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    译林版牛津小学英语6A Unit1 Public signs教案.doc

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    译林版牛津小学英语6A Unit1 Public signs教案.doc

    6A Unit1 (Part A) 教学方案年级:6年级单元:Unit 1课题:Public signs 课型:新授课教学目标:1. 掌握单词、词组cousin, always, mean, danger, grass, cage, only, public signs, stay away from make noise, 2. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语There are a lot of signs here. They mean different things. Keep off the grass. Be quiet. 重点难点:初步了解掌握句型:What does it/this/that mean? It means you/we must/should/shouldnt教 学 过 程第一步:重难点突破T: (PPT 1 显示课题) Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you.T: Well, lets start our English lesson of this term, OK?T: OK. First, lets play an interesting guessing game.现在我们一起来热热身,做一个有趣的游戏。在这个游戏中,请你仔细看老师的动作,猜一猜这些动作分别代表什么意思。回答老师提出的问题: What does this mean? (PPT 2 显示操练句型) (指屏幕,重复,慢 )请大声跟我读如果你猜出来了,就可以回答:It means (指屏幕,重复,慢 ) 请大声跟我读 好,现在我们就来试一试吧!T: Now watch me carefully. (做一个叫别人过来的手势) What does this mean?T: Yes! It means Come here”. And what about this one?(做牙疼状) What does this mean?T: Right! It means Ive got a toothache. Now try again. (做跑步状) What does this mean?T: Clever! It means Im running. Now you can play this game, too. 现在你也可以和同学玩一玩这个游戏,请记住要用的句子是:What does this mean? 和It means (活动时间2分钟)(学生互问互答,展示游戏问答对话)S1: (做游泳状) What does this mean?S2: It means swim”.S1: (做快速游泳状) What does this mean?S2: It means swim fast”.S3: (做停止手势) What does this mean?S4: It means Stop”.S4: (竖起大拇指) What does this mean?S3: It means Great”.T: They did a good job. What about you? 你呢?(本步骤设计说明:本节课课文对话生词较多,对话中反复出现新句型What does it mean? It means 学生感觉比较陌生,在理解时会产生困难。教师通过此游戏不仅可以活跃课堂气氛,还可以渗透和帮助学生理解本课新知识,减轻后面学习课文的难度。)第二步:课文学习1 T: Well, boys and girls. Do you like this game? Now, lets meet a little boy. Look! (PPT 3 显示男孩头像图) Do you know him?T: No? 那我们就一起来读读他的自我介绍吧!Now please read this. (PPT 出现字幕)Hi, my name is Jack. Im four years old. Im Bens cousin. I usually go to the park at the weekends. And I always have a lot of questions. (学生读字幕内容 半分钟)T: Do you have any new words? Now read after me. (PPT 4点出单词,带读cousin和always,教)T: OK.读完了Jack的自我介绍,现在你能向大家介绍介绍他吗?(PPT 5显示介绍内容和提示词) You can begin with: This is Jack. He is T: Who can? S1: Let me try. This is Jack. He is four years old. Hes Bens cousin. He usually goes to the park at the weekends. And he always has a lot of questions. T: Well done! (PPT 6 出现前言) Now please read this and answer my questions: (PPT 7 出现3个问题) 请你也来读一读,找到这三个问题的答案。Q1: Where is Jack now?Q2: What does he see?Q3: What is he doing? (学生读前言, 半分钟)T: OK. The first question: Where is Jack now? ( 稍停顿,PPT 8点出答案:He is in the park now.)T: OK. The second question: What does he see? ( 稍停顿,PPT 9点出答案:He sees some public signs.)T: Do you know public signs? Let me show you some public signs. (PPT 10出现若干公共标志) These are all public signs. 这些都是公共标志。