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    英语复习备考策略,纲要,考前冲刺备考策略,三年高考命题分析,重点题型做题技巧,明确当前任务 戒除浮躁情绪,备考三字经,思,练,考,思,思技巧重新归纳整合知识点,与考试接轨 立足基础知识 分析试题角度 探寻最佳入手点 做题有理有据,思突破 深入剖析 发现不足 查漏补缺 完善自我,练,强化训练是将知识转化为效能的唯一途径。通过练将技巧转化为技能,产生“条件反射”的效果,使“精准”成为一种素质强化训练是良好竞技状态的保证 场上一分钟,场下十年功,考,平时如战时 战时如平时训练应试心态(快速投入、沉着应战、逢易不狂、遇难不乱)检验应试能力(答题顺序、时间分配、表述格式、应变能力、单位时间内的速度和准度),高考语音题,1、2011年语音考查继续回到2009年度同类题型的3+2命题规律,即三个单字母读音加两个字母组合。,2、重点考查元音字母的发音。09、10、11三年每年都有对元音字母发音的考查,三年两次考察了元音字母a和i的发音。,3、对音素的考查主要有单元音、双元音、清辅音及字母组合的发音,特别是一些字母组合如th,tion等。,命题特点,备考策略,1、加强对考纲词汇的读和听的训练,2、总结规律,归纳特例,1、掌握五个元音字母在重读和非重读情况下的常见发音。,TIPS,2、了解常见字母组合:or ea ou ur ex ch th-tion sion com con 的发音变化。,3、分辨字母“g”“n”“c”“s”在不同情况下的发音。,5、不发音现象,4、词相似、音不同:breath/breathe bath/bathe South/southern say/says nation/national,不发音的字母总结,ai:curtain certain Britain b:climb comb debt doubt dumb lamb tomb c:scene,scienced:handsome Wednesday handkerchiefe:love,behave,nativeg:campaign design foreign resign sign gh:daughter eight high light h:exhibition honest honor hour k:know knee knock knifel:would should could folkn:autumn columnt:Christmas whistle fasten often listen watchu:guess guide tongue build leaguew:answer sword two whole wrestle write wrong,解题技巧,1、能直接通过读题来分辨的,直接读(节省时间)。2、引入重读和非重读因素来增加精确性。3、充分利用五个元音字母和常见字母组合的知识。4、利用单选题规律,排除发音相同的选项,缩小范围,提高精度。5、充分利用1:3现象。,1.Success 2007陕西高考A.official B.excuse C.correct D.exciting2.societyA.Achieve B.friend C.scienceD.believe3.theirs A.thread B.smoothC.thirsty D.health4.raiseA.remain B.certain C.mountain D.pareA.Company B.continue C.common D.concert(2007陕西高考),1.Passenger 2008陕西高考A.sugar B.organize C.strange D.together2.chemistryA.stomach B.achieve C.check D.machine3.clubA.pollution B.struggle C.useful D.bury4.Majoritybaggage B.attract C.Canadian D.magazine5.areaA.theatre B.breathe C.break D.heaven,1.permitA fist B behind C island D smile 2.questionA revolution B exhibition C suggestion D education3.emptyA toilet B dozen C general D connect 4.socialA precious B certain C discovery D decision 5.forgetA ordinary B major C world D report(2009陕西高考),情景对话备考指南,解题思路:1.通读全文,理解话题2.分析逻辑关系,判断对话人意图、态度3先易后难,缩小范围4.复查选项,力求顺畅,单项选择试题分析,1、语法和词汇题充分反映高考英语命题不偏不怪不超纲的命题原则,严格按照高考大纲设题,覆盖面广。,2、能力立意,强调运用。注重基础知识在语境中的理解和运用,语境和语言点的结合比较科学合理,充分体现了语法、语义和语境的“三维立体”结合。,3、重点突出、考点细化。三年均考查了情景交际、动词时态和语态、动词短语,非谓语动词、代词、名词性从句、定语从句。,命题特点,备考策略,系统复习语法知识,重点抓住动词和从句。,“两条腿走路”回归基础 查漏补缺 持之以恒.,明确当前任务 戒除浮躁情绪,解题技巧,解题技巧,雾里看花从备选答案入手,参透出题意图,1.People should stop using their cars and start using public transport.-_.The roads are too crowded as it is.A.All right B.Exactly C.Go ahead D.Fine,2.-Would you take this along to the office for me?-_.A.With pleasure B.Thats right C.Never mind D.Dont mention it,B,A,一.情景交际,3.Mrs.Taylor has _ 8-year-old daughter who has _ gift for painting-she has won two national prizes.A.a;a B.an;the C;an;a D.the;a4.Dont worry if you cant come to _ party Ill save _ cake for you.A.the;some B.a;much C.the;any D.a;little,C,A,二.