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    小学英语课堂教学论文新课改理念下小学英语课堂教学中的渗透国家新一轮基础教育课程改革之风吹遍了全国中小学校。怎样才能紧跟新形势,把英语课程标准的理念渗透到英语课堂教学之中,进一步提高英语课堂教学质量呢?为此,在教学中我作了一些尝试,采用了多种教学方法来丰富我的课堂,也从中体会到了新课改带来的生机勃勃的小学英语课堂的乐趣。一、创设英语教学情景语言学习的最好方式是在具体的教学情景之中,让学生感知语言,并在感知的过程中自己领会到语言的真谛,尤其对小学低年纪的学生而言,教师若能在具体的情景中进行教学,学生自然而然就理解了语言的本质,无须教师过多的解释。在小学英语教学中,创设情景让学生感知语言,在真实的情景中应用语言会收到意想不到的效果。课堂中我常利用多媒体教学来突出教学重、难点,把文字、声音、图象等融为一体,创设学生主动参与语言交际的活动情景。让学生真正进入情景,理解情景,从而表演情景,以达到应用语言的目的。二、采用任务型教学模式“任务型”课堂教学模式是将英语的教学目的整合到一个或多个具体的活动任务当中,使学生在使用英语完成任务的同时,在不知不觉中学会英语,更主要的是陪养学生在完成任务的过程中,提高应用英语的能力,在这里英语只是一种完成任务的工具,一种技能,而不是仅仅作为一门知识来学习。“任务型”教学模式,强调让学生的注意力主要放在利用英语作为交流的媒体来完成任务,而不只是关心自己所说句子的结构是否正确。这有利益帮助学生树立自信心、培养良好的英语学习习惯、形成有效的学习策略。学生通过使用正在学习的语言来完成贴近生活的真实任务,能在掌握一定的英语基础知识和基本技能、获得基本英语应用能力的同时,培养学以致用的意识和初步应用英语交际的能力。对于三年级儿童来说,“任务型”的课堂教学就是在英语学科的教学目标确定之后,教师需要分析和设计具体任务,完成任务所需要的其他前提是知识以及需要采用的教学方法和技能等,旨在将每一个教学目标拓展为教学活动中可用的具体内容。由于我在课堂上采用了任务型的教学模式,学生在课堂上都有事可做,并在具体的任务中体验到了英语的乐趣,英语课堂因此也变得丰富多彩,而且学生也能从中体验到成功的快乐。三、运用现代教育技术现代教育技术在课堂教学中的运用,突破了以往课堂教学空间与时间的局限。具有信息储存量大、变换速度快、反映灵活、视听效果好、语言和情景真实等特点,对学生思维能力和观察能力的发展起到了交好的促进作用。多媒体是辅助传统的“黑板加粉笔”的教学手段,越来越多地运用到教师的课堂之中,真实的情景对话,生动有趣的动画,能吸引学生的注意力。并提高其学习兴趣。 我校教学条件优越,三年级教室安装有多媒体操作平台,我充分利用空中英语课堂光盘。结合教学内容,要求学生认真观察、模仿,并适时加以强化,英语课堂内容丰富、形式多样,课堂气氛活跃,收到了良好的效果。四、采用合理的评价手段教育学家斯多惠说过:“教育的艺术不在于传授本领,而在于激励、唤醒、和鼓舞。”这句话充分说明了对学生进行真确评价的作用,评价也是一门艺术,好的评价手段不仅可以满足学生的成功欲望,而且可以激励学生不断向上,学习评价有多中方式;形成性评价与终结性评价相结合、个人评价与他人评价、小组评价相结合、等级与评语相结合,在教学中灵活运用,才能起到积极的促进作用,我常彩用Clever you、Very good、 Wonderful 、Right 、 来评价学生,受表扬的学生看到全班同学为他/她鼓掌时。高兴之及,迫不及待地想回答下个问题,课堂上出现了你追我赶,争先恐后的局面,觉得这样的英语课真是一种享受。 总之,通过几年的教学实践,我的英语课堂气氛异常活跃,学生学习积极主动,听、说、读、写能力大幅度提高,学生学习英语的兴趣空前高涨,作为教师,我由衷地感到高兴,也真正体会到了新课改所带来的欣慰和喜悦。但这只是一个开端,我要做的还很多很多。还需要不断地学习新课改的有关理论,并把这些理论运用到教学实践中去,不断充实小学英语课堂。真正让学生在快乐中去学习英语。课题:M1U1 I'm Sam.教学重点1,功能:问好和道别,简单的自我介绍2,单词:hello, hi, goodbye, bye-bye, I, am, I'm(I am), Sam, Amy, Daming, Lingling 3,句子:Hello. Hi. Goodbye. Bye-bye. I'm Sam. 教学难点I'm, Sam的读音教学程序Step 1: 组织课堂Step 2:课堂用语 Step 3:Presentation and practice1,T: Hello! I'm Ss: Hi! I'm2,整体输入,介绍Sam, Amy, Daming, Lingling 3,AB 4,Listen and point.5,Listen and say.6,ActStep 4: Homework Listen and repeat.课题:M1U2 How are you 教学重点1,功能:见面问候2,单词:good, morning, how, are, you, fine, thank3,句型:Good morning. How are you I'm fine, thank you.教学难点I'm fine, thank you. 教学程序Step 1:Warm-up and revision1,Greeting T-Ss2,Free talk Ss-SsStep 2:Presentation and practice1,Listen to the song.2,Learn the words: how, are, you, fine, thank3,Practise: How are you I'm fine, thank you.4,Listen and point.5,Listen and repeat.6,Game: AB Ex17,Act: SB Activity 3Step3: SongStep 4: Homework 1,Listen and reapeat.2,AB Ex 2,3课题:M2U1 I'm Ms Smart.教学重点1,功能:自我介绍和日常问好2,单词:Ms Smart, too, and, boy(boys), girl(girls)3,句子:How are you I'm fine. And how are you I'm fine, too. Thank you.教学难点1,boys and girls的发音和区别2,And how are you I'm fine, too.的正确朗读教学程序Step 1: Warm-up and revisionSing a song.2. Greeting with the teacher:(Try to say in English as more as you can.)