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    土建专业外文翻译 7.doc

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    土建专业外文翻译 7.doc

    英文翻译1外文原文出处:WORLD ARCHITECTURE 07/2005荷兰媒体机构办公楼 建筑设计:范·韦尔森建筑事务所荷兰媒体机构的办公楼被很适宜地放置在希尔弗瑟姆“媒体公园”的边界上。由于与周围自然环境的和谐关系以及完美的材料与细部处理,整个建筑散发着一种宜人的宁静而安详的气息。设计围绕着3个主题展开地段的自然特质,建筑与其周围的环境、建筑使用者与景观的关系。建筑尽可能的吸纳着周围的景观,并使自身从属于地段的斜坡地形以及现有树木。伸长部分的屋顶曲线随着地段斜坡的曲线由路面向下延展。内部的庭院天井,围绕着一些保留的大树。悬挑于主入口之上的巨大屋顶上也开了些洞口,以利于树木的生长。建筑的走廊沿着两个长向立面设置,在不同楼层上略有不同。办公室通过与立面垂直的二级通道连接。当人们经过走廊的时候,墙面上的洞口与大面积的玻璃可以让人领略到周围的景观环境。与之形成对比的是,工作区域都朝向着精心设计的庭院。与金属和玻璃组成的整洁的外立面不同,朝向内院的立面是一种由错落的开窗、石墙与多种色块组成的特别的组合。英文原文 1MEDIA AUTHORITY BUILDING NETHERLANDSDESIGN:Architectural Office K Van Velson B.V.The office of the Dutch Media Authority is appropria tely situated on the wooded edge of the Hilversum “Media park “,thanks to the regulated confrontation with the natural surroundings and the immaculate materiality and detailing,the building radiates an agreeable air of tranquility and well-being.The natural features of the location,the relation between the building and its surroundings and between the users of the building and the landscape are the main theme of the design.Where possible the building absorbs the landscape and subordinates itself to the slope of the site and to the existing trees.The roof line of the elongated building follows the line of the land as it slopes down from the street.Patios have been cut out of the building volume around several pre-existing trees.Even the huge roof overhang at the main entrance has had openings cut out of it for the benefit of trees.The building s corridors,which gradually assimilate the increasing difference in floor level,are located along the two long facades.The offices are reached via secondary passageways at right angles to the façade.As people walk along the corridors ,openings and large areas of glass in the façade afford glimpses of the surrounding landscape.The work areas,by contrast, are focused sxclusively on internal patios which have been designed with the utmost care.Unlike the taut external facades of glass and metal , the patio facades present a differentiated composition of staggered windows ,masonry walls and various splashes of colour.英文翻译2外文原文出处:WORLD ARCHITECTURE 12/2004适度技术,本质设计20世纪末,建筑学对现代主义的再思考,提醒建筑师回归研究自然表现结构和建造逻辑。建筑设计不断寻求挣脱技术的束缚,同时也应尊重所运用的技术本身。飞亚达高科技大厦工程设计启动伊始,建筑师在造价经济功能合理的基础上表现理性,务实的企业文化,与投资方达成共识,提出“适度技术与本质设计”的设计理念。大厦位于深圳市高新技术产业园南区的东北端,紧临深南大道,地上20层。建筑面积6.8完平方米,地下3层。1-4层位办公大堂、会议展览等;5-15层为标准层,每层面积约3500平方米研发基地;16-20层位办公空间。建筑与场地的对话、与城市设计的衔接是建筑主空间形态的设计契机。大厦东北面与城市立交桥相临,北面为深圳交通主动脉深南大道,但无机动车开口;南为科技园区内部路,设主入口。西为规划中的地铁口与商业广场,相望的是TCL总部,我们将西向定为该建筑内部空间与城市对话的主要方位,设有700平方米的底层双向高架空,可进入式绿化,并在建筑内部布置开放性公共空间,贡献市民,尊重城市规划,同时完善城市设计。总图严格人车分流设计,机动车在东南面合理组织,保证南部绿地与公共入口的步行性;大堂紧凑高效,与南面开放性公共空间流动呼应,形成大厦内部空间性格基调;平面以简洁的长方形为主调,在有序的控制下,结合功能设置;1,东西两面均设置办公空间内的通高中庭,以提高办公环境品质;2,避免西晒,设置了系列空中花园与屋顶花园。基于建构技术为钢筋混凝土结构体系,本工程设计摒弃对钢结构的无益模仿,直接表现钢筋混凝土结构的支撑体系,如剪力墙筒体、不同于钢结构体系的梁跨比。追求忠实与质朴,在玻璃从构成建筑之眼演变为构成建筑皮肤的今天,中国建筑外墙始终存在两大挑战;低价的玻璃幕墙挑战节能效率,双层表皮或带遮阳体系玻璃幕墙则直接挑战项目投资额。环顾四周,太多的简易幕墙,夏抵酷暑冬抗严寒,虚假地表达所谓的高科技理念。该工程部主张依赖幕墙,还原建筑本质设计;针对深圳地区炎热气候,设置混合式或者说不完全式的双层表皮的外墙构造,营造通风遮阳功能,并以此具有良好的降低热辐射功能的外墙构造形态统一复杂的内部功能,以求大体量形体给城市一种简约与宁静。