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    四年级英语 Unit 1 My School导学案第一课时学习目标:1.能够听、说、认读本课时的主要单词:teachers office ,second floor,frist floor,library, read a book ,play football,water the flowers,say hello 2.灵活应用句型:Where is the . ? Its on the first/ second floor. 3.准确自如地运用Lets do中的句子并能进行分组表演。教学重点:1、认识本课单词。 2、能灵活应用单词句型进行Lets learn中的会话练习。 3、运用Lets do中的句子并能进行动作表演。教学难点:1、能灵活应用单词句型进行Lets learn中的会话练习。2、运用Lets do中的句子并能进行动作表演教学过程:教师活动:1、Free talk: (师生对话速度加快)。对话如下: How are you? Whats the date today? What can you see in our school? 2、课件出示学校设施的实物图片和单词卡片教学单词短语teachers office ,second floor,frist floor,library, read a book ,play football,water the flowers,say hello 3、播放Lets learn的会话4、播放Lets do中的句子学生活动:1、读一读下列单词和短语:teachersoffice,second,floor,frist floor,library, read a book,play football,water the flowers,say hello 2、学生开火车读单词和短语3、学生根据课文回答问题 Where is the library ? Its on the second floor. Is the library on the second floor?Yes,itis. 4、跟读 Lets do中的句子 , 运用Lets do中的句子并能进行分组表演展示反馈内容:1 、小组成员轮流担任小老师,小老师领读单词和短语卡片,开火车说出相应的单词,然后再一个一个地读。2.我会和搭档一起运用所学的短语进行对话训练。 例如: A: Where is the library ? B:Its on the second floor. A: Is the library on the second floor?B:Yes,it is.当堂检测内容:1、补全单词 teachers o e , s ond ,fl r,library, w ter the flowers, g den 2、看图片,写短语。拓展提高:1、I can write(我会写) 我会写Let s Learn 中的单词短语和句型 Where is the library ? Its on the second floor.2、听懂 Lets learn 会话的意思。3、跟读 Lets do中的句子 , 运用Lets do中的句子并能进行动作表演。板书设计:: Unit 1 My School Lets learn Go to the library, read a book. Go to the teachers office,say hello Go to the playground,play football. Go to the garden. water the flowers. 四年级英语 Unit 1 My School导学案第二课时学习目标:1.能够听说读写单词和短语:homework, second , next to ,teachers office ,on the second floor,on the frist floor,library. 2.能灵活运用句型:Is this the teachers office? No, it isnt.The teachers office is next to the library. Excuse me , Where is the teachers office ? Its on the second floor. Ok,thanks.Is it next to Class 3 ?Yes,it is. 3.能运用Lets talk中的句型谈论学校设施位置,并和他人交流。教学重点:1、正确认识本课单词。 2、能运用所学单词和句式介绍自己的学校。教学难点:1、掌握特殊疑问词Where和介词短语next to,on the second floor 。教学过程:教师活动:1、Free talk: (师生对话)。对话如下: How are you? Whats the date today? Hows the weather today ? 2、播放课件出示学校设施的实物图片和单词卡片教学单词短语teachers office ,library, music room ,art room,gym playground 3、出示图片问Whats in this picture?Where is the teachers office ? 4、播放Lets talk中的句子学生活动:1、和老师进行对话热身。 2、学生借助多媒体课件学习和巩固下列单词和短语:homework, second , next to ,teachers office ,on the second floor,on the frist floor,library.2、 practice 1T: Listen to the tape and read after the tape. 2比赛:谁在最短的时间里将对话背诵起来。(鼓励学生运用记忆快速背诵课文。) 3Role-play:展示反馈内容:1 、多媒体快速出示图片让学生在规定的时间内说出自己看到的图片,看谁说的单词多而且准。2.小组成员和搭档一起运用所学的danci 短语进行对话训练。当堂检测内容:1、补全单词 exc se , teachers o e , s ond ,fl r, home ork . 2、看图片,写单词。3、我会翻译词组。A、 next to B、teachers office C、on the second floor D、 Excuse me E、thank you拓展提高:1、用所学单词和句型介绍自己的学校设施位置。 2、Homework:aDo activity book.bRead the dialogue to your father and mother. cIntroduce our school to your father and mother. 板书设计:: Unit 1 My School Lets talk teachers office , homework, second , next to , library四年级英语 Unit 1 My School导学案第三课时学习目标:1.