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    江苏省永丰初级中学七级英语上册 Unit 2 Let's play sports复习学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版.doc

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    江苏省永丰初级中学七级英语上册 Unit 2 Let's play sports复习学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版.doc

    Unit 2 Let's play sports一、复习目标:1 复习7A Unit2四会单词、四会短语2. 语法: 复习to be的一般现在时的各种形式(肯定、否定及疑问句形式)二、复习重点:背诵本单元的四会单词、四会短语以及浏览本单元的听课笔记三、复习难点:复习to be的一般现在时的各种形式(肯定、否定及疑问句形式)四、复习过程:知识梳理1.背诵本单元的单词、短语和句子2.背诵本单元的笔记一、词组1、非常喜欢散步like walking very much2、步行上学walk to school = go to school on foot3、两碗饭two bowls of rice4、一天一次/ 两次 /许多次once / twice a day / many times a day5、踢足球 /打篮球/ 排球/ 网球play football / basketball / volleyball/ tennis羽毛球 / 乒乓球/ 棒球badminton / table tennis / baseball6、我最喜欢的运动 / 足球明星my favourite sport / football star7、喜欢听音乐enjoy listening to music 8、你呢?What about you?9、去钓鱼怎么样?What about / How about going fishing?10、参加读书俱乐部be in / be a member of the Reading Club11、篮球打得好 / 舞跳得好play basketball well / dance well12、看起来强壮look strong13、在他的空暇时间in his free time14、使他(感到)开心make him (feel) happy 15、想要做某事want / would like to do sth16、踢下一届世界杯play in the next World Cup17、变成现实come true18、通过电视看球赛watch the ball games on TV19、在周末at / on the weekend / at / on weekends20、我的许多学生many of my students21、别的什么 / 还有谁what else / who else22、许多英雄a lot of / lots of heroes23、一本有趣的书an interesting book24、对.感兴趣be interested in (sth / doing sth)25、谈论talk about / of二、句型和知识点:1、time: 1) 时间(不可数)have _ time _(有许多时间打篮球) 2) 次数(可数)_ a month (许多次)2、enjoy: 喜欢;享受1) enjoy doing sth 2) enjoy oneself玩的开心= have a good time3、你最喜欢的运动是什么?Which sport _ you _ _? = Whats your _ sport?4、make: 1)制作 make a kite 2)使某人. make sb happy / sad / strong / tired / make sb do sth 锻炼使我们强壮。_. 戴眼镜使他看起来聪明。_.5、want = would like 想要 want / would like sth / to do sth 你想去看足球赛吗?_ watch the football match? Yes, _.6、hope: v.希望 1) hope to do sth I hope _(去北京). 2) hope + 从句 I hope _(我的梦想成真). 注意: 不能说 hope sb to do sth7、else: adv. 另外,其他 1) what / who / where else 2) something / someone else _ do you _?(你还想买些什么?)8、interesting有趣的 / interested感兴趣的: adj. something interesting有趣的事情 be interested in (doing) 对感兴趣fun (n.) -have( great / lots of) fun My grandfather often plays cards for_.(消遣) English is very _. Im very _ it. _.(读书是件有趣的事。)9、许多的表达法: many(可数) / much(不可数) / a lot of / lots of I have _ (许多作业要做)。So I dont have _ time to play chess.三、语法:一般现在时(实义动词)1、注意动词的第三人称单数的变化形式 have _ do_ fly_ study_ enjoy_ watch_ play_ go_ dress_ be _ need_ get_ say_2、注意疑问句中be动词和助动词do / does的用法区别 如: He is at school. - 一般疑问句_he at school? Yes, he _. 短划线部分提问_ _ he ? He does homework at home. - _ he _ homework at home? No, he _. _ _ he _ at home?3、注意主谓一致的问题 如:1) Jim and his parents often _(go) to the park at weekends. 2) Jim , with his parents often _ (go) to the park at weekends. 3) _ your mother and father _ (work) in the same hospital? 4) One of the best _ (play) _ (come) from the USA. 5) Walking _ (make) me happy. 6) Everyone in our class _(enjoy) listening to music.达标检测:词汇运用:1.He often _(have) dinner at home.2._she _(take) a walk in the park every morning?3.We usually have much homework, so we _(not watch) TV on weekdays.4.Nick _(not do) his homework on Sundays.5.What _they usually _(do) during holidays?6.Amy often _(asks) us to go swimming with her.7.He _(not be) always right. Sometimes he _(makes) mistakes.(错误)8.Li Hong often _(washes) clothes on Saturday morning.9._Mr. Green _(speak) English or Japanese?10.Sam often _(fly) kites with his friends on windy days.单项选择:( ) 1. She is a good girl. She_her lessons. A.all likes B.is like all C.is all like D.likes all( ) 2. _ Amy _ English very much?A. Is; likeB. Is; likesC. Do; likeD. Does; like( ) 3.Where _he_from? A.is;come B.does;come C.is; comes D.do; come( )4. -Who are they? -They are _the Drawing Club. A. the member B. a new member C. members of D. a member of ( )5. -_ you play sports at the weekend? - No, I _. A. Are, arent B. Do, dont C. Do, do D. Are, do ( )6. -What do you often do_ your free time? I often read. I read _ interesting books. A. in; lot B. on, a lot C. on; a lot D. in ; lots of( )7. Jim wants _ in the next World Cup.A. plays B. play C. playing D. to play( )8. Our teacher _lunch at home. A. isnt have B. doesnt has C. doesnt have D. isnt have( )9. He goes to school by bus, but he walks _ after school. A. to home B. his home C. the home D. home( )10. What does your mother do at weekends? She usually _ with her friends. A. shop B. is shopping C. shops D. to shop( )11. He has a new computer. He looks _today.A. sad B. sadly C. happily D. happy( )12.My sister likes _. She _ very well. A. draw, draws B. draws, drawing C. drawing, draws D. draws, draw( )13. -_is my favourite sport. What about you?- I love _. A. Swim; to play football B. Swimming; plays football C. Swims; playing football D. Swimming; playing football( )14. Yao Ming is a _basketball player. He plays basketball very _in the match. A. good, good B. good, well C. well, good D. well, well( )15. I like this comic book because it makes me _. A. to laughB. laughs C. laughing D. laugh( )16. -How often do you go to the Reading Club? - .A. An hour B. Three times a week C. For a week D. A week句型转换:1. Lets play football.(同义句转换)_ _ playing football? _ _ play football?2.Whats your favourite sport?(同义句转换) _ sport _ you _ _ ?3.My friend is good at playing football. (同义句转换)My friend _ _ _ playing football.4.I walk to my bowl many times a day. (对划线提问)_ _ _ do you walk to your bowl?5. I play football after school. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you _ football?6.He likes playing football.(改成一般疑问句) _ he _ playing football?7.You like listening to music.(改成否定句) You _ like listening to music.(4)书面表达 根据以下内容,用英语写一篇字数80词左右的人物介绍。1、 王林是我的好朋友,他来自江苏。他13岁了。2、 他个子高,有着短发。他不带眼镜。3、 他喜欢游泳和画画,经常在周末和同学们踢足球。4、 他经常在电视上看足球比赛,梅西(Messi)是他最喜欢的足球运动员。5、 他希望能和梅西一起踢足球。我希望他的梦想成真。_ _


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