建 摩B:2011年年度报告摘要(英文版) .ppt
,Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co.,Ltd.,Annual Report 2011 Summary,Stock Code:200054,Stock ID:Jianmo B,Announcement No.2012-009,Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co.,Ltd.Annual Report 2011 Summary1 Important Declaration1.1 The Board of Directors and the directors of the Company guarantee that there are no significant omissions,fictitious or misleading statements carried in the Report and we will accept individual and joint responsibilities forthe truthfulness,accuracy and completeness of the Report.This is the summary abstracted from the complete version of Annual Report,which is published synchronously onSecurities Times,Hong Kong Commercial Daily and website(http:/)for details please referto the complete version.1.2 Directors other than the followings presented at the Board Meeting on which this report was examined:,Name of the directorabsentedWang JunYu Jianfeng,PositionIndependentDirectorIndependentDirector,On business tripOn business trip,Reason for not presenting the meeting,Name of consigneeCheng YuanweiChen Xingshu,1.3 Daxin Certified Public Accountants audited the Financial Report 2009 and issued the standard AuditorsReport without qualified opinion.1.4 Mr.Li Huaguang,the Legal Representative of the Company,Mr.Teng Feng,the Financial Officer,Mr.LiaoJiansheng,the manager of accounting department,hereby declare:the truthfulness and completeness of theFinancial Report are guaranteed.2 Company Profile2.1 Company Profile,Stock IDStock CodeStock Exchange,Jianmo B200054Shenzhen Stock Exchange1,Address,Tel.,Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co.,Ltd.2.2 Liaison People,Secretary of the Board,Annual Report 2011 SummaryRepresentative of Stock Affairs,Name,Teng Feng,Liu Hongyu,No.1 Jianshe Road,Huaxi Industrial Zone,Banan No.1 Jianshe Road,Huaxi Industrial Zone,BananDistrict,Chongqing District,Chongqing,(023)66295333,(023)66295333,Fax.Email.,(023),(023),3 Financial Highlights3.1 Major accounting dataIn RMB Yuan,2011,2010,Increase/decrease(%),2009,Turnover(yuan),2,472,121,020.84 2,473,901,864.94,-0.07%2,223,134,759.58,Business profit(RMB),-178,069,018.76,8,156,166.72,-2,283.24%-13,474,504.05,Gross profit(RMB)Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listedcompany(yuan),-184,126,036.49-188,442,485.96,14,446,720.1511,956,514.54,-1,374.52%-1,676.07%,4,491,570.9710,530,115.30,Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed,company and after deducting of non-recurring,-183,146,060.90,1,510,804.45,-12,222.42%,-4,554,296.94,gain/loss(RMB),Net Cash flow generated by business operation(RMB),-47,764,428.65End of 2011,22,788,349.98End of 2010,-309.60%Increase/decrease(%),17,915,698.78End of 2009,Total asset(RMB)Total liability(RMB),2,691,721,123.40 3,198,882,522.232,403,543,334.99 2,721,534,010.10,-15.85%3,476,263,403.98-11.68%3,012,789,365.13,Owners equity attributable to the shareholders of thelisted company(yuan)Total capital share(shares),286,466,093.56477,500,000.00,474,908,579.52477,500,000.00,-39.68%0.00%,461,074,764.98477,500,000.00,3.2 Major financial indicesIn RMB Yuan,2011,2010,Increase/decrease(%),2009,Basic earnings per share(Yuan/share)Diluted earnings per share(Yuan/share)Basic earnings per share less non-recurring gain/loss(Yuan/share)Net income on asset,weighted average%Weighted average net income/asset ratio less non-recurring gain/loss(%)Net Cash flow per share generated by business operation(yuan/share)Net asset per share attributable to the shareholders of the listed company(Yuan/share)Ratio of liability on asset(%),-0.395-0.395-0.384-49.50%-48.11%-0.10End of20110.6089.29%,0.0250.0250.0032.54%0.32%0.0477End of20100.9985.08%,-1,680.00%-1,680.00%-12,900.00%-52.04%-48.43%-309.64%Increase/decrease(%)-39.39%4.21%,0.0220.022-0.00914.48%-1.00%0.0375End of20090.9786.67%,3.3.Non-recurring profit/loss items,applicable,not applicable,In RMB Yuan,Non-recurring gain and loss items,Amount of 2011,Note(if applicable),Amount of 2010,Amount of 2009,2,-,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co.,Ltd.,Annual Report 2011 Summary,Gain/loss of non-current