能够听说读写单词和短语:class, forty ,way, welcome to ,how many ,computer room. 复习下列词汇the teachers office , second ,library 2.能灵活运用句型:This is my classroom.Its so big. How many students are there in your classroom? Is that the computer room? No, it isnt.Its the teachers office. Do you have a library? Yes,we do. Where is it ? Its on the second floor. This way,please.教学重点:1、正确认识本课单词。2、能运用所学单词和句式进行会话练习。3、初步掌握数字forty。教学难点:能运用所学单词和句式进行会话练习教学过程:教师活动:1、Free talk: (师生对话)。对话如下: How are you? Good morning,class.Whats this in English? 指图片图书馆、老师办公室、微机室说Hows the weather today ? 2、播放课件出示forty单词卡片教学单词,出示餐厅服务员引领顾客的图片,教学way,This way,please. 3、点击课件出示部分图片4、播放Lets talk的录音。学生活动:1、和老师进行对话热身。 2、学生借助多媒体课件学习和巩固下列单词和短语:class, forty ,way, welcome to, how many ,computer room.teachers office , second ,on the frist floor,library.2、 读下面的句子This is my classroom.Its so big. How many students are there in your classroom? Is that the computer room? No, it isnt.Its the teachers office. Do you have a library? Yes,we do. Where is it ? Its on the second floor. This way,please.3、 Listen to the tape and read after the tape. 听课文Lets talk的录音,然后回答问题。 4、拼图游戏(学校的设施图片)展示反馈内容:1、多媒体快速出示图片让学生在规定的时间内说出自己看到的图片,看谁说的单词多而且准。 2.小组成员和搭档一起运用所学的单词短语进行对话训练。当堂检测内容:1、补全单词 cl ss, f ty , w lcome to ,how , c puter room. 2、看图片,写出相应的单词或短语。 3、翻译词组。A、how many B、forty-five C、on the second floor D、 This way,please.拓展提高:1、小组内分角色表演课本中的对话。2、Homework 1Do activity book. 2Read the dialogue to your father and mother.板书设计:: Unit 1 My School class, forty ,way, welcome to ,how many ,computer room Is that the computer room? No, it isnt.Its the teachers office.四年级英语 Unit 1 My School导学案第四课时学习目标:1.听说读写单词: art room , music room , playground 复习下列词汇school,computer room, on the frist floor. 2.能灵活运用句型:This is my school.Cool! Do you have a music room? Yes,we do. Its on the first floor. Do you have a computer room? Yes,we do. Its on the first floor.教学重点:1、正确认识本课单词: art room , music room , playground 2、能运用所学单词和句式进行会话练习。教学难点:能运用所学单词和句式进行会话练习。教学过程:教师活动:1、Free talk: (师生对话)。对话如下: Good morning,class. How are you? Whats this in English? 指着班里的电脑2、播放课件出示学校设施的实物图片教学单词music room ,art room, playground 3、出示学校图片问Whats this ? Do you have a music room? 4、播放B Lets learn部分的内容。学生活动:1、和老师进行对话热身。 拼读computer这个单词 2、学生借助多媒体课件学习和巩固下列单词和短语: art room , music room , playground ,school,computer room, on the frist floor.3、 学生看多媒体课件画面进行看图说话练习,两人一组看图说话。4、计时猜词比赛。在最短的时间里将准备好的图片猜出,说出正确的单词5、学生读课文 Lets learn 6、看Look,ask and answer ,回答下面的问题。1.Can you see the music room? 2. Is the gym on the second floor ? 3. Is the art room on the first floor ?展示反馈内容:1 、一个一个拼读单词和短语。2.多媒体出示图片看图说话。当堂检测内容:1、补全单词 c p ter,m sic,fl r 2、看图片,写句子。 3、连一连。 A、 art room B、teachers office C、on the first floor D、 music room E、playground F 、computer room拓展提高:1、 计时猜词比赛。在最短的时间里将准备好的图片猜出,说出正确的单词。2、 小组内说说我们的学校板书设计: Unit 1 My School B Lets learn art room , music room , playground ,computer room Do you have a ···? Yes,we do. Its on the ··· floor.四年级英语 Unit 1 My School导学案第五课时复习目标: 1.复习单词和短语:computer room ,art room , music room ,gym, playground next to ,teachers office ,library, on the second floor,on the frist floor. 2.灵活运用句型: Where is the . ? Its under/next to the .