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    新目标初中英语七级上册Unit 4 Where’s my backpack教案.doc

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    新目标初中英语七级上册Unit 4 Where’s my backpack教案.doc

    Unit 4 Wheres my backpack? 教案Section B 1a2b【教材分析】本单元主要是谈论物品所在地。在第一单元我们接触到了what 引导的特殊疑问句和介词in, 第二单元接触到了名词的复数。本单元开始正式学习where引导的特殊疑问句,名词的复数和介词in, on, under。为以后特殊疑问句,名词的复数和介词的继续学习奠定了坚实的基础。它在本册书中乃至整个初中阶段占有极其重要的位置,起着一个承上启下的作用。本课为本单元的第三课时,在SectionA部分学生已经能基本使用目标句型表述物品的位置,这一课以Tommy为主线,通过各种活动使学生进一步巩固对物品位置的描述,尤其是房间里的物品,同时也为下一课时学生读写能力奠定基础。【学情分析】七年级的学生好奇心强,有初生牛犊不怕虎的热情和积极性。但学生的近景性动机较强,注意力不能持久,所以我尽量通过各种活动给他们提供一个愉悦而宽松的学习情境。【教学目标】通过本课的学习,使学生能够较熟练运用所学的英语知识描述房间物品的位置。1.语言知识目标:(1)掌握本课的重点词汇。(2)能准确表达物品的位置。2.情感态度目标: 促使学生了解和关心自己和他人的家居环境,热爱自己的家,养成良好的生活习惯。从完成任务的过程中,学会互相合作,互相帮助,互相提高的社会交际意识。【教学重点】1.重点单词、词组:math book ,alarm clock, video tape , CD, hat, computer game, need sth for, bringto , take to2.重点句型:wheres the.? Is it in /on/under? He/She has3.话题:Talk about where things are【教学难点】如何准确地表达物品的位置。教学步骤Step 1 Warming up and lead-in1. Greetings2. T: GreetingsT: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to meet you! How are you today? Whats your name?/ Whats your Im your new teacher in this class. My family name is Lu and my English name is Lily. So you can call me Miss Lu or Lily. Do you want to know more about me? T: I like making friends. And I have some foreign friends. Today I bring a friend to you. His name is Tommy. He is a smart but forgetful boy. He likes playing computer games very much and he also likes making friends. Do you want to be his friends? If your answer is “yes”, you need to take some challenges first. Now Ill take you to Tommys home.通过闲聊拉近跟学生的距离,同时也引出本节课的主人公Tommy。Step 2 Before listening1.Presentation( a guessing game )T: Whats this /What are these in English? Wheres the ?(Show Ss some covered pictures and ask them to guess where the thing is by using the sentence pattern “Is it/ Are they on/ in/ under?”. Present the new words: math book, alarm clock, CD, computer game, video tape, hat. )3. Consolidation( a memory game)T:You did a good job just now, so you have a chance to visit Tommys room.(Show Ss a picture of Tommys room and ask them to look at the picture for one minute, then write down as many things as they can remember in Tommys room. Boys PK girls, see who are the winners.)4. Who has the best eyes?T: You all have good memories, next lets see who has the best eyes and can catch where the things are.(Show Ss the picture of Tommys room quickly and ask them where the things are.) 借助游戏呈现新单词,加深印象的同时也让学生提前熟悉本课的目标句型通过比赛,帮助学生巩固复习新学单词以及以前学过的旧单词,应该能激起学生的兴趣通过快速闪图比眼力游戏,既结合句型操练了本课的单词,又为后面听力学生对Tommy房间的了解奠定了基础Step 3 While listening1. Listen and do 2aT: Congratulations! You did very well in the challenges and Tommy agreed to make friends with you. ( Show Ss the picture of Tommys room )T: Is he at home? Wheres he now? Yes , he is at school now.(Show Ss a picture of Tommys mother who is talking on the phone)T: You see ,Tommy is a forgetful boy and he left some things home .So now he is calling his mother to bring the things to him. Please listen to 2a and circle the things Tommy wants from his room.2. Listen and do 2b3. Listen and imitate.4. Read by themselves and fill in the blanks.Tommys room This is Tommys room. His math book is_. His ruler is_. His notebook is_. His CDs are _. And his video tape is_. It is a messy (乱)room.