黄 冈 师 范 学 院本 科 生 毕 业 论 文论文题目:On Stimulating Junior Middle School Students' Interest in Learning English 作 者: 刘 晶 专业班级: 英语200701班 指导教师: 向先兰 学 号: 200713140124 2011年4月20日郑重声明本人的毕业论文(设计)是在指导教师 向先兰 的指导下独立撰写并完成的。毕业论文(设计)没有剽窃、抄袭、造假等违反学术道德、学术规范和侵权行为,本人愿意承担由此产生的各种后果,直至法律责任;并可以通过网络接受公众的查询。特此郑重声明。 毕业论文作者: 2011年 4月 20日黄冈师范学院外国语学院本科毕业论文(设计)开题报告论文题目On Stimulating Junior Middle School Students Interest in Learning English 学生姓名 刘 晶 学 号 200713140124 专业班级 英语200701班 导师姓名 向先兰 职 称 副教授 2010年12月一、本课题研究的目的及其意义兴趣是最好的老师。兴趣作为一种基本的积极情绪是学习中最活跃的因素,是激发学习动机,引导学生勤奋学习的“催化剂”。一般情况下,中学生英语学习兴趣越高,学习越活跃,学习效果越好。如果兴趣成为中学生学习英语的心理需要,就可以使学生逐渐养成自觉主动学习英语的习惯,英语学习难度就会降低。只有对英语有浓厚的兴趣才能提高学习的主动性,克服学习中的种种困难,潜心学习。 对中学生来说,兴趣能推动他们去发现问题研究问题,充分发挥学习的主动性,克服各种困难,达到令人满意的效果。英语教学是语言教学,有些教师根据自己多年教学的经验认为死记硬背的方法最有效,因此,教学时就一味地要求学生读和背。这种单一陈旧的教学方法,时间长了,就导致了学生的厌学情绪,教学效果就会事倍功半。中学英语教学的关键就是要培养学生的兴趣,教师能用丰富多彩、生动活泼的教学方法去吸引学生的兴趣,不断地调动他们的学习积极性和主动性,激发他们的求知欲,最终提高英语学习的效率。中学阶段学生处于身心发育的重要时期,其心理特征表现为易对新事物产生好奇心,思维活跃,情感丰富,求知欲和自我表现欲强,在接受知识上往往带有浓厚的情感色彩。教师在课堂上结合他们的这些特点采用灵活多变的教学方法,让学生在做中学,在学中用,让他们学得主动,从而激发学生的学习兴趣,以提高学习效率。二、本课题研究的现状,并列出主要参考文献(至少15项)研究现状:近年来,国外英语教学理论界所倡导的一些教学法都非常强调学生的学习兴趣是学好语言的关键。主观上,中学生的注意力不够持久,学习目的不够明确,认知的无意性和随意性;客观上,中文和英文属于不同的语系,彼此相去甚远,加上语言环境的缺乏,要使他们积极主动的投入英语学习就要提高其对英语的兴趣。国外英语教学中,激发学生学习兴趣并较好地让教学效果得到最好发挥的具体体现为:(一)课堂教学三原则黛安.蒙哥马利(Diane Montgomery)详尽分析了学生、教师与教学任务之间的关系,提出了简称为原则、原则和原则。是英语“Catch them Being Good”的首字母缩写,大意是“保持学生的良好状态”或“捕捉学生的良好状态”。促使学生产生良好反应和保持学习动机的最好策略,就是采取积极的态度肯定学生,注意教师与学生之前的交流,提高学生的自尊心,以便消除消极的影响,改善学生的课堂行为。原则是一种建立在认知理论基础上的教学方法,意思是“积极的认知干预”。它要求教师理解和关注学生的学习过程和学习结果,也就是说,理解和关注学生是如何学习时,以及他们学到了什么。当学生完成某一任务时,教师应该从质量的角度予以评价,对完成的方法和技巧予以指点,肯定学生的想法和观点,以便学生取得进步;学生在完成学习任务时,教师应该鼓励他们提出自己的独特见解;在分析问题、解决问题和概念形成的过程中,应该要求学生用有意义的方式来思考和运用学习材料;除了简答题以外,教师应该多多提出一些值得争论的问题。这更加容易激发学生的思维。“原则”包括一套相互关联的策略,它们是英语“Management、Monitoring and Maintenance”的首字母缩写,意思是“管理、监控和维持”。优秀教师经常运用这条原则控制课堂秩序。(二)策略的上课计划黛安蒙哥马利还倡导了一种不同的上课计划,即“策略的上课计划”。“策略的上课计划”注重教学方法的优化,包括各种教学活动的转换,还可以开展小组问答活动、小组研究等活动。活动转换次数和时机取决于学生的注意力的保持程度。采用“策略的上课计划”,可以改善教学效果,提高学生的学习水平和兴趣水平,消除或减少因缺乏注意力和兴趣而产生的学生行为问题。 我国的孔子早在两千多年前就指出“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”苏霍姆林斯基则指出:“学习兴趣是学习活动的重要动力。” 以往的教学大纲都把“掌握语言基本知识和基本技能”放在教学目的的首位,而最新出台的英语课程标准却把“激发和培养学生的学习兴趣,树立信心,形成有效的学习策略,养成良好的学习习惯”放在首位。根据英语课程标准,英语教学中的主要目标是激发和培养学生对英语的学习兴趣,使学生掌握一定的语言基础知识和基本技能,逐步培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力以及发展学生的智力和个性。现代英语课堂教学已经不是仅限于教师领读、讲解,而是培养学生学习英语的能力,鼓励并引导学生主动参与整个教学过程,让课堂教学活起来,从而使他们愿学、乐学。因此,在英语教学中实施素质教育,培养学生英语方面的各种能力,使他们都能达到真正意义上的学会英语,这正是摆在我们每一位英语教师面前的重大课题。作为英语教师,我们又该如何激发和培养中学生英语学习的兴趣呢?学习兴趣是学生基于自己的学习需要而表现出来的一种认识倾向,这种倾向总是伴随着良好的情感体验,因此,她是一种带有强烈情绪色彩的认识倾向,具体表现为对学习的好恶程度。兴趣又分为直接兴趣和间接兴趣两类。前者是指对事物本身感到需要而产生的兴趣,如有的学生对英语这种语言的学习本身感兴趣,后者是指对事物本身没兴趣,而是对该事物所带来的结果感到需要而产生的兴趣,如有的同学对英语学习本身没有直接兴趣,但是感到学好了英语对自己升学、工作和生活以及祖国的腾飞非常需要,也非常乐于学习英语,便产生了间接兴趣。这两种兴趣是可以相互转换的。不少人最初也许是为了某种目的而学习英语,对英语本身并无好感,但是经过一段时间的学习,有了一些进步,开始对英语学习产生了兴趣,间接兴趣向直接兴趣转化。这也说明了学习兴趣是可以培养和改变的。