现代后备及经产母猪育种技术MODERN GILT AND SOW BREEDING TECHNOLOGY,美国大豆协会中国办事处畜禽技术主任Philip McKinnon,Ph.DLivestock Technical Director ASA China根据2001年9月美国大豆协会养猪高级研讨班Frank Aherne博士讲稿改编Adapted from Dr.Frank Aherne presentations at ASA Advanced Swine Seminar,September,2001,Managing the breeding herd繁 殖 猪 群 的 管 理,Objective 目标Consistently produce a targets supply of good quality weaned pigs at low cost(value maximization)持续地生按计划产出低成本的优质断奶仔猪(价值最大化)Decreased cost per pig shipped 降低每头出售仔猪的成本More predictable production-reduced variation 能较好地预测生产状况,减少变异,Interrelationships between factors influencing weaned pig output影响断奶仔猪产量各因素之间的关系,Weaned Pig Output/Year 断奶仔猪年产量,Sow/Gilt Inventory(Capacity)母猪/小母猪存栏数(能力),No.Pigs Weaned/Female/Year(Efficiency)每头母猪年产断奶仔猪数(效率),No.Service Groups配种群数,No.Females/Farrowing/Group 每个配种群的分娩母猪数,No.Pigs Weaned/Litter每窝断奶仔数,No.Litter/Female/Yr每头母猪年产窝数,No.Born Alive窝产活仔数,Piglet Mortality仔猪死亡率,No.Females Served/Group每群中配种母猪数,Farrowing Rate,%母猪分娩率,Adapted from Dial 1996摘自:Dial 1996,Ensure that animal inventories match facility capacity,确保存栏数适合于猪场设施的规模,Requirements to meet weaned pig targets实现断奶猪生产计划的条件,Adequate supply of service ready gilts 足够数量作好配种准备的小母猪Adequate supply of weaned sows in good body condition,returning to estrus within 6 days of weaning足够的体况良好且在断奶后6天内发情的断奶母猪A well trained,dedicated staff 训练有素认真负责的人员Properly designed facilities 猪场设施设计恰当Good feeding and management program 良好的饲养管理方案Supply of mature vasectomized boars(v.boars)of high libido 成熟的、高性欲的输精管结扎公猪,Relative importance of factors influencing the number of pigs weaned per week,5%,Mortality of pigs born alive活产仔数死亡率,5%,Number born alive per litter窝产活仔数,30%,Farrowing rate分娩率,60%,Number of sows served已配母猪数量,影响每周断奶仔猪产量各因素的相对重要性,Number of females bred per week is dependent on 3 subpopulations每周配种母猪数取决于三个因素,Number of weaned sows available 可供配种的断奶母猪数量Number of gilts available 可供配种的小母猪数量Number of opportunity sows available(skips,aborted,active cull sows)其它可用母猪的数量(可在下一个情期供利用的母猪,流产母猪,将予以主动淘汰的母猪),Number of Sows Available and Gilts Required on a Weekly Basis每周可用母猪数和所需小母猪数,周 数,配种计划的%,When gilts reach 145 to 150 days of age,a final selection should be based on:小母猪达145-150日龄时应按以下标准进行最后选择:Weight for age 一定日龄时的体重和背膘厚Gilts should be 95 kg at 145 d or 100 kg at 150 d 145日龄时体重应达95千克,或150日龄时体重应达100千克Backfat levels should be 10 12 mm P2 at 95 100kg 体重95-100千克时P2背膘厚应为10-12毫米Conformation:体型Strong on legs,move easily,free from lameness 肢蹄强壮,行动快捷,无跛行At least 12 well developed evenly spaces teats 至少有12个发育良好、排列均匀的乳头Free from other abnormalities(hermaphrodite,ruptures)or other deformities or injuries 无其它异常(两性畸形,疝气)或者其它畸形或损伤Temperament 性情Gilts should be calm and not excessively afraid of human contact应性情安宁,不应过于害怕与人接触,Final Selection 最后的选择,Gilt litters constitute the largest parity group在所有各胎次的母猪中,头胎母猪占的比例最大average 21%(range 15 30%)平均约占21%(15-30%),So,if gilts perform suboptimally,herdPerformance will be compromised所以,如果头胎母猪性能欠佳,猪群性能就会打折,MESSAGE:START WITH A FERTILE GILT启示:要从饲养具有高繁殖力的新母猪着手,Percentage of sows returning to estrus on different days after weaning断奶后不同时间发情母猪的比例,A suggested feeding program for replacement gilts to 115kg liveweight后备母猪到115千克体重的饲喂方案,2.46,Avg 平均,3.25,.50,.60,.65,14.0,2.90,90-115,3.25,.55,.65,.75,15.5,2.75,75-90,3.25,.65,.75,.85,17.0,2.5,50-75,3.25,.7,.80,1.05,19.5,1.7,25-50,Mcal DE/kg消化能(千卡/千克),Phosphorus磷,Calcium钙,Lysine赖氨酸,Protein蛋白质,Feed/d(kg)日采食(千克),Wt.