sales management(2).ppt
Sales Management,“I dont care how many degrees you have on the wall,if you dont know how to sell,youre probably going to starve.”,Heavyweight boxer George Formans advice to his childrenL.A.Times,pg.C2,Tuesday,March 25,1997,Figure 1-1:Positions of Personal Selling and Sales Management in the Marketing Mix,Salesmanagement,PlanningMotivatingBudgetingCompensatingRecruiting and selectingDesigning territoriesTrainingEvaluating performance,Figure 1-2,Marketplace Changes and Selling Consequences,What creates satisfied customers?,Figure 1-3:,Contrasting Transactional and Relationship Selling Models,Figure 1-4:,Traditional Buyer-Seller Interface versus A Team Interface,Traditional Buyer-Seller Interface,Buyer-Seller Interface Team,CustomerTeam,Supplier Customer,SalesTeam,Supplier Customer,Sales,Purchasing,Figure 1-5:Sales Organization in a Typical Consumer Packaged Goods Company,Number,1,1,6,8,64,Vice president of marketing,National sales manager,Regional sales manager,District sales manager,Field sales representative,A Sales Quota Manager:Job Focus,Maintain direct responsibility for sales results for specific customers.Manages one or a few larger,long-term or strategic accountsMay have a staff of one or more subordinate sales or support people,but focus on managing the sales team for the sake of achieving customer results.,A Sales Force Manager:Job Focus,Spend little or no time directly managing customer accounts.Focuses on building,refining,and staffing a selling team.Contact with customers is largely non-selling,but service and salesperson development in purpose.,A Sales Quota Managers Skill Set,Willingness to Train/CoachWillingness to Make Joint Sales CallsProblem-SolvingMaking PresentationsAnswering Objections,A Sales Force Managers Skill Set,Willingness to Train/CoachWillingness to Make Joint Sales CallsAbility to Direct and Control OthersProfit MentalityInitiative,Table 1-1 Sales Managers Time Allocations,Selling 29%Face-to-face(17)Telephone selling(12)Administration 25Account service/coordination 17Travel/waiting 15Internal meeting 14,ManagersTime Allocation(in percent),Job Responsibility,Figure 1-5:A Model of Sales Management Competencies,Figure 1-3:Sales Paths at Hallmark Cards,Retail installationcoordinatorEntry level for those with nosales experience,SalesrepresentativeEntry levelfor those withsales experience,Salesexecutive,Districtsalesmanager,Regional salesvice president,Regional operations manager,Regional salestrainer,Districtsalestrainer,Staff positionsoutside salesorganizationProduct managerSales programspecialist,Multiple accountcoordinator,Districtsalesdevelopmentspecialist,Newbusinessspecialist,Regionalsalesdevelopmentmanager,