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    奥美Public Relations in an Interactive World035.ppt

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    奥美Public Relations in an Interactive World035.ppt

    ,Public Relations in an Interactive World,August 25,2002,PR in an interactive world,The InternetPR on the WebPR for the WebUnresolved issuesDiscussion,Growth of Internet,ISP Subscriber Growth:1997-2001 Asia Pacific,Age,%,Age,About 50%are aged between 25-39,Source:SRH 1997,Education,%,More than 50%has attended a university or college,Source:SRH 1997,Personal Income,Over 60%of Internet users with personal income over HK$10,000,%,Source:SRH 1997,Education is driver,Reasons for buying a home PC,Characteristics of interactive media,Global and localInstant and great latencyMass and personalAmplificationFacsimileRedefines the concept of truth in the written word,Internet Interactive Marketing,E-commerce,Entertainment,Online Events,News,Search Engine,Surveys,Community,Branded,Research&Information,E-mail/Spam,Push Technology,Portal,Banners,Portal Site,Survey,Banners,Banners,Millward Brown Research shows:Significant increase in ad awareness amongst those exposed to bannersNot only do banner ads get noticed,they communicateImpression valuable communication even if no click-throughBanners had positive effect on brand perceptions,Events,E-commerce,E-Commerce,E-commerce revenue,1998 Estimated online revenues by industry in millions(US$)Travel$2,091PC Hardware$1,816Groceries$270Gifts/Flowers$219Books$216PC Software$173Tickets$127Music$81Clothing$71,Push,Search Engines,News,Community,Entertainment,PR on the Web,PR disciplines,Media relationsPublic affairsInvestor relationsIssues ownership and thought leadershipCrisis communicationsEmployee communicationsInteractive brand experience,Media relations,Media relations,Registration form for boeingM,The Web as primary source for story ideas,“Reporters in papers of all sizes are increasingly using the Internet as a daily source of story ideas,background and facts about fast-breaking events”When sources are not available,Web sites are playing an important role in delivering information9%of reporters name Internet(E-mail,web pages,newsgroups)as primary source of story ideas(=newswire services)48%of reporters go online everyday(compared to 16%in 1994)Middleberg/Ross Media in Cyberspace Study 1997,Online media,1,800 Web sites ranging from Time,Reuters,CNN,to San Jose Mercury News Almost one-third of publications websites allow the Web to scoop their print product,at least sometimes.E-zinesPointCastAudience changing too:15%of Americans get news from the Net,Public affairs,Investor relations,Issues ownership&thought leadership,Crisis in digital age,Never possible to“hide”incidentsImmediate&globalVisual and evocativeIndividuals can reach large audiencesEasily multiplied and repeatedLasting Digital media,the web and other interactive technologies have changed the nature of crisis communications,Crisis communications,Crisis communications,Crisis communications,1984,Crisis communications,Employee communications,Interactive brand experiences,Media monitoring,but thats not all.,Interactive educationInteractive samplingIntegration of PR with the sales process,e.g.e-commerceIntegration with all marketing disciplinesAdvertisingDirectIdentitySales promotion,PR for the Web,Audiences,Who are your audiences?DemographicsWhat other thing are they interested in?What are their hot issues?How and why they will come to the site?,The secret.,Get the angle rightWhat is the hook?What is different?Is there a human interest angle?What benefits will people get by visiting your site?Any“issues”you can piggyback onto?Any research you have access to?,Possible tactics,AnnouncementsLinkingReviewsNewsgroup infiltrationInfluencer endorsementCross-promo or special offerGuerrilla marketingTouch and feel,trialingLook after visitors,The basics,Register!URL on all materials,Ogilvy PR Web works,IMPATH Inc.Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA)Glass Packaging Institute(GPI)Regional Airline Association Partnerships in Action Jobs:The Class of 2000 Vulcan Chemicals,Taste of the Nation Alliance for Competitive ElectricityOwens Illinois International Division International Sleep Products Association InteliData Technology Corp.Corporation for National Service Europay International,Unresolved issues,Issues,Web is a great medium,but not yet an exclusive one-complimentary.Penetration not yet critical,and span not yet pervasiveGreater ChinaQuality and volume of local contentLanguageBandwidthPolitical issues,Brochure website,English vs Non-English web sites,Source:DEC,Discussion,Online community,E-IBMer-Greater China Employee Web-zine for IBM,APB-Monthly Lotus Notes Employee Newsletter for 3Com Asia Pacific,OM Online-Singapore O&M Email Newsletter,青苹果出品 必属精品http:/,囊括2007-2010几十G地产策划资料/企业管理人力资源全套/品牌策划资料/行业分析报告/PPT模板等。,青苹果出品 必属精品http:/,囊括2007-2010几十G地产策划资料/企业管理人力资源全套/品牌策划资料/行业分析报告/PPT模板等。,


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