远卓-人力资源模版库-A Strategic Management Approach to Human Resource Management001.ppt
,A Strategic Management Approach to Human Resource Management,chapter2,A Diagnostic HRM Framework,Can help operating managers focus on a set of relevant factorsOffers a map that aids a person in seeing the whole picture or parts of the picture,Diagnostic Model for Human Resource Management,Diagnose Prescribe Implement Evaluate,Diagnose Prescribe Implement Evaluate,Human Resource Processes,Focus of each process is on people and results,Acquiring Human Resources,Rewarding Human Resources,Developing Human Resources,Maintaining and Protecting Human Resources,External Environmental Influences,Internal Environmental Influences,Sociallyresponsible andethical practices,Competitive,highquality products,Competitive,highquality services,Desirable End Results,How to Take a Diagnostic Approach to HRM,External Environmental Influences,GovernmentrequirementsregulationslawsThe UnionEconomic ConditionsdomesticInternationalCompetitiveness,Work Sector of the Organizationprivate sectorpublic sectorthird sectorComposition and Diversity of the Labor ForceGeographic Location of the Organization,HRM Activities That Can Enhance and Sustain Competitive Advantage(1 of 2),Employment securitySelectivity in recruitingHigh wagesIncentive payEmployee ownershipInformation sharingParticipation and empowerment,Teams and job redesignTraining as skill developmentCross-utilization and cross trainingSymbolic egalitarianism,HRM Activities That Can Enhance and Sustain Competitive Advantage(2 of 2),Wage compressionPromotion from withinLong-term perspectiveMeasurement of practicesOverarching philosophy,Civilian Labor Force by Sex,Age,Race,and Hispanic Origin,2000 and Projected to 2010,Internal Environmental Influences,StrategyGoalsOrganization cultureNature of the task(job)Work groupLeaders style and experience,Key Factors in the Nature of the Task(Job):(1 of 2),Degree of knowledge and ability to use information technologyDegree of empowermentDegree of physical exertion requiredDegree of environmental unpleasantnessPhysical location of work,Key Factors in the Nature of the Task(Job):(2 of 2),Time dimension of workHuman interaction on the jobDegree of variety in the taskTask identityTask differences and job design,Three Levels of Strategy,Strategic(long term),Managerial(medium term),Operational(short term),Human Resource Activities by Level of Strategy(1 of 3),Human Resource Activities by Level of Strategy(2 of 3),Human Resource Activities by Level of Strategy(3 of 3),Strategic Challenges Facing HRM,Trends of the Technology Revolution,Growth in knowledge needsShift in human competenciesGlobal market connectionBusiness streamlining,Rapid responseQuicker innovationQuality improvementIndustrial Revolution,On-Site Child-Care Program Ranks First,People and the HRM Diagnostic Framework,Desirable End Results,Organizational effectiveness is critically influenced by human resource(HR)management practicesChanges in staffing,training,and compensation form an integral part of a coordinated change effortHR management systems must be in alignment with other management systems,Summary(1 of 2),A sound HRM program can contribute to organizational end resultsBefore choosing an HRM program,the diagnostic approach suggests examining:the nature of employeesthe external environmental influencesthe internal environmental influencesorganizational factors,Summary(2 of 2),HRM has become a strategic areanow recognized as important in creating and implementing the overall strategies of a firmOrganizational factors must be taken into account to maximize the effectiveness of HRMThe work sector in which the organization operates is a key factor on management systems and the HRM function,