Mobile Marketing移动商店市场深度研究培训资料.ppt
Mobile Marketing Workshop,Nov.2010,Market Landscape,Mobile internet usage has continued to grow,Source:CNNIC and MIIT,Dec.2009 vs.,June 2010,Mobile phone users805 mm,Internet,Mobile Internet277 mm,Total:422 mm,Internet,Mobile Internet233 mm,Total:384 mm,95%Mobile Internet Users are on Flat Rate Data Plans,Source:DCCI,Mobile Functionality is Surpassing PC Functionality on Many Fronts,Source:DCCI,来源:DCCI互联网数据中心,样本描述:N=33978;于2010年3-4月通过在了手机腾讯、手机新浪等数十家主流手机网站联机调研获得.,44.4%的中国手机互联网用户平均每周使用手机上网超过50次,即平均每天超过7次。可见用户手机上网单次时长短、频次高,也体现了手机上网便利的特点。手机互联网用户每天手机上网时长集中在1-4小时。,New Trend and OPPORTUNITIES,Trend 1:The number of Smartphone users is growing rapidly in China(iPhone+Android),2010E 13 Million,2011E 35 Million,Mobile App Usage continues to increase,Smartphone Ads Will Become More Visually Engaging and InteractiveHTML5 mobile ads and apps are now on its way to enrich user experience with more interactivity,Post-click experience The new Smartphone ads allow us to integrated sounds,touch,motion sensor and vibration,GPS and even more functions,Post-click experience The new Smartphone ads allow us to integrated sounds,touch,motion sensor and vibration,GPS and even more functions,Operators,Mobile Manufactories,NOkia,MOTO,Samsung,Third parties,Mediatek,Operators and mobile phone manufactories are developing their own application stores;Third party app stores are also taking big advantage of the lacking of official app store of apple and android,China Mobile,China Unicom,China Telcom,HTC,Trend 2:Fixed Internet Players are expanding to mobile,8 of 12 top ranked mobile sites are from internet.Users are increasingly accessing Social networks and micro-blogs from mobile 50%traffic is generated from mobile 27%traffic is coming from mobile(200million PV through mobile per day),More users are accessing internet content with their mobile phones(Mobile Web&App),its necessary now for brands to deploy campaigns covering both internet and mobile.,LBS(Location Based)Mobile Marketing is emerging,Trend 3,The LBS Key Players in China,Latitude-Like,Mytown-Like,Foursquare orGowalla like,GetyowzaYelp like,Mimi Getaway Stockholm,Trend 4iPad-like devices development give branded application and in-app marketing a new stage,iPad Game/iPad product demo,Todays 360 mobile marketing,Sync&Share,Purchase&Trial,TV,Internet,Outdoor,Store,Mobile CRM,Print,Maximum Reach the Target Audience,and to Build the Brand Awareness,Awareness,With mobile media,advertisers can PROFILE&TARGET the most desired consumers,Samples,Targeting criteria based on user profile and handset characteristics:By Carrier(i.e.,China Mobile or China Unicom or China Telecom)By Time(i.e.,9am-5pm everyday or every Monday,Wednesday and Friday)By Geography(i.e.,Beijing,Shanghai,Guangdong)By Handset brand/Model(i.e.,iPhone,Nokia(Symbian),HTC(Android),SonyEricsson)By Handset pricing(i.e.,Handset retail price over 3000RMB)By Handset feature(i.e.,Smartphone,Music Phone,Female-oriented Phone,Game Phone),Targeting to Young Generation By Handset brand(i.e.Nokia,Motorola,SonyEricsson,Samsung,O2/HTC/Dopod)By Handset pricing(i.e.Handset retail price between 500-2000 RMB)By Handset feature(i.e.Music Phone,Game Phone),Targeting to 3-5 tier cities By Handset brand(i.e.Nokia,SonyEricsson,Samsung,Motorola,K-Touch)By Handset pricing(i.e.Handset retail price between 500-2500 RMB)By Handset feature(i.e.Female-oriented Phone),Auto brand show their great interesting in 12580 magazine advertising,12580 Mobile Magazine,HP Mini110 Promotion on Mobile,Mobile users of different segments would see the different ads on mobile internet,Click the ads into pink or black mobile sites,vote for the photos featuring HP Mini 110 and potentially win a Mini 110,Download wallpapers featuring HP Mini 110,and click the hotline to call for inquiries,Refer the site to friends and join a lucky draw,bringing a viral marketing effect,Content sponsorship(Portal/SNS/Vertical/LBS/baidu tieba,ifeng),篮球专区,adidas 无线俱乐部,跑步专区,女子专区,足球专区,Encourage user to engage with the brand/product/campaign,Preference,Mobile Site Version,ChallengeHow to take advantage of Valentines Day economy to arouse consumers brand awareness as a bond of love?,SolutionSet up a mobile campaign site to encourage consumers to express their