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    公关传播规划Communication Plan,传播背景/Background,铂锐上市前传播的风向标正在逆转The wind vane is being reversed before Borui is launched,挑战1:如何持续并强化正向传播声音,实现铂锐上市传播的成功?Challenge 1:How to continue and increase the voice of positive communication and ensure a successful communication for Boruis launching?挑战2:如何清晰化铂锐的产品卖点、市场定位以及消费者定位,以清晰的产品形象与公众沟通。Challenge 2:How to identify and define the selling points,the market positioning and target audience of Borui?,传播挑战/Challenges,克莱斯勒铂锐上市声音最大化Maximize the voice of Boruis launching,传播目标/Objectives,克莱斯勒铂锐上市声音清晰化Make the voice clear,传播策略/Strategy,论坛、博客Forum and Blog,财经媒体 Finance media,大众媒体(平面、电视)Mass media Print and TV,专业媒体(杂志、网络)Buff media:Magazine and website,主要信息:强强联手Key message:win-win cooperation,强强联合,全力打造铂锐 Win win cooperation 铂锐全面冲击中高级车市 Borui goes all out for the mid and high end vehicle market克莱斯勒品牌的中国飞行 Chrysler brands flight in China,主要信息:冲击中高级车市 Key message:Going all out for the mid and high end vehicle market,商务人士的动感座驾新选择 New choice for business people for kinetic vehicles铂锐PK蒙迪欧-致胜,各有优势 Borui PK Mondeo-Zhisheng with respective strengths 铂锐PK马自达6,动感新选择Borui PK M6,a new kinetic choice,全方位传播All-around Communication.,主要信息:铂锐商务/车型PKKey message:Borui Business/Car Type PK,你的商务“铂锐”了吗Has your business been Boruied?铂锐上市,挑战蒙迪欧-致胜和M6Borui is challenging M6 andMondeo-Zhisheng 徐静蕾的动感座驾Xu Jingleis kinetic car,主要信息:车型卖点Key message:Selling Points,商务人士动感座驾新选择New choice by business people for kinetic vehicles 铂锐挑战日系车的燃油经济性Borui challenges Japanese cars in terms of fuel economy.中高级车中最全面安全配置车型The most comprehensive safety configuration among the mid and high end vehicles.,传播总览/Communication Overview,第一阶段:高端舆论造势,先声夺人Phase I:Communications via High-end Media,时间:2月18日29日 Time:February 18th 29th传递核心信息:Key message 市场层面:Market 1、市场翘首以待,铂锐车预售火爆 The market expects the launching of Borui,which is very popular during pre-sale;产品层面:Products 1、铂锐杰出的、可以与日系车媲美的燃油经济性;Borui has an extraordinary fuel economy,which can be compared with Japanese cars;2、全面安全:铂锐拥有全面、完备的高安全性配置;Total safety:Borui has a comprehensive and well-developed safety configuration;企业层面:Company 1、北汽集团与克莱斯勒精诚合作,全力打造铂锐新车;Beijing Automotive Industry Holding Company and Chrysler work together to produce new Borui vehicle;2、铂锐是中、德、美三方合力打造的品质之车Borui is a vehicle as a result of joints efforts by China,Germany and US.,第一阶段:高端舆论造势,先声夺人 Phase I:Communications via High-end Media,线下媒体合作:Cooperation with off-line media:1、平面专题报道(配图)Special reports on print media(with pictures)媒体选择:第一财经日报,经济观察报,中国汽车报 Media:China Business News、The Economic Observer、China Automotive News备注:除了与三家主流、权威财经媒体进行强势合作外所有的相关新闻信息将在全国媒体进行显著传播 Note:In addition to the three mainstream and authoritative financial media organizations,all the relevant news and information will be communicated as highlight by media organizations nationwide.,2、全国专业杂志试车报告:Test drive reports by national automotive magazines a、媒体选择:北京、上海、广州、深圳专业杂志;media:Buff media in Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou and Shenzhen b、内容:深入剖析铂锐车的节油性、安全性、外观、内饰、发动机等多项卖点。