高三英语后期复习策略与答题技巧,高三英语后期复习策略与答题技巧,面对有限的时间,众多的科目,繁重的复习任务,如何强化知识,巩固所学,提高英语答题技巧和应试能力?明确高考方向,讲究复习策略,研究答题方法 以考试大纲为依据,以考试说明为指导,从基本知识、基本技能入手,重视知识的系统复习和归纳,重视能力的培养和提高,重视应试技巧的训练和养成。抓紧这关键的近两个月的冲刺时间,务必自己动手、动脑,整理所学,认真复习,夯实基础,充实自我,提高能力,才能信心百倍地迎战高考。,一、如何提高应试能力?,-分析高考试题,把握解题规律,(一)单词辨音,陕西省高考英语试题特点:突出语篇,注重基础,强调运用,难度适中,重点突出,(一)单词辨音,(08陕西)1.passenger A.sugar B.organize C.strange D.together 2.chemistry A.stomach B.achieve C.check D.machine3.club A.pollution B.struggle C.useful D.bury4.Majority A.baggage B.attract C.CanadianD.magazine 5.area A.theatre B.breathe C.break D.heaven(07陕西)1.success A.official B.excuse C.correct D.exciting2.society A.achieve B.friend C.science D.believe3.theirs A.thread B.smooth C.thirsty D.health4.raise A.remain B.certain C.mountain Dpare A.company B.continue C.common D.concert,未考:(元音)e,i/y,al,au,aw,ay,ee,ei,ex,ey,ia,io,oa,oo,ow,ui,r-音节;(辅音)b,d,f,n,s,t,gh,ph,gue,mn,ng,qu,que,sc,wh,已考:(元音)o,a,u,are,ea,ear,eer,ire,ou,ed;(辅音)c,g,h,th,ch,关注单词中不发音的字母 如:,castle,whistle,Christmas,calm,would,should,folk,comb,climb,hour,honor,exhibition,forehead,answer,write,wrong,handsome,Wednesday,autumn,column,sight,eight,neighbor,weight,build,guess,guide,tongue,等关注-s或-ed在词尾的发音:worked,sighed,figures,bridges关注字母c,在字母i/y,e,及字母组合ia,ie,io前的发音:centre,decide,bicycle,social,ancient,precious关注字母n在 读音k前的发音:thank,bank,uncle,anxious,franc,关注元音字母、元音字母组合及辅音字母组合在中单词的读音,备考建议:,认真过好考纲词汇表,读准、记准每个单词。2.关注不符合读音规则的单词的发音和拼写。3.善于归纳,注意掌握读音规则。把每次训练中发音特殊的单词汇集在一起,便于及时复习,加强训练,加强记忆。,一、如何提高应试能力?,-分析高考试题,把握解题规律,(二)单项填空,考查内容新,范围广,综合性、语境性强且处于试卷前位,答题情况的好坏直接影响着完成整个试卷的心态。关注出题方向,把握出题规律,单项填空,(二),1.(08陕西)Its going to rain.Xiao Feng,will you please help me _ the clothes on the line?A.get off B.get back C.get in D.get on,3.(08陕西)The moment I got home,I found I _ my jacket on the ground.A.had left B.left C.have left D.was leaving,4.(08陕西)_ around the Water Cube,we were taken to see the Birds Nest for the 2008 Olympic Games.A.Having shown B.To be shown C.Having been shown D.To show,2.(07 陕西)We had wanted to finish our task by noon,but it didnt quite _.A.Find out B.give out C.hand out D.work out,知识为本,能力第一。题干简明,重点突出动词,单项填空(08陕西),6.The moment I got home,I found I my jacket on the playground.A.had left B.left C.have left D.was leaving 7.Not until the motorbike looked almost new repairing and cleaning it.A.he stopped B.did he stop C.stopped he D.he did stop 8.Tomorrow is Toms birthday.Have you got any idea the party is to be held A.what B.which C.that D.where9.What sort of house do you want to have?Something big?-Well,it be big-thats not important.A.mustnt B.neednt C.cant D.wont 10.I ate sandwich while I was waiting for 20:08 train.A.the,a B.the,the C.a,the D.a,a 11.The message is very important,so it is supposed as soon as possible A.to be sent B.to send C.being sent D.sending 12.He doesnt have furniture in his room-just an old desk.A.any B.many C.some D.much 13.The man pulled out a gold watch,were made of small diamonds.A.the hands of whomB.whom the hands of C.which the hands of D.the hands of