幼儿英语话剧剧本 幼儿英语话剧剧本(一)The Clever Rabbits(聪明小兔)角色:Red Eyes(红眼睛)Long Ears(长耳朵)Short Tail(短尾巴)Big Wolf(大灰狼)Mother Rabbit(兔妈妈)Storyteller翻译官道具房子,玩具、凳子,桌子,一棵树等。布景一座有门的房子里摆着一张桌子、几个凳子和一些玩具。SceneI Three Rabbits(三只小兔子)(一)Storyteller:The Mother Rabbit has red Eyes,Long Ears and Short Tail.兔妈妈有三个孩子,她给他们起名叫红眼睛、长耳朵和短尾巴。)Red Eyes:(Coming to the front.上前。)Hello!I”m Red Eyes.Glad to see you.(你好!我是红眼睛。见到你很高兴。)Long Ears:(Touch his long ears.着他的长耳朵。)Hi!How do you do? Nice to see you.My name is Long Ears.(嗨!你好!很高兴见到你。我叫长耳朵。)Short Tail:(Show his tail.展示他的尾巴。)Hello,boys and girls! I”m Short Tail.(小朋友们,你们好!我是短尾巴。见到大家我很高兴。)After this,they are playing games in随后,他们就在房子里玩游戏。)(二)Storyteller:A big wolf is hiding be-idea.Just then,the Mother Rabbit is the arm.(一只大灰狼正躲在树后,他在打着坏主意。这时,兔妈妈提着一篮子萝卜回来了。)Mother Rabbit:(Singing a song.唱起了歌。)Little Rabbits,open the door.(小兔子乖乖,把门开开,妈妈回来了。)Big Wolf:Ah,I know their secret.啊,我知道他们的秘密了。)Mother Rabbit:(Walking into the house.进了家门。)Good evening,my children.Are you hungry?Let”s have supper!(晚上好,孩子们!你们饿了吧?咱们吃晚饭吧。)Storyteller: The Big Bad Wolves(大灰狼来了)Storyteller:Then next day,the(第二天,兔妈妈要出门了。)Mother Rabbit:I am going to pick the door ,don”t open the door for strangers (我要去采蘑菇。千万记住,不要给陌生人开门。)All:OK.Storyteller:Three rabbits close the a while,they hear some one knocking at door.Big Wolf:(Learn to sing.学着唱。)Little Rabbits,open the door.Mother coming back.(小兔子乖乖,把门开开,妈妈回来了。)Red Eyes and Short Tail:Mother is(妈妈回来了。)Long Ears:(Stop them opening the阻止他俩开门。)No.It”s not our mother.That isn”t like Mother”s voice. (不对。不是妈妈,那不像妈妈的声音。)Red Eyes:Let me see.It”s not really(让我来看看。果然不是妈妈。)Big Wolf:(Bang!Bang!Bang!)I”m your mother.Open the door in a hurry.(我是你们的妈妈,快开门啊。)Long Ears:All right.You must show your tail.(好吧。那你必须把你的尾巴从门缝里伸进来)Big Wolf:OK.Storyteller:The clever rabbits clip the(小兔子把大灰狼的尾巴夹住了。)Mother Rabbit:You Big Bad Wolf!(你这个大灰狼!)Storyteller:With her words,she hits(说着,她捡起棍子狠狠地打大灰狼。)Big Wolf:Oh.My God!My tail hurts.(噢。我的天啊!我的尾巴受伤了。)Storyteller:The wolf”s tail is broken.mother”s voice,they open the door and hug their mother.(大灰狼的尾巴被夹断了,他逃走了。小兔子听到妈妈的声音,打开门,扑进妈妈的怀里。)Mother Rabbit:My clever children.(我的乖孩子们。)幼儿英语话剧剧本(二)音乐:apple(小熊表演)Bears: Today is our birthday. We are so happy!Rs: Knock, knock, knock. (敲门声起)Bears: Whos that?Rabbit1: I am *.R2: I am *.Rs: We are rabbits.Bs: Come in ,please.(开门,请进)Rs: Happy birthday!(送花)Bs: Thank you. Please take a seat.(做手势,请坐)小熊把花插好Ds: Knock, knock, knock. (敲门声起)Bs: whos that?D1: I am *.D2: I am *.D3: I am *.Ds: We are dogs.Bs: Come in ,please.Ds: Happy birthday!Bs: Thank you. Please take a seat.