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    优秀初二英语日记例文6篇 坚持写英语日记对于高中英语的学习有很大影响,每天坚持写英语日记可以为英语写作积累很多素材,掌握更多的写作方法及技巧。教师应多鼓励学生写英语日记,特别是在学生还未形成这种良好的学习习惯时要加以督促,监督他们完成任务,养成好习惯对将来的英语学习大有裨益。下文是为你精心编辑整理的优秀初二英语日记例文6篇,希望对你有所帮助,更多内容,请点击相关栏目查看,谢谢!优秀初二英语日记例文1January 25 20XXNo netputer, I will not know to do what. I have no solution to the problem. So I sent my notebook-netputer to the Asus netputer netpany. I must have my netputer repaired. And the other one, it was thoroughly broken. It cant be repaired again.The netputer netpany told me that my notebook netputer needed one week to repair. The electric led to all trouble. And many electrical appliances are broken. I dont know when our country can solve the problem.优秀初二英语日记例文2It was already late when we set out for the next town, fifteen miles away on the other side of the hills. It got dark soon; we drove fast along the narrow winding road that led to the hills. Wecouldntidentify any sign of the town marked on the map. Suddenly the car stopped. We had run out of petrol. Therefore, although we had little food with us, we decided to spend the night in the car.Our meal finished very soon. I went to sleep at once. But my companion Bill who was a poor sleeper went for a walk up the hills. From the top of the hill he saw the lights of the town we were looking for. We unloaded all our luggage and pushed the car to the top of the hill at once. Then we went back to the luggage, loaded the car again and set off down the hill. We reached the town less than a quarter, and found a hotel quite easily.How an exhausting day!优秀初二英语日记例文3Today, our class held the monitor election. And I became the new monitor in my class. I was very happy, but I was still very nervous now. When the election began, I was so nervous that I can hear my heart beating heavily. I tried my best to calm down for a long time. Then I went to the platform to begin my prepared speech. I felt my brain was blank when I was having my speech. Before the election, I was confident for this position, but I still so nervous when I was in the platform. Thanks for preparing in advance, otherwise, I must be embarrassed. But the result was what I want. Its a happy thing.优秀初二英语日记例文4Now I am in winter holiday, I am so happy, I can have fun with my friends. My friends and I make the deal that when the wind comes, we will go to the park and fly kites. Today the wind finally comes, after finishing breakfast, I go the park with my friends. We take out our kites, mine are butterfly, my friends are birds, all are so funny. I start to let my kite fly, but it could not, so I run faster and faster, then my kite flies, I go let go it gradually. A few minutes later, my friends kites are also flying. Seeing our kites flying, I feel so free. Today, I have a great time.优秀初二英语日记例文5Last Sunday, our class held a spring outing in the forest park. It was a nice day. The sun was shining brightly and the flowers were swaying in the spring breeze. We took a lot of pictures and had our favorite snacks on the bench. The girls talked about their favorite movie starts and the boys played football on the ground. We had so much fun. I love spring outing because we dont need to do the homework.优秀初二英语日记例文6January 26 20XXI have lost two netputers, but I had another one. I bought it about five years ago. It can be called curio. Though it was old. But it can still work. Although it works slowly, I was pleased. I can go on internet again. Chatting with my friends is a good relaxing. In the internet, one of my old friends invited me to tomorrows party. He told me that some friends would go, too. So I promised to go. A-ha! I can see my old friends. I was very happy and hopeful.优秀初二英语日记例文6篇


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