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    本科毕业设计外文文献及译文 文献题目:Reviewing the Development of Modern Landscape Architecture in America 文献来源:期刊文献发表日期:2008.10.25 院 (部): 艺术学院专 业: 园林班 级: 园林061姓 名: 张峻涛学 号: 2006061324指导教师: 鲁敏教授翻译日期: 2010.6.9外文文献:Reviewing the Development of Modern Landscape Architecture in America 1 Introduction The new century came in the end, turn of the century, a century or even millennium replace actually replaced in a flash, in this moment, the United States Modern Landscape Architecture profession has gone through an extraordinary century.In the passing away of hundred years, the United States the emergence of modern landscape architecture and development to guide the direction of modern landscape architecture, and covers almost all of the exploration.Therefore, we hope that through their review and thinking, can and enlightenment. 2 Development Industrial revolution has brought about tremendous and far-reaching changes to the 19th century, known as the "father of American landscape architecture" of the FL Olmsted and Vaux designed by British architect, New York's Central Park (1858) the construction, marking the ordinaryliving landscape to come.As a starting point, the landscape architecture from the path of independence, and with modern American society and the democratic process, moving from a very small selection of traditional professional into the world of human life for almost all the scales involved in the subject; in the shortshort bar for more than a century, the landscape of human experience in several dimensions greatly expanded.2.1 The expansion of the field of professional practice And ideal as a symbol of a series of city parks (1865 Thurmond Philadelphia Park, Jinshan Park, 1870 San Francisco, Chicago, 1871 South Park, etc.) and the beginning of modern landscape architecture practice, such as a pioneer in the Olmsteadinitiative, adhere to the whole land from the city and the perspective of the modern landscape architecture professional practice areas of the start location; including urban parks and green space systems, urban and rural landscape road system, residential areas, schools, real estate development and national parksplanning and design management in the broad field.With the social development and understanding of human nature continues to expand, the practice of landscape architecture and further extend to the entire field of human settlements conditions.Modern Landscape Architecture in Perspective increasingly clear that completely changed the concept of practice, of course, the traditional small-scale private gardens and garden design continue, and ecology, such as land planning, landscape protection and planning, investigation and assessment of land resources and landscape protectionmanagement of these professional practice to make the landscape architecture in a more general level and more public scale operation.Today, as a human society gradually away from the natural environment to answer, landscape architecture, construction yard will no longer be enlarged version, but a practical subject, covering almost 10,000 people and the natural environment aspects of the relationship between the practice of subject area, itstheoretical methods and social responsibility also will expand and change.2.2 clients and professional practitioners to expand American Modern Landscape Architecture from the Central Park, the already small number of people is no longer a luxury for admiration, but the general public space for physical and mental regeneration.Landscape into the lives of ordinary people, to meet the aspirations of ordinary people, it should be said that it was given to modern society and democracy.Modern landscape architecture enables modern landscape architecture, social life with real roots, with continuous vitality and dynamism.With human beings the process of industrialization and urbanization make the deteriorating natural environment, the survival and continuation of human beings also under threat.To environmental issues in contemporary society to highlight the status of the point of view, the modern landscape architecture services is no longer limited to a group of man-made object, but as a human interdependence with other species with itself has a multi-cultural existence of natural systemsin part, to expand the vision of modern landscape architecture to the cultural circle of the entire human interaction with the natural biosphere and sustainable development. Broad areas of professional practice to make the necessary professional knowledge landscape architects increasingly present a comprehensive and integrated features.Today, many landscape architects will be required for landscape architecture practice, extensive knowledge and feel a bit embarrassed.Correspondingly, with a variety of different professional backgrounds to participate in the practice of landscape architecture to, of which both traditional gardener, there are architects, urban planners, botanists, geographers, environmental and even painters and artistssculptor.They have their own unique knowledge and the professional advantages of modern landscape architecture makes the richness of the multi-scene, to explore a variety of professional landscape architecture in modern science and art both in deepening and expand the experience of landscape architectural design and methods.2.3 design elements and design practices to expand Was used as a multi-purpose practice professional, modern landscape design palette of material also extends to traditional landscape design can not imagine the situation.Landscape Design Plant is no longer the dominant element of the dominant, but rather an alternative landscape materials, land, rocks, water, concrete, bricks, wood, tile, steel, plastic and glass and many naturalartificial material in the modern landscape design can be used, even the local hardware store in a form element plated frog also appears in the modern landscape works.Avant-garde in the small-scale urban garden design, almost no natural landscape materials greatly challenges the traditional definition of the limitations of the landscape. Landscape design materials with rich phase reflect the diversity of modern landscape design practices, from large-scale landscape planning and design of the SAD (Survey - Analysis - Design), highway planning and conservation planning projects in the "Qian Cengbing" modeand "patch - corridor - matrix" model to the modern minimalist garden courtyard design, many rational functionalism, ecology, and art design techniques and the environment beyond the traditional rules of style and design techniques of naturalThe debate, the scope and scale to adapt to a variety of landscape design practice, to meet different design requirements, and created a different landscape image. 