(1) S1: How are you T: I'm fine. And how are you (引导)S1: I'm fine, too. (2) T-S2,S3,S4 ( 当他们反问时,提示使用and, too) Step 2: Presentation and practice1. 头饰:Ms Smart Hello! This is Ms Smart. (戴头上) Hello! I'm Ms Smart. T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Ms Smart.T: Hello, boys/girls/ boys and girls.2. Play a game. Boys and girls (小竞赛) Boys Girls (根据学生表现加分)3. Listen and repeat.Step 3:ProductionRole play: Be a teacher.(1) S1: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Ms/ Mr Zhang.(2) 小组活动: S1: Be a teacher.S2,3,4: Hello, Mr/MsI'm Step 4: Homework 课题:M2U2 What's your name 教学重点1,功能:问候下午好;询问他人姓名2,单词:what, is , what's(=what is), your, name, afternoon, Mr3,句型:Good afternoon. What's your name I'm Sam.教学难点1,afternoon和name的发音;2,What's your name 的灵活运用.教学程序Step 1:Warm-up and revision1,Sing a song.2,Free talk.Step 2:Presentation and practice1,Draw two suns. 运用图片,手势从morning过渡到Good afternoon.2,Teach "What's your name "(1) T-S1: Good afternoon. I'm Ms Smart.S1: Good afternoon, Ms Smart.T: (装做忘记名字的样子):What's your name S1: (T帮助) I'm(2) T-S2,3,4(3) 操练:开火车(4) Listen and sing.Step3: Production寻找4个好朋友:Sam, Lingling, Amy, Daming游戏规则:事先在班上告之4个学生,请他们担任Sam, Lingling, Amy, Daming,其他同学不知道,通过询问What's your name 来寻找这4个小朋友.Step 4: Homework 课题:M3U1 Point to the door.教学重点1,功能:发出指令和执行指令.识别教室里的物品.2,单词:the, door, please, window, blackboard, bird3,句子:Stand up, please. Sit down, please. Point to the door.教学难点1,Stand up, please. Sit down, please.的辨认2,please和blackboard的发音教学程序Step 1: Warm-up and revisionSing a song. Good morning. / Good afternoon. 2. Ask and answer. (以开火车的形式) Step 2: Presentation and practice1. 上课问候,呈现stand up和sit down词条.2. 教学Stand up, please. Sit down, please.3. Listen and do. (师生,生生)4. 直观引入教室里的物品5. Teach the new words.6. Listen to the text and repeat.Step 3:Production1. Listen and do.2. Say and do.Step 4: Homework 1. 听读15分钟2 识别教室里的物品.(小组完成) 课题:M3U2 Point to the desk.教学重点1,功能:发出指令和执行指令.2,单词:desk, chair 3,句型:Point to the 教学难点1. desk和door, bird和blackboard的认读2. Point to the的灵活运用.教学程序Step 1:Warm-up and revision1,Listen to the song. Please stand up.2,Revision. 看谁反应快T先把U1的新单词door, window, blackboard, bird词卡贴在黑板上,T: Point to the door.Ss: 指向门,并请一学生在黑板上找出door的卡片贴在门上,并让同学们一起念出"Point to the door."(同样的方法复习其它单词)以次导出desk, chair新单词Step 2:Presentation and practice1,Teach "Point to the desk/chair."2,Listen to the tape and point.3,Listen, point and say.4,Say and do the actions.Step3: Production1,Play a game. 让学生在课前做好一个骰子,六面写上本单元的单词:door, window, blackboard, bird,desk, chair.4人小组做游戏,每个组员滚动骰子,正面哪个单词,就用Point to句型说出并指动作.2,结合AB做练习Step 4: Homework 熟读课文,家长签名课题:M4U1 It's red.教学重点1,功能:识别并描述物品的颜色2,单词:my, it( it's=it is), a, panda, red, blue, yellow, green, black 3,句子:It's red. My name is Panpan. 教学难点1,green和red的发音2,blue和black的认读3,正确说出red, blue, yellow, green, black五种颜色教学程序Step 1: Warm-up and revisionSing a song. "Please stand up."2. 