根据李维,刘善循等心理学家的有关论述,容易引起兴趣的事物或活动有以下几种:(1)不断变化或具有新异刺激的事物。因此,教师在教学过程中使用富于变化的语言语调,选取生动活泼的教学内容,采取多样化的教学方式等,都能有效地引起学生的学习兴趣。(2)在个人的经历中,曾经获得成功的事物。因此,教师在教学中要给学生创造成功的机会。(3)符合学生能力水平,有成功希望的事物。即:学生对有一定难度但通过开动脑筋能够弄懂的内容或解决的问题有较大的兴趣。因此,教师在教学中要因材施教。(4)与学生已有知识经验相联系的事物。因此,教师在教学中一定要狠抓“双基”教学,以后内容就便于与已有知识联系了。(5)能给学生带来愉快的事物。因此,教师在教学中可适当开展竞赛、游戏、唱歌等活动。(6)能满足学生某种需要的事物。因此,教师在教学中要加强对学生进行前途理想教育和英语学习的目的或意义的教育。中学生的兴趣特点,主要表现在三个方面:(1)兴趣范围缩小,中心兴趣形成。调查表明:从小学到大学,学生兴趣的范围发展有一个从广到窄,又从窄到广的过程,中学阶段处于由广到窄的阶段。中学生兴趣范围缩小,许多中学生开始产生了中心兴趣,且研究表明:中学生中心兴趣常常同他们渴求某方面的知识或追求某种理想的职业有关。(2)兴趣的稳定性和深刻性加强。初中学生逐渐出现了稳定的学科兴趣。进入高中后,随着他们对自身需要的深刻理解,逐渐形成了对理想的追求。他们的兴趣已不再仅仅受情境和事物变化的影响,更多地受到内在主观意识倾向的调节与支配,兴趣的稳定性大大加强。同时,他们的兴趣也更加深刻了,他们的兴趣更多地指向事物的性质与内在规律,如对学科的兴趣不单单是取决于教学和趣味性,而是基于知识内容本身对自我发展的意义和自身认知偏好的结合上。中学生兴趣的深刻性还表现在一些对自我修养的追求和社会事物的关心上。(3)直接兴趣与间接兴趣趋于平衡。低年级学生的学习兴趣主要是直接兴趣,间接的学习兴趣随着年龄的增长而增长,到了高中,两种兴趣已趋于平衡。根据心理学家对能引起兴趣的事物的研究和中学生兴趣的特点的研究,结合英语学科的特点以及教学实践,我们在教学过程中可以运用以下教学策略:需要激趣策略,立志生趣策略,双基育趣策略,内容激趣策略,变化激趣策略,媒体激趣策略,活动激趣策略,问题激趣策略,成功激趣策略,兴趣迁移策略。学习兴趣来源于社会和个人的需要,来源于学习上的成功,来源于富有趣味性的学习内容,丰富多彩的实践活动、来源于灵活多样的教学方法以及生动活泼的学习气氛。只要我们从学生的特点以及他们思维的深处发现兴趣的源头,使学生觉得外语学习既有意义又有兴趣,我们的教学就是成功的。参考文献:1 冯克诚.中学英语课堂教学方法实用全书C.呼和浩特:内蒙古大学出版社,1999.2 教育部.全日制义务教育、普通高级中学英语课程标准(实验稿)M.北京:北京师范大学出版社,2001.3 刘善循.快乐学习法M.北京:商务印书馆,2002.4 李维.学习心理学M.成都:四川人民出版社,2000.5 邵瑞珍,张人杰.中学百科全书教育学心理学卷M.吉林:东北师范大学出版社,1994.6 王笃勤.英语教学策略论M.外语教学与研究出版社,2002.7 张正东.谈谈怎样教外语J.基础教育外语教学研究,2001.8 左焕琪.外语教育展望M.上海:华东师大出版社,2002.9 周宏,高长梅,白昆荣.学校心理教育全书M.北京:人民日报出版社,2001.10 朱立峰.心智潜能的开发M.广州:广东教育出版社,2003.11 周永丽.浅析如何激发初中学生学习英语的兴趣.J时代教育.2003.12 教育心理学全国统编教材编写组.教育心理学参考资料选辑M.济南:山东教育出版社,1982, 437.13 潘菽.教育心理学M.北京: 人民教育出版社,2005.14 蔡基刚.大学英语教学若干问题思考J.外语教学与研究,2005,(6).15 郑红鹰. 中小学英语教学衔接之难点分析J. 中小学外语教学(小学篇), 2008,31-32.三、本课题研究的主要内容本文共分为五个部分:第一部分作为引言并简单介绍文章内容;第二部分笔者从兴趣的定义、英语学习兴趣的分类;第三部分笔者讲述兴趣和英语学习之间的联系;第四部分笔者阐述激发英语学习兴趣的若干教学方法;第五部分笔者得出结论:学习兴趣问题是一个复杂的问题。要使学生对枯燥、抽象的英语变得感兴趣,就得使英语教学手段多元化。以此激发学生英语学习的强烈愿望和自主性,使学生要学英语,爱学英语,从而学好英语。 In this paper, the author presents the theme of this study and gives a brief introduction to the importance of English learning and interest stimulating in teaching process in the first chapter; Chapter two is a general overview of interest and English learning, including the definition of interest and classification of English learning interest; Chapter three analyzes students and teachers roles in English learning and teaching; Chapter four discusses about five teaching strategies for stimulating interest. At last, Chapter five summarizes the study with a conclusion that it is very important to stimulating students learning interest in junior middle school students English study. As a consequence, the teachers need to make use of different strategies to stimulating students learning interest.四、本课题采用的研究方法及路线文献查阅法:通过查找阅读文献资料,对兴趣、英语学习及二者之间的联系进行阐述和总结。观察调查法:通过观察了解中学生在英语学习过程中的兴趣程度。个案研究法:通过与研究对象互动对其行为和意义建构获得解释性理解。访谈笔录法:通过访谈有经验的教育工作者探索如何激发中学生英语学习的兴趣。