Now read after me (带读,教)T: OK. And the third question: what is jack doing now? ( 稍停顿,PPT 11点出答案:He is asking Ben some questions about them.)T: Now can you try to read this?现在你能试着来读一读前言部分吗?注意生词cousin, always和public signs的读音。Please.(PPT 12 显示前言 阅读时间 半分钟)2 T: OK. Now we know Jack is asking Ben some questions about the public signs. What public signs can he see? 现在我们已经知道Jack正在问Ben一些有关公共标志的问题,请听录音,选出Jack在公园里看到的标志。(PPT 13 再次出现若干公共标志 ) Are you ready? Lets go. (播放课文录音 1分钟)T: OK. 你找到正确答案了吗?请你来看看你的答案和老师的答案一致吗?(PPT 14 显示正确标志)T: Are you right? OK. Jack can see these three public signs, and he always has the same question about them. And that is - PPT 14 出现问题:What does it mean?)Jack对他看到的公共标志总有一个问题-What does it mean? Now please listen and answer. 请仔细听对话,试着说一说这些标志的含义。(再播放课文录音 1分钟)3 T: OK. Can you tell me the meaning of the signs in English? 现在你能告诉我这些标志各自代表的意思了吗?First this one (PPT 15 显示第一个标志) What does it mean? (稍停)T: Good! It means Danger Read after me ( 点出标志意思Danger, 显示中文意思,带读, ) This sign means-Danger! Look, if we see this sign on a building, what we should do? (点出句子+中文) 如果我们在建筑物上看见这个标志,应该怎么做呢? Should we go in to the building?T: Of course not. We should stay away from the building. (点击出现句子,带读词组stay away from 和句子)4 T: Good! What about this one? (PPT 16 显示第二个标志)What does this mean?T: it means-Keep off the grass. (点出标志意思, 显示中文意思,带读, ) So if we see this sign on grass, what should we do? T: Well, we shouldnt walk on the grass, understand? (点击出现句子,带读 shouldnt和句子)5 T: And what about this sign, can you ask this two questions for me together? 现在你能试试问我这个标志的含义吗?( PPT 17显示句子:What does it mean? What should we do?)T: Good! It means we should not make noise. (点击出现句子,带读 make noise和句子)6. T: Now please talk about these public signs. 请你来就这些公共标志进行交谈,(PPT 18显示对话所用句型) 记得你可以使用的语言是:What does it/this mean? It means What should we do? We should 请你开始吧!(操练时间 1分钟)7 T: Good! Not lets listen and repeat. (PPT 19-21 显示课文内容,放录音学生跟读 每句间停顿,教单词cage)8 T: Please read the text. 请你也来自己读一读课文吧!注意本课的生词和词组。(本步骤设计说明:本部分教师利用Jack这个新人物引入课文,让学生通过初步的转述自己了解人物Jack, 自然进入主题,然后通过选出标志让学生总体感知课文,再通过听课文对每个标志的具体含义进行深入学习,帮助学生突破本课的重点难点。本部分新授单词和词组比较多,教师需要耐心示范,给学生足够操练时间)第三步:巩固操练T: OK. We have known a lot about these public signs in the park. And now Jack and Ben are at home now. But they are still talking about the public signs in the park. Jack和Ben现在已经回到了家里,但是他们仍然正在谈论者公园里看到的公共标志。(PPT 22 显示图和填空内容) You may read and try to complete their conversation . 请你来根据课文内容,把Jack和Ben回家之后的对话填写完整。T: Now you may check your answer in your group. 现在你可以在小组内核对检查你的答案啦!(小组活动2分钟)T: OK. Lets check out the answer. 请你来核对核对你的答案吧!(PPT点出答案)Yes, I do. Now I know a lot about public signs in the park. They mean different things. We shouldnt walk on the grass. We should be/keep quiet near the birds cage. The sign on the building in the park means Danger. We must stay away from it.(结束语) T: 本节课中我们一起谈论了有关公共标志public signs的话题,希望你在课后认真复习课文,我们下节课再见。