love with the cartoon envoy Doro,engaging consumers by a customized theme package designed by friend which will show friends romantic message exactly on 14 Feb.,Result80,000 visitors ordered a customized mobile theme package for friends in 14 days and mobile theme packages had 350,000 times download.,The customized message will be shown on 14 Feb,Deepen consumer engagement KFC Romantic Themed Campaign for Valentines Day,ChallengeHow to introduce new products to the market and build an intimacy between Extra and consumers?,SolutionDesigned a easy to play mobile game which is close related to the new products for consumers and urged them to share with friends,together with different stimuli to engage them.,ResultDuring the campaign period,the mobile game reached 60,000 download and every visitor played the game 800times.,Deepen Consumer Engagement:Extra,Step 2 Receive a WAP push containing user ID,password,and link to individual mobile space.,Step 1Register on Pepsis Internet/Mobile partner sites,Pepsi Creative Challenge III,Solution:Created 1st Branded“Mobile Facebook”in China and built a National“Go China”Mobile Community with 360 Digital Interactive Campaign,Sync Data from Multiple Internet/Mobile Media Partners.,Challenge:How to increase interactions between Pepsi and consumers and engage them in a Pepsi community?,Result:Leveraged 530,000+mobile participates in only 3 weeks and created the worlds largest branded mobile community.,Deepen Consumer EngagementStarbucks:black is chill,Trial&Purchase,Trial&Sampling to Increase Consumption,Lipton Afternoon Tea Delivery,Challenge:How to increase consumption of Liptontea in daily life?Solution:Created a integrated online and mobile campaign,encouraging consumers to send their friends an afternoon tea package online.Inform the recipients via SMS once the order is submitted on the internet,and gain their feedback.The friend will receive an Lipton tea sample package arriving at submitted address.,2010 BMW X Riders Recruitment,COUNTRY,CHINA,BACKGROUND,With 2010 BMW ChengDu X Travel,to recruit consumers as elite riders,CHALLENGE,Promote userss registion and participation successfully,STRATEGY,Establish website through wap and ad on QQ automobile channel and Kong,IMPLEMENTATION,Obtain large amount of awareness through wap website and ad on wap,Mobile Site Homepage,2010 BMW X Riders Mobile website,Join BMW X Travel,Recruit elite riders through mobile internet,discover mysterious travel and win BMW X1 28i Unlimited km use,Making your consumer talking about it,Viral Marketing via SNS&LBS,Sync&Share,游戏顺利过关,转发6个好友就能免费获得一个新品品尝券哦!,今天在超市看到新包装的康师傅饼干,好像是星座包装的哦,再次传播/病毒营销机制鼓励用户分享在网站内的互动/线下的购买和使用体验,利用LBS应用,带动零售点的人气和促销信息分享,我在武宁家乐福,参加百事可乐现场AR游戏赢了一箱百事哦!,NIKE signing in campaign at Dongdan,Solution:Used viral power by posts on Sina,Renren,Kaixin001,Douban as campaign warm-upIntegrated online,mobile and offline,delivering gifts to participants on the spot,How to invoke heated social discussion on NIKE?,Integrate with other media effort,Cross Media,通过手机跨媒体整合,促进消费者互动,互联网,电视,户外广告,广告结局大猜想投票众多优惠等你赢,发送PEPSI到1066XXXX下载百事手机客户端赢大奖,产品包装,Cross Media Integration:Pepsi Battle of the Bands 2009,Cross Media Integration:Pepsi Dream Band Game,Mobile BandBroker Game,Vote for your Bands online and on mobile,Live TV Show,Canvass votes for band membersto drive their value in the game,Pay close attention to the bands,The band members with the highestvalue would form the Pepsi DreamBand and perform on TV,McDonalds Snap Now+IVR,Cross media integration Starbucks Yunnan Modern Art painting competition,Solution:Developed an integrated online and mobile campaign to maximize the impact of modern art exhibited on campaign site,by enabling consumer to listen the creation story of artists via mobile phone after sending SMS with the serial number of individual painting,together woth other different stimuli to engage with them.,Result:5,256 mobile calls(19 days)55,102 votes 1,237,851 unique visitors,Mobile campaign site,Posters in store,Challenge:How to build awareness of Starbucks art competition for its new Yunnan coffee launch and create consumers emotional bonding to the new drink?,Choose a girl,Challenge:How to promote interaction with TA(young men/football fans)during World Cup?,Solution:-Created integration of online