which,知识点分布合理,综合性、语境性强,14.,around the Water Cube,we were then taken to see the Birds Nest for the 2008 Olympic Games A.Having shown B.To be shownC.Having been shown D.To show 15.Did you go to the show last night?Yeah.Every boy and girl in the area invited A.were B.have been C.has been D.was 16.Ten years ago the population of our village was that of theirs.A.as twice large as B.twice as large C.twice as much as D.as twice much as17.Though we dont know what discussed,yet we can feel the topic.A.had changed B.will change C.was changed D.has been changed 18.The floor is dirty.Can anyone clean it?I do it all the time A.Dont mention it.B.Why you?C.Not sure D.Not me again.19.Elizabeth has already achieved success her wildest dreams.A.at B.beyond C.within D.upon 20.Its going to rain.Xiao Feng,Will you please help me the clothes on the line A.get off B.get back C.get in D.get on,07、08年单项填空出题点:,解题指导:,1)做题时,要看准题干,弄清结构,找准题眼,领悟语境,理解题意。2)要排除干扰,结合语境和题意,灵活运用语法、词法知识。3)把握交际原则,注重情感分析,瞻前顾后,全面考虑。4)注意所给语境的限制作用,仔细观察,深入分析,理解题意,5.Mary couldnt make herself _ attention to because her classmates made so much noise.A.paid B.to pay C.pay D.paying答案解析:此题易误选C,其实此题应选A。pay attention to 是短语动词,起及物动词的作用,在句中作宾语补足语,与宾语herself构成被动关系。6.Was it through Mary,_ was working at a high school,_ you get to know Tom?A.who,who B.that,which C.who,that D.who,which答案解析:此题应选C,但我们往往会先排除C,理由是:(1)非限制性定语从句不能用关系代词that引导;(2)强调句型It be+被强调部分+that(who)中,who(that)前不能有逗号。上述两点本应是对的,在此句中Was itthat也的确是强调句型,但句中的两个逗号并不在强调句型中,它的作用是把非限制性定语从句who was working at a high school与句子其它部分分隔开来。此句意为:“玛丽在一所中学工作,你是不是通过她认识汤姆的?”,弄清结构,找准题眼,辨析语意,去伪存真,领悟语境,7.Hasthe boy who was made use of _realized his mistakes?A.stealing B.to steal C.steal D.being stolen答案解析:此题答案应为B。但会有人误认为是动名词作介词的宾语,易选A。其实,此句为不定式作目的状语,还原短语:make use of sb.to do sth 就很容易看出答案。8.“Is there _ here?”“No,Bob and Tim have asked for leave.”anybody B.everybody C.somebody D.nobody答案解析:此题易误选A,原因是生搬硬套不定代词用法规则:something用于肯定句,anything用于否定句或疑问句。误认为此句为一般疑问句,应该用anybody。其实此题应选B,主要与上下文的语境有关。全文语境为:“大家都到齐了吗?”“没有,Bob和Tim两人请假了”。,排除思维定势干扰,结合语境和使用习惯,灵活运用语法知识,9.Well.I do think the rabbit is a beautiful,gentle animal which can run very fast._.ASo it is BSo is it CSo does it DSo it does答案解析:平时我们经常练习和so有关的倒装句:so放在句首,表示前面的肯定内容也适用于另一个人或物。其结构为:so+助动词+主语。因此,此题很容易在未完全理解题意时,误选B。其实最佳答案为A。本题考查“so+主语助动词”结构,用来表示赞成前一说话者所说的内容,可译为“是的”或“确实如此”。此句意为:哎,我真地认为这兔子是一只漂亮温顺的动物,且跑得很快。确实如此。10 I dont supposed the police know who did it.-Well,surprisingly they do.A man has been arrested and _ now.A.has been questioned B.is being questioned C.is questioning D.has questioned答案解析:此题有人一看到and(表并列),就会误认为“已被捕并已被审”,易选A,其实根据交际的语境可知,应选B。句中的now提示应用现在进行时,并且句子的主语a man和question之间构成了被动关系,故用现在进行时的被动形式。,把握交际原则,注重情感分析,上挂下连,全面考虑,注意所给语境的限制作用,仔细观察,深入分析,理解题意,11.As we have planned,well go to Beijing to attend her sisters wedding party.Well visit our mother school _ we go there.A.if B.when C.once D.even if答案解析:此题易选A或C(均表条件),而正确答案应是B(表时间)。单看翻译,A和C应无问题,但语境中的第一句话非常重要,已指明我们是依计划而行,故只能用when,“当我们到那儿时”。12.Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment,_ I will always treasure.A.that B.one C.it D.what答案解析:此题一改过去考查非限定性定语从句要用which来引导的惯例,而考查我们能否依据逗号以及上下文语意判断问题的能力,此句填空处应是一个同位语,故答案应为B。因为我们若将逗号看作连接一个主句与一个非限定性定语从句,则会发现that不引导非限定性定语从句,而what/it 根本就不能引导定语从句。,07、08年单项填空出题点:,解题指导:,1)做题时,要看准题干,弄清结构,找准题眼,领悟语境2)要排除干扰,结合语境和题意,灵活运用语法、词法知识。3)把握交际原则,注重情感分析,瞻前顾后,全面考虑。4)注意所给语境的限制作用,仔细观察,深入分析,理解题意,备考建议:1、补漏 依照考纲所列语法、词法项目表,逐一查缺补漏 2、坚持 平均每天做5-10 道选择题,精做精练 3、积累 积累考试易出的、常用常错的、老师常常强调的 4、反思 回看纠错本,反思出错原因,一、如何提高应试能力?,-分析高考试题,把握解题规律,(三)完形填空,完形填空的命题趋势,选材无超纲词汇,以记叙文为主,夹叙夹议且首句不设空。突出语篇、语意的理解,辨析词义,实词为主。词量有增,长句较多,句式灵活,结构复杂,有连环题。,完形填空的考查仍以动词/v.词组为主,名词、形容词、副词次之,兼顾其它,从词性看:(07年文章总词数为254词)动词及词组10个(21,22,23,25,27,29,34,35,36,37);形容词2个(26,30);副词3个(31,33,39);名词1个(32);代词1个(24);连词1个(28);介词1个(38);疑问词1个(40)(08年文章总词数为290词)动词6个(22,23,27,28,36);形容词4个(21,24,38,39);副词1个(40);名词5个(25,26,29,32,37);代词1个(32);介词1个(35);连词2个(30,34),从句子、上下文和语篇理解看:07年:句子理解10个,语篇理解9个。08年:句子理解 8个,语篇理解11个,完整的首句,纵观全文,理解文章的内在联系的窗口.,完整的首句,推测文章的大致内容,把握文章的方向,解题思路1:,08陕西完形填空,A woman in her sixties lived alone in her little cottage with a pear tree at her door.She spent all her time taking care of the tree.But the children nearby drover her21 by making fun of her.They would climb her tree and then run away with pears,22“Aunty Misery”at her.One evening,a passer by asked to 23 for the night.Seeing that he had an 24 Face,she let him in and gave him a nice 25.The next morning the stranger,actually a sorcerer(巫师),thanked her by granting(允准)her 26 that anyone who climbed up her tree 27 not be able to come back down until she 28 it.When the children came back to steal her 29,she had them stuck on the tree.They had to beg her long 30 she gave the tree permission to let 31 go.Aunty Misery was free from the 32 at last.One day another man 33 her door.This one did not look trustworthy to her.“Will you be so 39 as to do it for me?”With a deep sigh,Mr.Death climbed up the tree 40 and was immediately stuck to it.No matter how much he warned or begged,Aunty Misery would not allow the tree to let Death go.,21.crazy 22.shouting 23 stay 24.honest 25.treat 26.wish 27.should 28.permitted 29.fruit 30.before 31.them 32.trouble 33.Stopped at 39.kind 40.unwillingly,21.A.hopeless B.painful C.dull D.crazy 22.A.calling B.shouting C.announcing D.whispering 23.A.stay B.live C.hide D.lie 24.A.interesting B.honest C.anxious D.angry 25.A.gift B.kiss C.treat D.smile 26.A.suggestion B.demand C.permission D.wish 27.A.could B.shouldC.might D.must 28.A.permitted B.promisedC.answered D.declared 29.A.branch B.food C.tree D.fruit 30.A.after B.while C.since D.before 31.A.it B.them C.him D.her 32.A.trick B.question C.trouble D.difficulty 33.A.stepped into B.left for C.stopped at D.walked around 39.A.proud B.kind C.fine D.smart 40.A.disappointedly B.cheerfully C.unwillingly D.eagerly,完型填空考查热点和解题思路2:,要做好这种题目,要尽量将它与情节推理和逻辑推理结合起来,从词汇意义入手,抓住情节线索解决问题,立足语篇环境 放眼全文 瞻前顾后 连贯思维,热点1 语篇理解,情景运用,热点3 情节推理、逻辑推理,归纳概括,热点2 上下文联系,热点4 词语搭配和词语辨析,完形填空应试顺口溜:文章首句要细读,通读全文明旨意;四个选项设计巧,备选词语属同类;填空多为实义词,相近词义细辨析;习惯用法要记忆,个别填空借常识;字里行间找信息,选定答案靠逻辑;复读反思再核实,整篇理解才会对。