Bye!本节课说明:在本节课的开头教师通过游戏分散了课文的重点难点,帮助学生学习了What does it mean? It means减轻了后面的课文学习负担。所以本节课的重点难点在于课文中出现的三个标志的含义以及应该怎么做,并引入教授新句型。因此教师应该把大部分时间和精力放在这个部分,不断引导学生先通过听找出与课文相关的标志,去理解标志的含义,然后通过学习表达具体含义。教师应该在此部分放慢脚步,耐心教授学生新的单词和词组。最后通过对课文的整体把握,再让学生巩固课文内容,完成书面练习。这样的设计比较有递进层次,学生不会感到有太大的难度,易于学生更好的掌握课文。6A Unit1 (Part BCD) 教学方案年级:6年级单元:Unit 1课题:Public signs课型:单词句型新授课教学目标:1. 掌握标志含义No smoking, No littering, No parking, Do not touch, Danger! No eating or drinking, keep off the grass, be quiet 2. 进一步巩固掌握句型:What does it/this sign mean? It means you/we must/should/shouldnt Can I ? No, you cant. You should now.重点难点:1.各标志读法及含义 2. 进一步巩固掌握句型:What does it/this sign mean? It means you/we must/should/shouldnt教 学 过 程第一步:复习(课文)T: (PPT 1 显示课题) Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you again.上节课我们一起认识了Ben的表弟Jack. They went to a park and talked about the public signs there. 他们在公园里认识了很多公共标志。Now lets watch the cartoon again and review. 现在我们一起来看动画再回顾一遍吧!(播放课文动画)T: Can you remember the meaning of those signs? 同学们,你们还记得课文中公共标志的含义吗? Please look at the signs here, (PPT 2显示三个标志) Ill be little Jack, can you be Ben ? 现在由老师来扮演Jack, 你能扮演Ben来与老师一起演一演吗?下面由一位同学和我来为大家做示范,请你认真看,仔细听哦!T: Hello, Ben. Shall we go to the park?S: OK. Lets go.T: Oh, therere a lot of signs here, Ben.S: Yes.T: Look! What does the sign on the wall mean?S: It means Danger.T: Can I go in the building?S: No, you should stay away from it.T: Oh, I see! Theres a sign on the grass. What does that mean?S: It means Keep off the grass.T: What does that mean?S: That means we shouldnt walk on the grass.T: And the sign on the birds cage is interesting. What does it mean?S: It means Be quiet.T: Oh, I learn a lot about public signs. Thank you, Ben. T: 怎么样,你看懂了吗? 课后你也可以来试一试表演课文,不一定要与原文一模一样,重要的是通过自己的理解来表演。 (本步骤设计说明:本课重点学习8种标志语,其中有3种在A部分中已经出现。因此在本部分,教师安排对于课文的复习表演,在复习旧知的基础上为本课教学做铺垫。)第二步: 词汇学习1T: Jack has known three signs in the park. Now Ben and Jack are looking at some public signs on the Internet. 在了解了公园里的标志之后,现在Jack和Ben正在因特网上搜集更多的公共标志。Now, please look at these signs and match, (PPT 3显示五个标志和若干地点图片) 请你把这些标志与它们可能出现的地点连起来,并且尝试用英语表述这些公共标志的含义,你可以与同学讨论讨论, you can begin! (学生进行连线与讨论)2 T:OK. 现在请你看看正确答案吧!(边说PPT 3显示正确答案)T: We can see the first sign in the hospital and many other public places. 我们可以在医院以及很多其它公共场合看到这个标志。What does it mean?t means No smoking. (PPT 4显示放大标志及含义 生词卡带读) T: So should people smoke when they see this sign? 那么当人们看到这个标志时可以吸烟吗?T: Right! They shouldnt smoke. So we can say (点击出现句子) It means we shouldnt smoke here, understand? (带读,教授)3. T: And we can see the second sign in those places, too. (PPT5 显示正确连线)T: And what does this sign mean? It meansNo littering. (PPT 6显示放大标志及含义 生词卡带读)T: Yes. It means we shouldnt litter here. (点击出现句子, 带读)(相同方法教授其他三个标志) No parking It means we shouldnt park here. (PPT7 显示正确连线, PPT 8 显示放大标志及含义 生词卡带读)Do not touch It means we shouldnt touch it.