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    高 等 教 育 自 学 考 试毕 业 论 文110kv牵引变电所防雷接地设计丁永杰专 业: 轨道交通供电 主考学校:兰州交通大学 准考证号: 指导教师姓名职称: 王云松 讲师 甘肃省高等教育自学考试办公室印制2013年 4 月 26 日供电专业本科论文XX专业 110kv牵引变电所防雷接地设计110kv traction substation lightning protection and grounding design丁永杰dingyongjie摘 要变电所是电力系统重要组成部分,因此,它是防雷的重要保护部位。雷电具有很强的危害性,因此应该重视牵引变电所雷电的防护。如果变电所发生雷击事故,将造成大面积的停电,给社会生产和人民生活带来不便,这就要求防雷措施必须十分可靠。变电所是电力系统防雷的重要保护,如果发生雷击事故,将造成大面积的停电,严重影响社会生产和人民生活。所以变电所的防雷措施必须十分可靠。变电所遭受雷击的来源及解决方案 (1)雷击的来源。一是雷直击于变电所的设备上;二是架空线路的雷电感应过电压和直击雷过电压形成的雷电波沿线路侵入变电所。 (2)变电所对于直击雷的保护一般采取装设避雷针或采用沿变电所进线段一定距离内架设避雷线的方法解决。 (3)架空线路的雷电感应过电压和直击雷过电压形成的雷电波沿线路侵入变电所,是导致变电所雷害的主要原因,若不采取防护措施,势必造成变电所电气设备绝缘损坏,引发事故。在变电所内装设避雷器的目的在于限制入侵雷电波的幅值,使电气设备的过电压不致于超过其冲击耐压值。而变电所的进线段上装设保护段的主要目的,在于限制流经避雷器的雷电流幅值及入侵雷电波的陡度。(4)变电所装设避雷针的原则 所有被保护设备均应处于避雷针(线)的保护范围之内,以免遭受雷击。 当雷击避雷针时,避雷针对地面的电位可能很高,如它们与被保护电气设备之间的绝缘距离不够,就有可能在避雷针遭受雷击后,使避雷针与被保护设备之间发生放电现象,这种现象叫反击。此时避雷针仍能将雷电波的高电位加至被保护的电气设备上,造成事故。不发生反击事故的避雷针与电气设备之间的距离称为避雷针与电气设备之间防雷最小距离。(5)雷击避雷针时,雷电流流经避雷针及其接地装置,为了防止避雷针与被保护设备或构架之间的空气间隙被击穿而造成反击事故,空气间隙必须大于最小安全净距。 为了防止避雷针接地装置与被保护设备或构架之间在土壤中的间隙被击穿而造成反击事故,空气间隙必须大于最小安全净距。(6)对于35kV及以下的变电所,因其绝缘水平较低,必须装设独立的避雷针,并满足不发生反击的要求。 对于110kV以上的变电所,由于此类电压等级配电装置的绝缘水平较高,可以将避雷针直接装设在配电装置的构架上,因而雷击避雷针所产生的高电位不会造成电气设备的反击事故。装设避雷针的配电构架,应装设辅助接地装置,该接地装置与变电所接地网的连接点,距主变压器的接地装置与变电所的接地网的连接点的电气距离不应小于15m。其作用是使雷击避雷器时,在避雷器接地装置上产生的高电位,沿接地网向变压器接地点传播的过程中逐渐衰减,使侵入的雷电波在达到变压器接地点时,不会造成变压器的反击事故。由于变压器的绝缘较弱,同时变压器又是变电所的重要设备,故不应在变压器的门型构架上装设避雷针。 由于变电所的配电装置至变电所出线的第一杆塔之间的距离可能比较大,如允许将杆塔上的避雷线引至变电所的构架上,这段导线将受到保护,比用避雷针保护经济。由于避雷线两端的分流作用,当雷击时,要比避雷针引起的电位升高小一些。因此,110kV及以上的配电装置,可将线路避雷线引接至出线门型构架上,但土壤电阻率大于1000·m的地区,应装设集中接地装置。对于3560kV配电装置,土壤电阻率不大于500·m的地区,允许将线路的避雷线引接至出线门型构架上,但应装设集中接地装置。当土壤电阻率大于500·m时,避雷线应终止于线路终端杆塔,进变电所一档线路保护可用避雷针保护。牵引变压器的设计主要包括变压器的容量计算和技术指标的检测,设计必须符合高(低)压侧主接线的设计要求。绝缘设备的检验主要是关于电气设备的动稳定、热稳定性、开关设备的选型和校验,以及对室内外母线,各个支持绝缘子和穿墙套管,电压、电流互感器的选型和校验。另一部分主要内容是对牵引变电所的防雷接地设计,包括避雷针、避雷线、避雷器以及接地系统的设计。牵引变压器的设计主要包括变压器的容量计算和技术指标的检测,设计必须符合高(低)压侧主接线的设计要求。绝缘设备的检验主要是关于电气设备的动稳定、热稳定性、开关设备的选型和校验,以及对室内外母线,各个支持绝缘子和穿墙套管,电压、电流互感器的选型和校验。另一部分主要内容是对牵引变电所的防雷接地设计,包括避雷针、避雷线、避雷器以及接地系统的设计。本文讲述了雷电、雷电压和雷电流的形成过程,并给出了雷电参数,阐述了防雷装置如避雷针、避雷器的防雷原理以及保护范围,给出了直击雷和感应雷的防护方案,介绍了目前我国牵引变电所防雷接地设计中常用的几种措施,如:合理选择牵引变电所修建的地理位置,架设避雷针、敷设接地网,在进线段装设避雷器,同时对几种防雷措施进行了深入的论述和定量的计算分析。基于常用的防雷接地的设计方法,对110kv牵引变电所进行了详细的防雷接地设计。设计中,结合当地现状,综合考虑了气候、地形、环境等多种因素,给出了较好的防雷接地保护方案。通过对牵引变电所的防雷接地设计,全面剖析了电力系统中如何让提高牵引变电所的防雷水平,从而有效地降低牵引变电所的雷击事故,减少雷电对电网安全运行的影响。关键词:牵引变电所;防雷接地;雷电放电;雷电流论文类型:应用研究AbstractThe lightning has very strong harmfulness's we should pay attention to drawing the shelter of the lightning of transformer substation.Substation power system is important to the mine facilities, if lightning accident occurred, causing widespread power outages, and seriously affect the social production and peoples life .Therefore asked the substation lightning protection measures must be very reliable. Substation lightning source and solution method. (1) Lighting source. Direct lightning stroke to substation equipment; two is the overhead line lightning induced overvoltage and lightning over.voltage lightning wave intrusion formed along the line of substation.