EEC小学英语课本一年级下册第一课教学设计 一、教学目标:1.知识目标 Learn the words:stand/sit/go and sentences:Lets/I can.2.情感目标(1)Cultivate the students interesting about english learning.(2)Enable the students ability of saying and performing . 3.能力目标 Cultivate the students ability of using english to communicate with others.二、教学重难点:Lets stand/sit/go.I can stand/sit/go.三、教具准备:图片,单词卡,录音机,磁带。四、教学过程: (一)Warm-up1.greeting.T:Good afternoon,boys and girls.S: Good afternoon,Sunny.2.sing a song.-“阿里巴里”T: Lets sing a song! OK?3.Review the words and sentences.(stop/close/open)(教师先领读一遍单词,再学生自读,最后教师利用一个小游戏“炸弹”,帮助学生巩固单词和句子)T:Now lets review some words. “ I put a big bomb in the cards. When you see it,youmust do the action.” Ok?S: Okay!(二)Presentation1.t picks up a chair and sit then says: what am I doing?S:sit.teach: sit(简笔画辅助学生理解单词含义) T:s,s,/s/; i,I,/i/; t,t,/t/(教师在教学读音时,注意放慢语速,便于学生听清语音。)(多种方式进行朗读训练,如:大小声读、快慢读、开火车读等)2.Game:“你一个我一个”(帮助学生记忆单词中的字母,同时调动学生学习的积极性,在学生掌握单词字母组成情况后,师生一起板书sit).3.teach: lets/I can sit.T:Who can use “sit” to make sentences?S1: Lets sit.S2:I can sit.T:You did a good job!(利用拍手方式练读句子,集中学生注意力,培养其学习兴趣。)4. t picks up a chair and stand beside the chair then says: what am I doing?Teach: stand (分音节读,开火车读,大小声读等多种方式操练)5.Ask some students to read the sentences one by one.(教师注意纠正读音) I say and you do.(先教师说英语,学生做动作再教师做动作,学生用英语表达)7.teach: go(利用stop引出go的教学,操练的方式基本同stand/sit)(三)Practice1.Listen to the tape.T:Please open your book and turn to page7. Lets listen to the tape.2.Ask some students to read the words.(教师注意纠正学生的读音)3.Listen to the chant.4.Ask one student to be a little teacher to read the words.5.Game:“唱反调”(教师说句子并做动作,学生作相反动作并说句子,通过此方式反馈学生对知识的掌握情况)(四)Summary1.Do the exercise.(activity book P6)2.Do the exam paper.(通过小卷验收学生的学习情况,做到知识当堂清)Homework:1. Listen to the tape on page6/7.2. Read the words.板书设计: Lesson1 Lets play! I can stand/sit/go/stop/open/close. L ets stand/sit/go/stop/open/close.教后反思:在本课的教学设计中,我始终注意结合教材内容和学生的年龄特点。依据新课标理念,充分体现学生为主体,教师为主导的指导思想。借助简单易懂的动作表演引出动词的新授,同时伴有简笔画帮助学生理解,并通过多种方式操练,在教学中还设计了炸弹游戏,唱反调游戏,调动学生学习积极性,激发一年级小学生英语学习的兴趣。各个环节过渡比较自然,课堂上始终洋溢着和谐、亲切的气氛。但在单词教学方面还需改进,要抓住学生的特点,从生活中的兴趣点切入,还原生活。