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    Design for Serviceaility (DFS).ppt

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    Design for Serviceaility (DFS).ppt

    MPD 575Design for Serviceability,Jonathan Weaver,Pg 3 3rd line,At should be atPg 3 4th line from bottom,Of should be ofPg 48 earth should be EarthPg 59 design should be designsPg 59 lead should be ledPg 63 engines should be engines,Development History,Originally developed by Cohort 1 team of Henry Brown,David Ogbuaku,and Vince CroomCritiqued and Improved by Cohort 1 team:Steve Borkes,Larry Liotino,and Dennis PersonCritiqued and Improved by Cohort 2 team:Tom Jones,James Watson,and Doug Schrandt,Intro Humor,A few days ago a gentleman was having some work done at his local garage.A blonde came in and asked for a seven-hundred-ten.They all looked at each other,and another customer asked,What is a seven-hundred-ten?She replied,You know,the little piece in the middle of the engine,I lost it and need a new one.It had always been there.The mechanic gave the blonde a piece of paper and a pen and asked her to draw what the piece looked like.She drew a circle and in the middle of it wrote 710.He then took her over to another car which had the hood up and asked,is there a 710 on this car?She pointed and said,Of course,its right there.,Intro Humor(Cont.),Design for Serviceability(DFS),Introduction to DFSWhy DFS?DFS and the CustomerImpact of DFSServiceability ConcernsGuidelines for DFSDFS ProcessOther DFS NeedsUseful DFS Data and ToolsSoftwareExamplesSummary,Design for Serviceability(DFS)Introduction,In the Ford Motor Company we emphasize service equal with sales.It has always been our belief that a sale does not complete the transaction between us and the buyer,but establishes a new obligation on us to see that his car gives service.We are as much interested in your economical operation of the car as you are in the economical manufacture of it.This is only good business on our part.If our car gives service,sales will take care of themselves.For that reason we have installed a system of controlled service to take care of all Ford car needs in an economical and improved manner.We wish all users of Ford cars to know what they are entitled to.Henry Ford,Design for Serviceability(DFS)Introduction,Service is defined as:the occupation or function of serving;to perform services for:as to repair or provide maintenance for,to perform any of the business functions auxiliary to production or distribution.Source:Websters Dictionary,Design for Serviceability(DFS)Introduction,Serviceability,according to Ford Motor Company,is defined as:The ability to diagnose,remove,replace,replenish,adjust,or repair any component or subsystem,to optimum specification,with relative ease.Source:Ford Motor Company DFIS Manual,Design for Serviceability(DFS)Introduction,By extrapolation,Design for Serviceability is defined as:the practice of considering service and serviceability as part of the design process.The process of optimizing a product for serviceability is fundamentally different from that of optimizing it for ease of initial assembly.,Design for Serviceability(DFS)Why DFS?,To achieve and maintain leadership,businesses must satisfy their customer and at the same time control costs,a challenging task.A great many elements make up customer satisfaction:product cost,performance,styling and quality.Quality includes not only conformance to specification,measured by fit and function,but also the quality of the vehicle over time,usually measured as life cycle cost.,Design for Serviceability(DFS)Why DFS?,Along with these technical elements,products must also be manufactured to create an enjoyable ownership experience to keep customers happy and coming back.One major obstacle to customer satisfaction is the cost of maintenance and service,and the aggravation they both create.Warranty is a major cost in the product life cycle,thus both manufacturers and customers are interested in the serviceability of the product.,Design for Serviceability(DFS)Why DFS?,Proper application of DFS methods can decrease total life costs and increase the bottom line.Serviceability must be considered early in the design cycle.Serviceability reviews often occur late in the development process when the design is quite firm and changes are costly.(source:Design Theory and Methodology DTM 91)70%of the life cycle costs are committed by the time of concept formulation,rising to 85%by the start of development before any hardware is built.