Message:An elaborate presentation about Boruis selling points such as fuel economy,safety,outlook,inner decoration and engine.,线上媒体合作:Cooperation with online media 1、网络专题 Special reports a、媒体选择:新浪汽车、搜狐汽车、中国汽车网、汽车之家、网上车市、太平洋汽车网 Media:sina,sohu、Pcauto、Chinacars、Cheshi、autohome b、专题内容:巅峰对话活动的深度报道、克莱斯勒铂锐的品牌故事Message:Reports on Summit Forum,brand story of Chrysler and Borui.C、专业媒体试驾:铂锐燃油经济性、安全性等卖点阐释 Media test drive:Boruis selling points such as fuel economy and safety.2、博客论坛 Blog and BBS a、媒体选择:知名汽车行业人士博客 Media:Blog of famous people in the automobile industry.b、方向:从品牌、市场定位的高度将铂锐与竞品进行对比(主打蒙迪欧致胜以及马自达6)Topics:To compare Borui and its rival products in terms of brand and market positioning(VS Mondeo-Zhisheng and M6),网络专题示意:Website column,第二阶段:核心信息集中爆发 Phase II Explosion of key information,活动目标:Purpose 集中引爆 Releasing all information 消费者沟通(铂锐一族)Communications with Consumers(Borui family)关键信息:Key messages 强强联合,全力支持铂锐 Win win cooperation in full support of Borui 铂锐闪耀上市信息 Boruis launching news and price announcement 目标消费受众铂锐一族描述 Description of target consumers(Borui family)铂锐的节油及安全性在同级车中表现最优Borui is the best among cars of its class in terms of fuel economy and safety 铂锐在D级车市场所占据的地位 Boruis position in the D-Class vehicle market 铂锐卖点与设计理念 Boruis selling points and design concept,全方位借用各种渠道,在上市一周内集中引爆,多种形式传递上市信息 Releasing vehicle-launching message via all media category时间:3月3日21日 Time:March 3rd 21st,第二阶段:核心信息集中爆发 Phase II Explosion of key messages,公关策划活动:PR events 电视、平面、网络媒体专访Interview by TV,Print and online media 上市发布会网络直播 Online live report of launching ceremony 上市活动网络专题报道 Online special reports on launching activities 网络论坛、博客合作 cooperation with BBS and blog上市新闻稿全国发布 News release about Boruis launching issued nationwide,稿件主题:Theme铂锐,冲击中高级车市克莱斯勒铂锐北京闪耀上市Borui enters the mid and high end vehicle market Chrysler Borui is launched in Beijing 核心信息:Core message 铂锐上市信息及价格的公布 Information about Boruis launching and its price is announced 铂锐的卖点Boruis selling points 铂锐上市强烈冲击中高级车市Boruis launching has a great influence on the mid and high end vehicle market.稿件主题:Theme强强联手,打造中高级车市品质之车克莱斯勒铂锐上市Win win cooperation for producing a quality vehicle Chrysler Borui is launched核心信息:Core message中、美、德三方合作 cooperation by China,US and Germany豪华车工艺和万里路试打造铂锐品质之车、价值之车 Luxury car technology and quality show work together to produce a Borui vehicle of quality and value.铂锐是克莱斯勒精华的传承 Borui inherits the essence of Chrysler,市场新闻稿Market,企业层面Company,上市活动新闻稿规划 News Release for the launching,稿件主题:Theme 徐静蕾携手铂锐,商务精英阐释铂锐商务理念Xu Jinglei joins Borui and business elite give an interpretation of Boruis business核心信息:Core message传递克莱斯勒铂锐商务人士动感座驾的定位Chrysler Borui is a kinetic vehicle for business people.以徐静蕾为核心打造铂锐一族的清晰形象 A good image of Borui family with Xu Jinglei as its representative.