通过图片呈现,在听力前设置情境,可以使学生通过猜测等听力技巧来降低听力的难度听力后让学生自己读听力材料然后填空,帮助学生在脑子里构建篇章的概念,以助于他们写作能力的培养和提高Step 4 After listening( make your own conversation)T: You know Tommys room is in a mess, now suppose you are Tommy, what do you think your room should be?(Show Ss a picture of a nice room, give them an example: The math book is on the bookcase. Then ask them to design the room by themselves and then the group leader to report.) 听力之后,根据听力材料进行拓展,让学生在小组活动中既能运用本课的目标语言,也培养了学生的创造性思维Step 5 Summary1.T: In this class, we have learned that Tommys room is messy. He puts his math book on the bed and puts his ruler under the bed. Where do you usually put these things? Do you often put them on the bed or under the bed?2. T: I think we should learn to keep our rooms clean and tidy because there is a Chinese saying “east ,west, home is the best”.So its our duty to clean our room every day and put the things in order. 通过本课对Tommy房间的了解和学习,总结迁移,提醒学生要养成不乱丢东西的好习惯,结合谚语“金窝银窝不如自己的狗窝”,培养学生爱家爱生活的良好思想情操Step 6 HomeworkLevel A: Write an article about Tommys room.Level B: Decorate Tommys room with your desk mates and write it down. (和同桌一起重新装扮Tommy的房间并把它写下来。) 作业分层,有针对性,而且提高不同层次学生的学习能力。 The Design of the blackboard Unit 4 Wheres my backpack? Section B(1a-2b)video tape math book alarm clockcomputer game CD, hat, need sth for bringto take toTalk about where things are:The math book is under the chair.The hat is on the sofa.The computer game is under the table.The alarm clock is on the bed.The CDs are in the drawer.The video tapes are on the TV.Unit4 Wheres my backpack?Class_ Name_1. Listen again and write down where the things are.(再听一遍写出这些物品的位置)ThingsPlacesmath bookon the dresserruler_the bednotebook  on the _CDs  on the_video tape  _the table2. If you are Tommy, what do you think your room should be? Please decorate Tommys room with your group members, then show your design. (假如你是Tommy,你觉得你的房间应该是怎样的?请和组员一起装扮Tommy的房间然后秀出你们的设计。)Report:This is Tommys new room. Its nice now .The math book is on the bookcase_Tips:(小贴士)1.next to(在旁边)2. in front of (在前面)3. bedside cupboard(床头柜)4. lamp (灯)5. wall(墙)教学反思 Where's my backpack?(Section B 1a-2b) 本次七年级英语教研活动的主要话题是关于写作教学。众所周知,英语写作一直是学生心头的一个负担;很多学生更是谈写色变,所以导致考试时作文空白卷频频出现。而且对英语教师来说在平时的教学中我们对写作教学也缺乏一个系统的认识和一套规范的操作方法。今天,我有幸在同仁前辈们面前展示了一堂SectionB部分的听说课,课堂以为下一课的阅读写作课做好铺垫为目的。课后得到了大家的点评和指导,受益匪浅。现将本堂课反思如下:一成功之处:1.整节课整体性较强 整堂课以Tommy为主线贯穿听力始终,首先以挑战的形式设计了三个活动,在第一个活动中呈现了本课的新单词同时也呈现了本课的目标句型。然后在接下来第二个和第三个活动中将所学的新单词和句型加以练习和巩固。之后是通过设计场景铺垫过渡到听力,听力后设计了一个重新设计Tommy房间的小组活动。整堂课能够让学生在参与中快乐地学习。2.听力第二部分处理较细致听力第二部分教材是让学生写整个句子,考虑到这对初一学生有一定的难度我就把这部分设计成了一张表格,只需让学生填写方位介词或位置就可。这样使绝大部分学生能完成这个本来很难的听力任务。同时在这之后我又设计了一个以篇章形式出现的填空,帮助学生把原本零散的单词词组重新构建成一个完整的文本。也给后面小组活动中要求学生对Tommy房间的设计的汇报表述作了铺垫。二反思改进:1.情景设置应该更加真实 在教学情景的设置中,情景越真实越贴近生活实际就越能激发学生参与的兴趣,使学生有话可说。但是,我今天这堂课导入时是把Tommy当成自己的一个外国朋友介绍给大家,并且是以假如要跟他交朋友就要接受挑战的形式设计了一系列活动的。因此我觉得这就缺少了真实性,如果能在介绍自己的时候就引出挑战会更加贴切真实。同时在接受挑战后学生受到的回报是参观Tommy杂乱无章的房间,这也干扰了对学生良好审美观的培养。2.教师指令应该清晰到位 在英语课堂中教师简洁清晰的指令语是至关重要的,因为这决定着学生活动能否顺利开展。在这堂课中我在小组活动时由于担心时间问题指令语草草了事,最终导致学生都在各自做自己的,并没有参与到讨论中来。我认为教师的指令除了话语之外还可以借助简单的肢体语言,或许有时一个简单的动作更能使学生明白我们要表达的意思。3.各个活动的设置都要考虑其有效性 我在最后一个挑战的执行时由于疏忽了指令没让学生关书,还有可能由于图片是一样的,有些学生可能已经记住物品的位置,导致这个活动失去了其原本考学生眼力的效果。还有在听力后让学生跟读模仿语音语调时我由于赶课也忽略了帮助学生纠正语音语调,因此也使这个环节成了走过场。三总结 有付出,才有回报,在此次研讨会中,我意识到了自己存在的许多不足,今后我应多学习专业知识,多向其他老师学习,多方面的了解学生,把握好教学进度,充实自己,弥补不足,上好课,教好书,争取尽快成长为一名优秀的英语教学工作者。


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