托福作文遣词造句能力如何提升 托福考试是英语能力测试,因此写作部分的重要评分标准之一就是大家遣词造句的能力。今天给大家带来了托福作文遣词造句能力如何提升,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。托福作文遣词造句能力如何提升托福写作词句要求官方标准分析托福写作的语言部分,官方指南OG对考生的要求是consistent facility in the use of language,而给出的具体建议是:句式结构丰富(a variety of sentence structures)和恰当的措辞( appropriate word choice),评分者会从以下四个角度去审查:语法错误(grammar)词汇使用(usage)技术层面(mechanics)语言风格(style)托福写作词汇用法怎么练?词汇层面是同学们最纠结的痛点,背的往往用不上,写出来的都是简单词。其实词汇并没有高低贵贱之说,只有恰当地道与否。但很多时候,“恰当”“地道”更难把握。比如“不利于教学进程”的表达,大部分同学会用“exert negative effects on the process of education”;但在一定的语境下,stagnate(停滞)这个词要比exert negative effects更有画面感,更能吸引读者的阅读兴趣。同样,想表达“不利于彼此的关系”,用“undermine mutual relationship”比“do harm to relationship between each other”更简洁。想表达“越来越多”的时候并不总是“more and more”,形容词“increasing/gradual”也可以。还有“according to how urge and important the task is”可以用priority这个词来表达,即“according to the priority of different tasks”。想做到熟练恰当运用这些词汇的话,和平时大量的精读以及课外英文小说阅读习惯的养成密不可分。读写不分家,所以为了实实在在能提高写作部分的词汇量,一方面建议大家平时做阅读不要仅仅为了检测方法论的可行性,可以选择喜欢的*进行精读;同时笔记本上及时记下那些用得恰当的动词、形容词。另一方面,通过写作部分范文的精读,积累词汇和短语甚至句型。词汇的用法一定要结合具体的语境,“do sb. good”中的每个词汇都很简单,但是并非不如conducive/beneficial。托福写作句式实用心得讲解句子多样性并非是指大量的长难句、倒装句等各种,往往我们中国考生在追求长难句的时候,其实评分者更希望考生的句子可读性强(legible)。何为可读?并不是词汇句式简单到小学生都能看懂,而是在内容丰富且逻辑渐进的基础上,长短结合,会灵活使用简单句、并列句和从句。OG中有这样一个片段:Baseball is the great American sport. And, it is thought of as a summer pastime. So as soon as the weather turns warm, all the neighborhood kids find a field to toss a ball around. And soon they form teams and play each other. But all summer, they always find time to listen to pro games on the radio. And they watch them on TV.对这样一个以大量并列连接词前置句首的片段进行了细微地修改,变成如下版本:Baseball, the great American sport, is thought of as a summer pastime. As soon as the weather turns warm, the neighborhood kids find a field to toss a ball around. Soon, they form teams and play each other, but all summer, they always find time to listen to pro games on the radio and watch them on TV.词汇本身并没有变化,句式丰富性增强了,语言风格更恰当地道。托福写作语法注意事项分析语法也是语言部分考察的重点,少量的语法错误不影响得分。这部分同学们可以认真阅读OG中的Unit9language use部分,解释清晰例子详细,非常完整介绍了语法部分的评分角度。大家往往容易错的比如并列结构错误、词性不清楚(副词当连接词使用)、句子成分残缺等,一定要在平时的练习中改正过来。否则考场上,即便认真检查,多半也是检查不出问题,觉得自己的*简直完美。作文的前期注重积累,后期注重练习。先有输入才有输出。托福不考智商,没有作文是同学们不会写或者说想不到任何理由的,最关键的是,如何用英文准确表达才是关键。所以一定要踏实备考,结合OG中的讲解,以及补充的词汇、短语和范文,打好基础。托福考试作文独立写作范文:学生是否需要起早去上学Some people think it is the best approach for students to learn if school start the day at a early time in the morning. But someone think the school should start the day at late time. Which one do you prefer? Use specific reasons and detailed examples to support your answer.题目大意:学生是否需要起早去上学。老师建议大家选择反对,即认为孩子可以晚点去上学,因为一方面可以保证孩子的休息,从而提高课堂效率,另一方面避免孩子遭遇早高峰,有助于保证好的心情,从而减少对学习的干扰。托福写作模板及参考答案:托福写作范文参考一:Many schools are planning to postpone the first class in the morning for less lateness and better educating quality. However, the schedule of late classes will cultivate students indolence, and pose many other negative effects. As a result, starting class late would not effectively reduce the rate of lateness and cannot secure the educating efficacy.Firstly, early classes in the morning will force the students to keep a disciplined life style. In order to attend the first class, students have to get up early in the morning. This habit brings many benefits. For example, young people will live a much healthier life. Keeping the schedule in mind, they would no longer dally at night before sleep, and save their time in the morning. Then, they can have a good rest in the evening and keep themselves energetic at daytime. Besides, they could also shape many of their excellent characteristics, like self-discipline or persistence. Leaving the cozy bed requires a powerful willpower when we start a new day, and doing this every day asks for a strong self-control. Both of these virtues are keys to success. And one of the well-known, Kobe Bryant, is a beneficiary of starting his day early in the morning. He once gave his secret to become the MVP in the basketball playground. It was his getting up early in the 4 AM that contributes him. In conclusion, both physical and psychological benefits can be gained by the disciplined life style led by the early classes.In addition, early start in the morning also leaves more extracurricular time for students. Earlier starting class generally results in earlier off-class. More spare time after class enables students to conduct other activities, such as further exploring in study, deepening their interests or doing some other activities. Those activities would help students to improve themselves. In spare time, students can do some practical experiments to apply knowledge into practice, which allow them to have in-depth understanding in knowledge learnt in class. Students would be also capable of learning instrument, painting or doing sports with abundant of time after class. Those extracurricular activities help students to achieve complete development. Obviously, earlier start in the