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    1、Queenie is a very special girl. She is often quiet, but over the last few months, she has come out of her shell and begun interacting much more in class. She has learned many words and phrases and has good pronunciation as well. I am very pleased with her progress. Behaviorally, she is always a joy during lessons. She is very playful and willing to work hard to learn new things. I hope next term we can continue to improve.2、Phoebe is a cheerful girl and a great student. She has made a lot of progress this termshe has been focusing in class and is working hard on improving her English and behaving well. She is particularly good at the songs and dances we have learned so far. Recently, her behavior has also been rapidly improving. She has become a model of good postire and raising her hand. This term, she has been excelling at new vocabulary and grammar structures, so next term I want to help her with clear pronunciation. Good job, Phoebe! 3、Parkco is a very special boy. He has made a lot of progress this term and I am excited with his enthusiasm about English. He constantly asks me to come play with him and teach him new words. He works hard and his memorization of vocabulary is unrivaled. His behavior has also improved a lot this term. He has become less aggressive and interacts more with other students. We still have some trouble with disobedience but he stops negative behaviors the first time I tell him to much more often. It makes me very happy to here him say, “Rebecca, Okay!” when he knows he shouldn't be misbehaving. It's a big improvement. I hope next term his English will continue to improve at the same pace and he will continue to work on social relationships with the same diligence. Good work, Parkco!4、Nancy- Nancy is a wonderful student! She is warm, strong, tries hard, and often sets a good example in class. She has such a strong personality, she s a joy to be around. Sometimes she and he good friend can be a little strong-willed and disruptive, and I hope we can continue to work on that in the future. But often, she pulls me aside to read books and tries to learn new words not covered in lessons. Her curiosity will surely help her succeed in the future, and her warm smile makes her wonderful to have class with. I am very pleased with how far she is coming in class- keep up the good work, Nancy! 5、Louis is a joy to have in class. He is always laughing and dancing and having fun. In the last two months, he has made serious improvement in his willingness to use English outside of lesson time. He uses full sentences much more than many of the other students and understands many complex grammar structures. Next term, on top of continuing to make progress in English, I hope he can continue to make progress behaviorally- sometime Louis has a little difficulty focusing on class. But he has been making great strides in English and I hope he continues to improve his communication all year while still having fun in class. Good work, Louis!6、Lauren is a joy to have in class. She is always sunny and laughing. She likes learning and speaking Chinese this term, but much more importantly, she has made many new friends. Now she fully participates in class and has become much more willing to interact with all the students. One of the things we have been talking about is being nice to all the students- even the ones she doesn't like as much because they are a bit naughty- and she is working hard at it. I appreciate her patience and understanding with some of the younger and less obedient children. She always seems to enjoy school and has and always has a smile on her face. She is very creative, thoughtful, and a good example. Good job, Lauren!7、Kingston is a great boy. He has made a lot of improvement in the last few months. His English is improving, as is his behavior. He has learned many new words, and is especially good at animals and games. His pronunciation is great and he really seems to enjoy studying English. Sometimes, he he can be a bit mischievous in class, but he has gotten much better at taking directions. I hope he will continue to work hard and enjoy class next term. Good work, Kingston! 8、Joyce is an absolute joy! She is always enthusiastic, smiling, and working hard. She is always happy to work hard and learns new things easily. She is especially good at animals and shapes. Also, one of the biggest advantages of studying a foreign language as a child is that they can absorb rhythm, intonation, and pronunciation more naturally, and Joyce has made impressive progress in all those areas. For Joyce, I hope that next term she will continue to have fun in class and keep making good strides in English!9、Holam is a joy to have in class. Her improvement in English this term is perhaps the most impressive in the class- she knows not only most of the things from lessons, but the words and expressions we have worked on during play time as well. She works very hard and seems to really enjoy learning English, and is always well-behaved, too. My main goal for Holam next term is that she will continue to make progress at the same rate, as up till now, Holam has been a model student. Excellent work, Holam!10、Henry is a model student and I love having him in class. He works hard, he is a fast learner, and he is very thoughtful. He learns all the new words and grammar points, and practices English with enthusiasm, in class and in free time. He demonstrates good curiosity and often asks me to teach him extra words and then works puts a lot of effort into memorizing them. He interacts well with the other students, has