(2)substation lightning protection for generally taken with a lightning rod or a substation incoming line within a certain distance of the lightning line method to solve erection.(3)the overhead line lightning induced overvoltage and lightning over.voltage lightning wave intrusion formed along the transmission line substation, is the leading cause of substation lightning is the main reason ,if do not take protective measures, is bound to cause the substation electrical equipment insulation damage, cause an accident, In transformer substation arrester installed aims to limit intrusion of lightning wave amplitude, so that the electrical equipment of the over voltage not to exceed its impulse withstand voltage value. While the substation incoming lines installed protection section of the main purpose is to restrict the flow through the surge arrester, lightning current amplitude and intrusion of lightning wave steepness. (4) Substation with a lightning rod principle all the protected equipment shall be kept in a lightning rod (wire) within the scope of protection, to avoid being struck by lightning. When the lightning arrester, lightning rod on ground potentials can be very high, as they and the protected electrical equipment struck by lightning, the lightning rod and protected equipment occurred between the discharge phenomenons, thisphenomenon is called back. The lightning arrester can still be lightning wave high potentials to the protected electrical apparatus, causing the accident. No impact accidents lightning minimum distance between the electrical equipment.(5)lightning arrester, lightning current flowing through the lightning conductor and earthling device in order to prevent the lightning rod and the equipment being protected or framework of the air gap between the breakdown was caused by impact accident, air gap must be greater than the minimum distance of An Quanjing.In order to prevent lightning grounding device and the equipment being protected or between frames in soil of the gap breakdown caused by impact accident, air gap must be greater than the minimum distance of An Quanjing.(6)for 35kv and below the power substation, because of its low insulation level, must be arranged independently of the lightning rod, and meet the requirements not counterattack.For more than 110kv substation, such as voltage grade power distribution device insulation level is higher, can be directly installed on the distribution of lightning rod device structure, and lightning arrester of the resulting high potential does not cause electrical equipment against accidents. With a lightning rod for distribution frame, should install auxiliary grounding device, the grounding device of substation grounding grid connection point, away from