Soil Fertility and Biodiversity in Organic Farming有机农业土壤肥力和生物多样性,Paul Maeder et al.Science 296,1694(2002);,Tutor:Zhengyiname:ChenleiID:2011210205,Content,1、Background2、DOK Trial Description3、Result4、Conclusion5、My thoughts on the organic farming,1.Background,An understanding of agroecosystems is key to determining effective farmingsystems.对于农业生态系统的理解是决定有效的耕作制度的关键 We found crop yields to be 20%lower in the organic systems,although input of fertilizer and energy was reduced by 34 to 53%andpesticide input by 97%.我们发现虽然把化肥和能源的输入由34%降低到53以及97的农药输入,但是在有机系统中的作物产量却降低了20%。,Enhanced soil fertility and higher biodiversity found in organic plots may render these systems less dependent on external inputs.增强有机系统中的土壤肥力和提高土壤生物多样性可能会导致对这些系统较少的外部投入。,2、DOK Trial Description,The field experiment was set up in 1978 in the vicinity of Basle by the Swiss Federal Research Station for Agroecology and Agriculture,Zrich-Reckenholz and the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture,Frick.瑞士联邦农业生态和农业研究站(Zrich-Reckenholz)和有机农业研究所(Frick)田间试验是在1978年巴塞尔附近成立的.,Four farming systems were compared differing mainly with respect to fertilization strategy and the concept of plant protection management.The organic systems(BIODYN and BIOORG)The conventional system(CONFYM and)CONMIN,3、Result,1.We found nutrient input(N,P,K)in the organic systems to be 34 to 51%lower than in the conventional systems,whereas mean crop yield was only 20%lower over a period of 21 years,indicating an efficient production.In the organic systems,the energy to produce a crop dry matter unit was 20 to 56%lower than in conventionaland correspondingly 36 to 53%lower per unit of land area.在我们21年的长期试验中的一段时间里,我们发现当有机系统的营养输入比传统系统中的34%到51%的时,作物的产量却只减少了20%。在有机系统中,每单位产生作物干物质的能量比传统系统的低20%到56%,相应的所占土地面积低于传统系统的36到53.,Input of nutrients,pesticides,and fossil energy to the DOK trial systems.,Potato yields in the organic systems were 58 to 66%of those in the conventional plots(Fig.1),mainly due to low potassium supply and the incidence of Phytophtora infestans.Winter wheat yields in the third crop rotation period reached an average of 4.1 metric tons per hectare in the organic systems.This corresponds to 90%of the grain harvest of the conventional systems,which is similar to yields of conventional farms in the region(8).Differences in grass-clover yields were small,有机系统中的马铃薯的产量是传统系统中的58到66%,主要是由于K的供应不足和晚疫病发病率。在有机系统中,冬小麦的产量达到平均每公顷4.1公吨,这相当于传统系统中产量的90%,类似于该地区传统农业的产量。但是苜蓿草的产量差异很小。,Cereal crop yields under organic management in Europe typically are 60 to 70%of those under conventional management,whereas grassland yields are in the range of 70 to 100%.Profits of organic farms in Europe are similar to those of comparable conventional farms.Appropriate plant breeding may further improve cereal yields in organic farming.There were minor differences between the farming systems in food quality,在欧洲,有机管理下的谷类作物产量,通常是那些传统的管理下60至70,而草地的产量都在范围内70到100。在欧洲有机农场的利润和常规农场的利润都差不多。适宜的作物育种可能会很大的提高和谷类作物在有机系统中的产量。在作物质量上这两种系统差别很小。