3 Evolution As the landscape is a living, changing organism, like the growth of the modern landscape architecture in the past more than a century as the development of American society as changing, reflecting the social reality of a particular time.3.1 naturalistic style swing beginning with The vast territory the United States, changing the natural landscape to landscape design has almost natural pursuit of naturalism, Olmsted and his followers in a city park system planning and design to promote naturalism, against the pursuit of dignity andclear structure of classicism.Park-style attractions and beautiful natural environment was poor cities in stark contrast to a return to nature to meet the needs of society.However, after the U.S. landscape architecture through the flashy veneer of The Late Victorian Eclectic Landscape, City Beautiful Movement and the revival of classical neo-classical trends and so transform the style of decades and did not get out swinging in the modern society to adapttheir own way.3.2 Modernism Before and after World War II, modern art and modern architecture in theory and works under the influence of American modernist landscape architecture in the so-called "Harvard Revolution" after forming.Modernist landscape architecture is not the most positive contribution to the use of new materials, but that function should be the starting point of this concept design, modern landscape architecture and thus out of a beautiful design or landscape type Transcendentalism, to the venue and the reality of the times fit, given the rational application of landscape architecture and greater creative freedom.As Harvard Revolution "James Rose said:" We can not live in the painting, but as a group to design the landscape paintings of our daily lives plundering the region's use of the opportunity."He is most concerned about the use of space, rather than planning the landscape design or so-called order. The leaders of Thomas Church, California school works is not really encouraging the order form, but free design language as well asdesign itself, the venues and the delicate balance between employer requirements. Another master Garrett Eckbo Modern Landscape Design Landscape design is more emphasis on the social scale, emphasizing landscape architecture's role in public life. In his view, "If the designonly consider beautiful, is the lack of inherent rationality of the luxury community. "geometric sense of order most of his works of Dan Kiley also that the mapping design is life itself, the pursuit of the function will produce real art. the best symbol of thisa period of landscape design and environmental care for the landscape architect is Lawrence Halprin, his work reflects the progress of modernism in all aspects of landscape architecture, including the design of the social role of natural systems to adapt to stress, as well as function and process of the formits importance and so on. He's a natural place as a dramatic landscape inspired urban planning of public landscape design, urban landscape is not only beautiful but also recreational place for people to become the city's open space human. 60 years since the 20th century, social democracy, brought about the promotion of public participation in decision-making system changes in all aspects of American society, landscape architecture is also true, but Harpring is a direct supporter of this change and advocates, areHarpring made his company is the design process to adapt to new social realities, through seminars and information feedback, etc. to achieve the wishes of the public involved in the design so that the community was able to landscape design set-up. modern doctrine of the community through landscape architecture designfactors and features to further stress and social realities embarked on the road simultaneously.3.3 Ecological Ethics 70 years before, increasingly concerned about the ecological environment, landscape architecture, University of Pennsylvania Professor Lan McHarg proposed to include landscape as a geology, topography, hydrology, land use, plants, wildlife and climate and other decisive factors interrelated whole to look atpoint of view.Stressed the landscape plan should comply with the intrinsic value of nature and natural processes, and improved in order to factor stratified analysis and map overlay technology as the core of the Ecological Planning, Macharg called "Qian Cengbing model."The theory and method of landscape architecture to a certain extent given the scientific nature of the landscape as you can experience all kinds of objective analysis and conclusion, with clearly defined subjects.Macharg scope of the study focused on large-scale landscape and environmental planning, but for any scale of landscape architecture practice, this meant that an important message.That is in addition to an aesthetic landscape outside the system or an ecosystem, and those are just the art of the arrangement of plants and landscape design methods, more detailed design is the concept of environmental ethics.Although the landscape architectural practice in a pluralistic exploration, the natural determinism of the ideas are only one kind of assumptions Ji, but vulnerable when the critical state of the environment when there Macharg and Pennsylvania School of the most significant yes Cujinlandscape architecture as the ideological foundation of the professional work of the new criteria, the broad information landscape designers the potential structure of thinking laid an indelible mark.For the modernist landscape architects, the concept of eco-ethics to tell them, in addition to social ties between people, all people are born with the Earth's ecological systems closely associated with.3.4 Post-modernism and the art of landscape to explore When large-scale ecological landscape planning and rational method of turning at the same time, small-scale landscape architectural design by 60 environmental art since noon, and postmodern film incentives, art and landscape linkages have done a lot of new exploration.A new generation of landscape architect Peter Walker combines minimalism, classical and modernist minimalism to create a unique landscape.Full of mystery in his landscape design work, Walker used a simple form, repetition, geometric structure of the natural materials from the material in a natural structure of the original million-style together, bringing a new structureproduced new means of visual integrated experience.Mystery of general features of nature, human contact with nature has a mysterious atmosphere by a metaphor out of the art scene, landscape architecture in the function and esthetics were given on the basis of meaningful artistic temperament.And Martha Schwartz Landscape Design works are denied the authenticity of the material, instead of a serious banter.Complex instead of simple, modernist landscape of dull and discard the reason was the designer.Designers to express artistic ideas and new understanding of the landscape: the landscape is a man-made or artificial modification of the set of the space, which is the basis and background of public life, is related to art and life.Post-modernist novel materials with almost eerie and staggered hybrid system reflects the composition of post-modern American society complex and contradictory social reality to the image of diverse social values embodied multi-source, expressed in this complex society tovulnerable groups, speech power of the social ideals of postmodernism.In the performance style, these active experiments with neo-classical 19th century landscape architecture are similar, the same inspiration for the visual arts, also emphasized the use of circular geometry rather than the so-called naturalistic style.But here, the individual imagination combines the functions of caring modernist sound art to think about the social elements of


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