the main transformer grounding device of substation grounding grid connection point electric distance shall not be less than 15m. Its role is to enable the lightning arrester, the arrester grounding device has high potential, along the grounding transformer ground to spread gradually in the process of decay, which penetrated the lightning in the transformer grounding, does not cause transformer strike accident. Due to the insulation of the transformer is weaker, at the same time the transformer is the important equipment of substation, it should not be in the transformer type door frame is provided with a lightning arrester. As a result of substation power distribution device to substation outlet of the first tower distance may be relatively large, such as allowing the tower lightning conductor of the lead to the substation framework; the conductor will be protected, than with lightning protection economy. The lightning lines at both ends of the shunt effect, when lightning strikes, than lightning induced potential rise of some small. Therefore, 110kV and above power distribution device, lightning arrester line can be guided and connected to the outlet door type frame, but the soil resistivity greater than 1000 ohm m area, should be installed with a centralized grounding device. In 35 60kV soil resistivity distribution device, not more than 500 ohms m area, allowing the line lightning wire guided and connected to the outlet door type frame, but should be installed with a centralized grounding device. When the soil resistivity greater than 500 ohm m, lightning conductors shall be terminated in line terminal tower, into a line of substation protection available for lightning rod protection. Traction transformer design mainly includes the transformer capacity calculation and testing indicators the design must accord with high (low) pressure side main wiring design requirements. Insulation equipment inspection is mainly about electrical equipment dynamic stability, thermal stability, switching equipment selection and validation, as well as indoor and outdoor bus, each support insulator and bushing current transformer, voltage, the selection and validation. Another part is the main content of the traction substation lightning protection and grounding design, including lightning, lightning, lightning arrester and the design of grounding system. Traction transformer design mainly includes the transformer capacity calculation and testing indicators; the design must accord with high (low) pressure side main wiring design requirements. Insulation equipment inspection is mainly about electrical equipment dynamic stability, thermal stability, switching equipment selection and validation, as well as indoor and outdoor bus, each support insulator and bushing current transformer, voltage, the selection and validation .Another part is the main content of the traction substation lightning