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    Photometry&Lighting Technology,Main content,Photometry basic notions Photometric regulations Photometric solutions Light sources Lighting technologies Autolamp appearance,Photometry Basic Notions,Photometry notions,Solid Angle 立体角?Luminous Flux 光通量?Illuminance 照度?Luminous intensity 发光强度?,Photometry notions,Solid angle 立体角 球面上某块面积对球心形成的角称为立体角。立体角的单位为Sr。,整个圆球面对应的立体角为4。,Photometry notions,Luminous flux光通量,光源在单位时间内向周围空间辐射并引起视觉的能量,称为光通量.单位lm,Photometry notions,Illuminance 照度,是用来表示被照面(点)上光的强弱。投射到被照面上的光通量与被照面的面积之比称为该面的照度,单位lx。,Photometry notions,Luminous intensity 光源在空间某一特定方向上单位立体角内辐射的光通量,称为光源在该方向上的发光强度,单位cd.,To remind,Photometry notions,Solid angle(sr)=Portion of surface limited by a cone.表面对球心的张角。Luminous flux(lm)=Total amount of light emitted by a light source.发光体发出的光线数量。Illuminance(lx)=Amount of light received by a given surface.被照面接受光通量的密度,用来鉴定被照面的照明。Luminous intensity(cd)=Amount of light coming out of the bulb in a given direction.发光体在某个方向上发出的光通量密度,表明了光通量的空间分布。,Photometric Regulations,REGULATIONS,GB 11564GB 4599GB 4785GB 5920GB 17509GB 15235GB 7258GB 11554GB 4660GB 15766,前位灯后位灯示廓灯和制动灯配光性能,前雾灯配光性能,外部照明和信号装置的安装规定,前照灯配光性能,转向信号灯配光性能,倒车灯配光性能,机动车回复反射器,后雾灯配光性能,中华人民共和国国家标准,机动车运行安全技术条件,道路机动车辆灯泡尺寸、光电性能要求,REGULATIONS,GB 11564GB 4599GB 4785GB 5920GB 17509GB 15235GB 7258GB 11554GB 4660GB 15766,前位灯后位灯示廓灯和制动灯配光性能,前雾灯配光性能,外部照明和信号装置的安装规定,前照灯配光性能,转向信号灯配光性能,倒车灯配光性能,机动车回复反射器,后雾灯配光性能,中华人民共和国国家标准,机动车运行安全技术条件,道路机动车辆灯泡尺寸、光电性能要求,REGULATIONS,R37R98R48R19R7R112R99R6,Fog lamp beam,HID bulbs,Setup on the car,HID bulbs for low and high beams,PO(AV/AR),STOP,Halogen low and high beams,Filament bulbs,ID(AV/AR/SIDE),ECE Regulations,REGULATIONS,R37R98R48R19R7R112R99R6,Fog lamp beam,HID bulbs,Setup on the car,HID bulbs for low and high beams,PO(AV/AR),STOP,Halogen low and high beams,Non sealed bulbs,ID(AV/AR/SIDE),ECE Regulations,R112-Low beam,cut-off,-,1 Posted panels at 100m 2 Posted panels at 50m3 Overhead road signs at 100 m,4 Eyes fixation5 Opposerseyes at 50m6 lane delineators at 50m,Statistical positions of what needs be seen and identified,Headlamp photometric requirements,75R:Point located at 75m on the right side of the level ground.Its value must be close to that of maximum illuminance.12 lx50R:Point located at 50m on the right side on the level of the ground.12 lxB50L:Point located at 50m on the trajectory of the eye of the driver coming from opposite direction.2 lxHC:In LB,it is a point of dazzling(E0.7 Lx)located in the axis of the lamp.0.8Emax,Physical significance of the principal points,AimingFor a mixed headlamp,the high beam will be aimed as it follows the low beam aimingIf the high beam alone should be aimed,the maximum high beam illuminance should be placed at the