assets,-315,533.93,379,413.42,-88,511.63,Government subsidies accounted into currentgain/loss account,other than those closely,related to the Companys common business,3,890,061.69,5,996,138.00,12,686,127.73,comply with the national policy and continuesto enjoy at certain fixed rate or amount.,Other non-business income and expendituresother than the aboveInfluenced amount of minority shareholdersequityInfluenced amount of income taxTotal,-9,631,545.49-18,356.12778,948.79-5,296,425.06,4,070,158.670.000.0010,445,710.09,2,486,796.140.000.0015,084,412.24,4 Shareholding Structure4.1 Particulars about the top 10 shareholders and top 10 current share holdersin shares,Total of shareholdersat end of 2011,15,540,Total of shareholders at end of the month prior toissuing of this annual report,15,431,Top 10 Shareholders,Name of theshareholder,Properties ofshareholder,Shareproportion(%),Total shares,Non-negotiableshares held,Pledged orfrozen,China SouthernIndustry Group Co.,Ltd.,State-ownedperson,legal,71.13%,339,625,000,339,625,000,Gu Zuocheng,Domestic natural person,1.86%,8,875,000,8,875,000,Yangpu XinyufengInvestment Co.,Ltd.,Domesticnon-state-ownedperson,legal,1.47%,7,000,000,7,000,000,Feng YonghuiWang Chuxin,Domestic natural personDomestic natural person,0.42%0.32%,2,000,0001,533,400,2,000,000,Jin JieYang ShuitianHuang LiannaCai YuguiChen HanjiePeng Daqiang,Domestic natural personDomestic natural personDomestic natural personDomestic natural personDomestic natural personDomestic natural person,0.14%0.13%0.11%0.11%0.11%0.10%,655,935600,100539,800503,001502,700470,849,0,0,Top 10 Negotiable Share Holders,Name of the shareholderWang ChuxinJin JieYang ShuitianHuang LiannaCai YuguiChen Hanjie,Current shares held,1,533,400655,935600,100539,800503,001502,700,Category of sharesForeign shares placed indomestic exchangeForeign shares placed indomestic exchangeForeign shares placed indomestic exchangeForeign shares placed indomestic exchangeForeign shares placed indomestic exchangeForeign shares placed indomestic exchange,Peng Daqiang,3,470,849 Foreign shares placed in,5,Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co.,Ltd.,Annual Report 2011 Summarydomestic exchange,Li MingyaZhang ShaoqinShanghai Hong Kong WanguoSecurities,424,400420,800420,000,Foreign shares placed indomestic exchangeForeign shares placed indomestic exchangeForeign shares placed indomestic exchange,Notes to relationship There isnt any associated relationship between the sponsoring shareholder and the other shareholders amongor“action in concert”the top-10 list.None of them are regarded as Acting in concert in accordance with The rules of informationamong the top ten disclosure on change of shareholding.Foreign shareholders are unknown for their condition of Associatedshareholders.relationship and Acting in concert.4.2 Chart of share equity and controlling power between the Company and the holdersNational State-owned AssetAdministrative Committee100%China Southern Industry Co.Ltd.71.13%Chongqing Jianshe MotorcycleCo.,Ltd.Report of the Board of Directors5.1 Analysis of the ManagementIn year 2011,the Company realized turnover of RMB2.472 billion,basically level with the previous year.Inwhich RMB1.801 billion from motrocycle,reduced by 2.97%;RMB671 million from air conditioner,increasedby 8.66%.The 2011 was so grim a year for the motorcycle industry that the company has got a performance loss caused bythe rise of row material price,increasement of human cost,ascending fee and cost for implementation of theNational Motorcycle Emission Standard III,and increasing financial expense resulted by the rising loan interestrate and the continuous RMB appreciation.1.New Progress of Industrial Structural AdjustmentEnhancing Automotive Air Conditioner Compressor Manufacturing Capability.The company has started the 1.50million units/year technical improvement project to realize automatic processing,online monitoring and fullyusing of human engineering.The company has optimized its supplier system to form the capacity of 2 million setsof fittings per year.Expanding Engine and Spare Parts Business.The company has achieved sales of 0.1832 million