五、本课题研究的进度安排2010.6.1-2010.6.3 选题2010.6.8-2010.7.7 完成开题报告2010.9.1-2010.12.18 完成论文初稿2011.4.16-2011.4.23 论文定稿,提交论文正式文本1式2份及电子版2011.5.22 论文答辩六、指导教师意见签名 年 月 日七、院论文指导小组审批意见签名 年 月 日AbstractIn the process of learning, interest is the best teacher. Many junior middle school students are tired of learning English and are unwilling to learning English. The main reason is that they are not interested in English, which leads to their losing the enthusiasm and initiative of learning English. It is quite certain that junior middle school students' initiative is difficult to spur without interest. Therefore, ELT (English Language Teaching) in junior middle school puts stimulating Junior Middle School students "interest in learning English" in the first place. All teachers should attach the great importance to junior middle school students' interest in English learning in the whole process of English learning and teaching,in order to make the students feel the pleasures when starting to learn English and then be very interested in it. In this paper, the author presents the theme of this study and gives a brief introduction to the importance of English learning and interest stimulating in teaching process in the first chapter; Chapter two is a general overview of interest and English learning, including the definition of interest and classification of English learning interest; Chapter three analyzes students and teachers' roles in English learning and teaching; Chapter four discusses about four teaching strategies for stimulating interest. At last, Chapter five summarizes the study with a conclusion that it is very important to stimulating students' learning interest in junior middle school students' English study. As a consequence, the teachers need to make use of different strategies to stimulating students learning interest.Key words: interest; English learning; junior middle school students; English languageteaching; teaching strategies 摘要在学习过程中,兴趣是最好的老师。许多中学生对英语学习有厌倦感,不愿意学英语,关键是他们对英语没有兴趣,导致他们丢失了学习英语的积极性和主动性。在英语学习过程中如果缺乏学习兴趣,中学生学习的主动性就很难发挥出来。因此,中学英语教学把“激发中学生英语学习的兴趣”放在英语教学的首位。为了让中学生在刚接触英语学习时感到愉快并能对它产生很大的兴趣,在整个英语学习和教学过程中,所有老师应该将重点放在中学生英语学习的兴趣上。针对目前许多中学生英语学习兴趣普遍不高的现状,本文就学生在英语学习中,应从抓好学生学习英语的兴趣入手,通过深入分析,层层递进,提出了一些有用的措施来激发学生学习英语的积极性,更进一步提高学生学习英语的兴趣。第一部分作为引言并简单介绍文章内容;第二部分笔者从兴趣的定义、英语学习兴趣的分类;第三部分笔者讲述兴趣和英语学习之间的联系;第四部分笔者阐述激发英语学习兴趣的若干教学方法;第五部分笔者得出结论:学习兴趣问题是一个复杂的问题。要使学生对枯燥、抽象的英语变得感兴趣,就得使英语教学手段多元化。以此激发学生英语学习的强烈愿望和自主性,使学生要学英语,爱学英语,从而学好英语。