稿件主题:Theme节油性能媲美日系车型,欲搅动中高级市场格局Borui can compete with Japanese cars in terms of fuel economy and will change the pattern of the mid and high end vehicle market.核心信息:Core message铂锐燃油经济性、全面安全等最核心卖点 Boruis core selling points such as fuel economy and total safety.用节油及安全优势直接与竞品对比。Direct comparison with rival products in terms of fuel economy and safety advantages.,消费者层面Consumers,产品层面Product,上市活动新闻稿规划 News Release for the launching,稿件主题:时尚锋线,引领铂锐商务新纪元 Theme:Borui brings a new era of Business 核心信息:从时尚商务、科技商务、快乐商务等方面完美诠释铂锐商务概念;Core message:A perfect interpretation of Borui Business from the perspective of fashion business,S&T business and happy business,上市活动新闻稿规划 News Release for the launching,时尚层面Fashion,铂锐闪耀上市 电视媒体专访 Borui is launched-TV interview,电视媒体专访 TV interview 媒体数量:10家;Number of media:10 媒体类型:全国主流电视媒体;Type of media:Mainstream TV media nationwide 受访者安排(建议):BBDC执行副总裁 董长征先生 Interviewee suggested Mr.Dong Changzheng,Executive Vice President of BBDC 专访话题方向:Topic:铂锐在BBDC的战略地位 Boruis strategic position in BBDC强强联合,支持铂锐 Win win cooperation in support of Borui铂锐专为中国打造以及目标消费者 Borui is specially produced for target consumers铂锐的节油及安全等卖点 Boruis selling points such as fuel economy and safety.,铂锐闪耀上市 平面媒体专访Print media interview,媒体专访安排(1):Interview arrangement I专访媒体类型:财经类、大众类报纸(20家)Media type:financial media,mass media(20medias)受访者安排:(建议)Interviewees suggested北汽控股董事长 徐和谊 Mr.Xu Heyi,Board Chairman of Beijing Automotive Industry Holding Co.,Ltd克莱斯勒亚洲CEO 墨菲 Mr.Philip Murtaugh,CEO of Chrysler operationsBBDC执行副总裁 董长征 先生 Mr.Dong Changzheng,Executive Vice President of BBDC专访话题方向:Topic铂锐在BBDC的战略地位 Boruis strategic position in BBDC强强联合,支持铂锐 Win win cooperation in support of Borui铂锐专为中国打造以及目标消费者 Borui is specially produced for China and its target consumers铂锐节油、安全卖点、市场目标/Boruis selling points such as fuel economy and safety and its market target,通过财经媒体传递战略及企业层面信息/Via financial media to give information about strategy 通过专业与时尚媒体传递外观设计与领先技术信息/Via fashion media to give information about outlook and leading technology.,媒体专访安排(2):Media interview arrangement II 专访媒体类型:专业和时尚类杂志、报纸(10家)Media type:automotive and fashion magazines and newspapers(10 medias)受访者安排(建议):Interviewees suggested 铂锐产品设计师及技术官;Designer and Technology Office of Borui products;BBDC高级执行副总裁 童志远。Mr.Tong Zhiyuan,Senior Executive Vice President of BBDC.专访话题方向:Topic铂锐新车领先技术 Leading technologies of new Borui vehicles.铂锐新车时尚外观 The fashionable outlook of the new Borui vehicles.,铂锐闪耀上市 平面媒体专访Print media interview,网络媒体专访Interview by online media 媒体数量:2家以内;Number of media:less than 2 媒体类型:中央级门户网站;Media type:national portal websites 受访者安排:BBDC克莱斯勒销售与市场部总经理 杨林先生(建议)Interviewee as suggested:Mr.Yang Lin,General Manager,Sales and Marketing Department,BBDC Chrysler 专访话题方向:Topic铂锐新车在BBDC产品板块的战略地位 Boruis strategic position among BBDCs products;BBDC对铂锐市场前景的强烈信心 BBDCs strong confidence in Boruis market prospect铂锐车在节油、安全方面的卖点 Boruis selling points in terms of fuel economy and safety预期市场销售状况与份额 Expected market sale and share渠道、服务等多方面的市场销售支持 Marketing and sales