教学重点:1、next to和on的正确使用。 2、听说读写句型: Where is the . ? Its under/next to the . This is/That is教学难点:听懂并完成课本上的听力练习。教学过程:教师活动:1、Free talk: (师生对话)。对话如下: How are you? Good morning,class.Whats this in English? 指着班里的东西,出示学校设施的实物图片给学生,让他们练习对话。 2、 播放课文B.Read and write录音,核对问题。学生活动:1、进行对话热身。 Let s talk using"Where is the . ? Its under/next to the . This is/That is Do you have a .? Yes,we do. Its on the . " 学生练习对话。 2、听课文B.Read and write录音,学生跟读录音,然后回答问题。3、 多媒体课件出示图片进行看图说出正确的单词,看那组说的多。4、根据学校的实际提问你的小伙伴。如: Is the computer room on the second floor ? Is the art room on the first floor ? .展示反馈内容: 1 、一个一个拼读单词和短语。 2.多媒体出示图片看图说话。当堂检测内容:1、补全单词 u nder c p ter, ffice , m sic,fl r 2、看图片,写出相应的单词或短语。 3、说短语。 A、 next to the library B、near the window C、 the gym D、 on the second floor E、the teachers office拓展提高:1、 计时猜词比赛。在最短的时间里将准备好的图片猜出,说出正确的单词。2、 小组内说说我们的学校板书设计:: Unit 1 My School Where is the . ? Its under/next to the . Its on the . Its on the on the second floor/on the frist floor.四年级英语 Unit 2 What Time Is It ?导学案第一课时学习目标:1.能够听说读写下列单词:breakfask lunch English class music class P.E. class dinner 2. 听懂、会说“What time is it ?Its time for ”“Lets do.”并能在情景中进行正确运用。教学重点:1、认识本课单词。2、能用英语问时间并说出这个时间该做什么事情。 3、能完成Lets do中的动作表演。教学难点:1、能掌握句型:Its time for Lets do.。 2、能完成Lets do中的动作表演。教学过程:教师活动:1、Free talk: 对话如下: How are you? What time is it ? Its .2、听写复习的单词time lunch rice read write sing dance what time . 3、准备一个时钟调到不同时间问 What time is it ? Its seveneighttwelve oclock. 指着7点说: Its time forschool. 3、课件出示时间和图片教学单词 breakfask lunch English class music class P.E. class dinner 3、课件出示上课和三餐时间和图片 4、播放Lets learn的会话学生活动:1、结合老师提示读用下列单词和短语:breakfask lunch English class music class P.E. class dinner2、学生开火车读单词3、同桌之间运用句型进行对话 “What time is it ? Six in the morning. What time is it for? Its time for breakfask.” 4、画时钟,看谁画得好看。5、听Lets do进行动作表演 6、Lets chant!展示反馈内容:1 、小组成员轮流担任小老师,小老师领读单词和短语卡片,开火车说出相应的单词,然后在一个一个地读。2.我会和搭档一起运用所学的短语进行对话训练。当堂检测内容:1、补全单词 ti e , l nch ,mi k , d nce ,d ner 2、看图片,写句子。 3、翻译词组: A、music class B、Englis class C、read and write D、 dringk and milk E、sing and dance拓展提高:1、I can write(我会写) 我会写Let s Learn 中的单词短语和句型 “What time is it ?Its time for ” 2、完成Lets do中的句子并能进行动作表演。板书设计:: Unit 2 What Time Is It ? Lets learn Breakfask Englis class lunch music class P.E. class dinner“What time is it ?Its time for ”“Lets do.”四年级英语 Unit 2 What Time Is It ?导学案第二课时学习目标:1.能够听说读写下列单词和短语:over now oclock kid go to the playground go to school go home 2. 能听说读写句子:“What time is it ?Its .oclock .Its time for ”并在情景中正确运用。 3、能完成Lets talk中的对话表演。教学重点:1、认识本课重点单词。2、运用所学单词和句式完成Lets talk中的动作表演。教学难点:1、正确使用句型:“What time is it ?Its .oclock .Its time for ”。2、能完成Lets do中的对话表演。教学过程:教师活动:1、Free talk: 拿一个时钟问同学们如下: Whats this? What time is it ? Its .oclock.2、单词卡片教授单词 和短语over now oclock kid go to the playground go to school go home 3、播放Lets talk的录音,跟读、模仿。 4、准备一个时钟调到不同时间问 What time is it ? Its eighttwelve oclock. Its time for schooldinner. 5、找几组学生到讲台前表演对话,作出评价。学生活动:1、结合老师问题与老师进行对话:Its a clock. Its .oclock.2、看单词卡认读单词。3、两人一组朗读对话 。 4、两人一组用“What time is it ? Its .oclock. Oh,Its time for .”自编扩充对话。5、学生上讲台表演对话。展示反馈内容:1 、小老师领读单词和短语卡片,开火车说出相应的单词,然后再一个一个地读。