教育家孔子汉译英练习公元前551年,在今天的山东省曲阜诞生了中国古代著名的思想家,教育家孔子.孔子的家里很穷,但是他从小就认真读书,刻苦学习.二十多岁的时候,做了个小官.他很有学问,办事认真,工作出色,三十岁左右,就已经很有出名了.孔子倒过许队诸侯国家,想为各国君王效力,但是他们都不接受他的政治主张.于是,孔子决心用自己的全部精力来办学.很多人知道这个消息之后,都把自己的孩子送来拜孔子为师.孔子收下了这些学生,开创了中国教育史上的私人讲学事业.公元前551年,在今天的山东省曲阜诞生了中国古代著名的思想家,教育家孔子.Educationist Confucius/ Chinese ancient famousthinker and educationist C was born in today's Qufuof Shandong province. Confucius, a /the) famous philosopher and educator of ancient China. He was born in today'sQufu, Shandong Province in 551 BC.孔子的家里很穷,但是他从小就认真读书,刻苦学习.A) C'sfamily was very poor, but when he was a child, he studied very hard and read carefully.b)Thoughhe was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth.二十多岁的时候,做了个小官.他很有学问,办事认真,工作出色,三十岁左右,就已经很出名了.a )He was a low(er) officer at his twenties. / in his 20s. He was very learned/erudite, worked hard and did a remarkable job, so he was famous when he was about 30.b) In his twenties, he served as a junior official. He was learned and worked earnestly and excellently. When he was about thirty he was well-known.c) At the age of over 20 years, he became a petty officer. Because of his great learning, conscientiousness (in work) and excellent workhe was well-known when about 30 years. Ref. In the year 551 B.C.,Confucius, the famous thinker and educator of ancient China, was born in today's Qufu, Shandong Province. His family was very poor, but heworked hard at his studies even in early Childhood. Hebecame a petty official in his early twenties.他很有学问,办事认真,工作出色,三十岁左右,就已经很有出名了.Ref. As he was learned, worked in earnest and made an outstanding showing in performing his duties, he had already earned a high reputation by the age of thirty.Cf. By the age of 30 he had already earned a high reputation for his profound knowledge, hard work and outstanding performance. Improved version: He became a petty official in his early twenties. By the age of 30 he had already earned a high reputation for his profound knowledge, hard work and outstanding performance.孔子倒过许多诸侯国家,想为各国君王效力,但是他们都不接受他的政治主张.到过:has been to /visited 诸侯国家:principalities/dukes and principalities/regime (a fascist regime/military regime)各国君王:kings/princes/vassals/dukesA. C had been to/ arrived in/ reached many countries (state countries) and wanted to/ tried to/trying to/ intending to/with the intention of/ serve the dukes and princes/ emperors, but they all did not accept his political ideas.b) C had been to many states which were governed by an emperor. He wanted to render service to these dukes or princes, but they didn't(they all didn's) accept.Reference:Confucius visited many principalities in the hope of rendering service to the princes, but none of them would accept his political views.于是,孔子决心用自己的全部精力来办学.a) Since his political proposals were not adopted by dukes which were under one emperor of his time after he visited these dukes whom he wanted to work for, the Confucius was determined to devote his lifetime to running schools. Ref. Then,he changed his mind and decided to devote all his energies to education.很多人知道这个消息之后,都把自己的孩子送来拜孔子为师.孔子收下了这些学生,开创了中国教育史上的私人讲学事业.a) After knowing this/ Knowing this/ when they knew this, many people sent their children to take Confucius as their teacher/ master. Confucius took in these students and established the private teaching career in Chinese education history.b) After hearing this piece of news, many people all sent their children to C as their teacher. He accepted these students, which opened up a private teaching career in Chinese education history. Ref. When people learned about this, many of them senttheir children to him to be educated. Confucius accepted(admitted )themas his students, and thus he became the first individual to initiate a private schoolin the history of Chinese education.有个年轻人叫颜回,家里很穷,缺吃少穿,住的房子又破又小.他很想拜孔子为师,可是又担心交不起学费.a)A young man was called YH. His family.He looked forward to taking C as his teacher, but he was also afraid that he could not afford the tuition.b) YanHui, a young man who was born in a poor family, had not enough foods and clothes, and lived in a small and shabby room/ house. He wanted to look up to C as his teacher, but.c) Living in a small and shabby hut, in short of food and clothes, a young man named YanHuiwas eager to be Confucius disciple.Ref. There was a young man named YanHui, who wanted very much to be a student of Confucius. But he was so poor that he was worried about the tuition.