(kg)体重(千克),Common situation with gilt replacement后备母猪通常的体况标准,Gilts selected on farm at 145 155 days of age weighing 95 to 105 kg and with 11 to 13 mm P2 backfat 小母猪到达繁殖猪场时应为145-155日龄,届时体重应为95-105千克,P2背膘厚应为11-13毫米,Performance and body composition of gilts at puberty初情期小母猪的性能和躯体成分,7.9-9.4,8.7,Protein Mass:surface area(kg/m2)蛋白质含量/体表面积(千克/平方米),0.66-1.13,0.90,Growth Rate(kg/d)日增重(千克),12.3-21.7,16.7,Protein Mass(kg)蛋白质含量(千克),9.1-34.8,16.6,Backfat(mm)背膘厚(毫米),79.6-155.2,111.0,Weight(kg)体重(千克),131-201,158.2,Age(d)日龄,Range范围,Average平均,N=219 统计猪数219,Patterson,University of Alberta(2001)资料来源:Patterson,加拿大Alberta大学(2001),Puberty can be induced by:可通过以下方法进行初情诱导:,Mixing 混群Relocation 换圈Exposure to Mature Boar 接触公猪,Advantages of Early Boar Exposure提早接触公猪有何好处,Lower average age at puberty 提早初情期的到来Allows identification of most fertile gilts 可发现最有繁殖力的新母猪Formation of a pool of cyclic gilts 形成已在发情的小母猪群Reduced NPD 减少非生产天数More gilts bred at third estrous 有较多的小母猪可在第三情期配种Gilt selection completed before market weight is surpassed可在超过上市体重之前完成对小母猪的选择。,Boar Exposure-Puberty Induction接触公猪初情诱导,Gilt must be old enough 140 days 95 kg.小母猪应大于140日龄,其体重应大于95千克Boar must be old enough 10 months of age,with high libido,good legs and feet.公猪必须大于10月龄,必须具有高性欲和健壮的肢蹄Move boar to gilts pen.Feed boars before movement.Gilt pens must be suitable for increased activity(floors,feeders,drinkers,space).Specialized mating areas are preferable.将公猪赶入小母猪圈,驱赶前应饲喂,小母猪圈必须适于大活动量(地板、饲槽、饮水器、空间)Physical contact is essential,fence-line contact is much less effective.必须与公猪发生躯体接触,隔栏接触不太有效。,Exposure time 15 minutes per group of 10-12 gilts.As group size increases time of exposure must also increase.小母猪每群15头,接触15分钟;数量多则应增加时间Do not house gilts near stimulus boar.小母猪舍不应接近刺激用的公猪。Use v.boars to simplify the process.利用输精管结扎的公猪,可使过程简单化。Twice a day stimulation is most effective.More frequent stimulation in hot weather or if more rapid attainment of puberty is required.一天二次就极有效,若在热天或要加快达到初情则可增加次数。,Boar Exposure-Puberty Induction接触公猪初情诱导,Boar Exposure 公猪刺激,Rotation of boars on a daily basis is not more effective than using a single boar每天轮换使用多头公猪并不比只用一头公猪更有效Use vasectomized boars(v.boar)for stimulation.要用输精管结扎的公猪进行刺激。Allow v.boar to serve gilts to maintain interest and will increase gilt performance r让输精管结扎的公猪与小母猪交配,可保持小母猪的兴趣并可提高小母猪的性能。,Percent of gilts reaching puberty each week after initial exposure to a boar首次接触公猪后每周达到初情的小母猪比例,开始接触后周数,Performance of early and late maturing gilts早成熟和晚成熟小母猪的性能,Nelson et al.1990,Holder et al.1995,Performance of early and late maturing gilts早成熟和晚成熟小母猪的性能,Effects of V.boar service at puberty on subsequent performance(555 gilts),Hughes 1997,初情时与输精管结扎公猪交配对其后性能的影响,4 6 mm毫米,Required P2 gain in gilt pool在小母猪群内的增长,16 17,P2 at breeding 配种时,3 4,P2 gain in gestation 妊娠期增长,11 13,Gilt at arrival 进入繁殖群时,19 20,At farrowing 