PEP小学英语六级下册《Recycle 1 Let’s Take a Trip!》精品教案.doc
PEP小学英语六年级下册Recycle 1 Lets Take a Trip!精品教案教材分析: 本单元是综合复习单元一,话题是旅行。本单元沿着 Mike 一家人去昆明旅行的故事线展开,其中有 Mike 和妹妹 Kathy 在机场谈论昆明的对话,旨在复习六年级上册be going to句型;Mike 丢失背包,失而复得的日记体短文,旨在复习一般过去时;Mike 和妹妹 Kathy 迷路的对话,旨在复习六年级上册方位及问路的语言点。除此之外还安排了扩展性的语言,如 Listen and write 部分的登机通知;Good to know 部分介绍的机场常见设施及标志,这都扩充了学生的语言和知识面。另外,本单元的语言部分安排了把单词、音标、表意图相结合的练习:Listen,match and write。总的来说Recycle 1以复习巩固六年级上册的主要语言be going to句型和本册课本的重点语言点一般过去时为主。教师在引导学生完成阅读理解和任务型活动的同时,要有意识地在其主要复习的语言当中渗透更多已经学过的语言,帮助学生回忆、巩固和综合运用更多学过的语言知识。教学目标1.能力目标(1)能够把8册学生用书所学主要语言知识融会贯通,如:be going to 句型,there be 结构、一般过去式及有关问路、乘机的功能性语言等。(2)能够通过温习旧知识开拓思维,活学语言并活用到实际交际中去。(3)会唱歌曲“I went on a holiday “2.知识目标(1)综合复习8册学生用书的主要语言和词汇,要求学生做到能听、会认,并能在实际情景中准确表达。(2)综合旅行中的各种场景综合复习be going to 句型和一般过去式及有关词汇和短语,要求学生能熟练地听、说、读、写。3.情感、策略、文化等有关目标(1)情感态度:培养学生尊重少数民族文化、热爱祖国山河的高尚情操。(2)学习策略:引导学生以结对或小组的形式,学习长短不同的语篇;培养他们借助各种提示记忆、复述语篇内容的能力,从而最终提高学生的阅读技能。(3)文化目标:了解机场常用设施和登机通告。 教学重难点:Unit 5是复习性的单元,它通过be going to句型和一般过去式学习旅游用语及相关活动的语言。所学内容都不是第一次出现,因此本单元的教学重点是将有关旅行的句型及功能型项目有机地融合,教师在教学中可留意以下方面: 1.随着学习内容的扩展,教师要有意识、有计划地培养学生阅读理解和说话、写话的能力,增强学生的自信心,帮助学生克服学习中的畏难情绪。 2综合运用所学知识、技能是本单元的难点,教师要通过图片等创设情景,采用真实的任务与活动增强学生对语言的感受。课时建议:六课时第一课时:Read and say 第二课时:Read and answer(P52) listen and write Good to know第三课时: Read and answer(P54) Lets sing第四课时: Read and write Lets chant 第五课时: Read and answer(P57) 第六课时: Listen ,match and write lets find out Story time Recycle 1(1)教学内容:Read and say 教学目标与要求1、能读懂Read and say的小短文,并能完成相应的两项练习。2、能熟练运用be going to句型询问并回答自己及他人的旅行安排。教学重、难点分析本课时的教学重、难点是将第四单元的中心语言与be going to句型融为一体,让学生在具体情景中能熟练自然地运用。教学准备1教师准备多媒体图片:中国地图和各地风景图(包括Stone Forest和folk dance图片)。2教师准备一个旅行包。3. 教师准备民乐月光下的凤尾竹;本课时录音带;Mike的头饰;相关单词卡片。教学过程 Step 1 Preparation (热身活动)(1)播放Unit 4“A Trip to China”歌曲,学生跟唱。(2)师运用课件(或地图)呈现祖国各地风景,让学生初步感知各地自然风光、民俗风情及地名。(3)学生根据实际经历自由问答: Where did you go/visit on your holiday?I went to / visited on my holiday.请访问过同一地名的同学组合成family,坐到相邻的位置。(4) 播放六上Unit3 歌曲 “What are you going to do?”What are you going to, going to, what are you going to do on Saturday? Im going to the park, to the park. Im going to the park on Saturday.Where are you going, going? Where are you going on Saturday? Im going to the zoo, to the zoo. Im going to the zoo on Saturday. 师生跟唱。(复习回顾两个句型)鼓励学生发挥想象力,回答越丰富越好。Step 2 Presentation(梳理再现)(1) 教师背上一个旅行包,说Im going to take a trip. 教师提问:Where am I going to visit? (播放音乐“月光下的凤尾竹”)配合介绍:Its usually warm and sunny. Its known as Spring city.引导学生猜出: Kunming.(2) 教师接着问:What am I going to do ?师用多媒体出示图片:Stone Forest和folk dance,帮助学生更好地理解昆明的民族风情,同时教学visit Stone Forest和see folk dance。可结合图片、音乐等学习:folk music/clothes/dance等。(3)T:If you are going to visit Kunming, how are you going ? Why?教师让学生发表意见Step 3 Practice(交际练习)(1) Mike is going to take a trip. Where is he going ?What is he going to do ?When is he going ? How is he going ?让学生带着问题边听边记录主要信息。