(source:Design for Serviceability Expert System),Design for Serviceability(DFS)DFS and the Customer-Stakeholders,Distribution System(Dealers)D-I-Y(Do It Yourself)OwnersYou!Manufacturing/Assembly PlantsThird-party Service Providers,Design for Serviceability(DFS)DFS and the Customer-Buying Motives,A study conducted by Tenneco Corp.to identify customer buying motives found that the number one factor in the buying decision was a well-constructed,high quality product.Three of the top five buying motives involved quality product service.,Design for Serviceability(DFS)DFS and the Customer-Buying Motives,Among the top five buying motives,customers identified:QualityRepair workRepair when promisedQuick service response(source:1989 ASQC Quality Congress Transactions),Design for Serviceability(DFS)DFS and the Customer-Desires,When it comes to service,customers desire no service at all.To satisfy customers from a serviceability view,the manufacturer should design for:ReliabilityMinimal maintenanceD-I-Y(Do It Yourself)maintenance,Design for Serviceability(DFS)DFS and the Customer-Satisfaction&Loyalty,It cost five times as much to gain one new customer as it does to retain one.Satisfied customers tell eight to ten others.Dissatisfied customers tell 16 to 20 others.Twenty-five percent of the dissatisfied customers may tell as many as 40 other people.(source:Automotive News),Design for Serviceability(DFS)DFS and the Customer-Satisfaction&Loyalty,If service is required,customers expect it to be with relative ease and minimal cost.To maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty,repair time and cost must be minimized.For the manufacturer this means:Repairs should be continuously reduced.Repair time reduction depends on solid diagnostics,ease of access,simplicity and standardization.The final cost of a repair must be reduced.Excellent serviceability helps a company develop and maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty.,Design for Serviceability(DFS)DFS and the Customer-Satisfaction&Loyalty,Poor serviceability leads to customer dissatisfaction through higher costs and longer repair time resulting in lost sales and market share for the manufacturer.To maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty,manufacturers should provide a high level of product serviceability.,Design for Serviceability(DFS)DFS and the Customer-Satisfaction&Loyalty,Customers expect superior service from major service and repairs to minor adjustments.The following measured costs have a strong correlation with serviceability:Operating costsScheduled maintenance and repair costsUnscheduled maintenance and repair costs,Design for Serviceability(DFS)DFS and the Customer-Satisfaction&Loyalty,Customers look at total cost of ownership.If a product needs repair the owner cares about how often the repair must be done,how long it takes to complete the work(the aggravation factor)as well as how much it costs.Costs not covered under warranty,or incurred after the warranty expires,increase customer dissatisfaction.In the automotive industry,estimated life cycle repair costs are three to four times the warranty costs.One of the ratings for used cars in Consumer Digest is the average cost of repairs.A cost index rating shows how each make and models repair costs stack up against the competition.,Design for Serviceability(DFS)Impact of DFS,Design for Serviceability requires considering associated costs of factory corrections of defects,campaigns,litigation,buy-backs,distribution support,and warranty costs.Reduction in company warranty expensesReduction in“customer pay”expensesReduction in other hidden costs,Design for Serviceability(DFS)Impact of DFS,Impact on Manufacturers:Warranty ImprovementStrengthened Brand ImageEnhanced Residual Vehicle ValuesIncreased ProfitabilityImpact on Customer:Improved SatisfactionReduced Cost of RepairsAdded ConvenienceImproved Diagnostics(faster problem diagnosis leads to faster and less expensive repair)Reduced Part PricingImproved Resale Value,Design for Serviceability(DFS)Serviceability Concerns,OEM concerns:Parts Cost:What will be the cost of the replacement parts?Frequency:How often will the component require service?Labor Time:How long will the service take?Owner concerns:Latent Failure:What is the potential for causing a latent failure from the service procedure?Repeat Repair:What is the potential for having to repair it over?Performance Level:Will the original vehicle performance level be restored?Customer Expectation:Will the customer be satisfied with the service?,Design for Serviceability(DFS)Serviceability Concerns,Technician concernsSafety:Are there any safety concerns related to service of the component?Damage:What is the potential for damaging other components during service?Diagnosis:Are diagnostics required?Can they be performed?Special Tools:Are special tools necessary?Reasonableness:Is the service procedure correct for the type of service required and is the procedure straightforward?Labor Time:How long will the service take?For the technician,all of these are a result of accurate training and well written service reference manuals.,Design for Serviceability(DFS)Guidelines for DFS,Minimize the number of layers of components.Results in a reduction in the maximum number of components removed to gain access to a specific part.Design the components that are most likely to fail or need servicing close to the assembly surface.Results in a cost reduction of the most frequent service operations.Develop a modular product structure.Whole sub-assemblies may be removed and replaced instead of individual,embedded components.,Design for