冠词,5.My brother is an actor.He _ in several films so far.A.appears B.appeared C.has appeared D.is appearing,6.Are you still busy?-Yes,I _ my work,and it wont take long.A.just finish B.am just finishing C.have just finished D.am just going to finish,C,B,三.动词的时态,7.When_ different cultures,we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities.A.compared B.being compared C.comparing D.having compared8.It remains _ whether Jimll be fit enough to play in the finals.A.seen B.to be seen C.seeing D.to see,C,B,四非谓语动词,9.I couldnt _.The line was busy.A.go by B.go around C.get in D.get through10.Well trying to ring you back,Bryan,but we think we _ your number incorrectly.A.looked up B.took down C.worked out D.brought about,D,B,五动词短语,11._ I explained on the phone,your request will be considered at the next meeting.A.When B.After C.As D.Since12.I was given three books on cooking,the first _ I really enjoyed.A.of that B.of which C.that D.which,B,C,六定语从句,13.I _ pay Tracy a visit,but Im not sure whether I will have time this Sunday.A.should B.might C.would D.could14.The World Wide web is sometimes jokingly called the world wide wait because it _ be very slow.A.should B.must C.will D.can,A,D,七情态动词,15.The old tower must be saved,_ the cost.A.however B.whatever C.whichever D.wherever16.We wont keep winning games _ we keep playing well.A.because B.unless C.when D.while,B,B,17.Danny left word with my secretary_ he would call again in the afternoon.A.who B.that C.as D.which,B,八.连词(从句),一.情景交际 4,二.冠词 3,三.动词的时态 6,四非谓语动词 4,五动词短语 4,六定语从句 4,七情态动词 3,八.连词(从句)4,Function,Vocabulary,Grammar,热身练总结,二、增强语境意识,提高分析语境的能力:语境题包含语境信息。题干中的语境信息常是单词、短语或句子,有时甚至是一个标点符号。准确把握语境信息可以成功地解答单选题。如:,1.-I hear Jane has gone to the Holy Island for her holiday.-Oh,how nice!Do you know when she?A.was leaving B.had left C.has left D.left 2.Now that she is out of a job,Lucy _ going back to school,but she hasnt decided yet.A.had considered B.has been considering C.considered D.is going to consider,_,D,B,-,3.Tom ought not to _ me your secret,but he meant no harm.A.have told B.tell C.be telling D.having told,A,_,4.Would you tell me_ you want your coffee,with sugar or milk?-Sugar,please.A.whether B.when C.what D.how,D,-,三.参考命题意图,排除各种干扰(一)、句型的转换引起的干扰:对策:运用还原法,再现真面目 主要用来解决一些非正常语序的题目,如被动句、疑问句、感叹句、倒装句、省略句等,我们可以先将其复原为陈述语序再来做题,1.Every minute is made full _ of _our lessons.A.use;study B.useful;to study C.use;to study D.used;studying,还原为:We should make full _ of every minute _our lessons,_,C,2.Who would you rather _with you tomorrow,Tom or Smith?Ahave to go Bhave go Chave gone Dhad go,改为:You would rather _ who _ with you tomorrow,Tom or Smith?,B,3.How pleased the boy was _ what his parents said!Ahearing Bheard Chear Dto hear,还原为:The boy was very pleased _ what his parents said!,D,4.It was _ the old clock that the old man spent the whole morning at home Arepair Brepairing Cto repair Din repair,B,还原为:The old man spent the whole morning _ the old clock at home,(二)、插入语干扰 这类题主要是利用插入语,增加句子的复杂 程度,从而达到干扰考生视线的目的。