一天,他来到孔子讲学的地方,只见几个人正坐在一棵大树下面,听孔子讲话.孔子说:"不论什么人,只要交来十条干肉作学费,我都愿意教他们."A.One day he came to/ went to/ got to/ the place where C was giving lectures. Several people could be seen sitting under a big tree listening to C.B) One day he visited C where he was teaching, he saw someone sit under a big tree, and listen to C.c) C said, No matter who you are, if you can give me ten pieces of dried meat, I will take you as my student."(Ten bars/ loaves /slices/ pieces of dried meat/ dry meat/ preserved meat. ) d) Confucius said, "Whoever he may be, if he hands in ten pieces of dry meat, I will/am willing to teach him."Ref. One day, he went to the place where Confucius was teaching. He saw a few men sitting under a big tree and overhear Confucius say: I'amready to take in anyone that pays ten strings of dried pork as tuition, no matter who he is.听到这里,颜回高兴极了,连忙跑回去,告诉他的朋友子路,子贡.几天以后,他们三人都成了孔子的学生.A. When he heard the news,. After some days/ some days later, they three all became the students of Confucius.B. Having heard these words/ hearing these words/ On hearing these words.Ref. On hearing this, YanHuigot very excited and rushed back to tell his friends ZiLu and ZiGong the news. A few days later, the three of them became Confucius'students.孔子热心办学,先后收了三千学生,其中最优秀的有七十二人.a) C ran schools ardently. He owned/ enrolled/ admitted/ accepted 3000 disciples succesively/one after another/totally/early or late/sooner or later , among which there were 72 excellent students.b) Confucius devoted himself in education and 3000 became his students among whom 72 people turned out to be excellent.C) Confucius was eager to run a school.Ref. A dedicated educator, Confucius accepted a total of three thousand students in his lifetime. Among them seventy-two came out as outstanding scholars. 最优秀的:seventy-two were the best among them (how to understand the source sentence )孔子通过办学,宣传了他的政治思想.vBy running a school C spread his political proposition/ideas/thought(s)/ through giving lectures.vBy way of school, he propagated.Ref. Through education, Confucius disseminatedhis political thought. To publicize a new policy (to bring to public notice)/Propagandize: usuderog: to spread a propaganda in a place to some people.孔子和他的学生形成了一个学派,叫做"儒家学派".这个学派对中国几千年的封建社会影响极大.As a result, he and his students formed a school called the Rujia"/ RuSchool"the Confucian school", which has great affect/impact on Chinese several thousand years'feudal society/ several thousand years of feudal society in/of China.Compare: Confucius and his students formed a school of thoughtRef. Eventually, the philosophy of Confucius and his disciples evolved into a school of thought "Confucianism", which was to exert a tremendous influence on the Chinese feudal society for thousands of years. 孔子活了七十三岁.去世的时候,他的学生都非常悲痛.为了永远不忘记老师的教导,学生们把孔子跟他们的各种谈话内容记录了下来.以后,空子学生的学生又收集,整理了有关孔子言行的资料,编写成一部儒家学派的经典著作论语.a)Confucius was alive till he was 73. / lived till 73. Lived for 73 years. His students were buried in deep sorrow when he died. /Was dead.B) Confucius died when he was 73. At the time of his death, his students were absorbed in great sadness.c) In order not to forget their teacher'sinstructions forever, Confucius'students collected and sorted out all the data / materials concerning to/ about all kinds of talks between Confucius and his students/ them. c) Wrote down all the words that C had talked to them.D) The content of the talks between C and them/ his students.e) Afterwards, the students of Confucius'students/students'students/ the successors of C'sstudents collected and sorted out the data about C'swords and actions and then compiled a classic work of.f) Thus the Analects of Confucius", a classical work of Confucian School came into being. /The Analects of C LunYuRef. Confucius lived to the age of seventy-three. His disciples deeply grieved over his death. In order to remember his teachings forever, they recorded all his dialogues with them. Later on, the students of his disciples collected and edited what Confucius had said and done into a classic of the Confucian school entitled the Analects of Confucius.Thank you.