分娩时,P2(mm)P2背膘厚(毫米),P2 requirement for Gilts对后备母猪P2背膘厚的要求,From time of selection the feeding and management program should be based on age and backfat level at time of selection with the objective of having gilts with 16 to 18 mm P2 backfat at time of breeding从选择的时候起,饲喂和管理方案就应根据选择时的日龄和背膘厚水平来制定,目标是使小母猪在配种时P2背膘厚达到16-18毫米,For gilts older than 145 days and/or more than 14 mm P2 backfat at 115 kg,feed a developer diet ad libitum up to breeding对于体重115千克时大于145日龄以及/或者P2背膘厚大于14毫米的小母猪,应饲喂发育期日粮直到配种。,For gilts younger than 145 days of age and/or with less than 14 mm P2 backfat at 110 to 115 kg(final selection)对于145日龄时体重小于 110-115千克体重或背膘厚小于14毫米的小母猪(最后选育时)Feed a fat enhancing diet until the gilts have 16 t0 17 mm P2应饲喂脂肪强化日粮直到P2背膘厚达到16-17毫米,For gilts that are not to be bred until their third estrus or 210 days of age or more a restricted feeding program may be used对于要到第三情期或210日龄以上才首次配种的小母猪,可实行限饲Feed gilts at 85%of ad libitum using a phase four finishing diet对小母猪饲喂第四期肥育日粮自由采食量的85%Restrict-fed gilts should be ad libitum for 10 to 12 days before breeding(flush feeding)实行限饲的小母猪应在配种前自由采食10-12天(催情饲喂),A suggested feeding program for replacement gilts to 115kg liveweight,后备母猪到115千克活重的建议饲喂方案,When to breed?何时配种?,Our recommendation 我们的建议Preferred age/weight at breeding 配种时适宜的日龄和体重 190 days 大于190日龄120 to 130 kg 体重120-130千克16 to 18 mm P2 backfat P2背膘厚16-18毫米second estrus 第二情期,Decision when to breed gilts should be based on many factors:何时配种,应根据很多因素来确定,Requirements for service-ready gilts to meet breeding targets and optimize facility use 为满足配种计划和优化设施利用而对适配新母猪的需要程度the effects of age,weight and backfat level at time of breeding on culling rate and lifetime performance of breeding females小母猪配种时的日龄、体重和背膘厚对其淘汰率和终生性能的影响The relative importance of Non Productive Days on parity distribution and sow longevity非生产天数、胎次分布和母猪利用年限的相对重要性,Number of piglets weaned/sow/lifetime was not affected by age at first farrowing(35 631 matings)一头母猪一生所产的断奶仔猪数量不受首次分娩时日龄的影响(35631份统计),Cozler et al.,1998,The effects of age at breeding on longevity and performance,2357 records,L42 PIC sows(Alberta Pig Company2000)PIC42系母猪,2357份记录,首配日龄对利用年限和性能的影响,A relationship between body composition,age or weight at first mating and longevity or lifetime performance reflects the nutrition and management program on the farm首次配种时体况、日龄或体重,与利用年限或终生性能之间的关系反映了猪场中的营养和管理情况These associations therefore are not only farm and genotype specific but are actually gilt specific因此,这些方面之间的关系不仅因猪场和猪种的不同而异,而且还因个体的不同而异。,Cost of delaying mating,Direct costs of extra NPD will be about 1.3 X daily feed costs 增加非生产天数的直接成本约为每天饲料成本的1.3倍。Indirect costs(lost opportunity costs)will be about 1.4 piglets 间接成本(丧失机会成本)约为1.4头仔猪24 p/s/y equals 0.06 p/s/d 每头母猪每年少产24头仔猪,相当于每天少产0.06头。0.06 21天d=1.4头仔猪pigsFor increasing short-term piglet production,delayed breeding is usually not justified为了增加短期内的仔猪产量而延迟配种是不值得的,非生时间的代价,Performance Goals 性能目标,Influence of several breeding management practices on reproductive performance,某些不良的配种管理措施对繁殖性能的影响,Mating Management:Summary,Good mating management starts with proper estrus detection procedures 良好的配种管理始于正确的发情检测.One insemination at the right time(0 to 24 h before ovulation)should result in optimal fertilization.However,because ovulation time in variable,most sows are inseminated/mated 2 or 3 times:在恰当的时间(排卵前0-24小时)输精一次就应导致最佳的受精;但因排卵时间的变异,多数母猪都输精2-3次。