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    Unit7 What's the matter? 学教案.doc

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    Unit7 What's the matter? 学教案.doc

    Unit7 Whats the matter? 学教案通西教学协作区 平潮 小学 主备人: 杨玲娣 审核人:于建飞教学内容Fun with English4B Unit7 Story time小学 英语 第4B 册第 7 单元 第 1 教时教学目标能听懂、会说、会读并会写单词:thirsty,water,ill,tired,happy能听懂、会说、会读单词:dear及Whats the matter? ImCan I have.? Here you are. Come and have.?I want to. Good night.教学重点教学难点1.句型 Whats the matter? 及Im2.词汇:thirsty,water,ill,tired,happy课前准备 预习活动单 导学活动单 课件学生活动案教师导学案调整反思【自主预学】1.在文中圈出Story time部分的新单词,结合预学活动单介绍 的各种方法预学。2.听磁带,初读对话,了解对话内容。3.小组内课前交流所学的表示感受或感觉的形容词。【活动一】1. Sing a song 2.Free talk and review.【活动二】1.Learn: happy, ill , thirsty, tired【活动三】1. 演-演并猜一猜【活动四】1.理解所听录音。【活动五】1.看课文动画,找出出现的人物 2.跟读 3.分角色表演对话4.配音 【合作探究】【活动六】1.设计场景,编写对话 【训练提升】检查预学情况(课前)Step1 Warming up1.Sing a song 2.Free talk:What s the matter with you? Are you hungry/sad? (检查预学情况) Step2 PresentationT: Heres a cup of water. Would you like it?S1: Yes, thank you.T:Look, he is thirsty. Whats the matter with him?S2: Hes thirsty.T: Look at the boy. Hes sad. Hes not sad.Hes in bed. He cant go to school. Whats the matter with him?S3: Hes ill.T : Look at the girl. Whats the matter with her?S4: She is tired.Step3 Listen and response根据学生所做的表情或动作,猜出单词:happy, ill , thirsty, tired,hungry,sadStep3 Listen and understand1. Is Liu Tao hungry?2. Is he thirsty?3. Is he ill?4. Is he tired?5. Whats the matter with Liu Tao?6. What would you like to say to Liu Tao? Step4 Consolidation1.Lets read.2.Lets retell!3.Show time! Step 4 Homework1、 Read and imitate the story.2、 Write down the new words板书设计Unit8 Whats the matter? Whats the matter? Im thirsty/hungry/tired/happy/sad/ill. Can I have.? Here you are. Come and have.?I want to.Unit7 Whats the matter? 学教案通西教学协作区 平潮 小学 主备人: 杨玲娣 审核人:于建飞教学内容Unit7 Whats the matter? Fun time小学英语第4B册第7单元第 课 第 2教时教学目标1.能熟练会说:1. Whats the matter? 以及回答Im.2. Are you.?及回答:Yes, I am.3. 用不同的方式来表达相同或相近的意思:Heresome water.教学重点教学难点能熟练会说: Whats the matter? 以及回答Im.用不同的方式来表达相同或相近的意思:Heresome water.课前准备课件 导学活动单 学生活动案教师导学案调整反思【活动一】Review the words. Game: 演-演并猜一猜【活动二】Group work: Ask and answer.【活动三】Group work: Fun time 【活动四】Remember the “Learning tip.”Step1: Review the words.Game: 演-演并猜一猜根据学生所做的表情或动作,猜出单词:happy, ill , thirsty, tired,hungry,sad 将全班同学分为两组,进行词汇快速反应游戏,先说出单词的小组得分。Step2:Review the sentences.Group work: Ask and answer.1. 教师邀请一位学生示范动作和表情,两人一组进行问答活动。T:Whats the matter with?S:Hes /Shes2. Step3:Fun timeA 看图,问答活动教师展示一组不同面部表情的人物图和学生进行问答活动: Example1:T: Whats the matter?S:Guess.T: Are you thirsty?S: Yes, I am T: Heres some water.S: Thank you,B: 示范游戏C:两人活动,操作游戏1. Tips for the students. Learning tip : Say this in a different way.用不同的方式来表达相同或相近的意思:Heresome water. 也可以说Have some water, please. 我们可以复习以前所学表达谢意和问候句子。Step4:Homework Ask and answer with your deskmates according the model,学生活动案教师导学案调整反思【训练提升】板书设计 Unit7 Whats the matter? Fun time Whats the matter? Im .Are you.? Yes, I am.Heres some water./Have some water,please.Unit7 Whats the matter? 