2.我会和搭档一起运朗读Lets talk的对话,看谁朗读的准确。当堂检测内容: 1、听老师读句子,写出走丢了的单词娃娃。 2、我会看图片,写单词。3、翻译词组: A、in my school B、go to the playground C、What time D、 Lets go E、sing and dance拓展提高:1、两人一组用“What time is it ? Its .oclock. Oh,Its time for .”自编扩充对话。 2、听Lets talk的录音,然后回答问题。板书设计:: Unit 2 What Time Is It ? Lets talk over now oclock kid go to the playground go to school go home“What time is it ? Its .oclock . Its time for ”Unit 2 What Time Is It ?导学案 第三课时学习目标:1.复习巩固下列单词:breakfask lunch go to school go home go to bed。 2. 灵活应用句型:“What time is it ? Its 7:20 . Its time to go to school”“Its time to go home”“Its time to go to bed”。教学重点:1、巩固下列单词:breakfask lunch go to school go home go to bed。2、能用单词和句式描述自己的时间表。教学难点:正确使用句型:Its time for 和Its time to do.教学过程:教师活动:1、Free talk: 对话如下: Good morning,class. How are you today? What time is it ? Its .2、指着本班的课表问: Whats the time for math class? English class?music class . 3、播放Lets learn 的录音,课件出示Lets learn的内容和学生进行对话练习。 4、老师读短语eat breakfask go to school go home have English class have music class .学生活动:1、师生问候,学生之间相互问候。2、学生对着课表回答:Its.oclock. 3、进行对话练习 “What time is it ? Six in the morning. What time is it for? Its time for breakfask.”4、Practice5、学生之间根据所写的内容对话。6、课件出示图片说短语getup go to school go home have English class have music class .展示反馈内容:1 、小组成员指着本班的课表问: Whats the time for math class? English class?music class . 对着课表回答:Its.oclock. 2.我会根据所写的内容对话进行对话训练。当堂检测内容: 1、补全单词 ti e , l nch ,mi k , d nce ,d ner 2、看图片,写句子。3、翻译词组: A、music class B、Englis class C、read and write D、 dringk and milk E、sing and dance拓展提高:1、Let s Learn 中的单词短语替换进行对话 . 2、用单词和句式描述自己的时间表,什么时间做什么事情。板书设计:: Unit 2 What Time Is It ? B.Lets learn “What time is it ? Its 7:20 . Its time to go to school”“Its time to go home”“Its time to go to bed”Unit 2 What Time Is It ?导学案第四课时学习目标:1.能听说读写下列单词:thirty hurry. 能听说认读下列词汇:ready ,hurry up ,get up . 2.灵活应用句型:What time is it ? Its time to do sth ./Its time for sth。教学重点:1、正确认识本课单词。2、运用所学单词和句式完成对话。教学难点:正确使用Its time for 和Its time to do句型教学过程:教师活动:1、Free talk: 对话如下: Good morning,class. How are you today? What time is it ? Its . Its time for 2、老师点击课件(包括时间点和在该时间点做的事)(1)玩时钟游戏。教师用手臂做时针和分针,问:What time is it ?学生快速回答Its oclock .Its time for(2)教师做出6:30的手形,问:What time is it ? 引导学生说出:Its 6:30.school is over .教师接着问:School is over .Where do you go ? 教授thirty hurry hurry up ,get up .(3)教师借助图片和听听做做活动教授其它几个动词词组,如:教师发指令:Its time to get up .请学生做起床、穿衣服的动作;教师说Its time to go to school 。请学生做背书包、走路的动作,以次类推。要注意多让学生说句型:Its time to。学生活动:1、学生之间相互问候。2、学生拿出自己准备的钟面与同桌进行简单的对话练习。3、学生在对话中学习单词短语 thirty hurry hurry up ,get up .并挨个拼读单词,看谁读得好。 4、Practice听听做做活动教授其它几个动词词组,如:听指令:Its time to get up .学生做起床、穿衣服的动作;教师说Its time to go to school 。请学生做背书包、走路的动作,以次类推。要注意多让学生说句型:Its time to。5、听音跟读,注意强调语音语调。展示反馈内容:1 、听指令:Its time to get up .学生做起床的动作;教师说Its time to go to school 。请学生做背书包、走路的动作,以次类推。学生用句型:Its 7:30.Its time to go to school .please hurry up.对话。 2.替换Let s talk的内容进行对话训练。当堂检测内容:1、听老师读句子,写出走丢了的单词娃娃。 2、我会看图片,写单词。3、翻译词组: A、hurry up B、ready C、go to school D、Its time to do E、get up拓展提高:1、替换Let s talk 中的单词短语进行对话联系 。 2、熟读并背诵Lets talk, 同学之间互相表演对话。板书设


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