小熊把花插好Cs: Knock, knock, knock. (敲门声起)Bs: whos that?C1: I am *.C2: I am *.C3: I am *.Cs: We are cats.Bs: Come in ,please.Cs: Happy birthday!Bs: Thank you. Please take a seat.小熊把花插好, 拿水果招待客人Bs: Which friut do you like ?Rs: It is red. It is raund.Bs: Oh! Its apple. Here you are.Rs: Thank you.(做吃状)Ds: Its yellow .Its long.Bs: Oh! Its banana. Here you are.Ds: Thank you.Cats: Its oraner .Its raund.Bs: Oh! Its oranger. Here you are.Cs: Thank you.小熊面向观众道白Bs: Today is our birthday. We are so happy.转身招呼小动物们Bs: Lets singing , lets dancing.As: Ok!歌曲:Hello!<结束>幼儿英语话剧剧本(三)人物: rabbit(小兔),fox(狐狸),monkey(小猴),tortoise(乌龟),mummy bear(熊妈妈),baby bear(熊宝宝),lion(狮子),bird(小鸟)。布景:大森林背景,舞台右角是一座小房子,一棵木瓜树,中间有一棵大树,舞台左角有一块大石头,左角后台阶上有两棵桃树。(大幕在抒情、优美的音乐声中徐徐开启)旁白:In this beautiful forest, There live many lovely animals, they love each other and live a happy life!在一个美丽的大森林里,住着许许多多的小动物,他们在一起相亲相爱,生活得可幸福了!第一景:小动物群舞小兔舞 (音乐:活泼、轻快、跳跃)狐狸舞 (扭动腰肢,跳节奏感极强的迪斯科)乌龟舞 (一伸一缩,音乐:缓慢、低沉、滑稽)小猴舞 (调皮、灵巧,可用西游记主题曲)(音乐转为轻柔、舒缓,小兔一人旋转跳舞,音乐渐弱转为流水声,舞台灯光转暗,布景为湖边,木瓜树下。)第二景:音响:”咕咚”(清晰而响亮)小兔:(吃惊的样子,四处看看)Whats the matter?什么东西?(倒退几步,拔腿就跑,正好撞上了狐狸。)狐狸:(奇怪的神情)Whats the matter? Why are you running?跑什么呀?出了什么事?小兔:(气喘嘘虚的样子):”Gu dong, Gu dong is coming.”咕咚,咕咚来了。狐狸:(害怕的样子):Oh! Horrible, lets run.哇!太可怕了,让我们跑吧!(这时候,熊妈妈提着篮子和熊宝宝从树后走出来,正好看到慌慌张张奔跑的小兔和狐狸。)熊妈妈:(很惊奇的样子):Whats the matter? Why are you running?出了什么事?你们跑什么呀?小兔、狐狸(合):Gu dong is coming.小熊:(害怕并躲在妈妈的怀里)mummy mummy, Im frightened.妈妈、妈妈,我害怕!熊妈妈:(安慰宝宝)Oh! dear, Dont be frightened, lets run quickly.乖宝宝,别害怕,让我们跑吧!快,快(小猴、小鸟、乌龟在另一角台阶的桃树上看到,感到很奇怪)小猴:(指着奔跑的小动物)Why? Why are they all running?为什么,为什么他们都在跑?乌龟:(很神秘的样子)Perhaps, A monster!也许,是妖怪来了!小猴、小鸟:(非常恐惧的样子)Oh, horrible, lets run!啊呀!太可怕了,快跑呀!乌龟:(慌慌张张地跟在后面)wait! just wait.等一等!(大狮子正在一块石头下睡觉,众人吵吵闹闹的声音吵醒了它。狮子大吼一声,伸伸懒腰。)狮子:(很生气的样子) Its very noise! Why ? why are you all running ?太吵了,你们为什么都在跑呀?众人合:(上气不接下气的样子)Gu dong, Gu dong is coming.狮子:(感到很奇怪)Gu dong , What is it ? Where is it?”咕咚”,什么东西?在哪里?(大家你看着我,我看着你,都在摇头。)小猴:(问熊妈妈)Where?在哪里?熊妈妈:(摇摇头,)I dont know.(转而问狐狸)Where我不知道。 在哪里?狐狸:(摇摇头,)I dont know.(转而问小兔)Where?我不知道。 在哪里?(众人把目光都集中在小兔的身上。)小兔:(挠挠脑袋,指着对面)Its over there.就在那边!狮子:(很神气的样子)Lets go and see.走,去看看。(大伙互相看看,都表现出非常害怕的样子。)狮子:(拍拍胸脯,很勇敢的样子)come on, follow me.走,跟我走!(音乐响,一段雄壮有力的进行曲,众人排着整齐的队伍,大踏步地往前走,快到树下时,脚步慢下来。音乐停,全场一片寂静。)狮子:(四处张望)Where? There is nothing here.在哪里?什么都没有啊!(正在这时候,一阵风吹来,咕咚一声,一棵木瓜掉进了湖里。)小猴:(指着湖边)Oh! Its a papaya! Gu dong is a papaya!噢!原来是木瓜呀!(众人大笑,大幕在笑声中徐徐落下。)The end.全剧终