游戏"Simon says"Point to the desk/blackboard/chairStep 2: Presentation and practice1. 利用Point to the blackboard. 教学颜色:black2. 利用词卡教学red, yellow, blue和green3. 利用教室里的东西Find and say. "It's red/ yellow/ blue."4. Listen to the tape. Teach the words : my, a , panda, chameleon5. Practice: What's your name My name is6. Listen, point and say.Step 3:Production1. Do SB Activity 3 in pairs. Point and say the colour. 2. 4人小组抢水彩笔,说出颜色3. 卡片贴在黑板,眼明手快按卡片,巩固单词的认读Step 4: Homework 1. 制作颜色卡片,说颜色2 背诵或熟读课文课题:M4U2 It's a black dog.教学重点1,功能:描述身边物品的颜色2,单词:cat, cap, dog, an 3,句型:It's a/an +物品+颜色教学难点1. cat和cap,dog和door的正确发音和区别2. It's a/an的灵活运用教学程序Step 1:Warm-up and revision1,Listen to the song. Please stand up.2,Revision the colours.Step 2:Presentation and practice1,Lead in. Panpan变魔术(呈现新的语言)Listen to the tape. Question 1: What's this It's a 2,Teach "dog, cat, cap"将door与dog区分开,可利用手势,实物;cat与cap的区分,可利用chant:I'm a cat, cat, cat in a cap, cap, cap.3,Listen to the tape again. Question 2: What's this And what colour is it It's a (操练)4,Read after the tape.Step3: Production1,A bag game. (4人小组活动)" Which group can guess the thing "Put a cat, a cap or a dog in one bag. Give each group a bag Then touch and guess.2,利用手上物品,编chant,如cat, cat, cat. It's a red cat. 教学chant:Bob is an orange dog. 3,欣赏歌曲(利用以前教材中的歌曲)Step 4: Homework 1,画 a cat, cap, dog,并涂上自己喜欢的颜色2,听读课文课题:M5U1 How many 教学重点1,功能:询问物品的数量和8以内的回答2,单词:many, how many, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight 3,句子:How many One, tow, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.教学难点1,three, six和seven的发音2,four和five易混单词的比较教学程序Step 1: Warm-up and revisionSing a song "Please stand up."and say a chant "Bob is an orange dog."2. Say the colours. Step 2: Presentation and practice1. Lead in: 数动物Bob,教授1-62. 出示卡片,教授句子"How many "3. Guessing game,教授7-8.4. Listen and say.5. Practice: 听音数数6. Play a game."What's missing "突出"three, four, five, six, seven"Step 3:Production1. Do SB Activity 1 in pairs. 2. Four in a group. "掷骰子"S1:How manuy S2-4:Step 4: Homework 1. 每天听读15分钟,家长签名2 背诵或熟读课文,组长签名课题:M5U2 Nine girls 教学重点1,功能:询问物品的数量和12以内的回答2,单词:nine, ten, eleven, twelve 3,句型:How many+名词复数教学难点1. eleven和twelve的正确发音2. eleven和seven易混单词比较3. How many+名词复数的运用教学程序Step 1:Warm-up and revision1,Say the chant: "I'm a cat."2,PPT: count and circle. Review 1-8.Step 2:Presentation and practice1,Lead in.报数,教授9-122,大组内数男生,女生数,引入句子"How many boys How many girls 3,Listen and point.4,Do SB Activity 4 Count and answer.5,Listen and match. 难点的突破Step3: Production1,Draw "小指人"2,Learn the song.Step 4: Homework 课题:M6 U1 This is my school.教学重点1,功能:介绍学校和询问物品并回答2,单词:this, pupil, school, English, classroom, that, teacher;3,句子:This is my What's this/that It's a 教学难点1,this, that和English的正确发音;2,长句This is my English teacher, Ms Smart.的正确朗读;3,this和that易混单词比较.教学程序Step 1:Warm-up and revision 1,Sing a song and say a chant. 2,Listen and do. T: Point to your desk/chair Ss: My desk/chair.Step 2:Presentation and practice 1,Lead-in T:Lingling班上开展了制作海报的比赛,内容是介绍自己的学校.