morning means a longer day, providing more spare time for students to enrich their life and promote themselves in learning.Late classes, to a degree, may lower the absence rate at the beginning. This is because that students do not need to be hurry in the morning, especially for those who cannot get up early. In the long run, however, the original purpose cannot be realized effectively. The allowance of starting class later would indulge the bad habits of procrastination. Some students will tend to put off all tasks late at night, if they do not need to get up early. Staying up later would in turn make students get up later. This is a vicious circle. As a result, students biological clock will be re-adjusted, making it harder for them to get up on time. Therefore, the absence rate would be decreased again.In summary, compared to making classes late in the morning, starting the day early would bring many benefits in learning. Students would be able to maintain a healthy life physically and mentally, and to explore in study, all of which contribute to a higher quality of learning.范文参考二:In the contemporary society, the length of study time on the part of students has become one of the most hottly debated issue among the general public. When it comes to whether students should be required to arrive school at the early time in the morning, peoples notions may vary from one to another. In my eyes, starting school day at a late time is a better choice for the following reasons.To begin with, arriving school at the late time will ensure students have a good rest and thus contributes to the improvement of their study efficiency. As is common sense, the increasingly heavy study burden on the shoulder of students has squeezed their leisure time so much that their sleeping time cannot be guaranteed. As a result, with the implementation of starting school day in a late time, the quality of their rest will be improved, with the consequence that their attention will be more concentrated in class. On the contrary, shortening their rest time by requesting students begin class early will definitely produce a negative effect on their study. To be specific, it will be common to observe that students feel so sleepy as to have a short nap during the class.In addition, students who start school day in a late time will obviously avoid being stuck in traffic jam and thus have a better mood in the morning. Undoubtedly, under the drive of a cheerful frame of mind, children will raise their efficiency of study to a large extent. The experience of my cousin, Tom, can serve as a good example to shed some lights on the above reasoning. Tom, a student in a middle school of Beijing, used to be required to arrive school at 8 a.m. every morning in order to prepare better for the National Examination of College Admission. However, the problem is that according to the regulations of most companies, employees also have to start work at 8 a.m. Therefore, it is not hard to imagine that the subways, buses and taxis are crowded with people in the morning. According to Toms recounting, no one will feel good after such a experience, let alone immediately devoting him/herself to study.Taking what has been discussed into consideration, we can draw the conclusion that it is wise to require student to arrive school at a late time in the morining, in order to ensure the quality of their rest and develop a light heart.范文参考三:Have you experienced struggling with your pillow every morning? Have you ever choked with the traffic jams in the rush hour? Have you ever felt sleepy in the first class? No matter what scientific evidence shows us the advantages of having class early, there is a new research from Mark Fischettiof Scientific America convince us that students efficiency can be improved by going to school later. I totally agree with the statement for its beneficial for both of students and teachers.First, students efficiency can be elevated. Under the excessive burden, students always stay up late and thats why their sleep time has been shrunk. If they are forced to get up early, their whole day will be windy. Thus, students would waste the most substantial content of study, nevertheless, students would be more fresh and have concentrations on the class. According to Kyla Wahlstrom, director of the Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement at the University of Minnesota. She made a research in Minnesota February that tracked 9000 students in eight public high schools in Minnesota, Colorado and Wyoming. After one semester, when school began at 8:35 a.m. or later, grades earned in math, English, science and social studies typically rose a quarter stepfor example, up halfway from B to B+. This conclusion perfectly convinces everyone that students should get up later.Second, we should follow students biological system. Adolescents physiology has greatly altered from their childhood