温情招聘无法抵挡的吸才策略,万豪国际集团颜洁雯,大中华区人力资源副总裁,2,简述万豪国际集团未来中国的发展计划,篇 章 一,3,中国 万豪国际集团,集团简介,4,2,1,1,117家现有及已签约酒店,预计2015年,4,2,1,4,6,1,8,7,11,22,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,4,1,1,1,1,2,3,1,1,3,1,2,1,2,2,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1家2-5家6-9家10+家20+家,天津,上海,三亚,苏州,深圳,北京,重庆,广州,杭州,惠州,南宁,宁波,武汉,香港,昆山,贵阳,常州,沈阳,成都,海口,无锡,哈尔滨,南京,郑州,黄山,石家庄,珠海,株洲,都江堰,九寨沟,长沙,福州,芜湖,顺德,宿迁,义乌,澳门,宣城,博鳌,银川,西安,遵义,长兴,内蒙古,济南,合肥,新开发城市,人才对于万豪集团未来发展的重要性,篇 章 二,PUT PEOPLE FIRST 以人为本PURSUE EXCELLENCE 追求卓越EMBRACE CHANGE 拥抱变革ACT WITH INTEGRITY 诚实守信SERVE OUR WORLD 服务世界,核心价值,7,核心价值,人才发展,人才招募,人才保留,成长,篇 章 三,如何吸才 万豪集团 从文化上!如何吸引所需人才?,吸引保留人才,Attract+engage+communicate吸引+保留+沟通,Talent Attract Talent(Story Telling)人吸引人(讲故事)Marriotts Enduring Culture 万豪持久的企业文化Training&Career Development 培训和职业发展Where I Belong Campaign 我心所属之地,10,Our Culture 我们的文化,“If you take care of the associate,the associate will take care of the guests and the guests will come back.”如果你照顾好你的员工,你的员工会照顾好你的客人,你的客人会再次回来。-J.W.Marriott,Jr.,11,吸引保留人才,Where I belong我心所属之地,While our global employer brand,“Find Your World”is our umbrella brand,we recognized that we needed a campaign that expresses how it feels to find your world.We spoke with associates around the world,across all our brands,in varying roles in the organization.We asked questions,but most importantly,we listened.This is what we heard:Marriott is where I belong.万豪全球雇主品牌是“寻找你的世界”。我们启动了一个活动了解员工对该雇主品牌的感受,我们聆听来自全球员工的感受,我们听到的是:万豪我心所属之地,12,Associates told usTo belong means:员工告诉我们。所属代表:feeling valued 感觉有价值feeling respected 感觉被尊重knowing your team has your back 了解自己背后的团队truly being yourself 真正做自己To belong means that youre not just coming to work,youre coming home.所属代表你不仅只是来上班,而是回家。,13,吸引保留人才,Where I belong-photo usage我心所属之地照片使用,Montage of photos was shared via social media channels including:一系列照片发布在社交平台上,包括:Marriott Jobs&Careers 万豪职业及招聘网站Marriott Careers on Instagram,Sina Weibo to offer a“timed”release of all photos with a corresponding hashtag 定时在新浪微博发布Rotation of photos submitted to be used as profile picture for official Job Board,Weibo+Instagram Marriott Jobs&Careers accounts 官方招聘网站,微博以及万豪Video of photos was pulled together for sharing on MGS and additional social channels 在万豪内网和其它社交渠道播放我心所属录像,14,吸引保留人才,Engaging the Marriott Class Students万豪班学生参与我心所属活动,16,吸引保留人才,Size Does Matter醒目的广告及宣传品,17,篇 章 三,吸引保留人才,JOB BOARD-VERY EAST最佳东方招聘网站页面,18,MASS RECRUITMENT大型招聘会,吸引保留人才,19,POSTERS IN BACK OF HOUSE我心所属之地海报,20,篇 章 三,如何吸才,Next GEN WILL MAKE,HALF OF THE WORKING,AGE POPULATION,IN 4 YEARS FROM NOW 未来4年,2030:gen x reaches retirement age,2018:gen y makes up half of the working age population,2011:THE BABY BOOMERS REACH RETERIMENT AGE,MILLIONS(AGE 16 64),新生代将占劳动适龄人口的一半,22,吸引保留人才,NEXT GENERATION 新生代,“Our world and our needs are entirely different than any other generation.We expect to connect+share+collaborate as a part of daily life.New devices and platforms emerge weekly,which is simply a part of our reality and what we do and talk about.”我们的世界和我们的需求与其他几代人截然不同。我们期望联系+分享+合作是我们日常生活的一部分。每周新设备和平台的出现,就是我们所面对的事实的也是我们所做和谈论的。-RISD student,Industrial Design,23,吸引保留人才,To attract and engage next gen associates,we have launched a series of innovative new technologies and programs:,为了吸引和保留新生代员工,我们开发了一系列的新技术和项目,24,吸引保留人才,Marriott career website万豪职业网站,New M desktop site launched in 12 languages,featuring user-friendly search technology万豪招募网站采用了便于求职者进行搜索的技术,并同时以12种语言上线,25,吸引保留人才,Marriott career website万豪职业网站,Simplified job searching options,including key words searching,predictive text helps the job seeker get to relevant jobs more quickly,interactive map makes jobs at nearby