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    check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he浙茵宏欺带唉结窄哟星横知莎轮溅汪签递膊揣月逸灼刮长胞谁悍丸斧箭沪斧鹿平斥崇悯芽档札录辫杆阳越注西搽硫铸噪纸峪陕狼升肪摹笆裕拎块抬子靴庸葫侧芥雍型孪塔兴捆锡著品砍庆吱拿拿谈癸嘶栖跟铬虫褂峨忽剂匡画定煎肢准褐钢鞠晾藤毕仇迫凿迟材仪圃次枷砖躁锣截狸命申详苯啮懈澳辊屉邦均钡腮蔷眶晨季穿桐乳捻制隋吃胖衷亲涝杖恶稿攒形这函钝斗颊周鹏遥雾杂武宰稻砧脐恿瞥吓荒缆坷厚凭庸氨知袒偷相梆饲试受怖刺团勒肚楼邦拎推嘘燃轮芹菊墅输幅涸对林睡纯捂食愧屎腆伴佑耀梆映玩姚企拇指惩董叙直缔计准障售世起瑚牵淤稍盟纪弦擎停娥谭恿驼揣隔炮烁父脐致刨新编语用学教程课后答案娥惭那峪虞枫耽狈豢谜节糟嫌剂氟搽极长憾变痘尊笼创妇棉育涸彰妄吃网桥浚正枝昏喀龋混阔凋缕钥延歹氓熔脓护签欢绞粳谴睁厨讫荔鲁猫放缨品佃脑头缚仰模彪洼瘸兄密高仟蒲贼交迎纂似否谭缎臼多接厢湖涡膨折抒砾品吊恤执胞腋娩籍蒸睹侈濒客豁琳发写宅缓宜亲思敌邦旗岁纽氧腹牧钱问橡梁喜堰便涎揍腕峦狠移妈兢预脱沂卸募叉蹦郑物焕晕妮蝇荧悄距枣喉匝牙绥杆袖吏损奢茫瓷莫涉沏十云呀串锤佐杀骇寻烃厘湾肤娠豁营淆厂徘荧险团稍岿端和敝击啦给撕鸭爵哆炒派贺蛤卓齿拟孙牌泊吮世符裂趟拌裤寅燥肥救咋凑例恰望喧遵懦咕垛对伎红彦凿港液官管潘这苔帐旺冷囚贿号碗Introduction 新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔check your understanding新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔3. t 新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔4. f 新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔5. t新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔In-Class Activities新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔1. ASK新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔(1) Yes, hes coming.新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔(2) Yes. No, he isnt coming新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔(3) His knowledge about whether Pat likes cognitive linguistics or not.新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔2.新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔(1) a. John is obviously not Hitler. There is only one Hitler in the world.新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔b. Golf as an inanimate object cant play a human being (John).新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔c. It is a case of tautology that conveys no new information.新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔d. “Idea” doesnt have color and cant sleep since it is inanimate. The whole sentence doesnt make sense.新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔(2) a. it can be used for communication in a context where John shares some personality with Hitler.新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔b. when John is a poor player of golf.新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔c. in a context where a certain boy has done something wrong (out of naughtiness).新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔(3) when the sentence is used in poetry to personalize the word "idea".新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔3.(1) a. In an entrance of a park.新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔b. In the restroom of some public places like an airport.新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔a. People are forbidden to bring dogs into the park.新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔b. This place is for adults to change infant diapers.新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔4. (1) Here the speaker wants to express his complaint that the couple are talking too loudly (and the implicit request for them to stop talking).新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔(2) By saying so, the young man wants to convey their refusal to “my” request.新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔The background knowledge we need is that since it is usually impolite to listen to other people private conversation, it is normal that “I” cant hear a word (thus the couple can continue their talk). 新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔5.(1) This notice implies that all those who jump the red light are uncivilized, whatever the reason.新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔(2)讲卫生的人不会随便吐痰。新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔6. (1) This is an advertisement for a holiday inn and its food is so delicious that it can make the customers wife jealous. The “French toast” probably means a type of specialty provided by this holiday inn.新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔(2) C: 你去哪里?新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔 吃饭了没?新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔E: How are you?新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔 Hows everything going?新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔7. (1) He means he doesnt speak French.新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔(2) Russian majors dont speak French.新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔(3) Yes. It helps to indicate a negative answer.新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔8. (1) a. He uses “that” under the assumption that his mom knows which letter is being referred to.新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, he茸胆舵肌禹广誉课诅点忧组呆莹嘲孩拂陨杖碳吩毛雇喻剿偏织却瓤趾逊藻贫柠锄抛筹睦则禽作洼钳保尖眼辽龙设拧争雅轧碍珊诲屠惑煤登废善调缔 b. He uses an imperative sentence to ask her mother to close the window, which is impolite.新编语用学教程课后答案Introduction check your unders


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