要求学生基本能用电话语言的形式表达出来。(2) 限时阅读:给学生一定的时间限制,让他们通读课文,完成“Fill in Mikes trip schedule” 师找一生对话示范 “Fill in Mikes trip schedule”表格下的问答练习。 然后学生仿照“Fill in Mikes trip schedule”表格进行问答练习。(3)教师借助图片等提供情景:Its the good season for trip. Where are you going? What are you going to do? 请学生以Group work的形式和“家庭成员”讨论,拟定家庭旅行计划。Step 4 Production(输出检测)(1)一气呵成。教师将句子拆分,呈现单词卡,如:am, going, visit , I, to, Stone Forest,让首先说出单词的学生持卡并上来组成句子顺序:I am going to visit Stone Forest。(2)小组合作自编对话。教师用多媒体图片呈现以下几组图片,如:See folk dance Mike KunmingClimb the Great wall Kathy Beijing Step 5 Progress(总结提高)让学生4人一组自编对话表演,鼓励学生自由发挥。教师出示“Plan your holiday and make a dialogue”表格,让学生根据自己的意图制定假期旅行计划,完成表格。然后与小组队员一起分享你的旅行计划,交流讨论。Step 6 Homework:完成基础训练相关练习。Recycle 1(2)教学内容:Read and answer(P52) listen and write Good to know 教学目标与要求1通过活动read and answer 综合运用旅行词汇和句子。2了解机场的设施及登机基本顺序。教学重、难点分析综合运用有关旅行的句子是本课重点;让学生学会捕捉听力材料里的关键信息是本课的教学难点,教师要注意培养学生良好的听力习惯。课前准备1教师准备中国地图。2. 有关昆明四季的图片及民族风情的有关图片。3.教师自制卡片教学步骤: Step 1 Preparation (1)教师提供城市的相关信息,学生抢答城市名称。如:Great Wall -Beijing Ocean Park- Hong Kong Spring city- Kunming East phearl- Shanghai 根据学生的回答,教师将各城市名称贴到教室的四周。 (2)小组竞赛。每组请一位同学代表,教师说一个城市名称,学生就跑向该城市,并说:Im going to visit .比一比谁的反应快。 (3)日常口语练习,内容可参考前一页的表格(设计旅行计划)。 如:Where are you going on your holiday? What are you going to do there? Who are you going with? When are you going ? How are you going to get there? Step 2 Prereading(1) 从上一环节学生的回答中(Im going to by plane.),教师自然引出:Why are you going to by plane?引导学生回is far from here. 然后教师继续引导How far is from? 2 hours? 3 hours? 最后引出句型Its hours by plane. 教师板书该句带读。 (2)出示中国地图,用其他城市替换操练:How far is from ? Its hours by plane.接着用其他交通工具替换操练How far is from? Its hours by train / bus / van / bike。 (3)教师出示机票,介绍:Mike is going to visit Kunming with his family by plane. Look !Theyre the tickets of the plane. What are they going to do first?呈现候机大厅的图片(包括Good to know部分的设施和标志),师生一起介绍认读Airport的标志及乘机的基本手续和顺序。 (4) 教师出示打乱顺序的乘机手续词卡:board, security, check in (have boarding pass),请学生排一排顺序,演一演。在学生表演的同时,播放Listen and write的机场广播,让学生找到正确的登机口。其余学生完成听音填空练习。 (5)教师介绍课文情景: Now Mike and Kathy is at the gate 24. What are they talking about? 提部分单词:far,three hours, weather, spring city, sunny, different places, buy folk clothes, suitcase请学生小组合作,编出一段对话。 Step 3 In-reading:略读:让学生略读课文并判断正误Is Kunming far from Beijing? Are they going to see different place ?精读&读写:学生精读课文并完成Answer the questionsHow far is Kunming from to Beijing ?Whats Kathy going to buy in Kunming?Whats the weather like in Kunming?Are they going to see different place ?听读正音小组合作,大声朗读Step 4 Post-reading1. 分角色朗读课文2.教师为各组提供城市名字及著名景点,让学生以小组活动的形式作对话,如:Where are you going?How are you going to get there?What are you going to do?3.讲解有关机场设施及登机前的通告。机场需知:行李托运、换登记牌 到达机场后,请到出发大厅指定的服务台凭客票及本人有效身份证件按时办理乘机和行李交运手续,领取登机牌。飞机离站前30分钟停止办理乘机手续。 