学教案通西教学协作区 平潮 小学 主备人: 杨玲娣 审核人: 于建飞 教学内容Whats the matter? Cartoon time小学英语第4B册第7单元第 课 第 3教时教学目标1. 听懂、会说、会读单词Mrs,speak2.听懂会说电话用语:This is.speaking.教学重点教学难点1. 听懂、会说、会读单词Mrs,speak2.听懂会说电话用语:This is.speaking.课前准备课件 导学活动单 学生活动案教师导学案调整反思【自主预学】1.在文中圈出Cartoon time 部分的新句式,结合预学活动单介绍的各种方法预学。2.听磁带,初读课文,了解课文内容。【活动一】1、 Greetings.2、 Free talk.【活动二】Look and guess.Watch and answer.Learn “This is Mrs Fox speaking.”【活动三】Listen and imitate.听录音选择正确的语气,并跟读模仿语音语调。【活动四】Lets dub.【活动五】Act out the dialogue.检查预学情况(课前)Step1: Greetings and free talk.1. Greetings.2. Free talk.Step2:Cartoon time.1. Look and guess.呈现Cartoon time 的第一幅挂图,鼓励学生猜测Bobby怎么了。T:Look ,whats the matter with Bobby? Is he ill? Is he cold?2. Watch and answer.Watch the cartoon.Answer the questions:Is Bobby ill?Is Bobby cold?Whats the matter with Bobby?3. Teach “This is Mrs Fox speaking.”联系上下文,看图片猜测句子的含义。 Read after the teacher.4. Listen and imitate. 听录音选择正确的语气,并跟读模仿语音语调。5. Group work :Lets dub.Work in groupsShow time: How many stars can you get? Step4:Homework. Recite Cartoon time学生活动案教师导学案调整反思【训练提升】板书设计Unit7 Whats the matter?Whats the matter? Im .Are you.? Yes, I am./No, Im not.This is Mrs Fox speaking.Unit7 Whats the matter? 学教案通西教学协作区 平潮 小学 主备人: 杨玲娣 审核人:于建飞 教学内容Whats the matter?Sound time, Rhyme time, Check out time小学英语第4B册第7单元 第 4教时教学目标能听懂、会说、发音准确:字母o在单词中的读音。能诵读: Are you ill ?熟练掌握本课的重点句型和单词。教学重点教学难点语音:字母o 在单词中的发音。熟练掌握本课的重点句型和单词。课前准备课件 导学活动单 学生活动案教师导学案调整反思【自主预学】1.在文中圈出Sound time, Rhyme time部分的新单词,结合预学活动单介绍 的各种方法预学。2.听磁带,初读Sound time, Rhyme time,了解句子内容。【活动一】1.Greetings.2.Say a rhyme . 3.Free talk .【活动二】1.Story time 2.Cartoon time【活动三】Magic eyes ,归纳Ii的发音。Sound time  播放录音跟读模仿例句,例词。模仿绕口令的节奏。【活动四】Practice in groups.Show time.以小组为单位展示绕口令的诵读。【活动五】1.Enjoy a rhyme 2.Read and practice.3.Make a new rhyme 【活动六】Listen and spell.完成 Read and write.Check the answer.Read it group by group.检查预学情况(课前)Step 1 Greetings and free talk 1. Greetings 2.Say a rhyme . 3.Free talk .Step 2 Reading time 1.Story time 2.Cartoon time注意语音语调,要求学生尽量背诵 。Step 3 Sound time 1.Magic eyes 游戏规则:快速闪现单词close,home, no,nose,open让学生读单词,体会字母o的发音T:I know the sound of the letter “o”.What other words can you list? 让学生归纳以前所学单词中字母o的发音2. Sound time  播放录音跟读模仿例句,例词。T:I have a rhyme for you. 指导朗读绕口令,注意语音语调,以及节奏。Practice in groups.Show time. Step 4 Rhyme time 1.Enjoy a rhyme 2.Read and practice.3.Make a new rhyme 小组活动,创作一个新的小诗 Learning tip:Change some words of the rhyme. . Step 3 Checkout time .Read and write. 1. Listen and spell.The teacher say the words ,the students spell.2. 完成 Read and write. 学生在完成前,提醒学生书写规范,“第三条线”写法。3. Check the answer.4. Read it ,group by group. Step 4 Homework .Finish Ticking time with your deskmates. 学生活动案教师导学案调整反思【训练提升】板书设计Unit7 Whats the matter?Whats the matter? Im .Unit7 Whats the matter?预学活动单通州区平潮小学 杨玲娣你可选择以下方法:1.询问高年级同学。2.跟读录音。3.根据已学单词尝试读读生词。如:girl + class = glass 4.模仿上一方法,你能想到哪些学过的单词来帮助你呢?( )( ) water( )( ) ill speak end spend1. 预学Story time部分新单词,并在文中圈出来。 2. 听磁带,初读课文,仔细观察图片了解课文内容。3. 复习已经学过的表达“感受”或“感觉”类单词,和小伙伴们交流交流。sad


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