(PPT9 显示正确连线, PPT 10 显示放大标志及含义 生词卡带读)No eating or drinking It means we shouldnt drink or eat here.(PPT11 显示正确连线, PPT 12 显示放大标志及含义 生词卡带读)4 T: 现在这些公共标志你都学会了吗?Lets play a game, OK? (稍停) But before that, lets review them. Now read after me. (PPT 13 依次显示B部分8个标志及含义 教师带读 每个之间稍做停顿)5 T: Now. Lets play a game called Whats missing 现在我们一起来做一个游戏,游戏的名字叫做Whats missing? 请你仔细看老师出示的几个标志,然后当老师再次出示时,找出与第一次相比少了哪一个公共标志,大声说出来,我们来比一比,谁的反应最快!Are you ready? (老师与镜头前学生玩此游戏) T: OK. 这个游戏我们先玩到这里,以后你常可用这个游戏来帮助自己复习巩固单词,既轻松又愉快。(本步骤设计说明:本部分不仅需要教会学生几个标志的名称,更需要教师引导学生结合情景理解标志含义并且用语言表述出来,这样还可以为后面CD部分打下基础。所以通过连线可以把每个标志放入相应场景,帮助学生在小组中进行探究,再进行教学可以加深理解。而游戏可以帮助学生进一步巩固已学知识。)第三步: 句型操练1. T: Now, boys and girls, look, where are Jack and Ben now? ( PPT 15 显示Part C 6幅画) Oh, theyre at Jinling Zoo now. And they are talking about the signs again. Please read whats in the first picture. 现在Jack和Ben正在谈论动物园里的标志呢!那么他们可能用到哪些句型呢?(PPT16显示可用句型 )我们来回顾一下,当我们谈论标志时,常会用到句子:T: 好,下面请你先来读一读第一幅图中的句子(PPT 17 显示第一幅图,稍停约10秒)2. Now can you also talk about the signs like them? (PPT 18 显示C部分6幅图)请你也仿照Ben和Jack的对话,和你的同学练习谈论这些标志的含义。You can start! ( 练习后向学生一幅一幅反馈正确答案 PPT 19-23)例:S1: What does this sign mean?S2: It means you shouldnt climb the tree.3. T: OK! Now lets play another game. 现在我们再来玩一个游戏。Look, I have eight signs here.(出示8个课前做好的标志) I在这个游戏中,你需要根据老师出示的标志向同学说明标志含义,帮助他猜出正确的标志。我们可以使用的语言是It means PPT 24下面就请你来看看这个游戏该怎样玩吧!(与学生一起示范游戏)(教师安排好游戏人员,出示标志)S1: What does the sign mean?S2: It means you shouldnt sing.S3: It means you shouldnt talk loudly.S1: I know. Its Keep quiet.T: OK. 这个游戏你看懂了吗? 请你们也来玩一玩吧!4 T: 玩儿完了游戏,我们再回来看Jack. He is at home now. Jack现在又回到了家里。他想干什么呢? Look at the pictures and try to make dialogues using these sentences. 我们可以用以下句子来谈论。( PPT 25 显示Part D 4幅画及主要句型,带读句型)5. T: 我们可以用刚才的句型来问别人自己能否做某事,如果不可以应该怎样回答。 请仿照着给每幅图编对话。( 练习后向学生一幅一幅反馈正确答案 PPT 26-29)例:S1: Can I go to the park?S2: No, you cant. You should go home now.第四步: 综合练习1. T: Now, I have some time here, too. ( PPT 30 显示四个时间)Please read the clock and make conversation also using these sentences.现在你能再根据这些句型和老师给出的时间来自编对话吗?请你先看一看下面几个同学是怎样编对话的吧!(学生示范表演对话)2T: 现在你懂了吗?请你也来试一试吧!(操练时间1分钟)(本步骤设计说明:CD部分都是具体句型的操练,一个谈的是标志,一个谈的是能不能做什么,应该做什么。 教师应该把句型操练融入场景之中,并且进行适当拓展。)(结束语)T: 本节课中我们一起学习了更多的公共标志,还分别了解了它们的含义。它们是:( PPT31显示所有标志) 同时还学会了用哪些句型去谈论这些标志:( PPT32显示句型小结)你在课后可以先把它们牢固掌握,再去了解更多的公共标志。我们下节课再见。Bye!本节课说明:本节课以教授和操练BCD部分的单词、词组和句型为中心,首先教师帮助学生回顾已在课文中学过的旧知,然后呈现没有教授的5个标志,并且结合场景给学生思考的空间,重点教授这5个标志的名称及含义,引导学生去表述标志含义。在CD部分,教师也根据书中已有的场景,带领学生在具体场景中进行对话操练。在D部分之后教师还安排了一个拓展操练:让学生根据时间自己编对话。这样可以避免学生盲目的生搬硬套,引导学生把语言活学活用。6A Unit1 (Part EFGH) 教学方案年级:6年级单元:Unit 1课题:Public signs 课型:新授课教学目标:1. 掌握单词、词组take a walk, suddenly, a note, nearby, pick up. park keeper, come up to, point to, shake. 2. 能看懂E部分小故事并完成练习。 3了解字母组合ea在单词中的读音 4会唱歌曲The signs in the park重点难点:E部分短文教 学 过 程第一步:复习(单元重点内容)T: (PPT 1 显示课题)Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you again. T: 在第一单元中,我们已经学习了一些公共标志,以及如何去谈论这些公共标志。