她是如何介绍的呢 揭题:M6U1 This is my school. Teach "this" and "school".2,Practise "This is my desk/ chair"Teach "classroom(手势)This is my classroom."3,Listen and teach the new words.pupilI'm a pupil.teacherEnglishEnglish teacherThis is my English teacher, Ms Chen.4,Play a game. Louder or lower"声音忽大忽小"规则:学生A走出教室,老师把单词卡片藏到学生B的课桌里,全班学生根据A与学生B的距离来决定声音的大小,若A走得离B越来越近,则全班的声音就越来越大.反之,越远越小声.5,Introduce the school in pairs. First show a model.6,Read after the tape. Teach What's this/that It's a (that:手势望远镜)Step3:Production 1,Do Activity 3 in pairs. S1: What's this S2: It's a desk.2,Play a jigsaw game in groups.规则:学生事先准备,把图片剪成4块,拿出其中一块,让小组成员猜.S1: What's this S2/3/4: It's a desk/door/chair.Step 4: Homework (1) 每天听读15分钟,家长签名. (2) 背诵或熟读课文,组长签名.(3) 制作学校的海报.课题:M6 U2 What's this 教学重点1,功能:询问远近物品并回答2,单词:bag, pencil, pen, book;3,句子:What's this/that It's a 教学难点1,bag和book的正确发音;2,What's this/that It's a ;3,bag和book,pen和pencil易混单词比较.教学程序Step 1:Warm-up and revision 1,Sing a chant. 2,Say sth. About your poster S1: I'm a pupil. This is my school. 3,The teacher walks around the classroom and ask: What's this/that Step 2:Presentation and practice 1,Lead-in T:好奇宝宝Tom向Amy问了5个问题,Amy是怎样回答的 Listen to the tape. 2,Teach "bag, book, pen, pencil"1) bagT: What's this/that S1: It's a red bag2) bookMake phrases or sentences3) ten, pen, hen, pencil3,Practise the new words.A bag game. " Which group can guess all of the things "Put a pencil, pen, a book and a toy cat in one bag. Give each group a bag Then touch and guess.4,Read after the tape. Step3:Production 1,Do Activity 3 in pairs. S1: What's this S2: It's a red pen. 2,Mime the text and say. What's this/that It's a (that:手势望远镜)3,Teach the chantMake a new chant.Step 4: Homework (1) 每天听读15分钟,家长签名. (2) 背诵或熟读课文,组长签名.课题:M7U1 Happy birthday! 教学重点1,功能:祝贺他人生日快乐和赠送礼物时使用的语言(文化差异)2,单词:happy, birthday, here(here's=here is), cake3,句子:Happy birthday! Here's your教学难点1,birthday和cake的发音2,Here's your句子的运用教学程序Step 1: Warm-up and revisionSing a song"Please stand up."and say a chant"Pen and pencil."2. Listen and do. Point to your desk/chair.Step 2: Presentation and practice1. Lead in: T: Listen! What song is this (引发好奇,营造气氛) 生日贺卡音乐,揭题:今天是Sam的生日,我们一起为他过生日.M7U1 Happy birthday!2. Listen and teach the new words.(1) birthdayHappy birthday!Sing a birthday song.(Clap hands.)(2) cakebirthday cake, your cake, my cake(3) 实物"谁想吃蛋糕 "读cake词, T:Here's your cake. 引导Ss: Thank you. 3. Teach "Here's yourThank you."(1) Pair work. 运用手上物品pen, pencil, book, bag操练Here's yourThank you. (2) 小组展示4. Teach the text and culture(1) 老师也准备了present(出示礼物盒) 猜猜礼物是什么 T: What's this S1: S2: 若猜中It's a present. (2) 听读课文,Answer the question: What's the present (3) Listen and point.(4) Listen and read.Step 3:Production情景剧:Birthday party.要求学生运用所学的语言,并把歌曲"Happy birthday!"编排进去,评出表演得最好的情景剧.Step 4: Homework 1. 听读2. 用英语为别人开party.课题:M7U2 How old are you 教学重点1,功能:关于年龄的问与答 2,单词:old, how old, look3,句子:How old are you I'm nine. You're nine. I'm nine, too.