待添加的隐藏文字内容3英文原文2PROPER TECHNOLOGY AND ESSENTIAL DESIGNThe late 20th century, architecture rethinking of modernism, to remind architects regression study the structure and performance of the construction of natural logic. Architectural design constantly seeking break the shackles of technology, should also be respected by the use of technology itself. Fiyta start at the beginning of high-tech engineering building, the architect of economic functions in the cost of a reasonable performance on the basis of a rational, pragmatic culture, reach an agreement with the investment, that "the nature of appropriate technology and design" design philosophy.Building is located in Shenzhen High-Tech Industrial Park, the northeast end of the Southern District, Shennan Road, close to the ground 20 floors. Finished floor area of 6.8 square meters, underground 3 floors. 1-4 layers office lobby, conference exhibitions; 5-15 layers of standard layers, each covering about 3500 square meters R & D base; 16-20 layers of office space.Dialogue with the site construction, and urban design is the interface between the design of space form the main architectural opportunity. Northeast of the city building and adjacent overpass, north of Shenzhen, Shennan Road traffic aorta, but no vehicle opening; south internal road for the Science and Technology Park, is located the main entrance. West of the planned subway and commercial plaza, across the TCL headquarters, we set the West to the city for the construction of internal space and the main orientation of the dialogue, with 700 square meters of the bottom two-way high overhead, can enter the type green, and the internal layout of the building open public space, contribution to the public, respect for urban planning, and improving urban design.The total figure of people and vehicles strictly designed rational organization of motor vehicles in the southeast, to ensure that green space and public entrance to the southern foot of; lobby compact and efficient, and open public space flows south echoed the tone character of the formation of space inside the building; plane with simple rectangular tone, in order to control, combined feature set; 1, things are set up office space on both sides of the court through high school, to improve the office environment quality; 2, to avoid the western exposure, set up a series of sky gardens and roof garden.Based on construction technology of reinforced concrete structural system, the engineering design to abandon the useless imitation of steel, reinforced concrete structure of the direct performance support system, such as the cylinder wall, the system is different from the steel beam span ratio. The pursuit of true and simple, from the glass composition of evolution as constituting the construction of the building skin, eye today, China has two major challenges in building facades; challenges of low-cost energy efficiency of the glass curtain wall, or double-skin curtain wall of glass with a shading system directly challenge to the project investment. Look around, too many simple wall, anti-cold winter and the summer heat arrived, false expression of the so-called high-tech concept. The engineering department advocates rely on walls, designed to restore the architectural nature; for Shenzhen hot climate, or say completely mixed set of double-skin facade-type structure, ventilation and shading to create a function, and thus has a good feature to reduce heat radiation The walls form a unified complex internal structure function, in order to give city a general volume of physical simplicity and quiet.


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