Serviceability(DFS)Guidelines for DFS,Minimize the number of connections between sub-assemblies.The time and complexity to remove and install sub-assemblies is reduced.Use standard components.Results in component cost reduction,availability of parts,a reduction in the use of specialty tools,a reduction in the variety of tools needed and reduction of time lost to acquire custom components.Additionally,component characteristics are better predicted.Minimize specialist labor.Easy problem diagnostics and use of common components allows for servicing by a general technician.Source:U.of Queensland Manufacturing website,Design for Serviceability(DFS)DFS Process,Determine Initial Serviceability RequirementsDefine the product serviceability:NeedsRequirementsRestrictionsIn addition,what serviceability improvements are needed from the last design?,Design for Serviceability(DFS)DFS Process,Determine Data Qualifiers for Serviceability Determine the products level of serviceability from past designs and industry benchmarks.Establish if the product is intended to be serviced by the customer,service centers,the manufacturer or not at all.Components that are regularly serviced by the vehicle owners will have different requirements than those serviced by technicians.,Design for Serviceability(DFS)DFS Process,Review the Designs ServiceabilityA series of checklists should be implemented for serviceability review with the following headings:Location Simplification Standardization Design for Repair Life Factors Diagnostics,Design for Serviceability(DFS)DFS Process,Review the Designs ServiceabilityThere are sub-headings,with accompanying questions,under each of the main headings.The sub-headings are as follows:Location-Accessibility,Obstructions,Orientation,Visibility Simplification-Minimization,Clustering,Labeling,Intuitive Standardization-Components and Sub-components,Fasteners and Connectors,Tools Design for Repair-Ergonomics,Service Aids,Obvious Operation,Safety Life Factors-Reaction,Mechanical Stress,Environment,Location,Component Retirement Diagnostics-Indicators,Accessibility,Procedures,Design for Serviceability(DFS)DFS Process,Location ChecklistAccessibility Is the component layer based on service frequency and user?Can the component be reached with hands?Can the component be reached with normal tools?Can the component be removed from its location?Can the components be grouped for better serviceability?,Design for Serviceability(DFS)DFS Process,Location ChecklistObstructions Do other components have to be removed for visibility,service,or removal?Is there potential for damage of nearby components in the service process?Can you offer more space by moving,hiding,or shrinking the component or adjacent component?,Design for Serviceability(DFS)DFS Process,Location ChecklistOrientation Do the service steps require multiple re-orientations?Can any fluids be retained in the process?Will Service expose other parts to contamination?VisibilityCan the component be clearly seen for diagnosis and/or removal/installation?Does the layout look BIC(Best in Class)?,Design for Serviceability(DFS)DFS Process,Simplification Checklist MinimizationHave you reduced part count with DFA(Design for Assembly)?Have you reduced or eliminated user adjustments?ClusteringIs the component located where expected?Is the component grouped with like functions?,Design for Serviceability(DFS)DFS Process,Simplification ChecklistLabelingDoes the component have clear instructions?Is the component color coded?IntuitiveIs the disassembly obvious?,Design for Serviceability(DFS)DFS Process,Standardization ChecklistComponents and Sub-Components Can you use an industry standard component or sub-component?Can this component be used on other platforms?Is the component backward/forward compatible?Fasteners and Connectors Are the fasteners/connectors the same type,size,length?Do they match other assemblies?Are the fastener orientations the same?,Design for Serviceability(DFS)DFS Process,Standardization ChecklistToolsCan you service with a minimum of tools?Can you service without a need for special tools?,Design for Serviceability(DFS)DFS Process,Standardization Checklist ErgonomicsCan the component be manipulated or removed by hand?Are the torques within normal user limits?Have you protected against human-caused failure?,Design for Serviceability(DFS)DFS Process,Standardization Checklist Service AidsHave you included guides and assembly aids:locators,pilots,adhesives,sealants,etc.to make assembly easier?Have you incorporated anti-cross threading?Have you included adjusting,lifting,pry points?Can you replace whats broken?Must you damage or break components to perform repairs?,Design for Serviceability(DFS)DFS Process,Design For Repair ChecklistObvious OperationCan the parts only locate the“right”way?Is the disassembly/reassembly order mechanically constrained?Does your design indicate when the repair is correct?SafetyHave you eliminated sharp edges?Have you guarded against shock hazards?Have you protected against stored energy-


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