made good friends, and never has any disciplinary problems. He is a joy to have in class. Great work, Henry!11、Frank is a joyful student! I love his laughter and sense of fun. He is always smiling and laughing and enthusiastic. He has learned many new words this year, and has very good pronunciation. And he is very willing to try new things. Also, he has improved behaviorally a lot. He is far less aggressive than at the beginning of the year, and seems to really enjoy class. He practices new words and grammar structures cheerfully. I hope next term Frank can continue to learn English and work on playing nicely with others. Good job, Frank!12、Dubai is a great student and so much fun to have in class. He works hard and has such a warm, sunny attitude. His English was showing steady improvement throughout the term. He was also growing behaviorally as well- by late fall, he was making more friends and rarely ha ing disagreements with his peers. I have missed having him around, and I hope he will come back soon.13、Chris is a great student. He is always eager to learn, setting a good example in class while learning a lot. I am especially impressed at his ability to apply new language- he is one of the best at using new words he has learned correctly and making new sentences, And he is warm, caring, and a good leader as well. Next term, we will work hard on learning more grammar and not being distracted by his friends. I am very pleased with Chris and his continual smile and hard work in class- good job, Chris!14、Andy is a great boy. He has come very far this year. He has learned many words, and can tell me many colors, foods, animals, shapes, and even transport vehicles from memory. Most impressively, as one of the youngest students in the class, his pronunciation and speech patterns are perhaps the most natural f all the students. When he is learning new grammar structures, it takes him no time at all to pronounce them with native rhythm and intonation. Behaviorally, he is also growing. I am pleased he become less aggressive this term. I hope next term he will learn more phrases and work on respecting the other students and the instruction of the teachers more. Good work, Andy!15、Alex is a wonderful child. He has made a lot of progress this term. He learns new words very quickly and has participates in class more in class. He speaks up more in class and interacts with other students more than at the beginning of the term. I am very impressed with how quickly he absorbs new material- in class, after being introduced to new words and phrases, Alex is often the first student to show me he has fully earned the new material and apply it in class. He also displays a great deal of curiosity, constantly asking questions about English and taking care to learn the answers. Next term I hope Alex will continue in the same direction he has so far and learn more conversational skills. 16、Yoyo- Yoyo is a wonderful girl. She is a warm, well-behaved, and a hard-worker. She seems to really enjoy studying English, and she always practices new language with enthusiasm. She has made a lot of progress learning English this term- she knows most of the vocabulary taught this term. And socially, she seems to enjoy class once she settles in in the morning. I hope next term we can continue to make progress with her shy nature and encourage her to enjoy coming to school and getting excited about starting things. She always enjoys school and activities once they begin,. I am pleased with the progress she has made thus far. Good work, Yoyo!17、Wendy is an excellent student. She works hard and has been learning English very well. She sets a good example for the other students, and puts a lot of effort into practicing the new things she learns. She always sets herself to tasks diligently. She one of the best at learning new grammar and practicing it in her free time. I appreciate her enthusiasm. Also, she is a good teacher and always helps other students learn the new material as well. I hope next term she continues to improve at the same pace. Good work, Wendy! 18、Tina is a fabulous girl. She is bright, warm, creative, and energetic. She is one of our most social children, often making making friends with other students and playing with everyone in the class. She has made many good strides in English this year, learning many words and phrases with ease. Next term, I hope we she will be a little more focused on English and continue to enjoy class!19、Sunny is a wonderful girl. She is warm, sensitive, thoughtful, and a hard-worker. She studies hard and has made excellent progress in English. Also, she very considerate and sets a good example for the other students. She is excited to learn new things and practices them at every opportunity. I am also happy to see how much she has become more outgoing. I appreciate her helpfulness, her effort, and her warm smile. I hope next term she will continue to enjoy class as she studies more grammar and conversational skills. Good work, Sunny!20、Sean is a great boy! He is making a lot of progress this year. He works hard at leaning English and using it whenever he can- not just in class, but during playtime, mealtime, any time he can. It's very impressive. He also has the best grasp of grammar and the most advanced conversational skills. Behaviorally, he is improving as well. One of my goals for next term is to help him continue to develop socially and make strong friendships within the class, on top of continuing to progress in English. He has been doing very well and I hope he keeps up the good work!


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