,07陕西完形填空,I was having my dinner at McDonalds one evening when an old couple slowly walked in.They 21 their meal,took a table near the window and started 22 food out of the plate.There was one hamburger,one order of French fries(炸薯条)and one drink.The man 23 the food into two halves and carefully placed 24 before his wife.He took a sip(一小口)of the drink.His wife also took one and then 25 the cup down between them.“That 26 old couple!All they can 27 is one meal for the two of them,”thought I.28 the man began to eat his French fries,I 29 to my feet,went over and said that I was 30 to buy another meal for them.Bet he 31 refused me and said that they made it a 32 to share everything.33,the lady didnt take a bite,She sat there 34 her husband eat,and taking turns(轮流)sipping the drink.Again I 35 to buy them something but was refused.When the man finished eating and was 36 his face with a napkin(纸巾),I 37 no longer stand it.I made an offer to them a third time.38 being politely refused,I asked the lady 39,“Madam,why arent you eating?You said that you share everything.40 is it that you are waiting for?”“The teeth,”she answered.,07陕西答案,21.A.servedB.requested C.collected D.ordered(D)22.A.carryingB.taking C.fetchingD.bringing(B)23.A.dividedB.cut C.changedD.formed(A)24.A.itB.this C.thatD.one(D)25.A.gotB.settled C.setD.turned(C)26.A.funnyB.crazy C.strangeD.poor(D)27.A.affordB.pay C.demandD.choose(A)28.A.WhileB.Since C.AsD.Until(C)29.A.cameB.struggled C.rushedD.rose(D)30.A.anxiousB.willing C.satisfiedD.quick(B)31.A.warmlyB.proudly C.kindlyD.seriously(C)32.A.wayB.habit C.caseD.model(B)33.A.SurprisinglyB.Sadly C.Shockingly D.Bitterly(A)34.A.seeingB.noticing C.watchingD.finding(C)35.A.wantedB.asked C.plannedD.attempted(B)36.A.wipingB.touching C.bathingD.washing(A)37.A.should B.could C.mightD.would(B)38.A.InB.Upon C.AfterD.With(C)39.A.curiouslyB.carefully C.naturallyD.plainly(A)40.A.HowB.Who C.WhyD.What(D),(08全国II),From the time each of my children started school,I packed their lunches.And in each lunch,I 21 a note.Often written on a napkin,it.In early grade school they 24 their notes.But as children grow older they became self-conscious,and 25 he reached high school,my older son,Marc,informed me he no longer 26 my daily notes.Telling him that he had no longer needed to 27 them but.Six years after.Imagine my 36 when I got a call from my 24-year-old son,37 his lunch.21.A.carried B.found C.included D.held 24.A.loved B.answered C.wrote D.examined 25.A.lately B.by the way C.by the time D.gradually 26.A.received B.understood C.enjoyed D.collected 27.A.copy B.read C.take D.send 37.A.waiting for B.worrying about C.caring for D.asking about,完形填空的解题技巧,备考:精做精练:完形填空是文章中的精华,包含了英语中大量的语法、惯用法和固定搭配,每篇都值得读熟背透,搞懂、搞熟、搞透一篇胜过夹生十篇。,1.立足语篇环境,树立全局观念,瞻前顾后,连贯思维,充分利用文章的首句信息、篇章结构、前后句联系,找到对选择有提示作用的词语或句子等,追寻文章主线,自然完形。2.分清逻辑关系,根据上下文的情节发展,考虑动作顺序、时间关系、情感因素等,通过逻辑推理完形。3.化简句子,突破长、难句的理解,注意文章中的表对比、从属、并列等关系的用语,通过语法分析完形。4.注意语言运用的准确性,注意动词的用法、搭配与辨析,同义词、反义词等,注意后线索现象,答案不仅要在原句中合理,且要在全文中合理,利用惯用法、词语搭配等语篇标志完形。5.