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    清华大学英语系学生测试使用。专为中小学生英语量身定做。官方网站: 清华大学英语教授研究组提供八年级上册1-12单元复习试题第一单元测试(时间:90分钟,满分:100分) Ais three woman teachers Bare three women teachers Cis three women teachers Dare three woman teacher( )9They usually do some office work _ weekends Ain Bat Con Dfor( )10She _ late to school Adont usually come Bdoesnt usually come Cdoesnt come usually Dusually dont come( )11Do you _ lifestyle? Ahave a health Bhas a health Chave a healthy Dhas a healthy( )12My parents _ a teacher Awant me be Bwant I to be Cwant I be Dwant me to be( )13Give me the glassesI can _ read the words on the blackboard Ahard Bhardly Cnever Dsometimes( )14_ it is raining,_ he still works outside AAlthough;but BBut;although CAlthough;/ D/;although( )15How is your mother now?  She is _ Apretty Bwell Chealth Dgood完形填空(10分)What do you do on the weekend? Some people like to 1 at home,but others like to go for a walk 2 play footballMy friend Jack works hard in a factory on 3 On the weekend he always 4 different thingsOn Saturday he 5 his car and on 6 he goes with his family to a village by carHis uncle and aunt have a farm thereIt isnt a 7 onebut theres always much work to do on the farmThe children 8 give the animals 9 Jack and his wife help his uncle in the fieldsAt the end of the day,they are all 10 and Jacks aunt gives them a big meal( )1Aplay Blive Cstay Dlike( )2Aand Bor Cbut Dso( )3Aweekend Bweekends Cweekday Dweekdays( )4Adoes Bmakes Cborrows Dmake( )5Awatches Bdrives Csells Dwashes( )6AMonday BSunday CSaturday DWednesday( )7Asmall Bbig Chard Dshort( )8Ahelp Beat Cfeed Dkeep( )9Aclothes Bplaces Cfood Ddrink( )10Aclean Blate Chungry Dfriendly阅读理解(20分)A Of all the things we eat and drink,water is the most importantNot many people understand this,but it is quite trueThe human body can go without food for a long time,but two or three days without water usually make people dead Many people dont understand how much water the human body needs and they dont drink enough,especially in hot weatherMost people drink when they feel thirstyThey often need more water especially when they have sports A mans body is 65 to 70 percent waterIf we dont have enough water,we may feel tired and may become ill Now youll see how important the water is阅读短文,判断正(T)或(F).( )1Not all the people know that water is the most important thing for human body( )2The human body can go without water for a long time( )3Everyone knows that how much water the human body needs( )4Most people drink water when they feel thirsty( )5If we dont have enough water,we may feel very wellB The word“hobby”is an interesting wordEvery person has one thing he or she likes to do for funSome people like to collect things like stamps or story booksOthers like to play football or go window shopping where you can look at many beautiful things without buying them I have many hobbies I do for funI sometimes play golf with my sonsI play tennis with all the familyI like to collect music booksI also collect musical instruments from China like the erhu,the dizi,the xiao,the suona,and the pipaThese are the instruments of China which cannot be found in America My favorite hobby is fishingI like to go and see my brother in the state of Alaska where fishing is wonderfulThe two of us take a boat and go to a small river where we fish for salmon,the Americans most famous fish根据短文内容,回答问题.6What does the word“hobby”mean in Chinese?  _7Whats the writers favorite hobby?  _8Where does his brother live?  _9What is salmon?  _10What is your hobby?  _  _ _ will Jim return?5We found that he was clever(改为同义句)  We found _ _6They often go to the movies on weekends(对画线部分提问)  _ _ they often _ on weekends?7My favorite sport is baseball(就画线部分提问)  _ is _ _ sport?8He is always late for school(改为否定句)  He is _ late for school9Pam doesnt like fruitsPam doesnt like vegetables(合并为一句)  Pam _ _ fruits _ vegetables10is,student,who,in,the,your,healthiest,class(连词成句)_短文填空(10分)根据上下文和括号里的汉语提示,写出正确的单词或短语,使短文意思完整. When you laugh,you will 1 (张开)your mouth,and show your teethThe healthier those teeth are,the happier you lookWhy is that?Its  2 (因为)your teeth are important in many waysIf you take care of them,theyll help to take care of youStrong,healthy teeth help you eat the right food to help you growThey also help you speak clearly You can take care of your teeth by doing like these: Brush your teeth 3 (一日两次)after breakfast and before bedtimeOr you can brush them 4 (午饭后)or after eating sweet cakes Brush all of your teeth,not just the front onesSpend some time on the teeth along the sides and in the back Take your time while brushingSpend 5 (至少)3 minutes each time you brush Be sure your toothbrush is softAsk your parent to help you get a new toothbrush 6 (每三个月) Learn how to floss your teeth,which is a very important way to keep healthyIt feels strange when you do it at first,but soon youll 7 (习惯于)doing itThe floss 8 (保持)getting rid of food thats hidden between your teeth Brushing and flossing can make your teeth healthyYou also need to care about what you eat and drinkEat 9 (许多)fruits and vegetables and drink water 10 (代替)drinks1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_7_ 8_ 9_ 10_书面表达(10分) 请你根据下表内容写一篇报道,介绍一下你的同学Marcia的日常活动情况.ActivitiesHow oftendo homeworktwo hours a daywatch TVHardlysurf the Internettwice a dayread English booksevery dayexercisethree or four times a weekgo to the moviesonce a month_参考答案笔试部分1C 解析:homework是不可数名词,无复数形式,故A、D不对;many修饰可数名词,B也不对;a lot of既可修饰不可数名词也可修饰可数名词,故应选C.1C 解析:stay at home“呆在家里”,为固定短语.2B 解析:在此表示选择,所以用or连接.3D 解析:与后面的周末相对应,此空应该是在工作日,on weekdays.4A 解析:do different things“做不同的事情”.5D 解析:周日开车去乡下,由此可知周六应该是洗车,故选washes.6B 解析:根据前面可知在此所谈的是周末的活动,周六洗车,那么这儿应该是周日的活动.7B 解析:后面表转折,根据句意应选B.8A 解析:help do sth“帮助干某事”.9C 解析:givefood“给喂食物”.10C 解析:一天下来,他们应该都饿了,故选选C.1T 解析:从“Not many people understand this”可知此题是正确的.2F 解析:从原文“but two or three days without water usually make people dead”可得出正确判断.3F 解析:原文中有“Many people dont understand how much water the human body needs”,故此题是错误的.4T 解析:与原文内容一致,故正确.5F 解析:从“If we dont havebecome ill”这一句可知,此题所述内容与原文不符.6爱好7Fishing is his favorite hobby8He lives in the state of Alaska9Salmon is Americans most famous fish10Your own answer1unhealthy 2different 3hardly 4to say 5twice1How often does 2four times 3would,like 4How soon 5him clever 6What do,do 7What,your favorite 8never 9likes neither,nor 10Who is the healthiest student in your class?1open 2because 3twice a day 4after lunch 5at least 6every three months 7be/get used to 8keeps 9lots of/a lot of/many 10instead ofOne possible version: My classmate Marcia often does her homework for two hours a dayAnd she is very busy with her lessons,so she hardly watches TVShe surfs the Internet twice a day to get some newsShe likes English very muchShe reads English books every dayShe has a very good habitShe exercises three or four times a weekShe goes to the movies once a month to relax herself第二单元测试笔试部分(80分)单项选择(15分)( )1Whats _ you,my boy? Athe matter with Bmatter with Cthe matter to Dmatter of( )2Its important to _ Astay health Bkeep healthy Ckeep health Dkeep in health( )3I think you should drink _ Ahot tea of honey Bhot honey tea Chot tea with honey Dhot honey of tea( )4Theres _ foodThats _ nice Atoo much;too much Bmuch too;much too Cmuch too;too much Dtoo much;much too( )5Im sorry,Mr Wang isnt in _ Aat moment Bin a moment Cat the momentDfor a moment( )6Why are you _ and angry? Astressed out Bstress Cstress out Dstressing out( )7He shouldnt eat _ for 20 hours Asomething Banything Ceverything Dnothing( )8When did you _ the medicine? Atake Bhave Chas Ddrink( )9The little girl has only _ pen friends Aa little Blittle Cfew Da few( )10How are you?Im not _ Agood Bwell Cnice Dright( )11Whats the matter with you?  