locations more discoverable操作简便的搜索技术,简化搜索工作的选项,例如:关键词查询,文字输入提示功能让求职者更快找到相关工作,互动式地图让求职者更容易找到附近的工作,26,吸引保留人才,Marriott career website万豪职业网站,Stay in Touch feature invites over 5 million job seekers to receive jobs updates and automatic alert保持联系功能邀约超过500万求职者,让他们定期收到更新的职位信息并自动提醒,27,吸引保留人才,Marriott mobile career site万豪手机求职网站,28,30,A 2013 study of Fortune 500 companies found that overwhelmingly,companies are unprepared to handle the shift consumers are making to mobile.Only 5%of Fortune 500 companies offer mobile apply,despite the fact that 70%of job seekers are using their mobile device as part of the job hunt.With the release of mobile apply,Marriott joins the ranks of the“best of the best”among the Fortune 500 with a perfect score on the Corporate Mobile Readiness index.With tablets gaining popularity,next generation job seekers using mobile web more than ever,and certain emerging markets leapfrogging computers entirely for mobile-only web access,offering external job seekers the ability to apply to a job from their mobile device is an important strategic step in securing the companys future.,Marriott is the first hospitality company to allow external job seekers to apply via their mobile device.万豪是酒店业第一家为外部求职者提供使用手机申请职位的公司,32,Best-in-Class Job Seeker Experience:一流的求职体验 Advancing Our Position Digitally 提升我们在数码科技方面的领先地位,33,Mobile apply launches on January 24 1月24日开始使用mobile sites available in English,Spanish,French,German,Portuguese and Mandarin 语言包括英、法、德、葡和汉语Candidates can apply via mobile for any job posted 候选人可通过手机申请任何发布的职位Additional non-management jobs will be available for mobile apply as new languages are deployed later in 2014 更多的非经理级职位将于下半年可以使用手机申请All languages will be mobile optimized for non-management assessments.所有语言将优化用于非经理级在线测试,Communicate,Market+Promote Launch,Mobile Apply Launch Update 手机求职网站启动信息,Apply Using Your Mobile Device,Apply Using Your Mobile Device,34,Simple search interface that offers“nearby”jobs immediately then is driven by keywords 简便的搜索功能可以立即根据关键词找 到附近的工作Features include 功能特征:GPS enabled job search 全球定位职位搜索Predictive text keyword search 文字输入提示关键词搜索Email job posting to self/friend to share 通过邮件发送职位信息Apply Jobs in Chinese 中文申请Complete online assessment on Mobile 在手机上完成在线测试,35,如何吸才 万豪集团 如何吸引所需人才,从前途上!,篇 章 三,44,吸引保留人才,SOCIAL MEDIA社交平台,We are focused on growing Marriotts Careers Presences in social media to improve applicant quality and quantity through ongoing dialogue with job seekers on Weibo,LinkedIn.我们的重点是通过社交平台让求职者了解万豪的职业发展机会,与他们保持沟通以提升申请人的质量和数量,45,吸引保留人才,SOCIAL MEDIA SINA WEIBO社交平台 新浪微博,Top 3 locations where our followers are from:Zhejiang,Hong Kong and Shanghai,Weibo 158,124 by end of 2013,Top 4 ranking cross the board,Top 3 popular posts(Career story,Job vacancy and Career tips),46,吸引保留人才,SOCIAL MEMIA-WECHAT 社交平台-微信,Pilot Test 试上线,47,Amplify our reach in Asia Pacific with our employees on LinkedIn扩大我们与亚太区员工在inkedIn上的联系,Activate our employees on LinkedIn as brand ambassadors Increases employment brand&hiring awareness among our employees professional network 在我们员工的职业网络中提升雇主品牌以及招聘需求Talent attracts talent 人吸引人,SOCIAL MEMIA-LinkedIn 社交平台-LinkedIn,48,吸引保留人才,Talent community crew(TCC)人才社区专家团队,To enhance our efforts,Marriott has assembly a talent community crew,help add value to followers.The TCC expert based all around the world,help future applicants to learn our business,culture and history,better enabling them self-selecting the right job.万豪还成立了人才社区专家团队,他们位于世界各地,帮助当地求职者了解公司的生意,文化和历史,帮助他们更好的选择合适的职位。,49,吸引保留人才,MARRIOTT ATTRACTING AND ENGAGING NEXT GENERATION WITH NEXT GENERATION TECHNOLOGY万豪以新生代的科技吸引和保留新生代员工,50,谢谢观看!,