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    Introduction To Windows Xp Embedded.ppt

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    Introduction To Windows Xp Embedded.ppt

    Windows XP EmbeddedTools,Components&Embedded Enabling TechnologiesMSR Embedded Crash Course,Peter WilsonProduct Unit ManagerEmbedded Windows GroupMicrosoft Corporation,Agenda,XP Embedded(XPe)OverviewXPe Component ModelXPe ToolsEmbedded Enabling TechnologiesQ&A,XP Embedded Overview,XPe is Windows XP Client for devices,OEM Applications,OEM Hardware,Componentized Windows XP PRO,Macro Component Configurations,Developer ToolsDeployment ToolsEmbedded Enabling Features,XPe Development Overview,Target Designer,Component Designer,XPe Component Database,ApplicationBinaries,App,OS&EEFComponents,Target Analyzer,HardwareDefinition,Application Components,OSImage,XPe Deployment Overview,Target Designer,OSImage,QFE/Patch,SDI Image,Remote Install,Remote Boot,Clone&Reseal,Device UpdateAgent,Post to Web,RebuildOS Image,XPe vs.CE,Summary XPe:targeted at Embedded Devices built on commodity PC hardware,requiring full Windows API,services and protocols Repurposing of XP for embeddedCE:targeted at low power,low BOM embedded devicesBuilt from ground up for embedded scenariosDetailsTools/APIs/DriversXPe equivalent to XP ProCE eVC,VS.net,CE driver modelCPUsXPe x86 onlyCE,4 coresFootprintCE 200KB upXPe 5KB up,XPe Target Devices,R/POSSet Top BoxATMVending MachineMedical DevicesIndustrial Control/HCIMusic Synthesizer,Thin ClientAudio MixerMisc.KiosksGaming MachinesResidential GWExercise BikeNAS,Great Research/Teaching PlatformCurriculum Materials Available,XPe Components,Componentized version of XP Pro Same binaries as XP ProFull Win32&.net APIBug for bug compatible protocolsSupport for all Windows Device DriversAccess to the best tools&developers,XPe Components,XML wrapped components 1000 OS Components9000 Device DriversReduced component dependenciesEach component containsFile(and other)resourcesSettings,with DHTML Configuration UIRegistry StateDependenciesHelp text,XPe Component Macros,Macros enables rapid prototypingDesign Templates:starting point for device developmentSet Top Box,Home Gateway,Information Appliance,Kiosk,Network Attached Storage,Point of Sale,Windows Based TerminalHelper MacrosA generic set of components that allows the user to quickly build a run-time image without identifying specific hardware.Eliminates tasks by configuring commonly-used settingsTechnology MacrosAggregation of functionally related componentsDirectX,IE,etc.,XPe Component Database,Components and Macros metadata stored in SQL DatabaseLocal database in MSDEShared database in SQL ServerComponent repository(OS binaries)in file systemNew database ships with SP1Unmodified RTM components&updated SP1 componentsAll QFEsMUI Languages:8 in box,14 on web at launchExisting configuration will work unchangedUpgrade paths from RTM components to SP1 components,Developer Tools,Target Designer(TD)Composition and configuration of components into bootable OS imagesComponent Designer(CD)Creation of custom componentsTarget Analyzer(TA)Creates definition of target hardware,TD:Component Selection,Selection of macro or componentBrowse by categorySearch and filteringPre-selection estimation of footprint impactComponent help,TD:Configuration,OS&Components are configured for target deviceOS Configuration:Hardware supportFile systemMachine namePagefileDestination driveEtc.Component ConfigurationVaries by componentConfigurable through DHTMLEquivalent to OS setup time configuration,TD:Check Dependencies,Check dependenciesIdentifies and adds required components based on dependenciesTask list prompts user for component selection based on category,TD:Build Target Image,Builds a bootable OS Registry hives,folders and populating binaries to folders Based on resource information and settings of components in the configurationGenerates file system folder containing OS filesCopy to bootable partitionBootFirst Boot Agent runs for online configuration,Component Designer,Creation and editing of components for use on embedded devicesDeveloper specifiesName,version,author,etc.Files&Registry data(from local PC)Group or File dependency(from Component DB)Component category membershipBuild order dependenciesRequired system resourcesComponent saved as.sld fileFiles&metadata are imported into repository&database,Target Analyzer,Target Analyzer simplifies configuring OS image for target hardwareApplication that runs on target deviceGenerates XML definition of target hardware(.pmq file)Hardware definition:Imported into Component Designer creates component with dependencies on the identified hardware driversImported into Target Designer,adds appropriate device drivers to configurationRuns under XP,WinPE,DOS,Component Designer&Target Analyzer,Embedded Enabling Technologies,SDIOS Image format and supporting toolsImage Cloning&ResealMass deployment of near identical imagesRemote BootAllows booting from server via PXEDevice Update AgentLight-weight servicing clientWinPEBootable“XP”Installation platformEnhanced Write FilterProtect OS partition in embedded devicesCD-Boot“El Torito”implementation uses read-only media for system,SDI,SDI is a portable file format for XPE imagesVirtual disk driveDisk image backed by.sdi filePartitioned,formatted,bootable Tools for building,editing and extracting imagesSDI