对策:去掉插入语,He believes in himself,_,in my opinion,is of the most importance Athat Bwhich Cwhat Das,(),B,2.The writer and professor,whom I often refer to at the meetings,_ famous for those works Ais Bare Cam Dwere.He will tell you _ he expects will win such a match Awhy Bwhom Cwhich Dwho,A,(),D,(,),(三)、标点符号干扰 标点符号在英语句式中的配合作用是不容忽视的,从英语的句型结构这一角度来看,它甚至是起着决定性的作用它决定着句子的单复形式,决定着选词造句等其他诸多问题。对策:掌握英语中逗号的作用、常见句子结构及并列连词,1.Tom,_ sure to come tomorrow A is Bbe Cwas D would be 2.All the money_,John had to start looking for a job.A.was cost B.had cost C.having been spent D.having spent 3 _,I had to walk home A.There was no bus BThere being no bus CThere were no buses D.There was not a bus,B,C,B,(四)、省略句干扰对策:补充省略成分,确定正确选择,1.-What made you so happy?-_.A.Because of my passing the exam.B.I passed the exam.C.Because I passed the exam.D.My passing the exam.2.She is looking so forward as much to his return as he himself to _ her.A.have seen B.seeing C.see D.having seen,(made me so happy),D,(改)She is looking so forward as much to his return as he himself(is looking forward)to _ her.,B,3.-I cant find Mr.Morris.Where did you meet him yesterday?-It was in the hotel _ he stayed.A.where B.whichC.that D.the one,(that I meet him yesterday),A,(五)排除母语或文化差异的干扰对策:了解西方文化背景,风俗和思维习惯,-Id like to invite you to dinner this Saturday,Mr Smith.-_.A.Oh,no.Lets not.B.Id rather stay at homeC.Im very sorry,but I have other plansD.Oh,no.Thatll be too much trouble.,C,接受邀请时用yes,I d love/like to 或yes,Id like that.或yes,its very kind/nice of you;在表示拒绝时,一般用Im sorry,but/Im afraid,but/Id like/love to,but,-Its getting late.Im afraid I must be going now.-OK._.A.Take it easy B.Go slowly C.Stay longer D.See you,D,3.-Waiter!-_-I cant eat this.Its too salty.A.Yes,sir?B.What?C.All right?D.Pardon?,A,(六)、思维定势干扰 所谓定势思维,就是习惯性地遵循某一单一模式进行的思维,也就是从原有的知识经验出发,机械地套用老方法,按某种固定的思路去思考问题,轻而易举地得出“正确答案”,结果错了。对策:运用固定词组.句子结构.语法分析法,1.Whom was it up to _ the matter?Adecide Bto decide Cdeciding Ddecided,析:答案为B项。这里考查it is up to sb to do sth这样一个句型。本句的意群应该这样划分:Whomwas it up toto decide the matter?如果不能正确划分意群,则很可能会想当然地误选A项。,2.Dont let the child who is _ go to school.A.so young as to B.not old enough to C.too young to D.not old enough 3.They insisted that the cruel woman _ thrown into prison.A.refers to B.referred to be C.referred to beingD.refers to be 4.Here is so big a stone _ no one can move Athat Bwhich Cas Das to,(),D,They insisted that the cruel woman(referred to)(should)be thrown into prison.,B,C,(Here is so big a stone _ no one can move it.),A,TIPS ON MULTIPLE CHOICE仔细看题干,不要只读带空格的那一句.要瞻前顾后,上挂下连,首尾呼应.含两个空的题,先确定有把握的那一个.较容易题宜采用跟踪追击的方法.不好判断题可采用排除法.单选的重点在动词,应当特别注意时态,情态动词,非谓语动词的使用及短语动词的辨析.题目是疑问句,可先变为陈述句,被动的先变为主动,省略的先还原成完整结构,均有利于判断.不可在此恋战,10分钟内务必完成.,完形填空试题分析20092011年陕西高考英语完形填空信息统计,命题特点,1、高考完形填空的考查,从某种角度讲,是在揭示生活中一些哲理,为考生传递着社会责任,符合育人的特点。