要合理利用文化背景、生活常识和自己的所学知识完形。,一、如何提高应试能力?,-分析高考试题,把握解题规律,(四)阅读理解,阅读理解命题特点及解题方法:,高考阅读理解主要从二个方面考察学生的语言能力:一是阅读中获取信息的能力,既客观理解能力;二是推断隐含意义的能力,既主观理解能力。请从07、08陕西试题看英语阅读理解的出题:,五篇阅读中,1篇为记叙文,4篇为说明文和议论文,命题总体可概括为四个字“大小猜断”:(大考查文章主旨大意、段落大意等;小细节理解;猜词义、句义;断推理判断),备考建议:,认真研读高考真题,用心去观察和分析、去揣思出题 的规律,熟悉出题方式,领悟答题技巧。在平时的考练中,逐步学会跳读、掠读等,学会巧妙地处理文章中的生词、熟词生义和专有名词等本领。学会从整体上把握文章,进而对文章的主旨大意、作者的写作意图等作出正确的选择。学会不同的题材和体裁的文章用不同的方法阅读。总结出适合自己的阅读方法和技巧,提高阅读速度和能力。,如:推理判断题常用的提问方式:(以文章主题和作者态度、意图等为例),(08陕西60题)What is the writers attitude in writing this passage?(08江西67题)what is the authors attitude towards Nigels action?(07湖南59题)The best title for the passage may be _.(08全国II60题)We learn from the text that _.(05全国62题)What would be the best title for the text?(08浙江51题)What is the text mainly about?(07四川66题)The text mainly talks about _.(08浙江60题)What is mainly discussed in the text?,(一)逐步熟悉出题方式:,(08重庆68题)What is the main purpose of this passage?(06辽宁74题)We can know from the passage that in the 1800s _(08北京58题)We can learn from the passage the story?_(06上海 79 题)The author wrote this article _.(08山东60题)At the end of the festival,there will be _.(08山东61题)Whats the purpose of the approved plan?(07湖南58题)The primary purpose of the project is to _.The passage/story implies that _It can be inferred from the text that _When the writer/author talks about,what the writer really means is _The write suggests/intends _,(二)逐步学会针对不同的题材和体裁的文章用不同的方法阅读,如何解答猜测词语题,(08陕西A)There was no shade and our legs were aching.We decided to go back,with the girl on my back and the boys far behind.By the time we finally got back,our legs were like jelly.(42题)The underlined expression“our legs were like jelly”probably means _.A.we were weak B.we were unhappy C.we were dissatisfied D.we were disappointed(08陕西 B)Photos record the beauties of nature.They can also bring things close that are far away.Through photos,people can see wild animals,cities in foreign lands,and even the stars in outer space.Photos also tell stories.(45题)The underlined word“They”in the first paragraph,refers to_.A.beauties B.photos C.goods D.events,如何推断作者的意图,例如:,Just as crying can be healthy,not crying-holding back tears of anger,pain or suffering-can be bad for physical health.Studies have shown that too much control of emotions can lead to high blood pressure,heart problems and some other illness.If you have a health problem,doctors will certainly not ask you to cry.But when you feel like crying,dont fight it.Its natural and healthy emotional response.According to the author,which of the following statement is true?A.Crying is the best way to get help from others.B.Fighting back tears may cause some health problems.C.We will never know our deep feeling unless we cry.D.We must cry if we want to reduce pressure.,解题思路点拨:作者在文中说.Studies have shown that too much control of emotions can lead to high blood pressure,heart problems and some other illness.过多的控制感情会引发健康问题。虽然用了“Studies have shown”这样的字眼,但显然是作者为了增加说服力而采用的一种表现手段,其研究的结果其实就是作者的观点。故答案应为B。,如何推断写作目的,(07江苏)How should