supports in such links as channel and service,通过网络媒体传递BBDC对铂锐的预期与市场支持、增强消费者购买信心Via online media to express BBDCs expectation about Borui and market support for the purpose of increasing consumers confidence,铂锐闪耀上市 网络媒体专访 interview by online media,网络媒体直播Online live report 媒体数量:Number of media6家专业/门户网站(新浪、搜狐、太平洋汽车网、中国汽车网、网上车市、汽车之家)6 portal/auto website(sina,sohu、Pcauto、Chinacars、Cheshi、autohome)核心信息:Core message全程直播铂锐闪耀上市活动 a live report of Boruis launching无遗漏传递所有上市信息 to give all the information concerning Boruis launching 网络上市专题 Online special reports设置网上专题,发布铂锐各类正面报道 to release all kinds of positive reports about Borui全面集中展示铂锐相关核心信息 A comprehensive display of all message concerning Borui上市后继续保留,可延长活动覆盖面及活动影响 To keep the reports after Borui is launched for the purpose of extending the coverage and influence,铂锐闪耀上市 网络直播Online live report,著名博客在一定程度上已经成了汽车网站之外最重要的汽车信息渠道,从新浪博客中挑选5家进行合作 Popular blogs have became the most important channel for releasing automotive information in addition to automotive websitesSelect five blogs out of for cooperation,(仅供示例/Demo),铂锐闪耀上市 博客合作/Blog cooperation,论坛话题建议Proposed topics for BBS Communications,论坛话题Topics,主题贴方向Thematic Posts,话题目的Objectives,品牌塑造Brand shaping,克莱斯勒中国飞行Chryslers brand story,克莱斯勒品牌故事传播To introduce Chryslers brand story and bright prospect in China,强强联合Win-win team up,强强联合,打造铂锐Win-win team-up to produce Borui,强强联合,打造铂锐中高级轿车新典范Borui stands out to be a brand-new model in Chinas mid and high end market,品质塑造Quality building,铂锐的万里长征Boruis road test,铂锐质量万里行To introduce Boruis road test,产品对比,凸显优势Product contrast,铂锐PK蒙迪欧致胜Borui PK Mondeo-Zhisheng,铂锐与蒙迪欧致胜产品对比Product contrast between Borui and Mondeo-Zhisheng to stress the strong points of Borui,铂锐PK M6 Borui VS Mazda 6,燃油经济性和全面安全Boruis fuel economy and security configuration,铂锐油耗媲美日系车型,安全全面胜出Boruis fuel economy and security configuration,铂锐突出的燃油经济性Boruis fuel economy is comparable to Japanese cars and Borui exceeds its rivals in security configuration,消费者定位Consumer positioning,徐静蕾与铂锐不得不说的故事Borui Xu Jingleis kinetic car,强化铂锐的消费者定位To intensify the consumer positioning of Borui,铂锐的商务特征To emphasize the business features of Borui,你的商务铂锐了吗?Has your business been Boruied?,突出铂锐动感商务的产品特征To emphasize the kinetic business features of Borui,The contents and maintenance plan of thematic posts will be provided later,产品对比,凸显优势Product contrast,铂锐与M6产品对比 Product contrast between Borui and Mazda 6 to stress the strong points of Borui,论坛话题建议Proposed topics for BBS Communications,论坛话题Topics,主题贴方向Thematic Posts,话题目的Objectives,50家论坛列表The list of 50 BBS names,论坛传播执行说明 The execution points,论坛覆盖:50家BBS Coverage:50主题帖撰写:每周2篇,共8篇Copywriting of thematic posts:2 per week for 4 weeks,8 altogether主题帖发布:每周100篇,共400篇Release of thematic posts:100 per week for 4 weeks,400 altogether维护引导帖:3000条以上Maintenance of the following posts:at least 3000 posts传播周期:1个月Communications cycle:1 month,谢谢!Thank you!,


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