protection and grounding design, including lightning, lightning, lightning arrester and the design of grounding system. The traction transformer design includes transformer capacity computing and technology indicators testing, design must meet the high (low) pressure side of the main connection of the design requirements. Insulation test equipment for electrical equipment mainly on the dynamic stability, thermal stability, switching equipment selection and validation, as well as indoor and outdoor bus, each supporting insulators and wall bushings, voltage, current transformer selection and check. Another part of the main content is the design of substation grounding lightning protection, including lightning, grounding wire, surge arresters and grounding system design.This text describes the lightning, thunder and lightning current voltage forming process, and gives the lightning parameter, elaborated the lightning protection device, such as a lightning rod arrester lightning protection principle and the scope of protection, gives the thunder and lightning induction protection scheme, introduced at present our country traction substation lightning protection and grounding design commonly used in several measures, such as: rational selection of traction substation building location, set lightning rod, laying grounding grid, into the line arrester installed, at the same time to several protection measures were discussed and the quantitative calculation and analysis. Based on the commonly used in lightning protection and grounding design method, the 110kV traction substation are discussed in detail the design of lightning protection grounding. In the design, combined with the local situation, considering terrain, climate, environment and other factors, has given the good grounding for lightning protection scheme. Based on the traction substation lightning protection and grounding design, comprehensive analysis of power system how to improve traction substation lightning protection level, thereby effectively reducing traction substation lightning accident, reduce lightning influence on safe operation of power grid.Key words: traction substation; lightning protection; lightning currentType of thesis: Application Research目录摘要I引言1一 雷21 雷电21.1 雷电的形成21.2 雷电的放电21.3 雷电放电过程21.3.1先导过程21.3.2主放电过程31.4雷电的危害31.5 雷电的防护32 雷电参数及防雷装置42.1雷电参数62.1.1雷击时的等值电路62.1.2 雷电流72.1.3 雷暴日与雷暴小时92.1.4地面落雷密度103 防雷设备103.1保护原理103.2 保护范围10二 避雷器151 避雷器的分类及比较162阀式避雷器电气特性的基本参数193 金属氧化物避雷器电气特性参数204 避雷针和避雷线215.防雷接地的概述215.1防雷接地的发展概况215.2 接地与防雷接地22三 冲击电流流经接地装置入地时的基本现象221土壤中的电位分布222 土壤中的电场强度233 接地装置的电感效应及利用率234 防雷接地装置的形成及其电阻的算法245.牵引变电所防雷接地的必要性26四 110KV牵引变电所防雷保护和接地设计271直击雷保护272雷电侵入波保护282.1保护措施282.2 避雷器的设置292. 3 变电站的保护293 110kv高压输电线路的防雷保护303.1 雷电对输电线路的危害303.2 线路雷击跳闸的两种主要表现形式303.3 线路雷击跳闸分析 303.4有避雷线的线路雷击跳闸率的确定323.5 有避雷线线路的雷击跳闸率324 牵引变电所进线段的保护335.