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    The teaching plan for Unit 3 Part A Lets learn Good morning, everyone! Im very glad to see you. It's my great pleasure to be here sharing my teaching plan with you. Today I'm going to talk about Part A of Unit 3 My Friends PEP Primary School English Book 4.First, let me talk about the teaching material. The topic of this lesson should be “the words ”. By study of this unit, the Ss should know how to ask the way with simple words and sentences. The sentence structures are "My friend is strong. He has short hair." The study will help Ss use simple English in communication.Second, teaching aims.1. Aims to the knowledgea. Enable the Ss to understand and speak. “My friend is strong. He has short hair.” Make sure that Ss can use these sentences in real situations.b. Help them to learn the words.”friends,long hair,short hair,thin,strong,quiet.”2. Aims to the abilitya. Develop Ss abilities of listening and speakingb. Train Ss ability of working in groups.3.Aims to the emotion Develop their ability to communicate with others.Third, key points.1. Help Ss ask the question: “My friend is strong. He has short hair.”2. Enable Ss to study in groups and cooperate skillfully.3. Develop Ss interest in English and learn the words”friends, long hair, short hair, thin, strong, quiet.”Fourth, difficult points.1. Make sure that Ss can use the sentence structure correctly and fluently.2. Read and spell the word correctly.Fifth, teaching method.As we all know, the main instructional aims of learning English in primary school is to cultivate pupils basic abilities of listening and speaking .So in this lesson, Ill let the Ss learn in real situations and arrange many kinds of activities, like singing, guessing and so on.Sixth, studying method.Let Ss study in a relaxed and agreeable atmosphere. Ss understand the new knowledge in certain degree through the mental process of seeing, hearing, saying, imagining, thinking, etc. Seventh, teaching aids.In this lesson, the multimedia player and many colourful pictures will be used. And Ill also make a lively PPT which can attract Ss eyes very well.Eighth, teaching procedures and purposes of my designing.Ill teach this lesson in 5 parts.Part I Warm-up1. Free talk 2. Lets chant This step can make the class lively and interesting .Part II Presentation1. When the chant is being over, put a finger on the mouth and say “Be quiet “,do the activities at the same time .Most students can understand and do it. Let a student go to the platform and ask the others do like this” Tom/Betty/Lily,be quiet, please.”2. Show the PPT and say “I have a long pencil and a short pencil. Then point to myself “I have long hair. “Next, I point to a boy and say” he has short hair”. Let the Ss read following me and pay attention to the word “hair”, this is an uncountable noun. Use the same method to teach other words.Part III Guessing gamesUse the sentence “My friend is strong. He/She has”to describe their own friends. Other students guess” Who is he/she? Then open the PPT to show their familiar person. For example: She has long hair. She has big eyes. She is tall. Who is she?The multimedia player can provide a real situation for the Ss to understand the words.Part IV Practice1. Read the words after the tape.2. Read it together.3. Read and spell the words in groups. 4. Practice the sentence “He/She has long/short hair. I have long/short hair. Let students say which opposite words they have learned. Such as blackwhite, tallshort, bigsmall etc. Part V Homework1. Read the words five times2. choose one of your friends to describe him.


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