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    Morgan Stanley Asia Limited王 庆 博士大中华区首席经济学家+(852)2848-5220,ResearchAsia/Pacific,中国经济,短期:防通胀中长期:调结构,For important disclosures,refer to the Disclosures Section,located at the end of this report.,Source:Morgan Stanley Research,中国的政策取向:正常化,中国的政策取向:全面紧缩,美欧日乏力复苏,秋:不温不火,夏:过热,冬:“二次探底”,春:“软着陆”,美欧日强劲复苏,2010年的四个季节,经济软着陆实现,Source:CEIC,Morgan Stanley Research estimates,中国在经济全球化背景下的超级周期,大衰退,Source:Morgan Stanley Research,政治周期驱动的投资周期,Source:Morgan Stanley Research estimates,2010年:通胀未见顶,Source:Morgan Stanley Research estimates,2011年:通胀重新抬头,Source:Morgan Stanley Research estimates,为什末是M1?,Source:Morgan Stanley Research estimates,境外金融资产,境内有形资产,高储蓄,高投资,外汇储备,资本账户管制,人口结构,人口政策,流动性创造,境外有形资产,不发达的资本市场,资产价格上行压力,P,Y,S,S,D,D,低通胀,高增长,非对称资本账户开放,放松价格管制,“过度储蓄”的优点:危机过后对中国经济的反思,消费习惯的粘性,限制金融杠杆,避免人民币单边升值预期,增加证券化资产供给,Source:Morgan Stanley Research,“调结构”图解,“结构失衡”,国民经济支出结构,国民经济收入结构,国民经济产业结构,投资,消费,净出口,国家,企业,居民,农业,工业,服务业,降低储蓄率,增加工资,发展服务业,社保体系,集体工资谈判工会的作用,市场准入理顺价格,中长期:以史为鉴,Source:Angus Maddison,2006,The World Economy:A Millennial Perspective,OECD.,中长期:经济增长与通胀,Source:CEIC,Morgan Stanley Research,中长期:经济结构如演变 生产结构,Source:CEIC,Morgan Stanley Research,中长期:经济结构如演变 支出结构,Source:CEIC,Morgan Stanley Research,中长期:经济结构如演变 经常账户,Source:CEIC,Morgan Stanley Research,中长期:经济结构如演变 收入结构,Source:CEIC,Morgan Stanley Research,中国经济不是奇迹,但有其特殊性,竞争优势,时间,时间,日本,亚洲四小龙,东南亚,中国,越南,经济特区,珠/长江三角洲,东部地区,中部地区,西部地区,Source:NRI Papers No.52,竞争优势,中国经济不是奇迹,但有其特殊性,Source:Morgan Stanley Research,Maddison(2006),The Flying Geese As a Whole Decelerated Less Than the Lead Goose,中长期:经济结构如演变,Source:Morgan Stanley Research,中长期:水平与速度 汽车与钢铁,Source:Morgan Stanley Research,担心:劳动适龄人口增长迅速减速,Source:UN World Population Prospects(2008 Revision),Morgan Stanley Research,现实:人口增长和经济增长脱钩,Source:CEIC,CEIC,UN World Population Prospects(2008 Revision),Morgan Stanley Research Morgan Stanley Research,行业间劳动生产率差距巨大,Source:CEIC,Morgan Stanley Research,行业间劳动力转移潜力巨大,Source:CEIC,Morgan Stanley Research,“中国消费不足”被夸大,Source:CEIC,Bloomberg,Morgan Stanley Research,“中国消费不足”被夸大,Source:Morgan Stanley Research,中国个人消费占美国的比例(%),啤酒,汽车,奶饮品,通讯,可贸易品,居民用电量,金融服务业,全部消费,服务业,住房消费,胃口好 肥胖:如何看待 过度投资,Source:CEIC,Morgan Stanley Research,累计投资量,中长期:消费的黄金时代,Source:Morgan Stanley Research,中长期:消费的驱动因素,Source:Morgan Stanley Research,社会保障房计划决定中国“调结构”的成败!,Information and opinions in Morgan Stanley Research were prepared or are disseminated by one or more of the following,which accept responsibility for its contents:Morgan Stanley Asia Limited,and/or Morgan Stanley Asia(Singapore)Pte.(Registration number 199206298Z,regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore,and/or Morgan Stanley Asia(Singapore)Securities Pte Ltd(Registration number 200008434H,regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore),and/or Morgan Stanley Taiwan Limited and/or Morgan Stanley in the US by Morgan Stanley&Co.Incorporated,which accepts responsibility for its contents.Morgan Stanley&Co.International plc,authorized and regulated by the Financial Services Authority,disseminates in the UK research it has prepared,and approves solely for purposes of section 21 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000,research prepared by any affiliates.Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management Limited,authorized and regulated by the Financial Services Authority,also disseminates Morgan Stanley Research in the UK.Private UK investors should obtain the advice of their Morgan Stanley&Co.International plc or Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management representative about the investments concerned.RMB Morgan Stanley(Proprietary)Limited is a member of the JSE Limited and regulated by the Financial Services Board in South Africa.RMB Morgan Stanley(Proprietary)Limited is a joint venture owned equally by Morgan Stanley International Holdings Inc.and RMB Investment Advisory(Proprietary)Limited,which is wholly owned by FirstRand Limited.Trademarks and service marks in Morgan Stanley Research are their owners property.Third-party data providers make no warranties or representations of the accuracy,completeness,or timeliness of their data and shall not have liability for any damages relating to such data.The Global Industry Classification Standard(GICS)was developed by and is the exclusive property of MSCI and S&P.Morgan Stanley bases projections,opinions,forecasts and trading strategies regarding the MSCI Country Index Series solely on public information.MSCI has not reviewed,approved or endorsed these projections,opinions,forecasts and trading strategies.Morgan Stanley has no influence on or control over MSCIs index compilation decisions.Morgan Stanley Research or portions of it may not be reprinted,sold or redistributed without the written consent of Morgan Stanley.Morgan Stanley research is disseminated and available primarily electronically,and,in some cases,in printed form.Additional information on recommended securities/instruments is available on request.The information in Morgan Stanley Research is being communicated by Morgan Stanley&Co.International plc(DIFC Branch),regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority(the DFSA),and is directed at Professional Clients only,as defined by the DFSA.The financial products or financial services to which this research relates will only be made available to a customer who we are satisfied meets the regulatory criteria to be a Professional Client.The information in Morgan Stanley Research is being communicated by Morgan Stanley&Co.International plc(QFC Branch),regulated by the Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority(the QFCRA),and is directed at business customers and market counterparties only and is not intended for Retail Customers as defined by the QFCRA.As required by the Capital Markets Board of Turkey,investment information,comments and recommendations stated here,are not within the scope of investment advisory activity.Investment advisory service is provided in accordance with a contract of engagement on investment advisory concluded between brokerage houses,portfolio management 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