购买机场建设费 Step 5 Progress连词成句also ; is ;food; in; Kunming; good; Therealso; buy; folk; there; I; going; am; to; some; clothesebigger; heavier; than; and; backpack; is ;My; yoursStep 6 Homework让学生制作自己的暑假计划,内容包括:where ;what ;how; when 等有关内容。向家长介绍有关机场基本设施的知识。Recycle 1(3) 教学内容:Read and answer Lets sing 教学目标:1.用一般过去式连贯表达一段发生过的事。2. 理解Read and answer内容,并能完成相关练习。3学唱歌曲“I went on a holiday”。教学重点:能读懂Read and answer内容。教学难点:用一般过去式连贯叙述一段事是本课时的难点,要求老师在正确示范的基础上带领学生进一步熟悉掌握。教学准备:1教师准备本课时所用的磁带、VCD。2教师准备小玩具一个。3学生制作棋子一副。教学过程: Step 1 Preparation1.播放歌曲I went on a holiday,学生跟唱。2. Throwing game:同学间互相抛接一个小玩具,得玩具者必须说出一个和trip相关的单词或短语,前后不能重复。3. 预习(Preview)日常口语练习。内容可参考:Where did you go on the holiday?How far is from ?Whats the weather like in ?What did you do there?Do you like taking a trip/ hearing good news?Step 2 Pre-reading1.教师:I have 2 pieces of news for you. One is good, the other one is bad. Which one do you want to listen first? 在黑板的两侧分别板书:Bad news 和Good news。接着介绍:The bad news is I was false in the examination last year. The good one is I worked hard than before then I passed the examination this year. 2.请学生讲几条bad news,鼓励全班大胆设想,把bad news变成good news。如:S1: Its rainy today, but I have no umbrella.S2: I have a umbrella, I can go home with you.S3: Your dad will give you a lift.S4: You can enjoy the beautiful city in the rain.教师鼓励学生创造性地表达,并对学生进行适时的辨证主义教育。Step 3 In-reading1. General reading.让学生快速阅读后回答:Who helped Mike find the backpack?学生读时教师巡视检查督促。然后检查答案。2 .Detailed reading.出示下列判断题(事先写在小黑板上),让学生仔细阅读短文,读完判断下列句子对错,提示学生可以边读边勾画出相关句子,完成后可与同桌互相交流答案,并说出判断理由,最后全班一起对照答案。 Mike lost his backpack in the hotel ( )Mike went to the hospital. ( )Mikes backpack was small. ( )The policeman found the backpack. ( ) Mike had a great day. ( )3. Read and write.让学生通过再次阅读短文,完成下列句子。教师对中等偏下的学生注意指导。Mike lost his backpack _Mikes backpack was _提示学生对于难题可以在小组内讨论,然后检查答案。4 .Listen to the tape.教师放录音学生跟读,让学生注意模仿语音语调。5. Read aloud.让学生自由大声朗读,培养朗读能力,增强语感。为下步复述作准备。Step 4 Post reading 1.复述课文提供关键词,让学生复述课文,扩展运用所学信息。(1)教师复述学生听(2) 师生齐复述 (3) 个别学生复述2 .Ladders and slides.以下棋的形式进行句子表达练习。棋子的每一格都有一个单词,学生走到一个就要讲一句包含上面单词的话,最先到达终点者获胜。3. 辩论赛。教师提供一个Topic,如:The tourism is good/ bad for our dairy life。将全班分成两组,抽签决定各自的主题,进行一定时间的准备讨论,然后以辩论赛的形式各自陈述自己的理由,理由充分又正确者为胜。Step 5: Progress做基础训练同步练习。Step 6:.HomeworkWrite a letter to your friend, tell him or her about your last trip.Recycle 1(4)教学内容:1. Read and write 2. Lets chant 教学目标:1. 能够综合运用所学句型,特别是一般过去时描述自己的旅行见闻。2. 能听懂,说唱Lets chant 内容。教学重、难点:1.重点:综合运用所学语言特别是一般过去时叙述旅行见闻2.难点:教师需结合学生的生活经验,运用多种方法帮助学生建构语言体系。教具准备:录音机、磁带、本课时的动词卡片和旅行活动图片、地名卡片若干教学过程: Step 1 Preparation: 1. 播放歌曲I went on a holiday ,师生同唱歌曲。2. 请学生互相交流有关旅行的见闻或事情 :Where did you go last summer holiday?What did you see there?How did you go there ? What did you do there? 3. 出示几张活动短语(如:saw flowers, went to a nature park, ate fresh fish, bought folk clothes, stayed at the village),让学生看几秒后拿走,说出看到的短语,说得又多又快的为胜。Step 2 Prereading 教师出示几个动词卡片(如:take, stay, buy ,go, eat, see等),提问:What did you do on your holiday? 