HV point.If the high beam is composed by many sources,all of them must be turned on simultaneously for the determination of the high beam maximum illumination point.,R112-High beam,R98 HID Low Beam,R98 HID High Beam,R19 Front Fog lamp,The photometric grid for signaling 配光分布,The color for signaling,Tail Lamp,Photometry,Feu simple/Single lamp I maxi 12cdEnsemble de plusieurs feux/Assembly of several lamps I maxi 17cdFeu marqu D(aile+coffre)/Lamps marked D(fender+outer)I maxi 8,5 cd,Stop Lamp,Photometry,Feu simple/Single lamp I maxi 185cdEnsemble de plusieurs feux/Assembly of several lamps I maxi 260cdFeu marqu D(1 aile+1 coffre)/Lamps marked D(fender+outer)I maxi 130 cd,Fog Lamp,Photometry,I maxi 300cd,Reverse,Photometry,Horizontal et plus haut/Horizontal and upper I maxi 300cdEntre 0 et-5/Between 0 and-5 I maxi 600cdEn dessous de 5/Behind 5 I maxi 8000 cd,Turn indicator,Photometry,I maxi 350cd,GB7258 Amendment 1,关于GB 7258-2004机动车运行安全技术条件国家标准第1号修改通知单,经国家标准化管理委员会批准已正式发布,于2006年11月1日起实施。修改内容如下:一、删除第8.4.3条(前照灯的远、近光灯上下并列设置时,近光灯应位于上侧,其它情况下近光灯应位于外侧)的内容。二、第8.4.7.3条中的“在检验前照灯远光光束及远光单光束灯照射位置时”改为:“在检验前照灯远光照射位置时,对于能单独调整远光光束的前照灯”。,GB4599 Update,本标准代替GB 4599-94汽车前照灯配光性能,与前者相比主要变化如下:增加了HS1、HB3、HB4、H7、H8、H9、H11、HIR1和HIR2类型灯泡;半封闭式前照灯应使用符合GB 15766.1或ECE R37规定的灯丝灯泡 对于半封闭式前照灯,近光暗区增加了八个测试点;增加弯道照明的内容增加了反射镜可调节的半封闭式前照灯配光性能试验方法;增加了附录A“前照灯的配光性能稳定性试验”;增加了附录B“塑料配光镜前照灯的要求配光镜或材料试样和整灯试验”;增加了附录C“试验程序”;增加了附录D“漫射光和透射光的测量方法”;增加了附录E“机械磨损试验方法”;增加了附录F“粘胶带附着力试验”;,Lighting Function,Lighting technologies-Parabola,THE PARABOLIC REFLECTOR,HIGH BEAM,LOW BEAM,Light shield bulb+parabolic reflector+glass with flutes,The cutoff is provided by the light shield,H4 bulb,The horizontal spread is made by the glass flutes,Energy loss!,Heavy and complex glasses!,Lighting technologies-Parabola,THE COMPLEX SHAPE REFLECTOR,Lighting technologies-SC,Lighting technologies-SC,PEUGEOT 607,OPEL VECTRA,GOLF A4,NISSAN ALMERA,Cutoff made by the shield,Lighting technologies-Elliptical,THE DEFECTSTWISTING ON COMPLEX SURFACE 扭曲,DEFECT,REFLECTOR,ASSEMBLEDHEADLAMP,THE DEFECTSREFERENCE RIB HEIGHT,DEFECT,REFLECTOR,ASSEMBLEDHEADLAMP,THE DEFECTSLATCHING POSITION,DEFECT,REFLECTOR,ASSEMBLEDHEADLAMP,DEFECT,REFLECTOR,ASSEMBLEDHEADLAMP,THE DEFECTSBULB TOPPLING,DEFECT,REFLECTOR,ASSEMBLEDHEADLAMP,THE DEFECTSSHRINK MARK 收缩痕,DEFECT,REFLECTOR,ASSEMBLEDHEADLAMP,THE DEFECTSBLISTER 气泡,DEFECT,REFLECTOR,ASSEMBLEDHEADLAMP,Signaling Functions,Signaling technologies-Fish eyes aspect,Signaling technologies-Fish eyes aspect,Signaling technologies-Depth aspect,Signaling technologies-Depth aspect,Signaling technologies-Clear lens aspect,Signaling technologies-Clear lens aspect,Signaling technologies-Dioptric aspect,Signaling technologies-Dioptric aspect,Light sources,The different light sources,Bulb