I had _ bad cold and had to stay in _ bed Aa;/ Ba;the Ca;a Dthe;the( )12Maybe she should _ an old dentist Avisits Bsee Cwatching Dlook( )13You have too much yang in your life,you shouldnt eat lots of yang food Abecause Bso Cbut Dalthough( )14_ fruits is _ good for you AEat;too BEating;eitherCEat;also DEating;also( )15The food _ beef or lamb can give _ more energy Alike;you Blikes;you Clike;your Dlikes;your完形填空(10分) Will it matter if you dont take your 1 ?A short time ago,a test was given in the United StatesPeople of different 2 ,from 12 to 83,were asked to have a testDuring the test,these people were given all kinds of breakfasts,and sometimes they got 3 breakfast at allScientists wanted 4 how well their bodies worked when they had eaten different kinds of breakfastsThe results show that if a person eats a right breakfast,he or she will work 5 than if he or she has no breakfastIf a student has fruit,eggs,bread and milk 6 going to school,he    7 more quickly and listen 8 in class The result is opposite to 9 some people thinkHaving no breakfast will not help you lose weight(减肥)This is because people become so 10 at noon that they eat too much for lunchThey will gain weight(增肥)instead of losing it( )1Adinner Bsupper Cbreakfast Dlunch( )2Awork Bplaces Chabits Dage( )3Ano Bsome Ca little Dnot( )4Ato know Bknowing Cto see Dseeing( )5Aharder Bbetter Cquickly Dwell( )6Awhen Bwhile Cafter Dbefore( )7Awill learn Blearns Clearnt Dis learning( )8Amore carefully Bcarefully Cmost careful Dmore careful( )9Athat Bwhat Cwhy Dhow( )10Aangry Bhappy Chungry Dtired阅读理解(20分)A Frederick was ill and went to the hospitalA doctor looked him over and said,“Well,Mr Green,youre going to get some injections,and youll feel much betterA nurse will come and give you the first this evening,and then youll have to get another one tomorrow evening”In the evening a young nurse came to Fredericks bed and said to him,“Im going to give you your first injection now,Mr GreenWhere do you want it?” The old man was surprisedHe looked at the nurse for a while,then he said,“Nobody has ever let me choose that beforeAre you really going to let me choose now?” “Yes,Mr Green,”the nurse answeredShe was in a hurry,“Where do you want it?” “Well,then,”the old man answered with a smile“I want it in your left arm,please”( )1What is the meaning of the underlined phrase“looked over”? A照料 B寻找 C检查 D打量( )2How many persons are there in the story? ATwo BThree CFour DFive( )3From the passage,we know the old man is Abadly ill Bhealthy Clike a child Dslightly(轻微的)ill( )4Mr Green has to _ to be better Ahave some medicine Bhave some rest Ctake some injections Ddo some sports( )5How often does Mr Green have to get injections? ATwice a dayBOnce a dayCTwo DIn the eveningBMr Hunt had a bookshop near a hospitalBut he never went to see a doctor when he was illHe usually just took some medicineOne day,when Mr Hunt carried a box of books in his hands,the box fell down and hurt one of his feet “Go to see a doctor”said Mrs Hunt “No”he said“Ill wait until a doctor comes here next timeThen Ill ask him about my footThis way Ill pay(支付)nothing to him”A few days later,a doctor came into the shop and bought some booksWhen Mr Hunt got the books ready,he asked the doctor about his footThe doctor answered him at once “Here are your books,sir,”said Mr Hunt“You must pay two pounds for them” “Ill pay nothing for them” “Oh,what?” “I told you about your footI want two pounds for thatBye”( )6Mr Hunt is a _ Aworker Bdriver Cbookseller Dfarmer( )7Mr Hunt usually just took some medicine,because _ Ahe was also a doctor Bhe didnt know any doctors Che lived far from the hospital Dhe wanted to pay not


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