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Sea,Poland,Czechia,Austria,Switzerland,France,Netherlands,Belgium,Luxembourg,FV Bremen-traffic links,Bremerhaven,Hamburg,Hannover,B 75,B 212,FV,Osnabrck,Oldenburg,technology park/university,main station,harbour,Entrance to FV Bremen,Guideposts in FV Bremen,First coverage street in the FV Bremen,2.History of the development of the Freight Village Bremen,1960erIdea of Bremens Chamber of Commerce to establish a handling facility1970er Construction of the handling facility“Roland Umschlag“in Woltmershausen Projects and studies:“Distribution-centre“1980sSurvey of the FV area,Historical overview of the FV development(2),1983Beginning of land acquisition and selling of the first properties1984 Disturbance of development measures by a legal group action of GNUU(ecological compensatory measures)1985 Settlement of the first enterprises 1986 Foundation of the GVZE by six enterprises settled in FV Bremen,Historical overview of the FV development(3),1988700 employees occupied in an area of about 35 ha 1989 Opening of the combined traffic terminal Roland Umschlaggesellschaft mbH“1000 employees,ca.50 ha 1990 Extension of FV area ca.200 ha,Historical overview of the FV development(4),Brummi-Brause“;Beginning of the City-Logistic-Project;honorary member of the FV umbrella association Europlatforms;FV-authorised agent for hazardous cargo 2000 employees,40 enterprises,ca.100 ha 1993Initiatives to found a national FV-umbrella association,Historical overview of the FV development(5),1994 Postal-freight-centre of Deutsche Post AG close to the FV 2.400 employees,46 enterprises,ca.130 ha 1995 Bahntrans GmbH opens freight-centre 1998 GVZE bunches demand for energy-and telecommunication services in basic agreements,Historical overview of the FV development(6),1999 Modification of the land utilisation plan goal:expansion of the industrial estate Niedervieland2001115 enterprises occupy about 3.600 employees in the FV centre 2002 laying of the foundation stone for the A 281 Expansion of the FV into Niedervieland2003 Including Niedervieland the total area is about 360 ha ca.4.800 employees,3.Problems,tasks and motivations for the logistics enterprises,Initial problems for companies(1),a fairly problematical transport connectionshortage of space missing expandability-possibilities high lease rental charges(long-term building lease)expiring contracts,Problems for the companies at their original sites:,Initial problems for companies(2),high conflict capability and charges due to sites in or close to residential areas bad functioning logistic transport organization due to unchangeable building structures,FV Bremen advantages for companies(1),nearness to other companies and businesses(idea of cooperation)nearness to several logistic interfaces(i.e.Neustdter Harbour,“Roland“-Handling,combined-traffic handling-terminal)high dedication of the business development society,FV-developing company(GVZE)and public institutions admissable land prices,Advantages for the companies due to the FV:,FV Bremen advantages for companies(2),only few charges concerning noise-protection and operating periods possibility to acquire property options of regional expansions(e.g.for new-businesses),4.Problems,tasks and motivations for the federal state Bremen,Motives and tasks for the federal state(1),Also the federal state Bremen had motives and tasks for the establishment of a Freight Village Bremen:Maintenance of the enterprises in Bremensecuring of jobs and income taxes,Motives and tasks for the federal state(2),Strenghtening of the area and siteLocating of a coherent and adequate areaSecuring of the combined traffic net in Germany,Bremerhaven,Hamburg,Hannover,B 75,B 212,FV,Osnabrck,Oldenburg,5.Current situation of the FV Bremen,FV Bremen today,A successful concept362 ha total area(clogged as follows:259 ha by business,41 ha by traffic and 17 ha by FV terminal;46 ha used as ecological areas)114 settled enterprises(inter alia ARAL,DB,Hellmann,Sanco)4.800 employees/160 apprentices450 Mio.Euro of investment so far(public-authorities about 40%;enterprises about 60%)1:6 cost-benefit ratio(point of view of Bremen according to DORNIER),The FV-management company,The Freight Village in Bremen is managed by an uncommited management company,the:Freight Village development company(GVZE),The FV-management company structure,Autonomous Enterprises,GVZE=FV development company,FV Bremen development company,Advisory council,GVZE(FV),development company Bremen,_,tasks/products(internal and external FV Products),FV-members,private,companies,(i.e.DB AG),City of Bremen,an independent,expert,several private,FV-companies,City of Bremen,(25%),=ppp,public,private,partnership,For example:General administration,create logistic products,FV-presentation,PR,Endogeneous FV areas of cooperationFunction of moderation of a neutral operating company,i.e.by working groups/discussions Junior partners meeting“regulars table“Care-taking-position“of the FV-Management company central contact person,Internal FV products(1),Purchase-pooling(i.e.office-tools etc.)Basic and advanced training events,Internal FV products(2),Authorized agent for hazardous cargoSubstitution of capacities and equipment,Internal FV products(3),Agent for hazardous cargo,Exogeneous FV fields of cooperationCombined transport-activities,i.e.such as Combined train connections Grouping activitiesCity Logistics,External FV products(1),FV-marketing,i.e.by attending fairs performing PR activitiesFV-Telematics Platforms,External FV products(2),6.The handling facility for combined transport:Roland Umschlag“,The“Roland-handling facility“,The“Roland-handling facility“,Entrance gate,Using Picky Pickers,Founded as a pilot project in 1972 Eldest private handling company for combined traffic19 partners1989 moved into the FV,Terminal:160.000 qmContainerdepot:60.000 qmOptional area:40.000 qmTotal area:260.000 qm,Structural data,Handling development,Handling capacity 1989Terminal82.000 p.a.Handling capacity 1991 Terminal 112.000 p.a.Handling capacity 1999Terminal74.200 p.a.Handling capacity 2000Terminal81.000 p.a.Handling capacity 2001Terminal80.000 p.a.Handling capacity 2001Depot 65.000 p.a.,0,20.000,40.000,60.000,80.000,100.000,120.000,1989,1991,1999,2000,2001,Moves within the terminal,Moves within the terminal,Moves within the terminal,Logistic enterprises in the FV Bremen,Logistic enterprises in the FV Bremen,Logistic enterprises in the FV Bremen,Logistic enterprises in the FV Bremen,Logistic enterprises in the FV Bremen,Logistic enterprises in the FV Bremen,8.Logistical connection of the FV Bremen to the local environment,Neustdter Harbour,Foreign trade center,The new built Tchibo high rack warehouse,Source:tchibo,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,GVZ,Thank you for your attention!,