牵引变电所内变压器的防雷接地保护365.1 双绕组变压器的防雷保护365.2 三绕组变压器的防雷保护365.3 自藕变压器的防雷保护 375.4变压器中性点的防雷保护38结论40致谢41参考文献42附 录43附 录 2.2 110kv变电站用氧化锌避雷器电气特性43引 言电力工业是国民经济的一项基础工业和国民经济发展的先行工业,它是一种将煤、石油、天然气、水能、核能、风能等一次能源转换成电能这个二次能源的工业,它为国民经济的其他各部门快速、稳定发展提供足够的动力,其发展水平是反映国家经济发展水平的重要标志。变电站是联系发电厂和用户的中间环节,起着变换和分配电能的作用。这就要求变电所的一次部分经济合理,二次部分安全可靠,只有这样变电所才能正常的运行工作,为国民经济服务。雷电(Lightning)是一种大气自然现象,对人类社会而言,雷电有时也会造成自然灾害。随着社会的发展,雷电给社造成的危害越来越严重,同时雷电防护(Lightning Protection)科学技术也在人类认识自然、抵御自然灾害的过程中不断发展。全球任何时刻大约有2000个地点遏上雷暴,平均每天约发生800万次闪电,每次闪电在微秒级的瞬间释放出约55kW.h的能量。我们生存的环境既被动地接受自然灾害的侵袭,又能动地为灾害的形成和发展提供条件。从久远的过去开始,雷电就对人类、人类赖以生存的自然资源和人类创造的物质文明构成巨大的威胁,例如,森林火灾有50以上因雷电引发;人们居住生活的建筑物屡遭雷击破坏;电力、石化等工业设施常因雷击而发生灾难性事故。不难看出,雷电灾害的范围随社会经济发展而扩大,其表现形式随其范围扩大而复杂。伴随电力系统中所用电气元件产品诸如断路器、继电器、隔离开关等性能指标的提高,变电站的功能也会越来越完善,可靠性也会得到很大的提高。因此,提高变电所防雷保护科技水平势在必行。一、雷1、雷电1.1 雷电的形成雷电放电是带电荷的雷云引起的放电现象,在某种大气和大地条件下,潮湿的热气流进入大气层冷凝而形成雷云,大气层中的雷云底部大多数带负电,它在地面上感应出大量的正电荷,这样,雷云和大地之间就形成了强大的电场,随着雷云的发展和运动,当空间电场强度超过大气游离放电的临界电场强度时,就会发生雷云之间或雷云对地的放电,形成雷电。按其发展方向可分为下行雷和上行雷。下行雷是在雷云产生并向大地发展的,上行雷是接地物体顶部激发起,并向雷云方向发起的。主放电时电流可达数千安,最大可达 200 300kA。余辉,雷云中剩下的电荷继续沿主放电通道下移,称为余辉放电阶段。余辉放电电流仅数百安,但持续的时间可达 0.03 0.15 s。1.2 雷电放电雷电放电是由带电荷的雷云引起的放电现象。一般认为雷云是在某种大气和大地条件下,由强大的潮湿的热气流不断上升进入稀薄的大气层冷凝的结果。强烈的上升气流穿过云层,水滴被撞分裂带电。轻微的水沫带负电,被风吹得较高,形成大块的带负电的雷云;大滴水珠带正电,凝聚成雨下降,或悬浮在云中,形成一些带正电的区域。雷云的底部大多数是带负电,它在地面上会感应出大量的正电荷。这样,在带有大量不同极性或不同数量电荷的雷云之间,或者雷云和大地之间就形成了强大的电场,其电位差可达几兆伏甚至几十兆伏。随着雷云的发展和运动,一旦空间电场强度超过大气游离放电的临界电场强度时,就会发生雷云之间或雷云对地的放电。大多数雷电放电发生在雷云之间,对地面上的设备和建筑没有什么直接影响。雷云对地的放电虽占少数,但危害是十分严重的,是造成雷电事故的主要因素。要避免产生雷电事故,就必须对雷电的放电过程、活动规律和雷电参数加以研究。1.3 雷电放电过程按雷电发展的方向可区别为下行雷和上行雷两种。下行雷是在雷云产生并向大地发展的,上行雷是由接地物体顶部激发起,并向雷云方向发展的。雷电的极性是按照从雷云流人大地的电荷的符号决定的。实测表明,不论地质情况如何,90左右是负极性雷。正极性雷和上行雷出现的机会较少,下面介绍最常见的下行负极性雷放电的特性。1.3.1、先导过程 雷云对大地的放电通常包括若干重复的放电过程,每次放电都由先导放电和主放电组成。图61(a)是由高速旋转的照相机摄下的负雷云对地放电的典型照片。 如图6l(a)所示,第一次从雷云向大地发展的先导有逐级跳跃发展的性质,叫梯级先导。每一级的长度为10一200m,平均50m,梯级间的间歇时间为10100s,平均50s,第一先导的传播速度为(18)XlO5ms,即约为光速的l1000左右。先导通道具有良好的导电性,因此带有与雷云同极性的负电荷。雷云与先导的电荷在大地上感应出异号的正电荷,当电荷积累到一定程度时还会出现自下向上发展的逆先导。1.32 主放电过程 当先导发展到接近地面时,就在通道端部出现高场强,使空气强烈游离而产生高密度的等离子区。此区域沿先导通道自下而上迅速传播,形成一条高电导率的等离子体通道。使先导通道以及雷云中的电荷与大地的电荷相中和(需要注意的是,这里所说的“中和”并不一定指正、负离子复合,只要在每个很小的空间内,异号离子的浓度相同,就可以说是中和了)。这个过程就是主放电过程。主放电发展的速度比先导发展速度快得多,达到15X107一15X108ms(12012的光速)。1.4 雷电的危害 雷电是自然界存在的物理现象,打雷是指带正负电荷的雷云之间或是带电荷的雷云对大地快速放电而产生的声和光。雷云之间正负电荷放电现象,就是我们平时看到天空闪光和随之而来的巨大隆隆声。天空打雷对现代微电子的电气设备有伤害,但对自然界生物和净化空气十分有好处。但是天空中带电荷的雷云对大地放电。这种强烈直击雷,不仅产生刺眼闪光和巨大雷声,而且打雷所产生的强大雷电流(几十KA几百KA)、炽热高温(600010000)。猛烈冲击波,对打雷附近的人畜生命安全造成严重威胁,使建筑房屋损坏,森林着火,石油、电力、气象、通信、航空航天建筑设施造成严重破坏。沿着雷电流流动方向,使周围数公里空间造成强大剧变电磁场,静电场和强烈电磁辐射等物理效应。把感应出来雷电压、雷电流通过供电线路、信号线路和各种金属管线传到各家各户造成人员伤亡,特别对微电子设备(计算机、电视、通信设备、电气设备等)造成严重破坏,导致重大经济损失,打雷是年年重复发生的自然现象,根据有关方面统计资料报告,全球每年因雷电灾害造成的损失高达数十亿美元。我国每年因雷击造成伤亡人员达一万多人,造成的各种经济损失也达数亿人民币。1.5 雷电的防护雷电灾害年年有,我们人类对雷电防护认识和经验也是逐年提高。200多年前,美国科学家富兰克林发明了避雷针(实际上是引雷针,使雷电沿引雷针引入地下),开创了人类雷电防护新纪元。由避雷针、避雷带、引下线、接地网构成了建筑防雷措施,大大减少了建筑物因雷击造成的损失。随着科学技术发展,新型电子设备广泛应用,雷电流引起的感应雷击已成为电子时代的一大公害,上面提到全球每年因雷击造成经济损失达数十亿美元,电子设备损坏占绝大部分。因此,我国上世纪90年代就颁发了中华人民共和国国家标准建筑物防雷设计规范,同时通信、电力、广播电视、石油和铁路等电子产品密集部


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