,The maintenance of soil fertility is important for sustainable land use.In our experimental plots,organically managed soils exhibit greater biological activity than the conventionally managed soils.In contrast,soil chemical and physical parameters show fewer differences.,土壤肥力的维持是土地长期利用的重要因素。在我们的实验之中,有机管理的试验田比常规管理的试验田表现出更高的生物活性。相比之下,土壤的化学和物理参数显示出较少的差异。,Soil aggregate stability as assessed by the percolation method and the wet sieving method was 10 to 60%higher in theorganic plot than in the conventional plots.These differences reflect the situation as observed in the field,where organic plots had a greater soil stability.,土壤团聚体结构的稳定性是通过渗滤法和湿筛法测定。结果表明,有机管理下的要比常规的高处10到60%。这些差异可以通过实地观察看出,有机地块具有有一个更大的土壤稳定性。,Soil pH was slightly higher in the organicsystems(Fig.2B).In soils of the organic systems,dehydrogenase,protease,and phosphatase activities werehigher than in the conventional systems,indicatinga higher overall microbial activityand a higher capacity to cleave protein and organic phosphorus.Phosphorus flux through the microbial biomass was faster in organic soils,and morephosphorus was bound in the microbial biomass(14,15).Evidently,nutrients in the organic systemsare less dissolved in the soil solution,and microbial transformation processes maycontribute to the plants phosphorus supply.,有机管理下的土壤pH值稍微较高。在土壤中的有机系统,脱氢酶,蛋白酶,磷酸酶活性高于在传统系统,这就表明了有机系统中较高的整体微生物活动性和更高容量有机磷和更高能力的分解蛋白的活性。在有机系统中,磷的流通量很大,大量的磷的存在也约束着土壤微生物量。由此可见,土壤中的养分不是溶解在土壤溶液中,而是通过微生物的转化过程间接的为植物提供磷元素。,Mycorrhizae as members of the soil communityameliorate plant mineranutrition and contribute to soil aggregate formation.Root length colonized by mycorrhizae in organicfarming systems was 40%higher thanin conventional systems.,菌根在植物生长环境的土壤中扮演着改善植物矿质营养和促进土壤团粒结构的形成的角色。在有机系统中,被菌根侵染的植物根系长度要比常规系统的高出40%。,Biomass and abundance of earthwormswere higher by a factor of 1.3 to 3.2 in the organic plots as compared with conventional.We also investigated epigaeic arthropods that live above ground,because they are important predators and consideredsensitive indicators of soil fertility.Average activity density of carabids,staphylinids,and spiders in the organic plots was almost twice that of the conventional plots.,与常规系统相比,有机系统中的蚯蚓的生物量和丰富度高于常规系统中的1.3到3.2倍。我们同事也调查了生长在地面上的地栖动物,因为他们是重要的肉食动物而且是土壤肥力的敏感指标。有机系统中的步行虫、隐翅虫和蜘蛛的活动密度是常规系统中的将近两倍。,4、Conclusion,1.健康生态系统的特点是具有高等物种的多样性。DOK的试验表明:有机农业允许发展一个相对多元化的杂草植物区系统。2.一些专门和濒危物种,目前仅存在于有机系统中。除了杂草的存在和多样性,农药喷施和作物的密度最有可能影响地面节肢动物的多样性和活动。,3.一个特别显著的调查结果,如图所示,微生物多样性有强烈和明显的增加,顺序为CONMIN,CONFYM BIOORG BIODYN,而且在代谢指数上有相关的减少。根据Odum关于生态发展的战略理论,在一个生态系统的演替过程中,总呼吸和总生物量比率的是下降的。这个指数适宜应用于有机质土壤中,因为它的CO2释放是一个主要由微生物控制的生物过程.在有机系统中,尤其是BIODYN系统,较低的CO2指数,表明这些群落使用有机物质是更多的用于生长不是维持生命.,Soil microbial functional diversity(Shannon index H)metabolic quotient(qCO2=soil basal respiration/soil microbialbiomass),4.一个更加多样化的社会能够更有效利用资源。在DOK的实验中,改善生物活性和地上部和地下部生物多样性初始食物链可能为较高食物链水平的发展做出了积极贡献,包括鸟类和大型动物。5.有机施肥和基于作物轮作以及能够利用农场本身有机肥料的豆类是一个现实的可以替代传统的耕作制度。,5.My thoughts on the organic farming,1.作为生活在云南的我们,要尽全力去保护云南本身自有的生物多样性自然现状,因为从上述实验中,我们也知道了健康生态系统的特点是具有高等物种的多样性,所以我们要始终坚定不移的抱着“既要金山银山,又要绿水青山”的思想。2.对于农药的施用我们要从长远考虑,要始终坚持可持续农业发展观的战略眼光,慎重施用农药。3.只有让我们的社会进入多元化的发展,我们才可能更有效的利用我们现有的有限的资源。争取做到节能减排,响应国家政策。,请各位老师和同学批评指正!,