,2、体裁一样,都是记叙文,人文主题,内容健康,融入知识、教育、趣味于一体,体现和谐社会的人文本质。,3、实词为主,重在理解。短文以考查实词为主,主要是名词、动词、形容词和副词四大词类。,4、突出语篇,强调运用。试题强调对语篇分析和理解的连贯性以及上下文的逻辑推理能力的考查,注意在语篇所提供的情境中考查词语的准确运用。,5、难点集中,侧重辨析,难点主要集中在:,动词短语或固定搭配,连词或副词,要求考生必须紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的线索,从同义、近义、反义辨析中选出答案。,完形填空的思维特点,虽然完形填空同语音、单选、阅读理解在形式上都是“四选一”,但解题时的思维方式截然不同:语音、单选、阅读理解中的绝大多数试题是“选对错”完形填空的大部分试题是“选最佳”,读口诀 探技巧,略读全文,掌握大意 细读首句,把握方向 情节情感,双线并举 关节拐点,谨慎选择 上下通气,左顾右盼 我当演员,复读全文,1、快读全文,整体理解全文大意2、细读短文,选择答案,上下文联系,通篇考虑3、避开疑点,先易后难4、从句子分析和语篇分析两方面着手5、有些题不要钻牛角尖,用正常的思维去考 虑,不要把问题搞得太复杂。6、选项填完后,一定要再读全文,从整体上检查结构、语义及逻辑是否和谐一致、前后照应,上下文衔接。,解题技巧,完形填空常用解题手法,上下照应,行文含义,语义的固定搭配,下定义,利用对称结构,利用段首句或首段最大限度地获取信息,定位联想的方向(陕西06)The child in the hospital bed was just waking up after having a throat(喉咙)operation.(陕西07)I was having my dinner at McDonalds one evening when an old couple slowly walked in.(陕西09)One afternoon,my son Adam asked me,“Are all people the same even if they are different in color?”(陕西10)I used to live selfishly,I should admit.But one moment changed me.,利用上下文寻找解题信息(行文含义)原词、指代词、同义词、近义词、上义词、下义词和概括词(陕西06)The child in the hospital bed was just waking up after having a throat(喉咙)operation.His throat 21,and he was afraid.21.A.cut B.hurt C.wounded D.damaged(陕西07)I was having my dinner at McDonalds one evening when an old couple slowly walked in.They 21 their meal21.A.served B.requested C.collected D.ordered,利用对称结构 I was a single parent of four small children,working at a low-paid job.Money was always tight,but we had a _1_ over our heads,food on the table,clothes on our backs,and if not a lot,always enough.(2008年,辽宁卷)A.roof B.hat C.sky D.star 学生选sky,并认为“虽然生活不富裕,但头顶上依然有一片自己的蓝天。”错误的原因分析:根本没有考虑后面的内容用排比的方式表示在物质上尚且过得去。,The 35 was Miss Marian Finch,who was hard of 36.The second was Miss Lillie Bessie.35.A.one B.others C.first D.other36.A.reading B.hearing C.listening D.writing,利用对称结构,帮助学生建立品味“主谓关系”和“动宾关系”的思维习惯。通过语义的固定搭配解题。完形填空的选项设计以实词为主,20个填空中的动词和名词通常占半数以上。培养学生每遇动词或名词时养成品味“主谓关系”和“动宾关系”的思维习惯,认真考虑:主谓搭配合理 动宾搭配合理,主谓关系搭配合理的教学实例 After five years of poor job,I fell in love with a very nice middle-class girl.It was the best _39_ that could have happened to me.(2005年安徽卷)A.support B.happiness C.surprise D.thing分析:不仅要考虑哪个选项最适合被best修饰,而且还要考虑哪个选项最适合充当后面定语从句的主语。,动宾关系搭配合理的实例(陕西07)The man 23 the food into two halves and carefully placed 24 before his wife.23.A.divided B.cut C.changed D.formed 24.A.it B.this C.that D.one He took a sip(一小口)of the drink.His wife also took one and then 25 the cup down between them.“That 26 old couple!25.A.got B.settled C.set D.turned 26.A.funnyB.crazy C.strange D.poor,利用下定义的手法解题But he 31 refused me and said that they made it a 32 to share everything.31.A.warmly B.proudly C.kindly D.seriously32.A.way B.habitC.case D.model Seeing that he had an 24 face,she let him in and gave him a nice 25.The next morning the stranger,actually a sorcerer(巫师),thanked her by granting(允准)her 26 that anyone who climbed up her tree 27 not be able to come back down until she 28 it.24.A.interesting B.honest C.anxious D.angry25.A.gift B.kiss C.treat D.smile26.A.suggestion B.demand C.permission D.wish,单词拼写试题分析,1、高考英语单词拼写以句子为单位,主要考查学生对大纲词汇掌握的熟练程度以及学生在特定语境中运用英语的能力,无难词、偏词。