget, budget, final accounts settlement and stage of the whole process cost management; two is the function of further refinement, the strengthening of the analysis and the fineness of the adjustment calculation results, the cost adjustment and convenient control of bidding units; three is connected with the Internet, data budget software required material price offer to users through the Internet, convenient maintenance material price data, improve work efficiency; the four is to strengthen the accumulation function completed engineering data. ( two ), quantity, amount of reinforcement calculation software: such software, used to assist the engineering quantity calculation from the construction plans, now widely used software generally use the mapping method, re-enter the various components and size of drawing with the software based on identify the images on the staff, and then the system automatic calculation of engineering quantity, get the list of engineering amount, it calculates the quantity are more accurate, but you must re-enter drawing workload is very big still. Another method is to directly to the engineering drawings scan raster file, feature extraction and processed by software after vector, using technology to identify the component types, pattern recognition and its geometric parameters, and calculation of the volume of works; or generated by the Design Institute of the construction drawings CAD files for pattern recognition in CAD environment. This approach requires said in the drawings of the characteristics and modeling on a lot of research work, feature parameters of various components, the use of artificial intelligence technology, in order to eventually replace people to complete the process of identify the images, this is a promising method, but according to the development process of Chinese characters recognition technology, must be thorough analysis research characteristics of the drawings, this software can really replace people identify the images still have a long way to go. The third kind of method is directly added to the component character parameter of CAD software used in the architectural design of attribute, define various component object, use these objects to design buildings in structural and architectural design, without direct use of line drawing. This method makes the design result includes components and parameters are rich but not line, after a parser can isolate all components and parameters, to avoid the pattern recognition of this. Therefore, in the application of artificial intelligence has not been thoroughly the field still must through the interactive process to fill the shortage of software in the intelligent. ( three ), application of Internet in engineering cost management: engineering management and Internet cost integration will no doubt to the project cost management to bring the qualitative leap and development. Replaced by new models planned the traditional management mode will be changes in the market, achieve collaborative project cost control will become the inevitable. The establishment and growth of the corresponding web site. 1 the project cost information network : the project cost information specifically refers to the associated with the project cost of the laws and regulations, the price adjustment cost report, file, index of engineering cost information. Establish cost information network unified, not only conducive to the user query, analysis and decision, more conducive to the national competent department to implement the management and coordination of the project cost management, standardization, scale, orderly. 2 material price information network: material price changes will directly affect the engineering budget and final accounts, the dynamic control of construction cost plays a decisive role in. Mutual integration of information network, the software. 1 information network and the cost of software: the necessary cost of software on the market price of materials are mostly manual entry price form. Some are overall introduced, there is one input, greatly affected the rapid quotation process, but also can not be timely and the market, between the invisible weakened the competitiveness of enterprises. The integration of information network and the cost of software will eliminate this contradiction, the cost of software directly click on the corresponding button detail introduction, data input to introduce information location can be obtained at any time, the corresponding material price, if the material price change, early warning system in the software will automatically remind the operator to update the prices. This not only reduces the input material price time, also reached the update of the objective. 2 information network and the progress control in the software: an important purpose of the engineering control is cost control, and cost control in virtually affect the progress and quality control, at the same time the market changes will directly affect the allocation of costs and resources,