学生根据教师的提示,集体回答:I took pictures on my holiday.We stayed at. We bought. We went to 教师概括中心语言,板书。如:We stayed at. We bought.We wentto.We ate.We saw .最后出示动词write,引导学生答:I wrote the post card.教师展示几幅学生旅行活动的照片,提问:What did doon his holiday? 学生回答后教师由此创设情景:Mike and Kathy enjoyed their trip. They want to write postcards to their friends. Lets help them. Step 3 Inreading1. General readingRead quickly and tick or crossA. The first postcard is from Mike. ( )B. The second postcard is also from Mike. ( )C. Kathy is very happy this holiday. ( )2. Detail readingRead again and answer the questions.A. What is the first postcard about?B. What is the second postcard about?C. Where did Mike/Kathy go ?D. What did Mike/Kathy do? 要求学生在读文章时对于重点信息进行圈点勾划,读完口头回答以上几个问题。(3)Read and write教师要求学生完成书上的填空题,阅读时可以采用合作阅读的方式,体现合作互助。学生完成书上的填空题之后,教师进行讲解。(4)教师领读文章。(无录音内容)(5)学生自由朗读,为下步复述做准备。Step 4 Postreading1.请几个学生复述文章内容,教师进行评价。2.教师:I went on a trip. Can you ask me some questions?引导学生自主询问,看哪一组的问题最多,最有创意。问题可以如下Where did you go? What did you do ? Do you like the city? Who did you go with? Whats the weather like there ?教师有意识地渗透Lets chant的内容。3.分小组进行交流,谈一谈自己去过的地方的风景、习俗、特色小吃、人文等。4. Lets chant播放Lets chant录音,学生说唱。Step 5 Progress教师提供若干词语和一个主题(topic),让学生根据所给主题将词语组织成故事,鼓励学生合作完成。如词语:postcard, flower, grapes, sun, policeman, bank, hotel, hot;主题为:A story of the trip。为了进一步激发学生的参与意识,词语和主题也可由学生设定Step 6:.Homework完成基础训练同步习题Recycle 1(5)教学内容:Read and answer(P57) 教学目标1.能听懂会说本课对话,并能在情景中进行运用。2.能口头、笔头叙述迷路的经历。3.能完成文后画路线图和填写旅行日记。教学重、难点分析本课教学重点主要是让学生学会获取对话中的关键信息,培养学生再现情景,体验语言运用的能力。正确的完成旅行日记。教具准备一张地图,图片,录音机等。教学步骤 Step 1 Preparation(1) 播放Lets chant,师生做动作。(P59页)I went on a trip .What did you do ? I went to a park. I went to the zoo.I went on a trip .What did you buy ? I bought a jacket. I bought a tie.I went on a trip .What did you see ?I saw the mountains. I saw the sea.I went on a trip .Did you have fun ? The weather was great. There was lots of sun.(2) 快速反映。教师或学生指令,全体学生做出相应动作。待添加的隐藏文字内容2如:Turn left/ right、 Go straight on、get off、walk south 、take a bus 、Put your book near( in front of、 behind) the desk.Step 2 Pre-reading1师出示一张简单地图,师生对话。T: Where is the hotel? S: Behind the cinema.: here is the bus stop? Its in front of the bank .师找生做“寻找”的动作,问:“What are you looking for?板书并教授句型。教师出示“旅游者”的图片让生观看并指着人物说 “visitors”(板书教授)。师生一起看地图。T: We are visitors ,how can we get to the ?S:.(复习学过的句型)师画一张简易地形图,标识出电影院、旅馆、邮局、汽车局等主要地点),同时画出警察的简笔画及旅游者,say :Now,we are visitors to this city .we are lost .lets ask the policeman how we can get to the holiday hotel.(师双重身份,旅游者及警察)T: How can we get to the holiday hotel?(板书并领读),站在他的一边说:You can take the No.26 bus .Get off at the post office.(板书领读),并让学生分组或分片以问答的形式展开训练。2师指着地图中的电影院说: There is a cinema near the Holiday Hotel .I can find the hotel from the cinema .P:(师扮演警察并指着地图说):Walk south from the post office .Go straight .Youll find the cinema .