inseminations should occur before ovulation 输精应在排卵前.avoid late estrus inseminations 应避免在发情期后期输精.Train staff to ensure proper mating/insemination procedures 要培训人员,以确保配种/输精操作正确。Remember:a good mating management takes time;both for estrus detection and for mating/insemination牢记:良好的配种管理要花费时间;要既搞好发情检测,又搞好配种/输精。,配种管理:小结,Estrus detection summary:发情检测小结:General recommendations 总的建议,Estrus发情ensure detection staff are aware of all physical and behavioral aspects of pig estrus 确保检测人员熟悉发情母猪的体征和行为estrus has been detected only when a standing response has been observed(physical changes,eg vulval reddening and swelling should not be used to define estrus)只有观察到呆立反应才算检测到发情(体征变化,如阴户发红和肿胀,不能作为发情指征)。Boar Usage 公猪使用detect estrus twice daily with a mature boar,preferably with an interval between detections of at least 8 hours每天用成熟公猪二次检测发情,二次间最好至少相隔8小时。ensure head-to-head contact between boar and gilts/sows 确保公猪与母猪头对头接触.for stalled sows,allow each boar contact with no more than 5 sows at one time 母猪若养在限位栏内,则每头公猪每次最多接触5头。Housing 房舍do not house gilts or sows within a meter of a boar 母猪圈至少应离公猪圈1米以外。,Duration of detected estrus differs among farms,therefore optimal time for insemination also differs between farms and therefore,optimal insemination strategies differ between farms检测到的发情,其持续时间在不同的猪场是不同的,因而最佳输精时间也因猪场的不同而不同,从而最佳输精方案也应随猪场的不同而异。,Timing of Insemination/MatingOptimal number of inseminations?(2)确定授精/配种时间,确定最佳输精次数(2),With every insemination,foreign material is brought into the uterus.During a large part of estrus,uterine contractions are quite intense and ensure removal of this material.每次输精都会将“外来”物质带入子宫。发情期的大部分时间内子宫收缩都相当有力,从而确保驱除这些物质。However,after ovulation,uterine contractions diminish.As a consequence,inseminations after ovulation have a higher chance of resulting in uterine infections and consequently,a reduction in reproductive performance.然而,排卵之后,子宫收缩减弱,所以排卵后输精就有较大可能造成子宫感染从而降低繁殖性能。Also,the uterine immune response is greater during early to midestrus.此外,在发情的早期和中期,子宫的免疫能力也较强。,Timing of insemination relative to ovulation,farrowing rate and litter size输精时间同排卵、分娩率和窝产仔数的关系,Number of services per estrus每次发情配种次数,Effects of number of services on sow performance配种次数对母猪性能的影响,Pig Tales Data,Ensure pig is in good standing estrus 确保母猪处于确实的呆立发情阶段。provide proper simulation of the standing response prior to and throughout insemination(head-to-head contact with mature boar,back pressure)输精前和输精过程中引发呆立发情反应,方法是用一头成熟公猪与输精母猪头对头接触并按压母猪背部。Use good quality semen as determined by standard on-farm assessment procedures or confirm with supplier 要应用优质精液(按标准的现场测定法测定精液质量或由精液供应商提供保证)Do not rush insemination(ie.Catheter insertion,flow of semen,removal of catheter,movement of sows)输精不应匆忙进行(输精管应固定确实,不应掉出;防止精液回流,母猪不应移动)Treat females gently around insemination,ensuring good semen transport 输精前后应该轻柔对待母猪,确保精液深入前行。,Conditions for quality inseminations,保证输精质量的条件,