because of melatonin. The later the delay, the greater the payoff.Following their biological change can make them healthy and wealthy. Take me as an example, as a teacher, most of my students would like to finish their homework and chat with friend until the mid night. They cant control their biological clock, which makes they fell very sleepy in the first class. Moreover the rate of being on duty is lower compared with other time periods.Third, traffic problems can be released. One should know that big cities have the traffic jams all the time, which makes students choked with the road and cant get rid of it. Moreover, students who live far away from the school are hurry to get catch up with the early classes. If schools postpone their time to be later, it will help them stagger the rush time of traffic. Nevertheless, students would start their study restlessly, which influences their mood not mention to the study efficiency. A study in 20XX from California public schools shows that students can avoid transportation problems by changing their class time. What more, their literature and math scores are higher on the average.To conclude, getting up early and attend class are good for both of students and teachers. I suggest that school should postpone their class time and improve students efficiency.素材补充(选自:果壳网):(Mark Fischetti/文,IvyP/译)我们都有过早上起来与被窝作斗争,最后不得不睡眼惺忪地去上学的经历。这种现象可不是中国特有的大洋对岸的美国家长、学生还有老师们也时常争论,中学的上课时间是不是太早了。而在过去的3年间有越来越多的研究表明,推迟上课时间有助提高学习的效果,并且上课时间越晚越好。生物学研究显示,人在幼童时期倾向于早睡早起;而当人步入青少年时期后,昼夜节律会发生改变,导致青少年睡得更晚,起得也更晚。这种改变是由大脑内褪黑素的变化引起的,这一过程大约开始于13岁,在15到16岁明显增强,而在17到19岁时达到高峰。那么这个现象会对学习效果产生影响吗?根据明尼苏达大学应用研究与教育改进中心主任凯拉瓦尔斯特隆今年2月发表的论文,答案是肯定的。她跟踪调查了在明尼苏达州、科罗拉多州和怀俄明州的8所公立中学里就读的9000多名学生。结果发现,如果上课时间调整到早上8:35或者更晚,一个学期之后,学生们的数学、英语、科学和社会学成绩普遍提高了1/4个等级,例如从B提高到了B与B+的中间位置。另有两篇由瓦尔斯特隆评议但还未发表的研究论文也获得了相似的结论。在美国空军学院进行的一项对照实验也验证了这一结论,因为在大学一年级时不同组的学员开始上课的时间不同。此外,20XX年一项研究显示,由于交通问题导致北卡罗来纳州不同地区的学校上课时间不同,结果上课时间较晚的学校,学生的数学和阅读成绩较高。还有其它研究表明,推迟上课时间可以提高出勤率,以及减少青少年抑郁和交通事故的发生率。这些都因为晚点上课可以让青少年获得更充足的睡眠。多项研究表明,与把上课时间从早上7:15调到7:45的学校相比,上课时间从7:30改为8:00的学校里的学生的学习成绩有更大幅度的提高。来自巴西、意大利和以色列的研究也获得了相似的结论。之所以上课时间推迟会获得这些好处,其关键是青少年保证了至少8个小时的充足睡眠,而如果能达到9小时就更好了。相比之下,在欧洲,很少有中学会在上午9点以前开始上课。不支持推迟上课时间的人们曾担心这样会影响学生的正常作息。不过结果表明,学生们在进行课余活动或是兼职工作时,并没有受到上课时间改变的影响。研究结果甚至对校车接送问题也提供了更好的解决办法。许多学校都是先接中学生上学,然后再接小学生,而将这一顺序调换可以让高中生们的上学时间推迟。这样做除了可以让他们受益之外,对他们的弟弟妹妹们也有好处有研究表明幼儿在早晨更清醒,更愿意学习。托福考试作文独立写作范文:视频游戏的好坏Some people believe that video games could inspire young students interest and make their study more efficient rather than distracting them and a waste of time, so young students should be allowed to play video games.范文参考:Many parents with young children fret about the addictiveness of computer games these days. While the negative effects ranging from addiction, increased aggression and various health consequences such as strain injuries get far more media coverage than the positives, there is now a wealth of research which shows that video games can actually be put into educational use and affect the brains developmentFirstly, games that are designed to help teach and "brain training" have long and enormous popular appeal. According to an experiment conducted by the University of California, game players show improved performance in perception, attention and cognition. One of the redeeming qualities of all games, even those with violent content, is enhanced information-processing, logic-thinking and problem-solving abilities in novel contexts. In fact, while playing game, your brain is in the learning mode constantly, to move to the next level, you are vigorously improving your hand-eye coordination, enhancing split-second decision making and boosting auditory perception. Moreover, other carefully-designed studies have shown that video games improve several aspects of brain activity, including multitasking. Considering Pac-Man as an example, in that game, you must navigate your character through a spatial layout while monitoring the separate paths of four additional objects, while keeping the overall goal of clearing the small pellets in memory, as well as keep track of the remaining large pellets.Secondly, games that convey positive social messages never fail to boost the childrens confidence, encourage cooperation and teamwork. Games help children feel a sense of achievement, through those puzzles, exploration and discovery, players learn to succeed in ways that our brains actually prefer. Most games are designed to introduce a new concept and then provide players with an opportunity to master it. Children are then free to explore and utilize and achieve success with this new skill, growing in confidence all the while. Besides, many games today emphasize the cooperative aspects of game play, in which two or more players need to work together to reach a common goal. Taking a game called "World of Warcraft" as an example, children as young as 10 years old are learning to delegate responsibility, pr