你都记住了吗?现在老师就来考考你。请你读一读下面对于各个标志的描述,从备选栏中选择出相应的标志,说出序号和标志语。Are you ready?( PPT2显示4条描述语言)T: The first one, It means we shouldnt smoke here. What is the sign? (稍停) T: Yes. This one, no smoking. (PPT显示答案)T: And the second one , it means we shouldnt put the car here. (稍停) T: Yes. This one, no parking. (PPT显示答案)(相同方法依次呈现其他2个标志,PP3 4个标志同上) It means we shouldnt litter here. No littering It means we shouldnt touch it. Do not touch It means we shouldnt drink or eat here. No eating or drinking It means we should stay away from here. Danger!It means we shouldnt make noise here. Be quiet It means we shouldnt walk on the grass. Keep off the grass.(本步骤设计说明:通过本步骤学生能够在教师的帮助下把有关标志语和本单元相关句型进行回忆和再现。)第二步:完成各版块教学 E部分 1 T: OK. 刚才我们一起再次回忆了本单元的公共标志,其实公共标志真的很重要哦!你看下面这位Mr Smith就是因为没有看到公园里的公共标志而被罚了款呢!请你先自己来读一读这个小故事吧!(动画播放Part E小故事内容) T: OK. Now can you try to answer me some questions? 请你来回答老师的几个问题吧! (PPT4依次显示问题,教师边呈现边读句子)Q1: What is Mr Smith doing in the park?Q2: What does he see on the grass?Q3: What does he do?Q4: Who comes up to Mr Smith and what does he say?2T: 看完了问题,请你再到文中去找找问题的答案吧,你也可以和同学进行讨论。3T: The first question: What is Mr Smith doing in the park? (稍停) Yes. He is taking a walk in the park.(PPT5呈现答案句)Now please read this phrase. 请注意这个新的短语:(点击出现词组) take a walk (教授 带读) T: The second question: What does he see on the grass? (稍停)Right. He sees a ten yuan note on the grass.(PPT6呈现答案句)Suddenly, he see something. And that is a ten yuan note. Now please read after me:(点击出现词组)(note, suddenly, (分别教授两个单词 带读) T: OK. The next question: What does he do? (稍停) He looks around and quickly walks to the note and picks it up.(PPT7呈现答案句)Now please read this phrase. 请注意这个新的短语:(点击出现词组)pick up (教授 带读) T: Mr Smith looks around before he pick up the note. 在史密斯先生拣起钱之前他左右环顾了一圈,is there anyone near him? (稍停) No, there isnt. So we can say: Theres no one nearby. Read after me: nearby (点击出现词组) (教授 带读) T: And now the last question: Who comes up to Mr Smith and what does he say? (稍停) 这个问题的答案比较长,请你试着和老师一起来读一读。(PPT8 呈现答案段落 ) (教师放慢语速带读 半分钟) T: Nice try! 刚才你遇到新单词和短语了吗?我们一起来学一学吧!A park keeper comes up to Mr Smith. Read after me: a park keeper. (点击出现词组)(教授 带读) He points to a sign. (点击出现词组)Read after me: point to. (教授 带读) 4. T: OK. I think you can read this story well now. 现在就请你自己再大声朗读这个小故事一遍,完成第11页上练习,(PPT9 显示4幅图) 给每幅图找到相应的文字解说。 (学生做练习)5OK. Do you get the same answer as mine? 你的答案和老师的一样吗?(点击出现答案)Good! F部分 1 T: Well, this is an interesting story I think. Now lets play an interesting game, OK? 在刚才的小故事之后我们来做一个有趣的游戏吧! Lets draw and guess! But how to play? Let me show you. Ben, Nancy and Jack are playing this game now. first lets watch. (播放动画)2T: 你读懂了吗? 在这个游戏中,一个同学分步骤画出自己想要画的公共标志,其他同学可以根据画的内容猜测是什么标志。好了,现在就请你也来玩一玩这个游戏吧! G部分1. T: OK. So much for the game.


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