关键词:兴趣;英语学习;中学生;英语教学;教学策略 ContentsIntroduction1I. Interest11.1 Definition of interest11.2 Classification of English learning interest21.2.1 Integrative motivation and instrumental motivation21.2.2 Intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation3II. Interest and English Learning42.1 The importance of English learning42.2 Interest in English learning52.3 The importance of stimulating English learning interest62.3.1 Effection to learners62.3.2 Effection to teachers6III. Students and Teachers Roles in English Learning and Teaching73.1 Students' main role73.2 Teacher's guiding role9IV. Teaching Strategies for Stimulating Interest94.1 Giving every class a good beginning104.2 Using objects, scenarios and pictures to trigger students interests104.2.1 Using objects to trigger students' interests104.2.3 Making use of pictures to induce interests124.3 Encouraging students in time124.4 Using flexible and diversified teaching methods13Conclusion14Bibliography15IntroductionAs is known to all, English is one of the most widely used languages in the world, and people are aware of the importance and necessity in English learning. However, interest is the internal power to spur students' learning and can decide the success of the whole English teaching and learning as well. With the rapid development and reform of the education in our country, people begin to know that the educational quality of schools depends on the quality of teachers. Harmer (2005) defines "the teacher's role as a controller, assessor, organizer, prompter, participant and resource-provider" in Unit5 "Classroom Management" in A Course in English Language Teaching. Besides, according to FuDaochun's opinion (2005), the teacher's role is not static. "Teachers are considered as facilitators, guides, and researchers and so on." In the teaching and learning process, teachers should renew the teaching concept and change their teaching methods, and use the scientific, creative and constructive teaching methods to build and maintain the students' interest. Einstein (1979) said that interest is the best teacher in Collected Works of Einstein,III. Bill Gates, CEO of American Microsoft, was a computer fan when he was in high school. Just because of his crazy love to computers, he became a giant in the field of computers. It is his interest that founded his empire of Microsoft. There are lots of available factors that could develop an interest in English can be found in all the aspects, such as teaching contents, methods and procedures of the textbooks for junior high school students, so long as the teachers try to look for them intentionally and put them into class one by one, the English teaching of the most high schools will be more efficient. There are five chapters in this thesis. It talks about what the interest is and the methods to cultivate the students' interests. Writing this thesis is that in order to cultivate the students' interest and improve the quality of teaching. Teachers should research more and more methods to let the students learn English well. And in order to arouse the student's enthusiasm and initiative, and improve the quality of teaching and the efficiency.I. Interest1.1 Definition of interestGenerally speaking, interest is considered as a kind of inner drive, impulse or desire which can prompt human to take certain actions. Gardner said:"Motivation is considered by many to be one of the main determining factors in success in developing a second or foreign language."