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    大学英语口语教程 Earthquake.ppt

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    大学英语口语教程 Earthquake.ppt

    Earthquake,Work in pairs discussing the following questions,and then share your answers with the whole class.1.Have you ever been in an earthquake?What do you think you would do first if the room started to shake?2.How should we prepare for earthquakes?3.If you were going to rent an apartment,would you like to live on the top floor or on the first floor?Explain your choice.,1.Yes.I have been in the Great Tangshan Earthquake Disaster,which brought 240,000 deathes.To my knowledge,therefore,the moment you realize you are confronted with an earthquake,you must keep cool and avoid being panic.It is foolish of you to run aimlessly or to jump from your building.The best way of saving yourself is to take shelter where you are.(1)If you are in class,take shelter under a desk,shielding your eyes with one hand from the flying fragments of broken galss.(2)If you are in a building,resort to narrow rooms,like kitchens,restrooms,barthrooms,or the staircase rooms for protection.,3)If you are in a single-story house,run as far away from the house and other structures as possible when there is enough time for you to do so and when you can still keep your balance;otherwise,shield yourself under a bed/in a corner or attach yourself to a pillar/other concrete structures,covering your mouth and nose with a towel.4)If you are in a workshop,cut off the electricity or the explosive/inflammable gas supplies first and then take shelter under a big machine.In the Tangshan earthquake,for example,all 30 workers in a weaving workshop survived the quake in this way except one,who was killed when running out of the building.,1)Regularly check and reinforce our houses,place heavy things in low positions,attach cupboards and cabinets to walls.2)Keep in place survival supplies such as water,food,a radio receiver,a torch,extra batteries,a first-aid box,some rope and some warm clothing.3)Arrange an auxiliary cooking and heating source;keep a fire extinguisher,a pair of heavy boots,and other proper tools to turn off gas and water supplies.4)Make arrangements in case of an earthquake for family members to save and support themselves.,Truly,living on the top floor can bring me many advantages such as the enjoyment of a broad vision,flowing fresh air,and ample sunlight,but seems less attractive to me in the event of an emergency.For one thing,living on the first floor offers me more chances of survival.During the September eleven terrorist attacks on America,for example,those working on the top floor had no option but to stay at the mercy of fate.For another,living on the first floor is very convenient.And even in case of an earthquake,I could either take shelter where I am or run out of the building if time and opportunity allow.,Seismograph:Who made the Seismograph in China?Chinese mathmaticiansOther cultures relies onJapan:depend on fish,religion and mythology,1.When was the quake in Sanfronsisco?19892.How long was the Loma earrthquake?15 seconds/a quarter of a minute3.Why was the earthquake so scaring according to the man?No warning.4.How many people died in Mexico city earthquake in 1985?Nearly 10,000 died.5.Everyday the earth is shaking by hundreds of small earthquakes,most go _.They usually occur along the _ of the same place covering thei earth like an eggshell.,


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