对上面对话,师领读并板书,让学生通过开火车、小组之间互读的不同形式展开训练。3T :OH, the hotel is just behind the cinema .Wheres the bus stop ,please?P : Turn right .Its in front of the bank .T : Thanks for your help .P : Good luck .4.师领读以上主要句型,同桌之间分角色读。Step 3 In - readingT: Now, well find the Holiday Hotel.Look, Mike and Kathy are visitors to this city ,they are lost too ,can you help them ?略读 Read quickly ,answer the questions ,please.(1)What are Mike and Kathy looking for ?A : Holiday Hotel B : Hospital (2) Who help them ? A : policeman B:visitors2.细读Read carefully ,answer the questions ,please.(1)How can Mike and Kathy get to the holiday hotel ?(2)Where is the holiday hotel ?(3)Where is the bus stop ?3.完成课本P58“练习(1)” 师生核对答案4.教师播放录音生跟读对话内容。5.小组之间大声朗读对话。生扮演角色朗读对话。Step 4 Post - reading小组之间运用本课时所学的内容互相谈论学校到邮局的路线。(并制作一个记录表)Step 5 Progress(1) P58 的练习(2) 填写“Mike ”的日记(2)完成本课时的配套练习Step 6 Homework运用所学知识写一篇关于自己旅行中迷失方向的日记Recycle 1(6)教学内容:Listen ,match and write lets find out Story time 教学目标:通过回忆旅行活动进一步巩固动词的过去式形式。结合Mike一家人的购物活动复习旅行词语及其音标。理解故事内容。教学重点及难点:1.动词的过去式形式是本学期学习的重点之一,此部分的内容要求四会,并能在情景中理解和运用。2.根据音标说单词,培养学生拼读单词的能力。3.本课时的教学重点也是教学难点,即进一步巩固学习动词的过去式形式及根据音标拼读单词的能力。教学准备:1.教师准备Lets find out 部分的图。2.教师准备录音机和相关的录音带。3.教师准备单词卡片(打乱字母次序的单词)。教学过程 Step 1 Preparation(1)播放Lets chant,学生跟说。 (2)师生按chant节奏问答:What did you do /see/ buy on your holiday?(3)游戏:兵来将挡。教师(或学生)说一个动词或短语,其余学生则迅速说出它的过去式。如:T: buy S1:bought S1: go S2: went S2: see flowers S3: saw flowers教师作示范之后,接下来的游戏可以让学生说动词或动词短语,如:buy,go to school, see, brush teeth, think, take a picture 等。Step 2 Presentation1.教师出示Lets find out 部分的图,提问学生:What did Mike do? 给学生几分钟的时间观察和记忆,然后拿下图,让学生回答图中 Mike 的活动。2.学生完成本部分的练习。3.学生俩人一组,订正答案,并进行问答,如:What did Mike do? He took pictures .Step 3 Practice.教师介绍说:Mike bought presents in Kunming. What did he buy? Can you guess? 学生一起复习有关旅游纪念品的单词。2.教师制作一些卡片,每张写一个打乱字母次序的单词,如:csptoadr-post card,学生分小组竞赛,最快说出单词者可为本组赢得一分。3.教师放录音,学生听音、看图和音标。可以先把单词和音标连线,再写出单词。录音内容为:Mikes family had a great trip in Kunming. They bought many things there. Mike bought a cap, some paintings and post cards, many DVDs and a pair of sunglasses. Kathy bought some dolls, a dress, a pair of shoes, an umbrella and a fan.Mikes father bought a guidebook, a map, four CDs, three picture-books and a pair of boots.Mikes mother bought some flowers, a scarf, some clothes, three magazines and a handbag. They had a lot of fun in Kunming.4.教师可以提供若干城市名称,提问:You are going to visit . What are you going to buy? 学生再次回忆有关单词。Step 4 Production(1) 翻卡片说单词。学生两人一组,把单词卡片反面朝上放在桌子上,然后同时翻开两张单词卡如:going, holiday),就马上组织成一句话(如:Where are you going on the holiday?/ Im going to Kunming this holiday.),说得快又正确者为胜。 (2) 教师播放C部分Story time的录音或VCD,帮助学生理解故事内容。学生再听一遍录音,跟读故事里的句子,教师指导学生发音。 (3) Bright eyes. 在黑板上张贴Lets find out的8幅图片,Mike, Zhang Peng, Sarah, Kathy等4个人物图片分别放在8幅图片上,如:Mike -take pictures-buy pre