(1985) And Ellis said:"Motivation means effort which learners put into learning a second language as a result of their need or desire to learn it."(1994) Some researchers thought that interest is dynamic, for instance Pintrich & Schunk said:"Motivation is the process whereby goal-directed activity is instigated and sustained."(1996) Oxford said that in the process of learning language, interest decides the studying go-ahead of learners. It also affects the learners in a great degree whether they could get full use of the chances to practise or use the target language or not, and it can improve the confidence of overcoming difficulties. Whether the leaners could use studying strategies effectively or not, how many language information the learners could get, their studying willpower is strong or weak, their studying objects are high or low, if their studying interests can be lasted for a long time or not, all those above depend on their interests. The stronger their interests are, the better their achievements can be. Regarded as one of the most important variables in so many individual factors of language learning, the researches on interest are getting more and more attention by a great number of foreign language researchers. Of course, interest belongs to non-intellectual factor, compared with intellectual factors, such as comprehensive ability, interest has non-stability and complicacy.1.2 Classification of English learning interest1.2.1 Integrative motivation and instrumental motivation About at the end of fifties in the twenty century, Gardner and Lambert began to do researches on the second language motivation. They emphasized on the sociality of learning language, and they put motivation into two kinds: integrative motivation and instrumental motivation. They started this point from the angle of socialinguistics. At first they used the word "orientation" not "motivation", because they emphasized on cause and target. The former motivation means that learners are really interested in learning target language, they are eager to take part in the community who speaks "the target language", they also want to be a member of the community, while the latter motivation means that learners study target language in order to use it as an instrument, such as if they learn the target language very well, they can find a good job, or they can pass certain examination, or they can use it to read newspapers and so on. Most researchers think if taking integration as the target, the initiative and enthusiasm of fore