LoaderGUI toolCreating,mounting,dismounting SDI files as drivesSDI ManagerCommand-line tool for manipulating SDI files off-line,SDI Uses,Managing large numbers of bootable imagesTarget Designer builds into mounted drives Image format for Remote BootNTLDR has support for SDI imagesRemote Boot manager allows configuration of SDI image to MAC address,SDI File Format,Partition Blob,Loader Blob,Boot Blob,Header,SDI SignatureBoot Offset&LengthExtensible(4K),Boot program STARTROM.COMReal mode executable fileCall NTLDR.exe,Loader Program NTLDR.exeMounts Partition Blob as RAMDISKBoots into RAMDISK,Target runtime image Post FBA XPe Image,Disk Blob,Image Cloning&Reseal,Mass deployment on nearly identical hardwareRun-time image must be adjusted for serial no,MAC address,SID,etc.Include the System Cloning ComponentTwo phases:reseal and cloningAllows FBA configurationAllows manual installation of applications post buildUse SDI to deploy resealed image,Remote Boot,OverviewBoot an embedded device over a networkTargeted at POS scenariosIntended for diskless devicesRequirementsWindows XP Embedded run-time imageDevice has BIOS PXE support,TCP/IP networkWindows 2000 Server with DHCP,PXE,and TFTP Server supported with QFE Server launch,Remote Boot Scenarios,ScenariosDeployment of OS to POS type devicesDiskless systems,persist no stateSimplified servicingExtensible by third partiesSDI Image,booting into RAM DiskResilient to Network outage once bootedRBS Manager to configure remote boot serverAssign images,boot program,etc.to mac addressExtensible based on published SDI image format supported by NTLoader,Remote Boot Architecture,Clients,DHCP Server,Redirection ServiceBoot ServiceTFTP Service,Device Update Agent,Lightweight management solution for small footprint devicesMinimal dependenciesFlexible command set to address a broad range of scenarios,Key DUA Scenarios,Update applications or application data Apply QFEs or system updatesDeploy new components or device driversAutomate cleanup and management tasks,DUA Features,Execute local or remote command files(Push vs.Pull)Flexible scheduling with jitter and polling optionsConfigurable within Target DesignerBroad command set,DUA Command File Execution,Command files are executed immediately upon acquisitionCommands are processed sequentiallyFailure modes are specified by each commandErrors are logged to the event log,DUA Security Considerations,HTTPS with auth is offered as a secure transfer optionCommand files are not in plain textPoll locations should be securedIncorporate additional security mechanisms if necessary(i.e.VPN,encryption,IP filtering),DUA Architecture,Device Update Script(.DUS file),Translator,Validate and Tokenize,Command File(.DUP),XPE Device,Device Update Agent,HTTP/HTTPS,Update Web Server,Local File Storage,Development Environment,DUA Best Practices,Test and deploy on known configurationsPlan for updates scheduling,distributing load,http requirements Command files should update poll locations on completionServers should not issue redirects,WinPE,WinPE is Windows XP Pre-install EnvironmentLightweight servicing OSXPe SP1 CD1 is bootable WinPE diskDeployment licensing in progressDevelopment time on target hardwareBoot WinPE&running TABoot WinPE and copy imageDeployment timeRemote boot/Remote Install WinPEBootstrap SDI ManagerInstall and boot remote image to disk/RAMDisk,Enhanced Write Filter,Protect your file systemPersistentRequires storage mechanism on device(hard drive,flash ram,etc.)Non-persistentRedirects disk writes to memoryUse of OverlaysAllow multiple levels of protection and“undo”Multiple Volume Support,Disk,Overlay 1,Overlay 2,Overlay 3,EWF How it works.,EWF Components,EWF ComponentA component you add to your run-time image add EWF support to your image.Includes settings to configure EWF on your deviceEWF NT Loader(EWF NTLDR)Required if booting from an EWF protected media that is writeable(i.e.,hard disk).Not required when used with CD BootEWF Manager ConsoleA component you can add to your configuration that allows reconfiguration of EWF on the embedded device.,Configuring EWF,At design-timeUse the settings pane in Target DesignerAt Run-TimeAdd the EWF Manager Console component to your image.,CD-Boot,Allow XP Embedded to boot from a CDXPe implementation of El ToritoOnly one bootable partition allowed Bootable partition must be the first partitionEnhanced Write Filter(non-persistent)to store information during the sessionAllows use of read-only media for systemUse CD-ROM for system Redirect disk writes to memory or other storage medium Persistent EWF is not supported with CD-Boot,OS Footprint:Sample Configs,Applications,XPe applications are Windows applicationsTarget Win32/.net fxPC based development and testMinor difference:System File ProtectionComponent based installationAuthor components,not setupComponents are unit of servicing,distribution,Hardware,XPe devices are built on commodity PC hardwareX86 CPUStandard or reduced motherboardsPC devices and drivers,Recap:XPe Development,Target Designer,Component Designer,XPe Component Database,ApplicationBinaries,App,OS&EEFComponents,Target Analyzer,HardwareDefinition,Application Components,OSImage,Recap:XPe Deployment,Target Designer,OSImage,QFE/Patch,SDI Image,Remote Install,Remote Boot,Clone&Reseal,Device UpdateAgent,Post to Web,RebuildOS Image,Q&A,


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