and mobile campaign with the new technology-IVR,providing alarm clock service for consumers during World Cup,therefore girls will give calling at a set time.,Cross media integration 2010 FIFA World Cup Bud Babe campaign,Mobile APP,How to get mobile APP,Print,TV,OOH,Internet,Mobile,Bluetooth,Apple Store,Java&Androidversion,iPhoneversion,Input phone number online to download,Download APP,Mobile website to download widget,Bluetooth Device to push widget,Mobile APP Function,A Day IN life with ECCO Mobile APP,It records your steps while you are walking,Mobile solution:provide a more convenient way to communicate with consumers via mobile widget,which embedded with brand elements and interactionUtilize SMS/MMS Push as a key exposure tactic for widget promotionCross Media Leverage SMS Interaction to get the mobile widgetResultDuring this campaign,25,633 download and 1,617 users activated the mobile widget.,How to increase member acquisition and enhance brand loyalty among user or potential user?,KFC Summer Kara OK Mobile APP,Challenge How to promote new drinks in hot summer and create special interaction with consumers?,SolutionDesigned first brand Kara OK mobile application embedded with brands idea and elements,encouraging consumers to show their voice by sharing with friends for vote,also set up a mobile campaign site to support the campaign.ResultAbout 240,000 times application download in 21 days.,Harbin Beer AR-Mobile APP,Challenge:Enhance brand awareness against target consumersMaximize traffic driven to official campaign websiteLeverage offline activities to enhance registration and engagementSolution:Adopted in an innovative Augmented Reality(AR)mobile program,encouraging The players to complete a relay on the mobilewith rewards for the winner,and set up a mobile campaign site in the whole mediaIntegrated campaign.Result:3,837 game players46,937 times AR downloads53 of which win the AR prize,FAW-Volkswagen CC Mobile Application,360 visual impacton touch screen,Branded content for download,Infiniti G-Force Mobile Application,Step 2Open the app to start the racing game with Infiniti,Step 1 Enter the campaign site to download the app and install it to mobile,Todays 360 Integrated Marketing,Todays 360 mobile marketing,Micro Blog+mobile SNS+LBS,Sync&Share,Mobile coupon downloaded from mobile site/mobile App,Purchase&Trial,TV,Internet,Outdoor,Store,Mobile CRM,Print,Award Winning Mobile Cases,Pizza Hut iPhone AppBest Mobile Display Campaign(MMA 2009)Best Emerging Technology Campaign(MMA 2009),Pizza Hut iPhone AppBest Mobile Display Campaign(MMA 2009)Best Emerging Technology Campaign(MMA 2009),IKEA iPhone AppCANNES LION 2010 ORO,iButterfly iPhone AppBest Mobile Marketing Award(Japan 2010),iButterfly iPhone AppBest Mobile Marketing Award(Japan 2010),Fanta Stealth Sound SystemMMA Award for Overall Excellence,Mobile Mareking Dos and Donts,Make it simple,but keep user engaged,Mobile users are most likely on-the-go(less patient),so the information should be clear,and the action required should be simple and fun!Interaction barrier design should be grounded in an understanding of TAs mobile usage and/or behavior analyze.Dont make consumers type/click more than they have to,this is because mobile keyboards are small and less fixable,so try to avoid long url,having user to key in their full mailing address,or click/upload more than they have to.,Think about cross media integration,SMS interaction,Bluetooth,IR or AR technologies make billboards and prints become interactive,so let mobile to activate your consumers on-the-go and get their instant response Dont let mobile stands alone,use your media effort to support it,print your SMS interaction code on your package,poster and most importantly,place ads on mobile internets where your consumers can visit your mobile website just one click away.,Remember some innovations only works on a certain%of mobile phones,and you might need your PR team to make sure there will be more people know about it,especially marketing magazines and award judge panelsDont develop any campaign just because of the technology is so sexy,Innovation is not necessary high-tech,there should be some kind of touch-point between your communication strategy/TA behavior and the technology you are applying.,