motorcycleengines,up 37.51%.The company also has enhanced self production capacity by establishing semifinishing lines4,Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co.,Ltd.,Annual Report 2011 Summary,of automotive air conditioner compressor front and rear end plate,cylinder body parts to form the capacity of 0.26million sets/year.Initiating Electromobile Business.The company has set up a electromobile research institution and has finishedthe plan and development of 3 series and 9 platforms.And so the company has successfully finished thepreparation of production access and obtained the industrial qualification.2.Continuous Improvement of Technology Innovation AbilityThe company has continued to optimize its differential product pedigree.In the field of motive power platform,the company has successfully researched and developed F55(camber beam),F51(striding type),F33(400cc),F56(100T),etc.In the field of vehicle,the company has successfully began to produce K8 Wanpao,X6 NewJunfeng,etc.In this year 6 new type products has achieved mass production and the product type and quantity hasbeen further enriched.The company has continued to improve its research and development ability.The company basically realizedproduct structure 3D design and CAE simulation analysis has been used widely to components and parts structureoptimization design,engine nature optimization,vehicle movement simulation,etc.The company has madeachievement of the key technology research and development and the company has finished the Euro IV EmissionStandard experiment ability construction to basically master the new technologies such as Efi calibration,electronically controlled carburetor,etc.The company has applied for 106 patents among which 10 were inventionin 2011.The company technology center has been ranked 173 among the 729 centers all over the country in the 2011National Technology Center Innovation Ability Evaluation to be still the first one of the industry.Ten of the newcompany products were listed in Chongqing Key New Product Plan.3.Increasing Control Potency Dimension.The company has continuously made efforts to tamp its basic management,push forward its QMS improvement,comprehensively enhance manufacturing quality assurance and the company has been rated as“National QualityManagement Team Activities Excellent Enterprise”.The company has continued to enhance supplier quality,strengthen production quality supervision and management,and promote supplier assessment.And the supplierquality guarantee ability has increased greatly compared with which in 2011.5.2 Principal business segments on industries/productsIn RMB10 thousandSegments on industriesGross profit,On Industries,Turnover,Operation cost,Gross profitratio(%),Change of income over lastyear%,Change of cost rationover last year%increased/decreas,ed,Manufacturing,247,212.00,219,409.00,11.25%,-0.07%,5.91%,-5.01%,Segments on productsGross profit,On Products,Turnover,Operation cost,Gross profitratio(%),Change of income over lastyear%,Change of cost rationover last year%increased/decreas,ed,Motorcycle andpartsVehicle airconditioner,180,137.0067,075.00,163,960.0055,449.00,8.98%17.33%,-2.97%8.66%,4.33%10.89%,-6.37%-1.66%,5,Chongqing Jianshe Motorcycle Co.,Ltd.,Annual Report 2011 Summary,5.3 Statement on material change on profit composition,main business structure,and main businessprofitability,applicable,not applicable,Cause of change:decrease of operational profit was caused by increasing of material prices,labor costs,andexecuting of National III standard.Increasing of loan interest and increase of value of RMB caused increaseof financial costs more over.,6,Financial Report,6.1 Explanation on changes of accounting policies,accounting estimation,and accounting method,applicable,not applicable,6.2 Content,amount,reason and impact of major accounting errors,applicable,not applicable,6.3 Explanation on changes of consolidation range comparing with the previous annual report,applicable,not applicable,6.4 Statement of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee on the“Non-standard AuditorsReport”,applicable,not applicable,6,