教学难点1,How old are you 和How are you 的区别2,You're的运用教学程序Step 1:Warm-up and revision1,Say two songs: "Ten Little Fingers""Happy Birthday."2,Game: Look! How many fingers 复习1-12Step 2:Presentation and practice1,Lead in. T: 请学生当Sam,全体为他祝福,把U1课文表演一遍.T: How old are you, Sam 2,揭题:M7U2 How old are you 3,Listen and learn the new words and sentences. 师拿Sam头饰 Look!(做动作) Look atI'm Sam. I'm nine.How old are you 4,Pair work. S1:Hello. How old are you S2:I'm nine. How old are you S1:I'm nine, too.5,Text.6,Sing the song.Step3: Production生上台抽1-12,全体Ss问:How old are you S1: I'm one. Ss: One You're one! (笑)Step 4: Homework 1,听读磁带2,谁是最棒的调查员,看谁登记的同学信息多课题:M8U1 Is it a dragon 教学重点1,功能:使用句型"Is it a "进行关于物品的问答2,单词:no, not(isn't=is not), yes, help, kite, dragon3,句子:Is it a Yes, it is. No, it isn't.教学难点1,cat和kite的发音区别2,句型Is it a 的正确使用3,No, it isn't.否定回答的朗读教学程序Step 1: Warm-up and revisionSing a song "How old are you " and say a chant "I'm a cat."Game. 炸弹游戏(快速说词)Ask and answer. What's this/that It's aStep 2: Presentation and practice1. Lead in: T shows a box. Sam还收到其它的礼物,他想与大家分享,请同学们来猜一猜.揭题:M8 Friends U1 Is it a dragon 2. S1touch, T guess: Is it a cat/ (Presents the sentence.)Ss: (follow) Is it a cat/ 3. Learn and practice new words and sentencesyes, no , isn't, kite, dragonYes, it is. No, it isn't.4. Play a jigsaw game in pairs.规则:学生把图片剪成4块,拿出其中一块,让同桌猜.5. Listen and read the text.Step 3:Production1. Do Ex1 in AB Listen and circle. 2.Competition: 派一学生S1上台表演,各小组再派一人背对S1,各自问各小组进行猜测,小组成员根据S1动作回答,比赛哪一组最先猜到为胜.3.Sing a song:"What's this "Step 4: Homework 听读15分钟背或熟读课文各小组带不同颜色的袋子课题:M8U2 Where's the cat 教学重点1,功能:询问物品的位置并使用"in"来说明2,单词:where(where's=where is), in, bag3,句子:Where's 教学难点1,长句"Is it in the yellow bag "的正确朗读及回答2,特殊疑问句"Where's "的运用及回答3,介词"in"的理解与运用,并能进行交流教学程序Step 1:Warm-up and revision1,Say the song: "A Rainbow".2,Guessing game.T (shows pictures) Ss: Is it Step 2:Presentation and practice1,Lead in. T: I've got a book. Oh! Where's my book Is it in the green bag Is it in the yellow bag (做出找东西的样子) Yes, it is. It's in the green bag. 2,Teach "where, in, bag"(1) where Where is 造句(2) bag书包与袋子(3) inin the bag/desk/book/cap3,Listen and learn the text.Step3: Production1,Pair work把袋子套在袋子里(颜色不同) S1: Where's the red bag S2: It's in the green bag. 2,Game: T draws pictures. Ss guess Is it a Then Ss hide the projects in pairs. Ask and answer3,Sing a song. Step 4: Homework 听读磁带课题:M9U1 This is my mother.教学重点1,功能:谈论家庭成员 2,单词:family, mother, she(she's=she is), father, he(he's=he is), doctor, grandpa, grandma, sister, me, brother3,句子:This is myHe's/She's教学难点1,sister和brother的正确发音2,句型"This is myHe's/She's"的正确使用3,she和he易混单词比较教学程序Step 1: Warm-up and revisionSing a song "What's this" and do the actions. Review "Where's It's in he desk/bag"Step 2: Presentation and practiceLead in: 直接呈现新话题,T: Today we'll learn M


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