Tungsten Filament,High Intensity Discharge(HID)bulb or“Xenon”,Different light sources:LED,The different light sources-Halogen,Halogen cycle,Bulbs for signal lamps in ECE R37,Bulbs for headlamps in ECE R37,The different light sources-HID,High Intensity Discharge Cycle,The different light sources-HID,Comparative chart,The different light sources-HID,High Intensity Discharge,Main automotive LEDs,1 What are Light Emitting Diode-Remind,LUMILEDs,Super Flux 5 lm,Snapleds 5 15,Luxeon 15 lm,Power TopLEDs,Advanced Power TopLEDs,Dragon LEDs,FluxRed color,OSRAM,Secondary automotive LEDs,1 What are Light Emitting Diode-Remind,Chip on Board(Sanyo)2 lm,Multi LEDs,Side LEDs,Smart LEDs,Flux,OSRAM,Light Technology,LIGHTING SYSTEMS Lighting P2 projects,Xenon Range AFSVertical Complex ShapeCompact product,CharacteristicsCompatible EUR/USA/JAPANMovement of the shieldElliptic ReflectorSafety Position by actuator spring return In production today,BI-XENON PROJECTOR,Low-Cost&Small Size Unit,Shade Moving Type,BI-XENON REFLECTOR,Reflector Moving Type,High Photometric Performance,DBL BENDING LIGHT Dynamic rotative BL,CharacteristicsDynamic rotative:adaptable for projector or reflector Rotation(up to 20)driven by steering wheel angle sensor,Targets:Increase light on the curves when turningEnd of validation:July 2002Regulations:forecasted 2005,full AFSDerogation Request:under study,scheduled end 2003,Sensor Steering wheel Speed Lane departure warning,Main rotative BL up to 20,SBL BENDING LIGHT Swiveling a Separated reflector BL,Targets:Improvement of visibility on the corner at the medium&lower speed&at intersectionsEnd of validation2002Compatible US/EU/JAPAN,Characteristics:Variable light distribution by movable sub-reflector(30 max.to forward direction)Variable light distribution at intersections(Spread beam pattern over the left and right)Small size adjustable for minor change,LIGHTING SYSTEMS Signaling P2 projects,LED rear lampDioptric rear lamp 3D rear lamp Linear rear lamp,INNOVATION FOR REAR LAMPSLED REAR LAMP,VISIBLE LEDS,REFLECTOR,POLKA-DOT,DIOPTRIC,HOMOGENEOUS STYLE,FRESNEL,LIGHT GUIDE,REFLECTOR,SUPER THIN,GUIDE,LIGHT GUIDE,REFLECTOR,GUIDE,&,VISIBLE LEDS,REFLECTOR,FRUIT,INNOVATION FOR REAR LAMPSLED REAR LAMP,STYLING,TECHNOLOGY,4 OPTICAL SYSTEMS,Mono-LED Rear Combination Lamp,All functions in LED One LED per function achieved with new high power LEDs,Reduced lamp depth for easy vehicle integration Lower power consumption and materials No need to change LED source for car life,Lamp Appearance,DESIGN PROPOSALS,Vertical technology,Compact technology,Dynamic Bending Light,LED technology,DESIGN PROPOSALS,Complex Shape,LED technology,3D technology,DESIGN PROPOSALS,Thank you,


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