,2、试题对学生的要求不仅是要记住单词的拼写,而且注重能力的检测,测试考生灵活运用词汇知识和词类构成及转化的能力,从近三年的高考命题结构上看,考查的重点主要体现在动词和名词上;,命题特点,1、认真研读2012年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试陕西英语考试说明,2、细节决定成败,这句话用在单词拼写题上再恰当不过了,在讲评该题时,引导学生注意人称、单复数、时态、语态、大小写等方面仔细检查,形成认真、仔细的良好习惯;,3、避免死记硬背,充分利用早读,不仅仅让学生读单词,而且引导学生读单词拼写的句子,使学生在句子中感知词的形式和用法,培养语感,避免学生只记住了单词,却做不对题。,备考策略,1、着眼全句,确认词性,避免只盯汉语,断章取义2、词性不同,任务不同:名词看单复数;动词先分清谓语和非谓语;形容词、副词词性确认是重点3、快速找到制约词形的最小单位和题干上的信息点,做题不随意4、利用短语和固定句型确认词形5、利用对称结构确认词形,解题技巧,2007-2011高考单词拼写真题(名词篇)(一)词形变化,1.Spring has come,and the trees are thick with green(叶子).2.we should know our own strengths and(弱点)and think what could be done about them.3.We sat chatting for a few(分钟)after finishing our meal.4.He has devoted his whole life to world(和平).5.Among the many(业余爱好)of his are reading,music and tennis.,2007-2011高考单词拼写真题(名词篇)(一)词形变化,6.Its cold today,Please put another(毯子)on the bed.7.Techaical progress would put out firm in(拥有)of the home market.8.When building(材料)cost more,the price of houses increases.9If you cannot find wooden boxes,you may use either(塑料的)or metal ones instead.,2007-2011高考单词拼写真题(名词篇)(二)词汇量的考查,1.Both my parents were born in(十月),but five years apart.2.Andorra is a small mountain(共和国)between France and Spain.3.He turned on the television set hanging from the(天花板).,2007-2011高考单词拼写真题(动词篇)词形变化,1.A man I(认出)as his father sat with a newspaper on his knees.2.Its no use(后悔)what you have done.3.The idea started in Stand lake andhas(传开)throughout the country.4.we left the road and(爬)the hill towards the wood5.(赢得)the support of the majority requires time,energy and devotion,2007-2011高考单词拼写真题(动词篇)词形变化,5.Brown stood at the door,(欢迎)newcomers with a large smile6.The local government is(讨论)how to help the poor in the countryside.7.Miss Harper closed her eyes and(假装)to be asleep.8.Alexander Graham Bell became famous overnight by(发明)the telephone.9.Sue Wood was only nine when her first short story was.(出版).,2007-2011高考单词拼写真题(形容词/副词)词性的确认,1.I consider it(不可能)to believe a single word you say.2.We were talking on the phone,when,(突然),the line went dead.3.The smell of(新鲜的)bread and frying eggs filled the kitchen.4.Christopher Bites was born and brought up in France,but he speaks English(流利地).,2007-2011高考单词拼写真题(形容词/副词)词性的确认,5.The acceptance of new members is(严格)controlled.6.China daily is(广泛地)read in North America7.I have been(深深地)impressed by a number of experiences in her life.8.Sarah lives with her husband and children in a flat in(中心)London,I can!Just do it!,Thanks for watching!,Goodbye and good luck!,


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